Bubble sort wont work

Hi, I wrote the following code that is supposed
to sort names alphabetically. It does change
the order of the names, but it really just
jumbles them up, they do not come out alpha
sorted. Can anyone see why? (the names
are stored in objects that are in turn stored
in a Vector)
Object testarray[] = new Object[vector.size()];
   for(int j=0; j<testarray.length;j++){
      TestObject myobject = (TestObject)custarray[j];
     // the following method toLastnameString(); is a method defined in TestObject class
      String name = myobject.toLastnameString();
      String lowname = name.toLowerCase();
     for(int i = j+1; i<testarray.length;i++){
        TestObject myobject2 = (TestObject)testarray;
String name2 = myobject2.toLastnameString();
String lowname2 = name2.toLowerCase();
if(lowname2.compareTo(lowname) < 0){
Object temp = testarray[j];
testarray[j] = testarray[i];
testarray[i] = temp;
} // end of if
} // end of inner for loop
} // end of outer for loop

Is there a reason for why you want to use Bubbel Sort?
It would be better if you try this.
Collections.sort(vector, new Comparator() {
        public boolean equals(Object o) {
            return this == o;
        public int compare(Object o1, Object o2) {
            TestObject t1 = (TestObject)o1;
            TestObject t2 = (TestObject)o2;
            return t1.toLastNameString().toLowerCase()
    });This approach would be a lot safer and would out-perform bubble sort.
Remember to import java.util.Collections and java.util.Comparator.
Hi, I wrote the following code that is supposed
to sort names alphabetically. It does change
the order of the names, but it really just
jumbles them up, they do not come out alpha
sorted. Can anyone see why? (the names
are stored in objects that are in turn stored
in a Vector)
Object testarray[] = new Object[vector.size()];
for(int j=0; j<testarray.length;j++){
TestObject myobject = (TestObject)custarray[j];
// the following method toLastnameString(); is a
is a method defined in TestObject class
String name = myobject.toLastnameString();
String lowname = name.toLowerCase();
for(int i = j+1; i<testarray.length;i++){
TestObject myobject2 =
ject2 = (TestObject)testarray;
String name2 = myobject2.toLastnameString();
String lowname2 = name2.toLowerCase();
if(lowname2.compareTo(lowname) < 0){
Object temp = testarray[j];
testarray[j] = testarray[i];
testarray[i] = temp;
} // end of if
} // end of inner for loop
} // end of outer for loop

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    how to count and print the scores of a certain grade.... all the 90's with a's, all the 80's with b's etc.... This is my first java program with two classes. I've been messing with it for about 24hours over the last week. :O. Any suggestions?
    import java.util.Scanner;
    public class GradeSort {
         public static void main(String [] args){
              //Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(System.in);
              System.out.println("How many students took the test?");
              Scanner kbd = new Scanner(System.in);
              int NUM_STUDENTS = kbd.nextInt();
              double [] grades = new double[NUM_STUDENTS];//Assn array
              System.out.printf( "\nThe average is %.3f%n", average(grades));
              private static void readReadingsInto(double [] array){
                   Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(System.in);
                   for (int i =0; i < array.length; i++) {
                   System.out.print("enter grade # " + (i+1)+ "/" );
              array[i] = keyboard.nextInt();
         public static double average(double [] anArray){
              double sum = 0.0;
              for (double item : anArray){
                   sum += item;
              return sum/anArray.length;
    public static void bubbleSort ( double [] anArray )
    for (double i = anArray.length-1; i > 0; i-- )
    for ( int j = 0; j < i; j++ )
    if ( anArray[j] > anArray[j+1] )
    double temp = anArray[j];
    anArray[j] = anArray[j+1];
    anArray[j+1] = temp;}
    public static void print(double [] arr) {
         for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++){
              Grade gRade = new Grade(arr);
              System.out.println("Reading #" + (i+1)+" " + arr[i] + " " + gRade.letter() );
              //Grade gRade = new Grade(reading);
              //System.out.println( gRade.letter() );
              //System.out.print ( grades[1] );
    public class Grade {
         public static final double MIN = 0.0;
         public static final double MAX = 100.0;
         public Grade(double gRade){
              if (gRade < MIN || gRade > MAX){
                   System.err.println("Grade(): bad argument recievived: " + gRade);
              } else {
                   myValue = gRade;
    public String letter(){
         if (myValue < MIN || myValue > MAX){ return "error";}
    else if (myValue >= 90){return "A";}
    else if (myValue >= 80){return "B";}
    else if (myValue >= 70){return "C";}
    else return "Fail";     }
    private double myValue;

    Let me see if I can fix the formatting for you. The bubble sort, isn't sorting? The print after the sort is in the same order as I input the data.
    import java.util.Scanner;
    public class GradeSort {
         public static void main(String [] args){
              //Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(System.in);
              System.out.println("How many students took the test?");
              Scanner kbd = new Scanner(System.in);
              int NUM_STUDENTS = kbd.nextInt();
              double [] grades = new double[NUM_STUDENTS];//Assn array
              System.out.printf( "\nThe average is %.3f%n", average(grades));
              private static void readReadingsInto(double [] array){
                   Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(System.in);
                   for (int i =0; i < array.length; i++) {
                   System.out.print("enter grade # " + (i+1)+ "/" );
              array[i] = keyboard.nextInt();
         public static double average(double [] anArray){
              double sum = 0.0;
              for (double item : anArray){
                   sum += item;
              return sum/anArray.length;
    public static void bubbleSort ( double [] anArray )
            for (double i = anArray.length-1; i > 0; i-- )
              for ( int j = 0; j < i; j++ )
                  if ( anArray[j] > anArray[j+1] )
                        double temp = anArray[j];
                        anArray[j] = anArray[j+1];
                        anArray[j+1] = temp;}
    public static void print(double [] arr) {
         for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++){
              Grade gRade = new Grade(arr);
              System.out.println("Reading #" + (i+1)+" " + arr[i] + " " + gRade.letter() );
              //Grade gRade = new Grade(reading);
              //System.out.println( gRade.letter() );
              //System.out.print ( grades[1] );
    The other class is:
    public class Grade {
         public static final double MIN = 0.0;
         public static final double MAX = 100.0;
         public Grade(double gRade){
              if (gRade < MIN || gRade > MAX){
                   System.err.println("Grade(): bad argument recievived: " + gRade);
              } else {
                   myValue = gRade;
    public String letter(){
         if (myValue < MIN || myValue > MAX){ return "error";}
    else if (myValue >= 90){return "A";}
    else if (myValue >= 80){return "B";}
    else if (myValue >= 70){return "C";}
    else return "Fail";     }
    private double myValue;

  • Mail-form from dB Masters + reCaptcha - Things wont work the way i want.

    I used a mail-form from dB Masters because someone here gave me the tip.
    And its great! But it uses a simplefied Captcha script.
    I tryd to change the code myself and got to this: http://www.wientjesvoegwerk.nl/PHP/form.php
    If you try to send mail it wont work.....
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
    <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
    <title>Email Form</title>
    <form id="form" method="post" action="../formmailer.php" enctype="multipart/form-data">
    <input type="hidden" name="action" value="verify">
    <table cellpadding="4">
    <tr><td  style="text-align: left;" valign=top><font size="2" FACE="Verdana" color="#000000">Uw naam:</font><small><span style="color:#E00000;" title="Required field">*</span></small></td><td align="left">
    <input type="text" name="Naam" value=""/>
    <tr><td  style="text-align: left;" valign=top><font size="2" FACE="Verdana" color="#000000">Email:</font><small><span style="color:#E00000;" title="Required field">*</span></small></td><td align="left">
    <input type="text" name="Email" value="" />
    <tr><td  style="text-align: left;" valign=top><font size="2" FACE="Verdana" color="#000000">Telefoonnummer:</font><small><span style="color:#E00000;" title="Required field">*</span></small></td><td align="left">
    <input type="text" name="Telefoonnummer" value="" />
    <tr><td  style="text-align: left;" valign=top><font size="2" FACE="Verdana" color="#000000">Onderwerp:</font><small><span style="color:#E00000;" title="Required field">*</span></small></td><td align="left">
    <select name="Onderwerp">
        <option value="0">Algemene Informatie</option>
        <option value="1">Offerte</option>
        <option value="2">Overige</option>
    <tr><td  style="text-align: left;" valign=top><font size="2" FACE="Verdana" color="#000000">Bericht:</font><small><span style="color:#E00000;" title="Required field">*</span></small></td><td align="left">
    <textarea name="Bericht" rows="7" cols="40"></textarea>
    <tr><td align=right>CAPTCHA TXT</td>
    <td align="left">
    <form method="post" action="verify.php">
         $publickey = "I hide the key on this forum dont know if its ok to show";
         echo recaptcha_get_html($publickey);
    <tr><td></td><td align="left">
    <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit" />
    <input type="reset" name="Reset" value="Clear Form" />
    <input type="hidden" name="config" value="0" />
    <input type="hidden" name="nospam" value="" />
    <div style="height:1px; display: none; visibility: hidden;">
    <input type="text" name="email">
    // dB Masters' PHP FormM@iler, Copyright (c) 2007 dB Masters Multimedia
    // http://www.dbmasters.net/
    // FormMailer comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY
    // Licensed under the AGPL
    // See license.txt and readme.txt for details
    // General Variables
    // options to use if hidden field "config" has a value of 0
    // recipient info
         $tomail[0]="[email protected]";
    // Mail contents config
         $subject[0]="Onderwerp van de Email";
         $mail_intro[0]="Er is een bericht gestuurd vanuit Wientjesvoegwerk.nl:";
    // Send back to sender config
         $copy_subject[0]="Kopie van uw bericht naar Wientjesvoegwerk.nl";
         $copy_intro[0]="Dank u voor uw bericht!<br />Om veiligheidsredenen is uw email adres en telefoonnummer niet in deze mail te zien.<br /> Het volgende is verstuurd;";
         $copy_from[0]="[email protected]";
    // Result options
    // Default Error and Success Page Variables
         $error_page_text[0]="Ga a.u.b. terug naar de vorige pagina om alle benodigde velden in te vullen.";
         $thanks_page_title[0]="Bericht verzonden.";
         $thanks_page_text[0]="Dank u voor uw bericht!";
    // Antispam Options
    // options to use if hidden field "config" has a value of 1
    // recipient info
    // Mail contents config
    // Send back to sender config
    // Result options
    // Default Error and Success Page Variables
    // Antispam Options
    // Don't muck around past this line unless you know what you are doing //
    // fix for Windows email server security
    // email validation regular expression
    $regex = "^[-a-z0-9!#$%&\'*+/=?^_`{|}~]+(\.[-a-z0-9!#$%&\'*+/=?^_`{|}~]+)*@(([a-z0-9]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9]+)?){1,63}\.)+([a-z]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9]+)?){2,63}$";
    $header_injection_regex = "(\r|\n)";
    if($_POST["submit"] || $_POST["Submit"] || $_POST["submit_x"] || $_POST["Submit_x"])
    // begin global functions //
    // get visitor IP
         function getIP()
              return $user_ip;
    // get value of given key
         function parseArray($key)
              foreach($array_value as $part_value)
                   if($count > 1){$value.=", ";}
              return $value;
    // stripslashes and autolink url's
         function parseValue($value)
              $value=preg_replace("/(http:\/\/+.[^\s]+)/i",'<a href="\\1">\\1</a>', $value);
              return $value;
    // html header if used
         function htmlHeader()
              $htmlHeader="<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN\">\n<html>\n<head><meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=".$charset[$config]."\"></head>\n<body>\n<table cellpadding=\"2\" cellspacing=\"0\" border=\"0\" width=\"600\">\n";
              return $htmlHeader;
    // html footer if used
         function htmlFooter()
              return $htmlFooter;
    // build verticle table format
         function buildVertTable($fields, $intro, $to, $send_ip)
              if($intro != "")
                   $message.="<tr>\n<td align=\"left\" valign=\"top\" colspan=\"2\">".$intro."</td>\n</tr>\n";
                   $message.="<tr>\n<td align=\"left\" valign=\"top\" style=\"white-space:nowrap;\"><b>".$cur_key."</b></td>\n<td align=\"left\" valign=\"top\" width=\"100%\">".$cur_value."</td>\n</tr>\n";
              if($send_ip=="yes" && $to=="recipient")
                   $message.="<tr>\n<td align=\"left\" valign=\"top\" style=\"white-space:nowrap;\"><b>Sender IP</b></td>\n<td align=\"left\" valign=\"top\" width=\"100%\">".$user_ip."</td>\n</tr>\n";
              return $message;
    // build horizontal table format
         function buildHorzTable($fields, $intro, $to, $send_ip)
              if($intro != "")
                   $message.="<tr>\n<td align=\"left\" valign=\"top\" colspan=\"".$run."\">".$intro."</td>\n</tr>\n";
                   $message.="<td align=\"left\" valign=\"top\" style=\"white-space:nowrap;\"><b>".$cur_key."</b></td>\n";
              if($send_ip=="yes" && $to=="recipient")
                   $message.="<td align=\"left\" valign=\"top\" style=\"white-space:nowrap;\"><b>Sender IP</b></td>\n";
                   $message.="<td align=\"left\" valign=\"top\">".$cur_value."</td>\n";
              if($send_ip=="yes" && $to=="recipient")
                   $message.="<td align=\"left\" valign=\"top\">".$user_ip."</td>\n";
              return $message;
    // build plain text format
         function buildTextTable($fields, $intro, $to, $send_ip)
              if($intro != "")
                   $message.="".$cur_key.": ".$cur_value."\n";
              if($send_ip=="yes" && $to=="recipient")
                   $message.="Sender IP: ".$user_ip."\n";
              return $message;
    // get the proper build fonction
         function buildTable($format, $fields, $intro, $to, $send_ip)
                   $message=buildVertTable($fields, $intro, $to, $send_ip);
              else if($format=="horz_table")
                   $message=buildHorzTable($fields, $intro, $to, $send_ip);
                   $message=buildTextTable($fields, $intro, $to, $send_ip);
              return $message;
    // referrer checking security option
         function checkReferer()
              return $domain_chk;
    // checking required fields and email fields
         function checkFields($text_fields, $email_fields, $regex)
                   $error_message.="<li>text_fields: ".$text_fields."<br />email_fields: ".$email_fields."<br />reply_to_field: ".$reply_to_field."<br />reply_to_name: ".reply_to_name."</li>";
              if($text_fields != "")
                             $error_message.="<li>You are missing the <b>".$req_check[$i]."</b> field</li>\n";
              if($email_fields != "")
                        if($cur_email=="" || !eregi($regex, $cur_email))
                             $error_message.="<li>You are missing the <b>".$email_check[$i]."</b> field or it is not a valid email address.</li>\n";
              return $error_message;
    // attachment function
         function getAttachments($attachment_fields, $message, $content_type, $border)
              $att_message="This is a multi-part message in MIME format.\r\n";
              $att_message.="Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\r\n\r\n";
                   if (is_uploaded_file($fileatt))
                        $att_message.="Content-Type: {$fileatt_type}; name=\"{$fileatt_name}\"\r\n";
                        $att_message.="Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"{$fileatt_name}\"\r\n";
                        $att_message.="Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64\r\n\r\n".$data."\r\n\r\n";
              return $att_message;
    // function to set content type
         function contentType($charset, $format)
                   $content_type="Content-type: text/html; charset=".$charset."\r\n";
              else if($format=="horz_table")
                   $content_type="Content-type: text/html; charset=".$charset."\r\n";
                   $content_type="Content-type: text/plain; charset=".$charset."\r\n";
              return $content_type;
    // end global functions //
    // begin procedural scripting //
         // anti-spam empty field check
         if($_POST[$empty_field[$config]] != "")
              $empty_message = "<li>This submission failed and was flagged as spam.</li>\n";
         // anti-spam character scan check
         if(strlen($character_scan[$config]) > 0)
                   if(preg_match("/<(.|\n)+?>/", $cur_field) || preg_match("/\[(.|\n)+?\]/", $cur_field))
                        $spam_message.="<li>This message contains disallowed characters.</li>\n";
         // anti-spam time delay check
         if((strlen($time_delay[$config]) > 0 && strlen($_POST["time"]) > 0) || (strlen($time_delay[$config]) > 0 && (strlen($_POST["time"]) == 0 || !$_POST["time"])))
              if((time() - $_POST["time"]) < $time_delay[$config])
                   $time_message = "<li>This has been stopped by the timer, and is likely spam.</li>\n";
         // anti-spam CAPTCHA check
         if(strlen($captcha_codes[$config]) > 0)
              if(strtolower($_POST["captcha_entry"]) != strtolower($captcha_check[$_POST["captcha_code"]]))
                   $captcha_message = "<li>CAPTCHA test did not match.</li>\n";
         // anti-spam max URL check
         if(strlen($max_url_fields[$config]) > 0)
                   preg_match_all("/http:/", $cur_field, $matches);
                   if(count($matches[0]) > $max_urls[$config])
                        $max_url_message.="<li>This message contains too many URL's.</li>\n";
         // set anti-spam flagging option
         if(strlen($empty_message.$spam_message.$time_message.$captcha_message.$max_url_message) > 0 && strlen($flag_spam[$config]) == 0)
              $set_flag = 2;
         else if(strlen($empty_message.$spam_message.$time_message.$captcha_message.$max_url_message) > 0 && strlen($flag_spam[$config]) > 0)
              $set_flag = 1;
              $set_flag = 0;
         // header injection check
         if(strlen($_POST[$reply_to_field[$config]]) > 0)
                   $security_filter.="<li>Header injection attempt detected, mail aborted.</li>\n";
         if(strlen($_POST[$reply_to_name[$config]]) > 0)
                   $security_filter.="<li>Header injection attempt detected, mail aborted.</li>\n";
         // check domain referrer and continue
              $error_message=checkFields($required_fields[$config], $required_email_fields[$config], $regex);
              if(strlen($error_message) < 1 && strlen($security_filter) < 1 && $set_flag < 2)
                   // build appropriate message format for recipient
                   $content_type=contentType($charset[$config], $mail_type[$config]);
                   $message=buildTable($mail_type[$config], $mail_fields[$config], $mail_intro[$config], "recipient", $return_ip[$config]);
                   // build header data for recipient message
                   //$extra="From: ".$_POST[$reply_to_field[$config]]."\r\n";
                   $extra="From: ".$reply_to_name_checked." <".$reply_to_field_checked.">\r\n";
                        $extra.="Cc: ".$cc_tomail[$config]."\r\n";
                        $extra.="Bcc: ".$bcc_tomail[$config]."\r\n";
                        $extra.="X-Priority: ".$mail_priority[$config]."\r\n";
                   // get attachments if necessary
                        $extra.="MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n";
                        $extra.="Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=\"{$border}\"";
                        $message=getAttachments($attachment_fields[$config], $message, $content_type, $border);
                        $extra.="MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n".$content_type;
                   // send recipient email
                        if($set_flag == 1)
                             $debug_text.="<p><b>Mail would have sent flagged for spam if not in debug mode.</b></p>";
                             $debug_text.="<p><b>Mail would have sent if not in debug mode.</b></p>";
                   else if($debug==0)
                        if($set_flag == 1)
                             $subject = $flag_spam[$config]." ".$subject[$config];
                             $subject = $subject[$config];
                        mail("".$tomail[$config]."", "".stripslashes($subject)."", "".stripslashes($message)."", "".$extra."");
                   // autoresponse email if necessary
                        // build appropriate message format for autoresponse
                        $content_type=contentType($charset[$config], $copy_format[$config]);
                        $message=buildTable($copy_format[$config], $copy_fields[$config], $copy_intro[$config], "autoresponder", $return_ip[$config]);
                        // build header data for autoresponse
                        $copy_extra="From: ".$copy_from[$config]."\r\n";
                        // get autoresponse  attachments if necessary
                             $copy_extra.="MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n";
                             $copy_extra.="Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=\"{$border}\"";
                             $message=getAttachments($copy_attachment_fields[$config], $message, $content_type, $border);
                             $copy_extra.="MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n".$content_type;
                        // send autoresponse email
                             if($set_flag == 1)
                                  $debug_text.="<p><b>Autoresponder would have sent flagged for spam if not in debug mode.</b></p>";
                                  $debug_text.="<p><b>Autoresponder would have sent if not in debug mode.</b></p>";
                        else if($debug==0)
                             $send_copy = 1;
                             if($copy_tomail=="" || !eregi($regex,$copy_tomail))
                                  $send_copy = 0;
                             if($send_copy == 1)
                                  if($set_flag == 1)
                                       $copy_subject = $flag_spam[$config]." ".$copy_subject[$config];
                                       $copy_subject = $copy_subject[$config];
                                  mail("$copy_tomail", "".$copy_subject."", "$message", "$copy_extra");
                   // showing thanks pages from a successful submission
                        echo "<h3>".$thanks_page_title[$config]."</h3>\n";
                        echo "<p>".$thanks_page_text[$config]."</p>\n";
                        if(strlen($debug_text) > 0)
                             echo "<p><b><i>".$debug_text."</i></b></p>\n";
                        header("Location: ".$thanks_page[$config]);
                   // entering error page options from missing required fields
                        echo "<h3>".$error_page_title[$config]."</h3>\n";
                        echo "<ul>\n";
                        echo $security_filter.$empty_message.$error_message.$spam_message.$time_message.$captcha_message.$max_url_message;
                        echo "</ul>\n";
                        echo "<p>".$error_page_text[$config]."</p>\n";
                        header("Location: ".$error_page[$config]);
              echo "<h3>".$error_page_title[$config]."</h3>\n";
              // message if unauthorized domain trigger from referer checking option
              echo "<p>Sorry, mailing request came from an unauthorized domain.</p>\n";
    // end procedural scripting //
         echo "<h3>Error</h3>";
         echo "<p>No form data has been sent to the script</p>\n";
    $privatekey = "i hide this on the forum";
    $resp = recaptcha_check_answer ($privatekey,
    if (!$resp->is_valid) {
       // What happens when the CAPTCHA was entered incorrectly
       die ("The reCAPTCHA wasn't entered correctly. Go back and try it again." .
            "(reCAPTCHA said: " . $resp->error . ")");
    } else {
       // Your code here to handle a successful verification
    We have a saying in the Netherlands; "Not being abled to see the tree's trough the forest"
    Well i dont see it anymore...
    I managed to get it in the code but it doesnt work.
    I hope someone can help me out!

    @Nancy O.
    Thanks for your support i appreciate it that you helped me out a many times.
    However i have read all of the topics you posted.
    I know in the mail form i can disable the "sort of Captcha". I wanted to disable it and insert reCaptcha instead.
    I will re-make the form because like you said (and i already figured it out myself) ;
    "b) Don't modify forms until you get a very basic form working on your server."
    And youre right, im taking too much work at once.
    Im a hobbyist that learns really really fast.
    Before March 23 i never used CSS, Javascript and XHTML. And never combined them all together with PHP. (never ever created a php based file from scratch)
    The reason why i use other persons code is because i learn faster with examples, and because i dont need to reinvent the wheel if someone already invented it. The only thing i do with it is learn the workings, customise it and at last, rewrite the code when i understand it.
    If you look at my current site: http://www.wientjesvoegwerk.nl/
    You will notice that the site is validated by W3C with no errors and warnings.
    I think it was Nancy O. that gave me the link to the validator. Thats how i discovered the service.
    You need to know that in 1 day (from 63 errors and 12 warnings) i removed all errors. And i didnt knew much about it, and why errors happend while the site looks fine.
    So im just curious how things work and thats why i "steal" codes and adjust them to learn myself.
    I also want a education like you spoke of, but im interested in a different media.
    I want to be abled to create my dream project wich involves new ways for game studios to earn money.
    This is just a simple start, im also taking tutorials in C#, C++.

  • Half of my video wont work on imovie on ipad mini

    Hi all, i make youtube videos, for christmas i was lucky enough to recieve an ipad mini. i downloaded imovie on it to edit my videos, and i got it for free. i recorded my video on my camera as normal and imported the video on to my laptop (not a mac) and first of all it wouldnt let me sync it on my ipad so i had to go onto window movie maker and save it as a project then sync it, that seemed to work fine. So i went onto imovie on my ipad and imported and it was going great and i was editing, ( by the way my video was 27 minutes long) and then at one point of the video it stopped, the sound wouldnt work and it was still playing but the video was just a black screen? so i thought my camera must of stopped recording, so ive watched it back on my laptop and it is fine, something has happened while it has been synced from my laptop to my ipad and i dont no what? please some one help it is so annoying, i have synced it four times and it just wont work. annoying!
    ALSO.. sorry for any spelling/ punctual mistakes, i cant be bothered to re correct just really want this problem sorted. thanks

    I have now solved my problem..
    I needed my video to be in MP4, lucky my camera has a MP4 mode on it so i didnt have to convert it!!

  • Podcast button wont work in Itunes Store

    Since upgrading to itunes 11.0.2 I have found that the podcast and apps buttons in the itunes store wont work. Says accessing store but nothing loads.
    If I search for a known podcast on the store I can find it in store but itunes only displays max 20 episodes even though it tells me there may be 30 or more.
    If I open itunes in another (admin) account all works ok.
    Have done the following;
    Tried giving user account admin rights - not cured problem.
    Deleted all itunes related plist(s) and repaired permissions- have same problem
    Uninstalled itunes 11.0.2 and all its parts and installed itunes 10.7 and this works fine except 10.7 wont talk to my ipad and wants me to restore it to factory.
    Updated back to 11.0.2 and ipad ok but back to same issue on Itunes store.
    Running itunes 11.0.2 on snow leopard 10.6.8, imac core 2 duo.
    Any one know how to solve this.

    Just sorted this.
    In case it helps any one else having similar problems.
    If I allow cookies in Safari then I can access podcasts and apps in itunes store no problem.
    If I block and clear cookies then it stops working again.
    Tried this several times just to make sure it wasnt just random chance.
    Why cookie settings in safari should affect itunes I dont know but it definitely works now.

  • Help Me..iTunes has allowed password set for volume, but password wont work

    I just received my iPod Shuffle yesterday. iTunes 7, allowed me to set a password for my iPod Shuffle (for volume control), but the password wont work, yikes.... It's the same password I always use. The volume is so low, I can barely hear it. I uninstalled iTunes and reinstalled it, but my iPod still remembered its password, I tried the Restore under settings in iTunes... no luck.
    The error message I get when I try to restore is (same as when I try to access the iTunes Store, which I cannot access either):
    ITunes could not connect to the iTunes Store. The network connection timed out.
    Make sure your network settings are correct and your network connections active, then try again.
    I have cable access to the internet, and that's just fine. I've tried to use the command line to run ipconfig / (I forgot what it said to type after the slash), but I did this twice and it was successful.
    I checked my firewall for exceptions, and iTunes is one, so that should be alright. Maybe it's the McAfee Security Center
    I would really appreciate any help that you might have to offer.

    Here was the problem:
    I found out that I had two firewalls up! I would think that wouldn't be possible. Both Windows and Symantec firewalls. Once my friend took down the Windows one, she was able to restore the ipod shuffle to factory settings and go to the ITunes Store. I'm too chicken to apply a password on it again.
    Before my friend helped me, I called the 1-800 help line (in India, 9 hours ahead of us, and I think it was after mid-night-but I could not tell I woke her up, I felt bad) and she had me try a few things and I forgot to get her help on putting everything back. But I did sort of write down the changes and was able to retrace and return it to what the PC was.
    I just wanted to share this in case anyone else does this.

  • Two D bubble sort

    hello i'm trying to program a bubble sort with two D arrays..
    i have one-D array bubble sort but i couldn't figure out how the two D would work with the counter ..in my case..count1.
    public class BubbleSort {
    final int NUM = 20;
    int num[] = new int [NUM];
    int temp;
    public void input (){
    for (byte count = 0; count < NUMELEM; count ++)
         num[count] = (int)(Math.random()*2000)+1;
    public void BubbleSorting (){
         boolean swap = true;
         byte count1 = 0;
         while ((swap) && (count1 < NUM-1)){
         swap = false;
         for (byte count2 = 0; count2 < ((NUM-1)-count1); count2++){
              if (num[count2] > num[count2+1]){
                   temp = num[count2];
                   num[count2] = num[count2+1];
                   num[count2+1] = temp;
                   swap = true;
         count1 ++;
         System.out.println ("List After Pass Number " + count1 + " :");
    thanks in advance!

    please explain ur problem.
    i couldn't understand ur problem

  • I've just had a keyboard firmware update and now my volume control buttons wont work

    i've just had a keyboard firmware update and now my volume control buttons wont work.
    Has anyone else had this problem? if so have they found out how to fix it, or is this an on going issue?

    Your problem has some similarities to this problem that I reported earlier this month that that still arises every few days. I was thinking that my problem was related to some sort of bug in Entourage, but maybe it's something else...

  • My apple is not activating,Asking for Apple ID &p.word, I have entered the apple ID which i was using to download all apps,but it wont work, Now system is saying that your apple Id is wrong, My question is Can there be two apple IDs?

    My apple is not activating,Asking for Apple ID &p.word, I have entered the apple ID which i was using to download all apps,but it wont work, Now system is saying that your apple Id is wrong, My question is Can there be two apple IDs? My apple ID is my Yahoo mail it self, but not able to log in to  Icloud, Can any body guide, Why, I can not.

    Hi dip_kinu,
    I apologize, I'm a bit unclear on exactly what device you are trying to set up and what is happening when you try to do so. If you are having issues remembering your Apple ID, or feel like you may have set up multiple Apple ID's, you may find the following page helpful:
    Apple - My Apple ID: Find your Apple ID
    - Brenden

  • Ipod is recognised under my computer but wont work in itunes,

    My ipod worked fine on my old computer i dont think i had the most recent itunes but everything was working fine i had windows XP. Now i have a new laptop with windows 7 and my ipod wont work in itunes, i have uninstalled and reinstalled itunes 9 and even tried itunes 8 but nothing seemed to help the situation, i know its not the cable as it shows under my computer, i have taken all my music off the ipod because it asked to reformat it i have tried that twice, i get the message your ipod needs to be reformatted for windows i click ok and it opens itunes but nothing happens, iv downloaded the 64 bit itunes as it doesnt like the 32 bit one. Iv ran a diagnostic test on my ipod but cant get past the firewire detect and usb detect maybe this is because i dont have itunes installed at the moment, any suggestions please?

    I had the same problem with my iPod classic. I got a new laptop that has windows 7 and downloaded itunes 9. As soon as itunes 9 was downloaded my ipod would not be recognised anymore. I tried everything like reformatting etc and nothing was helping. What I did was downloaded itunes 7 and my ipod was then recognised. Your problem may be that your software on your ipod is not up to date enough to run on itunes 9 (that was the problem with mine) and may also not be up to date enough to run on itunes 8. Try itunes 7 (or if that doesn't work even itunes 6) then once your ipod is recognised go to the summary page on your ipod and update your software to the current version. Once i did this my ipod was recognised on itunes 9 when i plugged it in and worked perfectly. Hope this helps!

  • How can i restore my iphone which was erased by iCloud?? I got my phone back but it wont work when i connect to iTunes.

    How can i restore my iphone which was erased by iCloud?? I got my phone back but it wont work when i connect to iTunes.

    The following assumes you've been backing up to icloud all along.
    Go to Settings>General>Reset and tap Erase All Content and Settings.  This will erase your device.  Then you will go through the setup screens again as you did when your device was new, and when given the option, select Restore from iCloud Backup.
    Let us know if this method does not work.

  • I have a dilema i use a programme called Mackeeper i accidentally moved several files to my trash,i would like to put the files back where they belong but put back option is in grey and wont work??

    I have a dilema i use a programme called Mackeeper i accidentally moved several checked files to my trash BUT i didnt delete them,i would like to put the files back where they belong but the put back option is in grey and wont work?? i have spoken to Apple and to no avail !!!
    Mackeeper moved my files to my trash so i pulled them out of my trash to my desktop it has copied them to my desktop as well as kept them in my trash!!
    im so confused and things are not working properly anymore such as my google chrome for example...all my book marks are gone BUT i can go to the google file which is out of place on my desktop and view all my bookmarks data...ALL of my files still exist but they are just out of place now which is making it hard for certain options on my computer to work...
    the files includeAccounts,address book plug-ins,addressbook,Adobe,AIM,Alfred,Anquet Maps,Apple,Asramsoftware,Audio,Automatically add to itunes,facebook,facebook 15-53-13-329,faxfresh,five details,flipping book photo album, font collections, fonts, forismatic,Garageband,Gimp,Google,Google 15-53-13-344,icloud,icons,idocument lite,ilife media browser,ilifepage layout,internet plug-ins,ip scanner,itext express,itunes,iweb,Keyboard layouts,Keychains,launch agents,Librarian,limit point software,logs,mail,mail 15-53-13-895,messages,metadata,mobile documents,mobiscope,moso,movie effects,mozilla,MPlayerx,mywebcamBroadcaster,Native instruments,Skype and LOADS more......
    HOW do i get this stuff back to where it is supposed to go so that these programmes work properly again???? i also used delete and command but that did not work either,like i said i have not emptied my trash and ALL the info is there its just totally out of place and the put back option will not work sor some reason!!??? im running 10.8.5 imac someone PLEASE help me!!
    i have not set up time machine either but i do back up to a site called backupblaze...

    Step 1
    Remove "MacKeeper" as follows.
    "MacKeeper" has only one useful feature: it deletes itself.
    Note: These instructions apply to the version of the product that I downloaded and tested in early 2012. I can't be sure that they apply to other versions.
    IMPORTANT: "MacKeeper" has what the developer calls an “encryption” feature. In my tests, I didn't try to verify what this feature really does. If you used it to “encrypt” any of your files, “decrypt” them before you uninstall, or (preferably) restore the files from backups made before they were “encrypted.” As the developer is not trustworthy, you should assume that the "decrypted" files are corrupt unless proven otherwise.
    In the Finder, select
    Go ▹ Applications
    from the menu bar, or press the key combination shift-command-A. The "MacKeeper" application is in the folder that opens. Quit it if it's running, then drag it to the Trash. You'll be prompted for your login password. Click the Uninstall MacKeeper button in the dialog that appears. All the functional components of the software will be deleted. Reboot.
    Failure to remove MacKeeper will result from neglecting any one of these points:
    Quit MacKeeper before dragging it to the Trash.
    Don't empty the Trash after dragging the application to it. Let MacKeeper delete itself.
    Don't try to drag the MacKeeper icon in the Dock to the Trash.
    Here are some general suggestions. If you want your computer to be usable, don't install crapware, such as “themes,” "haxies," “add-ons,” “toolbars,” “enhancers," “optimizers,” “accelerators,” "boosters," “extenders,” “cleaners,” "doctors," "tune-ups," “defragmenters,” “firewalls,” "barriers," “guardians,” “defenders,” “protectors,” most “plugins,” commercial "virus scanners,” "disk tools," or "utilities." With very few exceptions, this stuff is useless, or worse than useless.
    The more actively promoted the product, the more likely it is to be garbage. The most extreme example is the “MacKeeper” scam.
    The only software you should install is that which directly enables you to do the things you use a computer for — such as creating, communicating, and playing — and does not modify the way other software works. Never install any third-party software unless you know how to uninstall it.
    Step 2
    Restore from the last backup that predates the unwanted changes.

  • The new itunes update will not install properly and now itunes wont work at all

    k, so I tried installing the new update for itunes and now it wont work at all. it says that the mobile device isnt installed. i have uninstalled and reinstalled itunes 4 times now.

    My issue is it wont even reinstall onto my computer
    Yes I'm aware of that. The procedures are also for trying in cases where iTunes can't be reinstalled due to a "Could not start Apple Mobile Device service" message.
    If you're getting a different error message relating to the Apple Mobile Device Service (or Apple Mobile Device Support) when you try to reinstall iTunes, post back to let us know what that error message says. (Precise text, please.)

  • How come whenever i plug my iPhone 5 into the computer the device will not show up on my itunes.  This is the first time that i have done it since i updated to iOS7 and before i had no problem but now it just wont work.

    How come whenever i plug my iPhone 5 into the computer the device will not show up on my itunes.  This is the first time that i have done it since i updated to iOS7 and before i had no problem but now it just wont work.

    Hi Celia51510,
    Welcome to the Support Communities!
    The article below may be able to help you with this issue.
    Click on the link to see more details and screenshots. 
    I can't tell from your post if you are using a Windows or a Mac Computer.
    Try deleting the iTunes application and redownloading the version you need below:
    iTunes 11.1 Download for Mac
    iTunes 11.1 for Windows (64-bit)
    - Judy

  • TS3694 I got my cracked screen fixed , and ever since my phone has been acting up. Now Im trying to restore it and it wont restore. Also my phone wont work without being on the charger. It just wont disconnect from ITunes Can I get help ASAP

    I got my cracked screen fixed , and ever since my phone has been acting up. Now Im trying to restore it and it wont restore. Also my phone wont work without being on the charger. It just wont disconnect from ITunes Can I get help ASAP

    nadiamilan wrote:
    I think that is an great idea . But I wanna know if there is anything else i can do besides going all way back to the place i got if fixed at ....
    Probably not.

Maybe you are looking for

  • How do I remove my Itunes content and put it on another computer?

    How do I remove my itunes content from one computer and put it on another?

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