Bug - extending out end of synced clip...

I have a synced clip with connected audio and the storyline audio is turned off. When I'm playing the clip in the timeline, if I click on the end and drag it down the timeline to extend it, the audio immediately starts playing the connected and the storyline audio.
This behavior was in previous versions.

Just to clarify, it happens WHILE it's playing. If I click on the end of the clip and drag it out WHILE it's playing, the audio immediately plays both connected and storyline.

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    By dragging the last keyframe, you are stretching the length of the entire clip (slowing it all down), which you probably don't want.
    To just hold the last frame of a clip:
    1) select clip
    2) enable time remap (ctrl-alt-t)
    3) goto outpoint (o)
    4) set time remap keyframe
    5) delete end keyframe (the one to the right)
    6) drag layer endpoint to desired spot (you can also goto time where you want clip to end and hit alt ])
    The reason you need to create a keyframe at the last frame is Time Remap places a keyframe after the last frame, on a blank frame. If you were to leave it like that, extend out the layer length, it'd be blank. By placing a keyframe on the last full frame, it holds that frame.
    Hope it makes sense.
    PS Not sure if you were aware, but you can use whatever keyframes you want with time remap. easy ease, hold, etc.

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    I am using windows 7 with Premiere Pro CC

    Thanks for your post. I think you are using Premiere pro CS6 as the Project option is included in the file menu and in the video there is an option of project available and visible. Please update your CS6 with the latest 6.0.5 update and the issue will be fixed. The link is provided below. Please update once issue is fixed.

  • Audio Drops Out at End of Imported Clips

    Hi, Guys,
    I have read everything and tried everything, but I can't find a solution to something which seems like it should be obvious:
    I am in the process of uploading some TV programs to YouTube. I am using iMovie '11 to cut them into chunks of less than 15 minutes each. When I import the material into iMovie from a file, iMovie automatically breaks the source material into ~5 minute clips. For some reason, the sound for the last half-second or so at the end of each clip is automatically muted by the import process. Needless to say when I cut the clips back together in an attempt to recreate the video stream as it originally was, there is a half-second of audio drop-out marking the spot where the clips are welded together.
    How can I get this to stop???
    I notice that the advertising makes a big point of 'iMovie HD' allowing the user to adjust the length of the clips that it cuts source material into during import. Please tell me this is not a work-around for this problem 10 years after-the-fact!
    Thank you.

    I used to have a saying which I applied to John Cage's compositions:
    "He's got nothing to say, and he's saying it. And that's BS."
    Faceless capricious corporate censorship is good HOW?
    As regards iMovie '11 muting a short bit of audio from the ends of clips, it turns out to be the beginnings of the clips:
    My prior post uncovered a very different problem in my process. (At the time, a virtually non-existent process!)
    Now I have learned my up the learning curve to the point where I am beginning to actually use some of the functionality in iMovie '11. Unfortunately my original observation of "a bit of sound" (50 to 100 milliseconds) disappearing between clips is still a problem. Here are 3 minimalist examples in the form of short test vids: {Just click "Play all". Titles projected over the vid list what you are hearing. The "about box" (YouTube "Description:" field) contains even more detail.}
    I can now characterize this problem in more detail than I could previously:
    The first 50 - 100 milliseconds of sound are squelched in the beginning of a clip when it is uploaded to YouTube from iMovie. This is NOT a YouTube transcoder issue. Reloading multiple copies of the same clip into iMovie yield the same result there: Dead sound between clips.
    This demonstrates that iMovie chops the first ~50 milliseconds of audio off of the beginning of a vid when it "shares" (exports) it. Apparently the missing audio in some way becomes an "attribute"of the clip (like a crossfade transition that you can't remove from the beginning!), because attempts to trim the squelched audio off of the beginning of the clip meet with failure; the "bad leading edge" stays with the clip, even after the apparently offending segment has intentionally been discarded.
    I checked the audio gaps with Audition, and, while I was guessing 50 - 100 ms, it turns out to be exactly 52 milliseconds of audio is squelched at the beginning of a clip. (I tried to display the image of the spectral & time-domain response here, but I can't figure out how to upload TIFFs into this forum.)
    I am sure this must be the result of some simple default setting in iMovie which automatically adds a "style" or something to my vid clips upon export, but I have tried everything I can find, and, if it is, I haven't managed to reliably turn if off yet.
    N.B. if I remain inside an iMovie editing session, and paste pieces together into clips without exporting the clip, or interrupting the session (as I did to produce the test vids), everything is fine. But as soon as I save a clip, the first 52 ms of audio seems to irrecoverably disappear. That continues to hold true no matter which frame in the clip subsequently becomes the new beginning.
    Please forgive my iMovie newbie ignorance, but: How do I get it to STOP???
    Thank you.

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    When applying the reverb filter in FCP, I would like to have the reverberation to continue for a few seconds at the end of the clips normal length. I can't work out how to do it .... is it even possible!
    With thanks, Johnny

    You need to have extra material at the end of your clip called "Handles".
    Then as soon as the picture section has ended, increase the amount of "Wet" effected mix in relation to the "Dry" unaffected mix.
    So lets say your part with picture is 5 seconds long, you need 7 seconds of audio -2 seconds more at the end. From the 5th to 6th second you increase the ratio of wet to dry mix and from the sixth to seventh second, you fade the audio out, letting the next clip take over. Make sense?
    The numbers here are just for illustration. Yours may differ.

  • Poster Frame and Trim Mode not working properly with post-synced clips

    Hi Everyone-
    Final Cut Pro seems to be doing something really odd and I'm wondering if anyone else has experienced it and if so what is the fix:
    We are shooting a movie on Red with sound coming in on multitrack wav files. We downconvert the R3D files to Prores and then manually sync the tracks in the timeline.
    We link the pix and sound and drag them to the bin to make our dailies. They all play, in sync. When we try to set a poster frame the issues begin. If I load the clip into the browser park the playhead on a frame and choose poster frame, the actual frame in the bin is very noticably offset (often by a few seconds).
    Also, when I use the trim mode, the frames jump to a different part of the shot during trim. It's like the shot is jumping ahead or back while I hit the frame advance or recede buttons. Once I let go of the button the image jumps to the correct number of frames. But, it's very distracting if I am trying to trim, for example, to just before an actor blinks. I can't trim 1 frame at a time. I have to keep hitting the button, watching the picture jump to a different part of the shot, release the trim button and watch the picture jump back to the now correctly trimmed frame...
    As a test I took some of the Prores clips with scratch track sound and brought them into the bin directly from the finder, bypassing the syncing. Using those clips, the trim and poster frames work as expected. Obviously something is going on during syncing.
    I assumed maybe because the audio and pix we different lengths the clip was getting "confused", and didn't know where to "start". So, in the timeline with the synced clips, I razor bladed a few shots, linked them, and dragged them to the bin so the audio and video were the exact same length... Same issue.
    I have noticed the same behavior on 2 separate Macs so I don't think its a preference or corrupted install issue.
    Anyone seen this and have any suggestions?

    Yes, David, I'm having the same problem under the same circumstances. we're using merged clips made from Prores QTs and multitrk BWF files. In the trim window, the display frame jumps ahead considerably in a frame-by-frame trim, but trims accurately in the timeline. My only work-around has been to use the left/right scrub arrows in the trim window when necessary, which displays the correct frame. Sorry not to have an answer, but I saw a post on another forum from 2007 that speculated it was an FCP 6 bug. Resetting prefs doesn't help.

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    Here's what I'm trying to do:  I have my main storyline, and in a secondary storyline I want to fade a clip in at a certain point...but I don't want it to fade out. Adding the cross-dissolve at the beginning saves a lot more time than keyframing the opacity.
    Yeah, I'll say the same thing everyone else does:  "Well, that's what I did in legacy FCP.  How do I do it in FCPX?"
    Thanks in advance.

    hit cmd T but why? where has copy/cut/paste/add transition et al gone from the right click? It just seems a backward step having to use a keyboard again. Sadly I can now no longer use a programed 15 button edit shuttle/controller under my left hand and a five button hyper scroll mouse under the right. Hardly ever used the keyboard in previous versions. This has to be a backward step. Forever tippy tap on the keyboard...so so slow, wasted seconds for extra moves just to get something to happen. Are we all forgetting just how fast it was to apply a transition, copy then bang bang bang along the timeline pasting it in the joins?

  • FCE un synching vid/aud between Viewer and Canvas 3 secs out in 20 sec clip

    I'm new to FCE having moved across from Vegas Video.
    Working through the Izzy FCE Tutorial.
    Starts with a 20 second HD clip that works great in the Viewer.
    Drag video to time line and it looks OK except the audio is waaaaay out of wack. In a 20 second clip FCE is 3 seconds out of synch by the end of the clip.
    I must have done something freaky here but I have searched and searched but cannot find an option to un synch audio/video.
    Also other weird stuff.
    If I have 6 clips in the browser, drag each one to the Viewer, set the In and Out drag the first one to the timeline and subsequent ones to the the Canvas/Overwrite.
    Only the first clip will show until I start playing the first clip in the timeline then all the others then suddenly pop up.
    Also, Edit/Undo has an accelerator of CMD Z, nope that doesn't do anything.
    If I set the edit point in the timeline mid clip, then drag a new clip from the Viewer to the Canvas and select insert, it inserts the video at the edit point but puts the audio somewhere completely different. The Audio timeline shows the audio in the right place but when you play it is randomly placed earlier in the timeline.
    This is all very strange indeed and leaves a noob to FCE well and truly confused.
    I'll try another reboot. But this puppy is looking like it may be going back to the Apple shop.

    "Starts with a 20 second HD clip"
    What exactly are the specifications of your clips? How did you get them into FCE?
    "Only the first clip will show until I start playing the first clip in the timeline then all the others then suddenly pop up."
    Sounds like you don't have the timeline set to fit to window Shift-Z.
    "Edit/Undo has an accelerator of CMD Z"
    Have no idea what this means.

  • Quick way to fade out audio on a clip

    FCE 4.0
    hi. is there a quick way to automatically have the audio fade out entirely at the end of a clip other than inserting keyframes and dragging it out that way? Scenario would be that I am doing a fade-in/fade-out video dissolve and would like the audio to do the same. when I tried the audio transitions of 0 or 3db (I can't tell any diff, btw) it doesn't seem to actually fade the audio to zero.

    more info... it seems that none of my audio transitions are working at all. I imported an MP3, rendered it, split it, and added some crossfades. Made the duration like 3 seconds just to be sure, and literally no adjustment is happening to the audio at all. Is there a setting I'm missing? Now, if I use the keyframes, I can adjust it fine. It's just not adjusting with the audio crossfade transitions.

  • Extending a matte and text clip?

    When I try to extend a matte and text clip in the timeline (by dragging its end) it only lets me extend it to a certain point and then it will not let me extend it further.
    1. Why is this?
    2. How else can I extend these clips?

    1. Why is this?
    It only lets you have 01:05:02 of duration. Don't know why.
    2. How else can I extend these clips?
    Just copy the matte/text and paste it, or quicker yet when it's in your viewer just keep hitting F9 to place multiple mattes/text contiguously on your timeline

  • Setting motion keyframes on head and end of a clip in the timeline

    I've been exeriencing a weird problem lately.
    If I throw a clip into the timeline, then double click it
    back into the viewer, then use CONTROL K to place keyframes
    across all motion perameters at the head of the clip, THEN hit the down arrow button to get to the end of the clip so I can make adjustments and have keyframes placed at the end of the clip, the process of hitting the down arrow to get to the end of the clip actually takes me to the head of the next clip in the timeline and up in the Viewer keyframe viewer.
    If I use the left arrow to move one frame backwards to try and get to last frame of the clip I actually want to place a keyframe on the end of, it doesn't get
    me back to the original clip...I've still got the second clip up in the Viewer motion keyframe area.
    It's been requiring me to reload the clip from the timeline again, drag the viewer playhead to the end of the clip being careful to not accidentally go past the end of the clip, or it again goes into the next clip and it's impossible to navigate back to the first clip without double clicking it back up into the window.
    So long question...after having placed keyframes at the very head of a clip double clicked back into the viewer from the timeline, how do I quickly get to the end of the clip to place my changed keyframe perameters, without overshooting the clip and running into the next?

    To get to the Out point of the current clip, instead of the next clip/edit, you need to press Shift-O.
    Also helpful: pressing Shift-I takes you to the In point.

  • Out of Lip Sync

    I've export the whole clips from FCP then use compressor to convert AC3 and Mpeg 2...after drag into the timeline in the DVDSP...that's a bit out of lip sync which i can't touch up to make it exac sync in the trim .... what can i do?plz helps....

    Sometimes simultaor is not accurate, and building to the hard drive and viewing there or on an actual disc helps.
    Also sometimes there is a slight lag when you first start playing from any point in a timeline (i.e., more back about 10-15 seconds prior to where you see it going out of synch before you press play, then start, the first few seconds can be out of synch no matter where you start playback, and if you start earlier, by the time you hit the point where it was out of synch it will look in synch)
    can't touch up to make it exac sync in the trim
    Are you trying to trim the audio itself or are you just seeing that the audio is different length by a few frams?
    Also exporting the aifs as seperate items from FCP and encoding those may help
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