Bug in JDK1.4.x Calendar ???

I have the below function for calculating the days between two dates. Its working fine in JDK 1.3.x version resulting correct values and in JDK1.4.2_04 version its giving wrong values. For any dates that overlap with Daylight savings Start and End dates the results are off by 1 day.
04/02/2005 and 04/04/2005 (MM/DD/YYYY) .The result shd be 2 but its giving as 1. In JDK 1.3.x version it is giving 2.
Its a production issues with high priority need help .....
Thanks you all,
public static long diffTwoDays(Timestamp tsStart, Timestamp tsEnd) throws Exception
String methodName = "diffTwoDays";
String strStartDate=null;
String strEndDate=null;
long lStart=0;
long lEnd=0;
long numDays=0;
Calendar cal1 = Calendar.getInstance();
Calendar cal2 = Calendar.getInstance();
cal2.set(Calendar.MONTH,(Integer.parseInt(strEndDate.substring(5,7))-1)) ;
} catch (Exception e)
throw new Exception(e.getMessage());
return numDays;

If I were you, I'd make diffTwoDays a little less error-prone. Setting fields in the Calendar object can have bad consequences if you don't know what you're doing. As warnerja said, the TIMEZONE_OFFSET should not be explicitly set, especially not after you've set everything else. Also, don't assume the format of Timestamp.toString(); and don't try to calculate things you don't (need to) understand. There's probably a more efficient way of doing this....
public static long diffTwoDays(Timestamp tsStart, Timestamp tsEnd)
     Calendar s = Calendar.getInstance();
     Calendar e = Calendar.getInstance();
     long numDays = 0;
     int i;
     while (e.get(Calendar.YEAR) > s.get(Calendar.YEAR))
          i = e.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR);
          numDays += i;
          e.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR, -i);
     while (e.get(Calendar.MONTH) > s.get(Calendar.MONTH))
          i = e.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH);
          numDays += i;
          e.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, -i);
     return numDays + e.get(Calendar.DATE) - s.get(Calendar.DATE);

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              char resiType;
              char hour;
              System.out.println("Please cateory your residence type");
              System.out.println("'A' for apartment;");
              System.out.println("'H' for house;");
              System.out.println("'D' for dormiory;");
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              BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(reader);
              String inputLine = in.readLine();
              while(!(inputLine.equals("A") |
                   inputLine.equals("H") |
                   {   System.out.println("entry: "+inputLine+" Entry must be A or H or D");
              inputLine = in.readLine();
              System.out.println("Please specify the average hours you will spend at home.");
              System.out.println("A) 18 or more;");
              System.out.println("B) 10 to 17;");
              System.out.println("C) 8 to 9;");
    System.out.println("D) 6 to 7;");
              System.out.println("E) 0 to 5;");
              hour = (char)System.in.read();
              while (hour != 'A' && hour != 'B' && hour != 'C' && hour != 'D' && hour != 'E')
    System.in.read(); System.in.read();
                   System.out.println("Invalid input, pls choose again.");
                   resiType = (char)System.in.read();
    if (resiType == 'H' && hour == 'A')
    System.out.println("Our recommendation is Pot bellied pig");
              else if (resiType == 'H' && (hour == 'B' || hour == 'C'))
                   System.out.println("Our recommendation is Dog.");
              else if (resiType == 'H' && (hour == 'D' || hour == 'E'))
              System.out.println("Our recommendation is Snake.");
              else if (resiType == 'A' && (hour == 'A' || hour == 'B' ))
              System.out.println("Our recommendation is Cat.");
              else if (resiType == 'A' && (hour =='C' || hour == 'D' || hour == 'E'))
              System.out.println("Our recommendation is Hamster.");
              else if (resiType == 'D' && (hour == 'D' || hour == 'C' || hour == 'B' || hour == 'A'))
              System.out.println("Our recommendation is Fish.");
              else if (resiType == 'D' && hour == 'E')
              System.out.println("Our recommendation is Ant Farm.");
                   System.out.println("Sorry, no recommendation currently.");

  • Bug In Java 5 Date/Calendar Timezone Implementation (possibly 6 also)

    Hey All,
    Really been scratching my head over a date issue I've observed for a while now in relation to TimeZone handling in java.
    It first manifested itself as strange behaviour in my Default TimeZone "Europe/Dublin" (ie. GMT with DST)
    System.setProperty("user.timezone", "Europe/Dublin");
    Date epoch=new Date(0);
    Epoch:Thu Jan 01 01:00:00 GMT 1970
    1AM (BUG???????)
    If I set the TZone above to GMT it outputs correctly as
    Epoch:Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 GMT 1970
    As there is no offset from GMT I can only think that DST is being handled incorrectly around the epoch. (even though it is not in DST on Jan 1st)
    So I wrote the following test using calendars to test my theory.
              System.setProperty("user.timezone", "UTC");
              Calendar test=Calendar.getInstance(); //will use the user.timezone
              Calendar test2=Calendar.getInstance(TimeZone.getTimeZone("Europe/Dublin"));
              for (int year=1965;(year<=1975);year++){
                   test.set(year, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0);
                   test2.set(year, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0);
                   System.out.println("UTC:"+ test.getTime()+ " --- EU/Dub:"+test2.getTime());
    Which yields the following interestingly inconsistent output (BUG?????)
    UTC:Fri Jan 01 00:00:00 UTC 1965 --- EU/Dub:Fri Jan 01 00:00:00 UTC 1965
    UTC:Sat Jan 01 00:00:00 UTC 1966 --- EU/Dub:Sat Jan 01 00:00:00 UTC 1966
    UTC:Sun Jan 01 00:00:00 UTC 1967 --- EU/Dub:Sun Jan 01 00:00:00 UTC 1967
    UTC:Mon Jan 01 00:00:00 UTC 1968 --- EU/Dub:Mon Jan 01 00:00:00 UTC 1968
    UTC:Wed Jan 01 00:00:00 UTC 1969 --- EU/Dub:Tue Dec 31 23:00:00 UTC 1968
    UTC:Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 UTC 1970 --- EU/Dub:Wed Dec 31 23:00:00 UTC 1969
    UTC:Fri Jan 01 00:00:00 UTC 1971 --- EU/Dub:Thu Dec 31 23:00:00 UTC 1970
    UTC:Sat Jan 01 00:00:00 UTC 1972 --- EU/Dub:Sat Jan 01 00:00:00 UTC 1972
    UTC:Mon Jan 01 00:00:00 UTC 1973 --- EU/Dub:Mon Jan 01 00:00:00 UTC 1973
    UTC:Tue Jan 01 00:00:00 UTC 1974 --- EU/Dub:Tue Jan 01 00:00:00 UTC 1974
    UTC:Wed Jan 01 00:00:00 UTC 1975 --- EU/Dub:Wed Jan 01 00:00:00 UTC 1975
    Strange - ehh? 1969->1971 all have issues with the Jan 1st date!!!!
    In fact theres issues for every day that DST is not in operation on these years... (BUG????)
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    to use UTC as our server time. We are now quite concerned what other bugs/strange behaviours
    lurk beneath the surface of the java implementation.
    Note we have tested various JDK's and they seem to be consistently inconsistent!
    If anyone can confrim this bug/issue or shed any light it would be most appreciated,

    miniman wrote:
    As there is no offset from GMT I can only think that DST is being handled incorrectly around the epoch. (even though it is not in DST on Jan 1st)Well, in the UK, DST was in effect on 1970 Jan 01. I wouldn't be surprised to find that the same applied in Ireland.

  • How to fix the bug of JDK1.3?

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    but i still want to use jdk1.3. how to solve the problem? i haven't tried it with jdk1.4 or tomcat4.0. i wonder whether tomcat4.0 can work with IIS.
    btw, i cannot understand the bug report on http://developer.java.sun.com/developer/bugParade/bugs/4323062.html well. can you help me out?
    thanks so much!

    What you need to do is use JDK 1.3.1 instead, which has a fix for this issue. Then, add the flag -Xrs to your command line to stop it being terminated by logoff.

  • Does JOptionPane have a bug in jdk1.4?

    Sorry to post this again, but last time had posted it under a different title/topic. The following piece of code works fine with jdk1.3, but HANGS with jdk1.4-import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    public class TestDriver extends JPanel {
       JTextField textField1, textField2;
       MyInputVerifier inputVerifier;
       public TestDriver() {
       private void initPanel() {
          textField1 = new JTextField(10);
          textField2 = new JTextField(10);
          inputVerifier = new MyInputVerifier();
       public static void main(String[] args) {
          JFrame frame = new JFrame();
          frame.getContentPane().add(new TestDriver());
          frame.setSize(200, 100);
          frame.addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() {
             public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) {
       class MyInputVerifier extends InputVerifier {
          public boolean verify(JComponent comp) {
             //only when the user enters "Test" in the first text field, should the focus be
             //transferred to the next text field
             if(comp.getName().equals("Test")) {
                String text = ((JTextField)comp).getText();
                if(("Test").equals(text)) {
                   return true;
                } else {
                   return false;
             return true;
       private void showError() {
          //this works fine with both jdk1.3 and jdk1.4
          System.out.println("Wrong!\n Enter \"Test\"");
          //this is where the program hangs when run with jdk1.4
          JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this, "Wrong!\n Enter \"Test\"");
    }Can anyone please confirm that it really doesn't work with jdk1.4? Also please let me know if anything is wrong with the program.
    I searched in the bug database and found that a few bugs on similar topics have already been reported. But I didn't find one (which is open) particularly on this topic. Is anyone aware of a bug on this topic already reported? If so, could you please post the appropriate link here.
    Thanks a lot.

    Thanks for the reply. The problem is not related to JOptionPane. It's related to verify method of InputVerifier. First of all, as per the jdk1.4 Javadocs, the verify method is not allowed to have side effects. So calling JOptionPane.showMessageDialog() from within verify is not a correct implementation. But the javadocs say that shouldYieldFocus of InputVerifier is allowed to have side effects. So basically the shouldYieldFocus method needs to be implemented and it should pou up a dialog when the input is incorrect.
    BUT, it doesn't work either. It has a bug (4532517). Here is the link to the related bug report-http://developer.java.sun.com/developer/bugParade/bugs/4532517.html
    A workaround has been given there and after using that, the program works fine.
    I have no idea, why it works fine with 1.3. As you said, due to changes in the Focus mechanism in jdk1.4, this problem has arisen.

  • Is That a bug of JDK1.4 beta3: too many paint times!!!!!

    Try to run the following program, ( u can use your img instead of mine)
    //package com.zhaoyoubing.java2d;
    import java.awt.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.awt.geom.*;
    import java.awt.image.*;
    import java.net.*;
    public class JavaImgTest extends JFrame {
    Image img;
    int it = 0;
    static String title = "Sooooooooo many paints ";
    public JavaImgTest() {
    setSize(300, 200);
    img = loadImage("http", "www.cad.zju.edu.cn", "/home/zhaoyb/yi-s.jpg");
    public void paint(Graphics g) {
    setTitle(title + it);
    ((Graphics2D) g).drawImage(img, 10, 25, this);
    // this function from billday.com
    Image loadImage(String protocol, String machine, String file) {
    //Create the URL object representing our image bits.
    URL imageURL = null;
    try {
    imageURL = new URL(protocol,machine,file);
    } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
    System.out.println("Please verify your imageURL.");
    //Now that we have a reference to the bits, let's create and
    //return the actual Image object to store them.
    Image myImage = getToolkit().getImage(imageURL);
    return myImage;
    public static void main(String[] args) {
    JavaImgTest img1 = new JavaImgTest();
    following r my test paint times:
    1.4 beta3
    linux 66 84 48 90 75
    win2000 170 170 170 170 170
    linux 3 3 3 3 3
    win2000 2 2 2 2 2
    linux 5 6 6 4 3
    win2000 3 3 4 3 2
    I guess it should be a bug!!!

    I am not sure but shouldn't this line be:
    img = loadImage("http", "www.cad.zju.edu.cn", "/home/zhaoyb/yi-s.jpg");this:
    img = loadImage("http://", "www.cad.zju.edu.cn", "/home/zhaoyb/yi-s.jpg");

  • Bug?  Beware setting a calendar entry to 12 pm !!

    So, it's early morning. I decide to enter a new calendar entry for March 4 for a noon meeting. By default, it opens up with a near time, 9 am to 10 am, for the meeting. I tap on the Starts/Ends button. The dial shows me March 4 9:00 AM. I scroll the 9 to 12, the AM nicely, and correctly, becomes PM.
    But guess what? Don't hit Save! The Starts time remains as 12 AM, meaning midnight!! So, set that event for noon, and you're liable to be awakened at mid-night by a clamorous iPhone/iPod Touch!
    Note: usually when you rest the Starts time, the Ends time, also advances an hour ahead... in this case, it stays at 1 AM, exactly what you don't want!
    The workaround is that you have to start by changing the AM to PM exactly what you shouldn't have to do, and don't need to do in any other case!

    Thanks for the reminder. I've let them know.
    Can anyone confirm what I found? Just checking to see if there isn't a workaround or a setting I've missed.

  • IOS 5 calendar bug: Floating Appointments

    This is a bug with iOS 5's calendar that you can reproduce yourself. This bug was not in iOS 4:
    1. Enter an appointment into iCal on your Mac running Mac OS X 10.6.8.
    2. Make the appointment a FLOATING appointment, which means that its time will ALWAYS stay the same, regardless of which time zone you are in.
    3. Sync your calendar using MobileMe.
    4. Now go to your iPhone 4 running iOS 5.0.1.
    5. Sync your calendar using MobileMe.
    6. Make sure your iPhone's calendar settings have Time Zone Support turned ON.
    7. Go into your calendar, and look for your floating appointment.
    8. On the MONTH view, your appointment looks JUST FINE! The times are correct!! However, if you try to EDIT THE EVENT, you will see the gigantic bug crop up: the times are completely & wildly off from your original floating times. If you try to modify the times, then you will only mess up the times on the month view even more. There is no way to get the iPhone's calendar appointments to accurately reflect the floating time on both the month view and when editing the appointment. It is completely off.

    Thanks for the info, I gave it a try but am still having the same problem as I mentioned before.
    I believe your issue is a bit different than mine.  My 3 outlook canlanders are there, two of them are displaying (my wife's calendar and my work), however the primary calendar I use in outlook isn't displaying.  It shows that it is selected, however none of my events are there.  I'm able to add new events in this calendar just fine, but all of my events that were there prior to the upgrade in iOS aren't.
    I've already checked settingings to make sure it syncs all old data also, but it still doesn't display events from my main calendar.
    So the issue isn't that I am missing all Outlook calendars, rather I am missing only one of the 3.

  • Is this a Calendar bug?

    If I set a day to 30th April 2008 and add one day, I obtain 31st April, which is a day that does not exist. Is this a bug?:
    import java.util.Calendar;
    public class DateTest
         public static void main(String[] args)
              Calendar myDay = Calendar.getInstance();
              myDay.set(2008, 4, 30);     // 30th April
              System.out.println("30th April: " +
                   myDay.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH) + " " +
                   myDay.get(Calendar.MONTH) + " " +
                   myDay.get(Calendar.YEAR) + " "
              myDay.add(Calendar.DATE, 1);     // Adds one day
              System.out.println("Next day: " +
                   myDay.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH) + " " +
                   myDay.get(Calendar.MONTH) + " " +
                   myDay.get(Calendar.YEAR) + " "

    meacod wrote:
    jwenting wrote:
    I once did, but that was in a product that hadn't been on the market in that shape and version for a decade so it's quite possible for the problem to not have been fixed in that version (and there was no widespread internet availability for people to easily and quickly communicate with the producers)...I discover bugs in windows all the time... ;)I have to agree with that.
    Edited by: Java_Is_Good on May 6, 2008 12:00 AM

  • Jdk1.3.1 bug with rmic -iiop?

    Does anyone know whether there is a bug with the rmic -iiop feature of jdk1.3.1?
    When I try to use rmic -iiop, with the -classpath option, it throws a java.lang.ClassFormatError.
    rmic -classpath .;C\irfeclient\requestrecord.jar -iiop com.ch.irfe.curvegen.xtools.CurveGenImpl
    If I leave out the current directory when setting the classpath, the compiler says it can't find the implementation class com.ch.irfe.curvegen.xtools.CurveGenImpl.
    If I just try using rmic without -iiop, it works. However I need to generate iiop stubs.
    Has anyone managed to resolve this one?
    many thanks

    I've done some further investigation and I think it is a bug with jdk1.3.1. I have tried using IBMs JDK that comes with WebSphere 3.5, and it works fine.

  • Calendar invites from Outlook(pc) come as .ics, can't be deleted & are 3 hrs earlier than the meeting time!

    Please help!  This is so crazy complicated.  I believe the problem is either 1) a faulty phone, or 2) a bug in iOS5 for outlook calendar if you aren’t on an exchange server (please someone tell me iOS6 will fix it!). 
    I bought my nanny an iPhone.  She does not have a mac and she does not sync to a pc.  She just uses the phone.  She does not have an exchange server – she is just AT&T with an optimum online email account.  I use a pc and Outlook 2003 (yes, I know it’s old, waiting to buy a new laptop and upgrade at once).  I manage my children’s very busy schedule on this calendar and I invite my nanny and my husband to most appointments.  I am on an exchange server for this calendar (my personal).  I also use an iPhone and iPad and have servers hosting my email accounts.
    When I invite my nanny to appointments on my outlook 2003 pc calendar she receives an .ics file instead of a nice looking appointment with the name of the appointment.  If I invite myself at work (also on a server, PC and on my iPad and iPhone) or my husband (uses an iPhone 4S), neither of us get .ics – we get a normal calendar meeting.  We can open and accept and delete, etc.  Since we are both on exchange servers (not the same ones) I think this must be the first problem – why she gets .ics and we don’t.  When she opens the meeting she can ONLY accept.  There are no options for Maybe or Decline.  When she accepts – get this – it adds the meeting THREE hours earlier than the actual time!  Yes, we’ve checked her time zone settings.  I have also restored the phone.  It doesn’t help.  She also can’t decline the meeting ever.  It’s stuck on her phone.  When I delete the meeting, it doesn’t delete from her account.  She now has a test that we added as a recurring appointment on Sunday morning that will be there forever!
    THEN I tested a few other things.  I invited her NOT by sending the meeting directly from my outlook and PC but by opening the meeting once added on my iPhone and on my iPad and inviting her.  When I do that, they get added at the CORRECT time BUT she still has no option to decline and she can never delete these either.  When I delete from my PC, my iPhone and my iPad – they all stay on her iPhone.
    NEXT… I tried sending her a meeting from my work PC which is the newest version – Outlook 2010.  Same thing, came in as .ics, no ability to decline BUT… the time added correctly!  This is from an exchange server.
    I’ve read about other people having this issue but they have one appointment out there that they can’t delete.  This is 20 a week I’m sending her… and the time zone changing – that’s just crazy.  I haven’t found anyone with that issue.  Could we really be the only people out there that use a lot of meeting invitations – Outlook to iPhone and they don’t know it’s a bug?  Or do I have some funky setup on her phone?  If I add her to my server will that fix it?  Or does she just have a faulty phone?  Please help!

    I posted this question a while ago and didn't receive any responses but there are a lot of people who have viewed it and 10 have said they have the same question so I thought I would update you that I added my nanny to my exchange server account (created an email for her) and I send all invites to that email address and they work.  So sending invites from an exchange server account to a non-exchange server account apparently is a bug so to solve it, get on an exchange server I guess.

  • Moving from jdk1.3 to jdk1.4

    Hi everybody,
    I need one info.
    There is a bug in JDK1.3 related with HTTPClasses and Sun Says it has been fixed in JDK1.4.
    So i want to move to JDK1.4 .
    NOW what are the possible problems . My application uses Swing , XML ( xalan parser) .
    Can someone please give me some info on this?

    Hi ,
    my concern is for parsers what we are using Xalan and Xerces .
    If they would be using deprecated API then it could be a problem,
    as I remember reading similar problem somewhere. So wanted to
    ask the Forum.

  • Labels in jdk1.4

    Hi, I just started using jdk1.4 and all the labels that used to have this java light purple color are now black. Is this a bug in jdk1.4 or do you have to manualy configure the labels in jdk1.4.

    What are you seeing different the background or the forground color? When I switched from jdk1.3 to 1.4 I didn't see any difference in the labels (using Metal or Motif look and feel) . The label foreground color was being set to black and the background was default.

  • Add a note to a Calendar event that was created from Mac Mail

    When I create a Calendar event by clicking on a date within a Mac Mail message (you hover over a date in an email it draws a dashed box around the date and gives an option to create a Calendar event).  It creates an Event in my Calendar with the following fields:  Subject, Location, Date Time and alert fields, Invitees and a link to the mail message.  But - I can't seem to add a Note Field.  The only work-around seems to be to manually create a new calendar entry.
    Does anyone know how to modify an event created from Mac Mail to add a Note Field?
    iMac Retina 5K 27-inch Late 2014, OS X Yosemite Version 10.10.3, Calendar Version 8.0 (2034.9), Mail  Version 8.2 (2098).

    Thanks Brett for replying, but this doesn't work if the event is created by Mac Mail - which is my issue.  Sure it works with any other event but not one that has been created from within Mail.  If this is a bug I'm sure the Calendar people point the blame at the Mail people and vice versa but that doesn't help me.  But before I submit a report to Apple I thought I would see if I might be missing something obvious.
    See the attached screenshot of an event that was created by Mac Mail. There is no Add Notes field when the event is Double Clicked, Right Clicked or any other form of click.

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    why can't I use an email address other than the domain, it was working before and stopped working a few weeks ago help

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    I try the below code on jsp, but result is : a , a\b but I want the result is : a\\b, a\\\\b Thanks ! <%      String str = "a\b, a\\b";      String outStr = "";      for (int i=0;i<str.length();i++){           char c = str.charAt(i);           if (c

  • Using Classes

    Am trying to use class to do some simple calculations, but its not working, the solution error is "Cannot implicitly convert type 'void' to 'string'". Can anyone help me thank you. namespace myPractise public partial class Main : Form public Main() I