[BUG?] playRate property (DVD Member)

I have a problem about playRate property (DVD Member).
Whenever I change playRate property, DVD Sprite never
recognize mouse event until restart the application.
1. Select any chapter in Chapter menu.
2. Watch the chapter, using playRate as FastForward/Rewind.
3. Back to Chapter menu.
4. Then Chapter menu never respond your mouse!
Is this a bug? or Am I misunderstanding anything?

Please post comments and fixes to Gallery scripts by posting in the Gallery Q&A section for the referenced script.  THe owner of the script will be monitoring that but not this forum. Also other using the script will be alerted to your discovery.
Here is the Q&Apage link:

Similar Messages

  • Change image property changes member name

    Hello. I know that surely this is answered already. But can
    you tell me why if I change the image or picture property of a cast
    member it also changes the member's name? The thing is that I take
    the images from a valentina database and I put the on a list. Then
    I assign the image to a "joker" cast member. But as soon as I
    cahnge the cast member image it also changes the name of it and I
    can't refer to it anymore
    Thanks a lot

    I get sdome images to a lingo list with getImage valentina
    function. then I do
    member("joker").image = imagelist[1]
    and the name of the member changes to the filename of the
    image in imagelist[1].
    If I do the same with picture property there is no problem
    and the image pereserves its name. So I guess I will use the
    picture property ans getPicture function
    johnAq's approach also works. I also agree that there is a
    mistake to my code(lingo specific) , maybe references or something
    but I don't know what is exactly.
    thanks a lot

  • Tentative bug report: property node (and other objects) resizes structure in which they are dropped even when this is not needed

    This one has bugged me for a while, so, since I am in a mood to report annoying features, here it is:
    On the diagram, when you drop an object that could have its size increased by user action (for instance a property node in which you chose "Value", which is a short property, but you could later change this to a "longer" one, which admittedly might require more space on the diagram), a case structure in which you drop it, will automatically increase its size.
    Let me illustrate this with ONE example (can be reproduced with other objects such as enums, clusters, etc...).
    Here is a simple diagram:
    Note that I am going to create a property node from the front panel. This, for a reason that makes the beauty of this "feature", is very important. Apparently, if you create the property node from the diagram, nothing weird happens. The exact location where I will drop the node is not very important but needs to be close enough from the border.
    Here is the result (LV 2011 but as I said, this has bugged me for a few versions already):
    Basically, the case structure (and the whole diagram as a matter of fact) has expanded.
    This is particularly annoying, say, when you are creating a diagram with 10 cases in a case structure and you start dropping things such as property nodes in each case: the structure keeps growing, and growing, and growing...
    That also works with Event structure, and I am ready to bet, with other as well.
    As I said, it is also not limited to Property nodes. I have noticed that this happens if you drop a cluster constant that contains an enum (presumably because some of the enumerated strings are longer than others).
    I could speculate why this is the case, but that is not my job.

    Actually, this might not be true. I found a variant of this behavior. With "Place Structure with Auto Grow enabled" unchecked, here is what I observed while dropping a property node on my diagram:
    This is the expected behavior. The Property Node is partly hidden inside the Case Structure I dropped it in. Now that's not what I wanted to do. I wanted to drop it in in the innermost Case Structure:
    The problem is that now this Structure has grown (as has the whole diagram) to leave space for the whole Property Node:
    It is a subtle bug in the sense that I tried to reproduce it on a new VI with a series of nested Case Structures, but it did not result in this behavior.
    Anybody caring to comment?

  • 10.7.2 Bug, Showing Data DVD as blank, but it's not!

    I have a brand new Macbook Pro and I've encountered a baffling problem.  A data DVD (containing multiple PDF's) shows up as a blank writable disc on this computer.  I decided to run Parallels with Windows 7 (on the same MBP) and the disc showed up with all the files intact.  So I figured it wasn't a hardware problem.  Then I tried the same DVD in my older macbook (2008 model) and Mac Pro desktop (both with OS 10.6) and the disc works perfectly.  So it's not a general mac problem either, it appears to be a 10.7 Lion problem.  I then uninstalled Parallels and Toast just incase they were to blame...no luck.  I have tried other data DVD's in my new MBP and they work perfectly, so I tried to figure out what format was messing with Lion.  Using Snow Leopard, Toast & my old Macbook here are my findings regarding the format of the culprit DVD:
    Medium Type: DVD-R
    Space used: 4.38 GB
    Diameter: 120 mm
    Layers: single
    Manufacturer ID: RITEKF1
    Title: Feb 22 2011
    Content Type: Data
    File System: UDF
    Tracks: 2
    Sessions: 2
    Session 1 Start=0, Size 1.16GB
    Track 1 Start=0, Size 1.16 GB
    UDF  Feb 22 2011
    UDF revision 2.01
    Session 2 (open), Start= 645216, Size = open
    Track 2 Start = 645216, Size = 3.15 GB
    UDF  Feb 22 2011
    UDF revision 2.01
    So as you can see it's a multisession DVD, which you cannot create under Lion but you should be able to read it.  It's also UDF format, etc.  Does anything else look fishy?
    Anyway, I brought the MBP to the genius bar today and showed him my findings.  I tried the disc in his MBP and it also appeared to be a blank writable DVD. He believes it is a Lion bug and had nothing more to say.  Any thoughts from the techies out there?  Anyone have a similar experience?  I would love to have my results duplicated so that I can make apple aware of this bug.  Thanks all!
    My specs:
    MBP 2.2 GHz Intel Core i7
    8 GB 1333 MHz DDR3
    OS 10.7.2

    Cattus Thraex,
    I know that you enjoy posting on the forums, but please only post relevant information.  If you've read everyones post in this thread you'll notice that the discs in question have all been tested on other operating systems & other hardware, therefore it's not necessary to write "then you may have a hardware problem" or "May also indicate a system corruption".  That's incorrect information and it shows that you have not actually read the other posts before replying. 
    FYI, I've never actually "called anyone out" in a forum.  I generally think it's a waste of time and it usually solves nothing.  That being said, I started this thread so that we could get a solution from Apple and I'd like for it not to be diluted by misinformation.  Please help us Apple!
    Your last post is really what made me write this reply.  Your basically saying that our concerns are useless because this technology is antiquated.  That we should not be asking a question like this at all...
    Let me break this down for you so you understand where we're coming from...
    You wrote "Open Session Disks have always been problematic in Mac OS, and not recommented. Open sessions made sense 10-12 years ago, when rw-CDs did not exist, and a blank CD cost a lot "
    Thanks for the info, but all of us in this thread have been given a disc by a friend of or a colleague that we cannot open on Lion, but it opens everywhere else.  We did not choose this format, but apparently someone else did and we must deal with it.  We all know that the technology is old...this is not helpful info.
    you also wrote "Now, open sessions are entirely senseless, and I do not wonder if Apple completely drops support for this outdated method."
    O.K., that again for the non-advice.  Again we didn't choose the format, someone else did.  So basically you're saying that we are silly for asking this question.  Are you still able to open a microsoft word file from 1993?  The answer is yes...
    Anyway, from the information I've gathered from your posts above, you will not thoroughly read this post either.  I fully expect an angry response that has not been well though out, due to the lack of comprehension of what I'm saying here.  That being said, please suprise me by posting nothing at all...that would be spectacular!

  • BC4J BUG:Attribute Property Editor:Lost properties

    I've been the victim numerous times of this bug. Just able to figure it out and articulate it:
    When editing an Attribute, go to the "Properties" page and enter multiple properties (i.e. Renderer, EditRenderer, etc.). Don't save your changes and go to another page (i.e. "Control Hints"). Make a change (or not-didn't test it) and don't save your changes. Then go back to the "Properties" page. All the properties you had entered except the last will be gone and that last property will not be shuttled.
    Work around:
    Hit "Apply" before going back to the "Properties" page.
    Don't re-enter the "Properties" page.
    Hit "Ok" and then re-open the Attribute Wizard before going back to the "Properties" page.
    Thanks, George

    I've been the victim numerous times of this bug. Just able to figure it out and articulate it:
    When editing an Attribute, go to the "Properties" page and enter multiple properties (i.e. Renderer, EditRenderer, etc.). Don't save your changes and go to another page (i.e. "Control Hints"). Make a change (or not-didn't test it) and don't save your changes. Then go back to the "Properties" page. All the properties you had entered except the last will be gone and that last property will not be shuttled.I believe you've already logged this post earlier. Incase you haven't seen the reply,
    There's an Add button on the "Properties page" which you need to click after editing/providing a new property/value pair. Then you should see the property/value in the list below the add/remove buttons
    For each property value pair you should repeat these steps for the property/value pair to be stored.
    Work around:
    Hit "Apply" before going back to the "Properties" page.
    Don't re-enter the "Properties" page.
    Hit "Ok" and then re-open the Attribute Wizard before going back to the "Properties" page.
    Thanks, George

  • [BUG] 'parameters' property does not exist on LoaderContext in AIR 2.6

    Hi there,
    The 'parameters' property was added to the Flash Player 10.2 and AIR 2.6 runtimes (reference: http://help.adobe.com/en_US/FlashPlatform/reference/actionscript/3/flash/system/LoaderCont ext.html#parameters)
    However, any attempt to set the parameters property has been throwing a ReferenceError (ReferenceError: Error #1056: Cannot create property parameters on flash.system.LoaderContext) in Flash CS5.5 with the FLA set to AIR 2.6. If I sent the FLA to 10.2, it does not throw the ReferenceError.
    This is a bug that must have cropped up in the last four months, as I just compiled this code in December when this worked fine, but now throws the ReferenceError.
    Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

    You might want to post on this over at the Flash Pro forum.  The current AIR SDK is up to 3.2 (this thread gives details on how some users have updated their copies of CS 5.5 with AIR 3.2), however given that this worked 4 months ago for you I don't believe updating to 3.2 will solve your problem.
    The next step, if you believe this is an AIR problem would be to create a new bug report and provide us with some sample code or project that will allow us to easily reproduce the issue.  You can do that over at bugbase.adobe.com.

  • Bug in apple dvd player?

    has anyone epxerienced this?
    I am experiencing a strange thing where buttons are intermittently not highlighting. Like after viewing a track, and pressing menu, I am on my menu with nothing highlighted (and menu targets are set to specific buttons).
    This is also happening in my audio menu for example, I select a button that goes to a script that sets a variable and then jumps back to that specific button, If I keep pressing enter on one option, it seems that randomly the button wont be selected, but if I push it again, it will be...
    I normally never caught this because I usually use the mouse over the video screen to select things, but this surfaces regularily when using the arrow buttons on the "remote"

    I've been documenting thie issue for about 8 months.
    We had a disc that the client kept bouncing for this issue, though we could not reproduce it ourselves.
    There are two factors here-
    I believe it was Panther and it's version of DVD Player that were showing an eve more extreme version of the issue, where not only would highlights not appear, but the menu backgrounds would not change when switching between menus, very disorienting! However, even on Tiger with updated DVD Player, the missing highlight issue would still occur, usually on the default button the first time the menu is displayed.
    Someone suggested this might have to do with the use of layered psd's as menu assets, so I converted everything to flat pict files (backgrounds & overlays were formerly in one file.) this worked on one disc but not another....
    I have only ever seen this issue on the various version of the disc associated with this one project, but it occurs on all of them... The only other variable these project have in common is that they were originally authored in DVDSP3, and updated to 4. I'd say if it still persists, try re-authoring in 4 from scratch and see if that helps.

  • BUG: XML Property Inspector

    When editing an XML file in the Property Inspector, if I change a value in a sub-element, the Property Inspector closes that subelement and other subelements in that same level. Here is a test case. The file:
    <?xml version = '1.0' encoding = 'UTF-8'?>
    <Domain name="YN">
    <AllowableValue value="Y" meaning="Yes3"/>
    <AllowableValue value="N" meaning="No" />
    1. Click the Domain node in the Structure window.
    2. Expand the first AllowableValue node and change the meaning property.
    3. Click the name property and wait a second or two. The Allowable Value node will close.
    The same behavior occurs in 9.0.3 and; both windows LAF and Oracle LAF. It doesn't matter if the XML Editor is open or not.

    To clarify, steps 2 and 3 are in the Property Inspector.

  • Get a dimension member with a criteria on property

    Hi All,
    I added a property CB to category dimension to specify current budget. We add a value "1" to property of member that we want use for Budget. We use it in script logic, for example
    select(%version%, %id%, category, cb=1)
    xdim_memberset category=%version%
    But i want see this current budget in bpc office. How i can get this value in BPC office. C'est a dire, have we any way to get this value like a select statement as above.
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi Burak,
    In BPC Excel, if you are using EVDRE template, then in the memberset of a particular dimension (A), you can just mention
    propertyname = propertyvalue
    The above statement will fetch all the members from the dimension A, for which the propertyname is equal to the propertyvalue as per the above statement.
    Please refer to the below link:
    Hope this helps.

  • Multiple DVD's ?? Please help.

    Hi All,
    thanks to the folks that helped me with the last video issue.
    I have a projetor that needs to play multiple videos. I have
    exported from Adobe Premiere Pro to 3 DVDs in separate target
    folders on the HDD. I have inserted 3 media members (DVDs) in to
    the cast of my movie and using lingo in the first frame have
    specified the .folder for each member (this part seems to work ok
    as when I check the properties for the cast member folder it is
    showing the correct location i.e /movie1, /movie2 and /movie3
    The problem I'm having is at playback and even in the DVD
    preview panel when I double click teh cast members - it is
    consistently only showing the first movie. How can I get the other
    two movies to load and play when required?
    Any help would be appreciated as my time line is running
    quite short.
    Best Regards

    Hi Dean,
    The 2Gig limit must have been the issue. I assumed that this
    had been addressed as the 3Gig video played fine in WMP but would
    only play part thereof in DirMX2004. I took it below 2Gig and it
    worked ok, but unfortunately the quality wasn’t acceptable
    (cinepak codec at 67%) as you can imagine. So I took the originals
    and re-exported them from Premiere Pro to DVD specifying a folder
    location as opposed to a drive. I didn’t need to change the
    code much just things like movieTime to currentTime and
    sprite(1).playRate=1 to sprite(1).play(). Also had to change values
    from ticks to milliseconds. I may have to use the Xtra solution if
    I can’t fix it this way.
    Hi Otterman
    No I hadn’t tried loading them into the same cast
    member. I had referenced their folder locations in the same manner
    but then assigned them to DVDMember1, 2, and 3 respectively in
    frame 1:
    As I’d already made 3 DVD cast members with
    Insert>Media element>DVD and named them as above I just
    dragged these to create the sprite on the stage at the times I
    needed 1, 2 and 3.
    Maybe forcing it into the same cast member will remove the
    previous DVD from memory and allow the next one to play. I tried
    unloading the previous DVD member from memory with lingo before
    referencing the next one but this didn’t work either. It just
    kept playing sprite 1 as the same DVDmember1 each time. I will try
    it as a single DVD cast member and will let you know how it works.
    Thank you both for your posts, will post back shortly with
    the result.
    Best Regards

  • ITunes Backup trying to burn to wrong DVD burner

    My MacBook Pro has a built-in DVD writer (which I have not had success using lately) and I also just purchased a Samsung SE-S084D External USB DVD Writer, because of my trouble burning DVDs with the internal drive.
    I've got the Samsung burner connected and when I insert a blank disc, I get the pop-up from the OS that asks if I want to launch Finder, iTunes, etc. I can burn files to the drive from Finder (at 6X) just fine. iTunes however...
    I have iTunes 10.1.1 (4). I go to File | Library | Back Up to Disc... In the window that comes up, it lets me choose one of the two DVD burners:
    TSSTcorp CDDVDW SE-S084D
    Clearly the first is the internal drive and the second is the Samsung USB external drive.
    If I set it to the second one (the external drive), then iTunes gets stuck on "Please insert a blank disc...". I've tried ejecting and reinserting the disc, inserting the disc before starting iTunes, etc. Nothing works. Then on a whim I wondered if it was really using the drive that I told it to use. So I tried to do another burn to the EXTERNAL drive and when it said "Please insert a blank disc...", I put a disc in the INTERNAL drive. Voila! The message went away and iTunes proceeded to attempt to burn using the internal drive, which failed in a minute or two (which is the reason why I bought the external DVD writer in the first place!).
    I tried many times and even though I choose "TSSTcorp CDDVDW SE-S084D", iTunes keeps trying to use the internal drive. Then I wondered if iTunes perhaps was displaying the wrong labels for the drives, so I tried to instead selecting "MATSHITA DVD-R UJ-857E", hoping that iTunes would use the external drive. No dice. iTunes still used the internal drive. By the way, the Samsung shipped with the TS00 version of the firmware - I upgraded the firmware to version TS01 (the latest), but that didn't help with my iTunes problem.
    So it seems to me that I have stumbled on a bug where iTunes DVD burning doesn't work properly on a system with multiple DVD writers. In the GUI, it offers a choice of DVD writers, but this seems to have no effect.
    Can anyone verify this?
    I suppose if I get desperate, I could try opening up the MacBook Pro and disconnecting the cable from the internal drive, on the hope that iTunes would then only one see DVD writer and would hopefully not get confused. That's pretty extreme though and I'd rather not open up the computer just to test out a theory.
    Known issue? Can anyone verify this? Any other ideas for a software method for convincing iTunes to use the external DVD writer?
    Thanks in advance!

    I use the console to watch for errors when burning CDs. The console can be found in the utilities directory under applications. I also use the system profiler to see if it reports the second drive seeing the empty disk, however your comment about being able to write playlist info says its seeing it and writing to the usb disk.
    It maybe that iTunes doesn't support the USB DVD drive you have, or try moving to another USB port, preferable a high speed port, usb2. Again watch the console for messages being reported during the burn, buffer under or over runs, or read/write errors.
    For the internal drive issue, either a bad or broken drive. One last thing to check is disk space, make sure it has more than 10% of free space left. If the drive is close to full, it could cause similar issues as you report.
    Good luck

  • Clock freezes after using Apple DVD Player

    I am having a small and annoying issue with the Apple DVD Player (v 4.6.5). This just started happening recently. Everytime I run a DVD (or video TS file, etc) on the software player-it performs as usual. After quitting the application and choosing to eject the disc, I notice there is a longer lag from when I first used the computer, then the little colored wheel of death spins, and eventually Apple DVD Player closes.
    The problem, however, is after the application is closed out, my time freezes in the status bar in the upper right hand corner of the screen. (As I write this it says 1:16 and the time in the apple "date and time" preferences panel of OSX says it's 2:14-which is the real time) If I drag the cursor up to the time status bar in the upper right hand corner, it turns into the spinning color wheel, and back again once dragged out.
    Once the computer restarts, the time in the upper right goes back to normal with no spinning wheel (until I open Apple DVD Player and quit out of it again). I know this is not an earth-shattering issue, but it is fairly annoying and abnormal. If anyone has suggestions, please help.

    It sounds like you found your answer but I also wanted to mention that this is a known BUG when using DVD Player and the Digital Optical Out of a G5. If you look at activity monitor when the Clock is dead and you get the Beach Ball the SystemUIServer will be listed as not responding. If you Force quit this process everything should start working again. As long as the LoginWindow Process is running the SystemUIServer will restart when needed after the force quit.
    HOWEVER, The other part of this bug with Digital Optical Out is that sometimes the LoginWindow Process will also stop responding. In this case a Log-Out is the only way to correct the problem. The third part of this bug is sometimes the Finder also stops responding but a Relaunch will fix that.
    As I said it sounds like you found your problem but I wanted to post this incase others out there using the Digital Optical Out read this and don't correct their problem.
    Also, If you were using the "DOO" by deleting the .plist will set the DVD player back to SYSTEM falsely making one think the problem is fixed.
    Last I know this is a known bug because I submitted it as a bug to Apple and received an e-mail stating they know of this problem already.

  • How to set the DVD Folder Path?

    Hello, had a quick question regarding the folder path
    variable when accessing DVD video files. When authoring, Director
    seems to automatically add a hardcoded file Name to the cast member
    properties, as well as a folder path to the DVD member properties.
    So I am wondering how to handle this - obviously during
    authoring the director DIR/projector is on the hard drive while the
    video_ts is on the DVD disc. When deployed, everything will be on
    the DVD of course.
    During my first test, the projector was authored with the DIR
    on the hard drive while the DVD was in the D: drive. When I swapped
    the DVD to my other optical drive ( E: ) and restarted the
    projector, it complained it could not find the video_ts folder. And
    on a Mac it looked for a /Volumes/ path which I could not even
    manually point the projector to.
    So should I copy the video_TS to the hard drive so the
    relative path between the projector and video_TS folder always
    stays the same? Or does Director ignore the filepath at runtime and
    always search the DVD drives on the host machine for a video_ts
    folder,regardless of where it was during authoring? The
    documetnation is a bit unclear on that part..and of course my goal
    is that the projector find the video_ts folder on the DVD disc,
    regardless of what drive letter/volume name it is on.
    BTW, this approach -
    , does not seem to work

    Check these 2 links may help you

  • My DVD player now quits whenever I attach a projector using Displayport to VGA

       hHe player works fine if I disconnect the Displayport from the projector cable-- I can watch the DVD on my computer screen. But can't use a projector.  MacBook Pro with Maverick. Is this an OS bug?  Is there a fix?  I need to be able to project my DVD's!

    Hi--thanks for the suggestion to change users.  When I did that the same problem happened--the DVD Player quit as soon as I attached the Displayport to the VGA connector for the Projector.
    This seems to be clearly an OS problem--or at least a bug in the DVD Player.
    When I use the VLC Player instead, I am able to play my DVD's without a problem thru the same projector using the Displayport VGA adapter.
    Does Apple know about this bug?--it is not insignificant.  I am a teacher and using the computer to play DVD's for my students using an overhead projector is part of the job.  This should be a no-brainer for a Mac.
         I had no problems with the DVD Player before I did the Maverick Update--it had worked fine.  So this seems to be a Maverick problem, and needs to be fixed.  Does anyone know if Apple is working on this....?

  • EVCVW with a property filter

    Hi all,
    I want to put a search cell, like a EVMBR but filtered and I don't know how. I am trying with the EVCW, but I have some problems with the 3th field.  In the formula's help its written the following a example text: "CALC=N;GROUP=SALES"
    I have some doubts about it:
    Q1 - Why are 2 fields in one? CALC=N and GROUP=SALES? it's always mandatory the field CALC=N? what's it utility?
    Q2 - "GROUP" makes reference to a dimension, a property, a member...? and SALES?
    Q3 - If I want to filter a dimension by a property (element), a specific one (plant). What would be the syntax
    Many thanks

    You can greatly improve your chance of receiving a helpful answer to your question if you state the version (MS or NW) and the release (5.1, 7.0, 7.5) of BPC which you are using.
    Also notice the sticky [note|Please do not post BPC, SSM or FI/CO questions here!; at the top of this forum whereby we announced new dedicated forums for BPC which are the proper place to post your questions regarding BPC in the future.
    Thanks and best regards,
    [Jeffrey Holdeman|http://wiki.sdn.sap.com/wiki/display/profile/Jeffrey+Holdeman]
    SAP Labs, LLC
    BusinessObjects Division
    Americas Applications Regional Implementation Group (RIG)

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