Build SAP EAR with ant

Im using Netweaver 7.1 DS and want to automate the building of my ejb jar and sap specific ear file.
I can write the ant script for the ejb jar, but I normally build hte ear by selecting 'Export -> SAP EAR File' in the DS.
Is there a way to automate this through ant?
Im not really worried about deploying it through ant, as we will be using JSPM, and I can create the sda's and sca's from the ear files already.
Is there also a list of all sap related ant tasks?
Many thanks.

Hi Andrew,
i am facing the same problem, would you share your solution?
thanks in advance,

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    Didn't think I'd be replying to so many of my own messages :-) ..., but anyway the problem with the NTVDM.EXE error message does not go away. I found that it's happens when Ant reads the system environment in the "property" task in build.xml under examples directory:
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    Yes while using Maven, chances are that we may end up using the Ant task for invoking ATG's runAssembler inside pom to build the EAR. While using the Ant task within Maven helps us accomplishing the task but we tend to loose the power of Maven that way. It would be better if we either use Ant for the whole stuff or just Maven without mixing them.
    There is ATG DUST(Dynamo Unit and System Tests) framework for building JUnit tests for ATG applications which uses Maven.
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    I have never tried it but you may want to take a look at this Maven plugin which seems to be capable of generating ATG based EAR.
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    <property name="ejb.dtd.location" value="weblogic/ejb/deployment/xml/ejb-jar.dtd"/>
        <condition property="ejb.dtd.location" value="weblogic/ejb20/dd/xml/ejb11-jar.dtd">
          <equals arg1="${weblogic.major.version}" arg2="6"/>
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          <classpath id="ejb.cpath">
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             <pathelement path="${weblogic.core.path}"/>
             <pathelement location="${outDir.core}${file.separator}npm.jar"/>
             <pathelement location="${srcDir.ejb}"/>
      <!-- delivers EJBs -->
      <target name="make.ejb" depends="prepare, compile.ejb">
        <!-- ejbc 'n jar 'em -->
        <ejbjar srcdir="${srcDir.ejb}">
           <weblogic destdir="${outDir.ejb}"
                     args="-g -nowarn"
             <classpath refid="ejb.cpath"/>
           <include name="**/*-ejb-jar.xml"/>
           <exclude name="**/*-weblogic-ejb-jar.xml"/>
           <!-- WLS v5 DTDs!!! -->
           <dtd publicId="-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Enterprise JavaBeans 1.1//EN"
           <dtd publicId="-//BEA Systems, Inc.//DTD WebLogic 5.1.0 EJB//EN"
      </target>This should build my ejbs with either the wls61 ejbc or the wls51 one. Anyway ant seems to have problems finding the local dtds in the classpath, although this is specified in the documentation. When I set both location attributes to point to files it works perfect. The problem is that these are in weblogic.jar for the wls61 release. This has two solutions, but either are bad in my opinion:
    1. extract the needed dtds to a temp dir with a jar task and then delete em...
    2. put the proper wls.jar in the classpath so ejbc could automatically resolve the dtds
    Can anyone help or may be send his ant build file, where a <dtd> nested element is used for <ejbjar> for wls61?
    Thank you in advance

    Your second solution is the correct one. If you look at dtd element description under ejbjar task in the Ant manual, you'll see that vendors jars are required in Ant's classpath in order for ejbjar task to resolve DTD dependencies, in which case you don't need to specify dtd elements. I don't particularly like it either. If you find a better way to solve this problem, let me know.

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    can anybody knows ..
    Thanks in advance
    Edited by: 982899 on Jan 29, 2013 3:59 AM

    I am not sure if this is the only answer but when I want to run an ANT file for my project I do right click on my build.xml and simply run the target I want to run. On the other hand, you can configure your RUN profile and play a bit to see if its possible to configure in there ANT to be run automatically when you run your project by using JDeveloper itself.

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    Just fork the execution of the script. Alternatively call java directly (that's all the script does) and fork that.

  • Build with ant in a new way

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    I'm not sure if the title is proper, but I have a project to upgrade to weblogic 10, along with the upgrade I'm going to enhance the build files. Currently we have 450 ant file. There are many dependencies and all build files have hardcoded paths such "c:\sourcecode ...". Our application is about 6000000 lOC. Anyway, my job is to replace these paths with properties and change some old ant tasks.
    You now imagine what I'm going to go through. Obviously, I need to edit 450 (can build tool for that) and do check in and out. Then test to make sure I didn't missed up with the dependency.
    I'm no expert in ANT but we did some evaluation to ANT, Maven, Jam and we found ANT is the best fit for our environment because we have some structuring issues.
    While working I have got this idea, however I'm not sure if it's the best, so I hope you can help here and give me your advice.
    I will create a utilityBuild.xml. This ant file will contain the entire tasks we perform in all the 450. Rest of 450 ant will perform call to this utilityBuild.xml whenever it needs to do something e.g .
    {color:#008000}<!-- Create Jar file of the classes in the ${tempdir} and then apply appc compilation on them-->{color}
    <ant inheritAll="true" dir="${ROOT}" antfile="${UTILITYBUILD}" target="appc"/>
    Note: UTILITYBUILD = utilityBuild.xml
    UtilityBuild.xml has this task as
    {color:#008000}<!-- Perform weblogic.appc on the given Jar file to generate the Skeleton files -->{color}
    <target name="appc" depends="jar.ejb" >
    <java classname="weblogic.appc" fork="yes">
    <sysproperty key="weblogic.home" value="${WL_HOME}"/>
    <arg line="-compiler javac ${appdir}/${jarfile}"/>
    <pathelement path="$classpath"/>
    The {color:#ff0000}*benefit*{color} of doing this is {color:#ff0000}*if we decide to use wlcompile and wlappc instead of the above we only need to change one place utilityBuild.xml*{color} . I understand that I can make a custom ant task instead of relying on the properties that's passed when calling the child ant task.
    {color:#0000ff}*For complete Source file* {color}
    <project name="SIMIS" basedir=".">
    <!-- set global properties for this build -->
    <property environment="env"/>
    <property file=""/>
    <target name="maketempdir" description="Create ${tempdir} directory">
    <echo message="#### S T A R T B U I L D I N G ####"/>
    <echo message="Started on ${TODAY} at ${TSTAMP}"/>
    <mkdir dir="${tempdir}"/>
    <mkdir dir="${tempdir}/META-INF"/>
    <copy todir="${tempdir}/META-INF">
    <fileset dir="${xmldir}">
    <include name="*.xml"/>
    <!-- Clean all build related dirs, jars and xmls -->
    <target name="cleantemp" description="Deletes ${build.dir}/** and ${dist.dir}/**." >
    <delete includeEmptyDirs="true" failonerror="false">
    <fileset dir="${clientclasses}" includes="**/*EJB.class"/>
    <fileset dir="${tempdir}" includes="**/*"/>
    <delete dir="${tempdir}"/>
    <echo message="#### E N D B U I L D I N G ####"/>
    <!-- Perform weblogic.appc on the given Jar file to generate the Skeleton files -->
    <target name="appc" depends="jar.ejb" >
    <java classname="weblogic.appc" fork="yes">
    <sysproperty key="weblogic.home" value="${WL_HOME}"/>
    <arg line="-compiler javac ${appdir}/${jarfile}"/>
    <pathelement path="$classpath"/>
    <target name="jar.ejb" >
    <jar jarfile="${appdir}/${jarfile}"
    basedir="${tempdir}" update="yes">
    <target name="javac">
    <javac srcdir="${sourcedir}" destdir="${destinationdir}" includes="${include}" excludes="${exclude}" classpath="${classpath}" />
    <target name="copy" description="copy contents to directory">
    <copy todir="${todir}">
    <fileset dir="${fromdir}">
    <include name="${include}"/>
    <exnclude name="${exclude}"/>
    <target name="clean" description="clean contents of directory">
    <delete includeEmptyDirs="true" failonerror="false">
    <fileset dir="${cleandir}" includes="${include}" excludes="${exclude}"/>
    <target name="delete" description="delete entire directory">
    <delete dir="${deletedir}"/>
    <!-- deploy split directory application -->
    <target name="deploy"
    description="Deploy ear to WebLogic on ${wls.hostname}:${wls.port}.">
    CMN_Core_Session.xml (one of the 450 files)
    <project name="default" default="build">
    <!-- Specific Properties to this file. Please don't change these names, because it has been used by the ${UTILITYBUILD} -->
    <property file="../"/>
    <property name="srcdir" value="${SOURCE_CODE}/gosi/core"/>
    <property name="xmldir" value="${SOURCE_CODE}/gosi/core/projects/session"/>
    <property name="jarfile" value="CMN_Session.jar"/>
    <!-- Main build task for this ant file -->
    <target name="build" description="Builds components.">
    <!-- Create Temp folders and copy the deployment descriptor their -->
    <ant inheritAll="true" dir="${ROOT}" antfile="${UTILITYBUILD}" target="maketempdir"/>
    <!-- Compile the java classes in to ${clientclasses} -->
    <ant inheritAll="true" dir="${ROOT}" antfile="${UTILITYBUILD}" target="javac">
    <property name="sourcedir" value="${srcdir}"/>
    <property name="destinationdir" value="${clientclasses}"/>
    <property name="include" value="**/*,**/*"/>
    <property name="exclude" value="**/*,**/*,**/*,**/*,**/*,**/*,**/*,**/*,**/*,**/"/>
    <!-- Compile the java classes again in to ${tempdir} this folder will be used to create the Jar file -->
    <ant inheritAll="true" dir="${ROOT}" antfile="${UTILITYBUILD}" target="javac">
    <property name="sourcedir" value="${srcdir}"/>
    <property name="destinationdir" value="${tempdir}"/>
    <property name="include" value="**/*,**/*,**/*"/>
    <property name="exclude" value="**/*,**/*,**/*,**/*,**/*,**/*,**/*,**/*,**/*,**/"/>
    <!-- Create Jar file of the classes in the ${tempdir} and then apply appc compilation on them-->
    <ant inheritAll="true" dir="${ROOT}" antfile="${UTILITYBUILD}" target="appc"/>
    <!-- Remove all file in ${tempdir} -->
    <ant inheritAll="true" dir="${ROOT}" antfile="${UTILITYBUILD}" target="cleantemp"/>
    <!-- Main deploy task for this ant file -->
    <target name="deploy" description="Deploy the components">
    <ant inheritAll="true" dir="${ROOT}" antfile="${UTILITYBUILD}" target="deploy"/>
    gosiProperties file
    ### Build Files Properties File ###
    -- Configure the global properties for the ant build files
    -- You may need to change this section to match your machine
    -- Here we set the JARs directory and server and client classes
    -- Set the ClassPath for the ant tool
    Thanks and regards
    Edited by: Nawaf on Mar 9, 2008 8:18 AM

    Any idea, I'm looking for your opinion, what do you think of the above

  • Problem building with ant

    Hi all,
    For some reason i get the following error message when trying to build any of the code in the j2ee tutorial.
    Error while setting up environment for the application. Choose 'close' to terminate the application
    If anyone has any ideas as to why this happens, any help would be much appreciated.

    i'm using windows xp pro. i have actually sorted that problem out by replacing ant 1.3 with ant 1.5
    I now have another error message. When i try to run the application client with the foolowing command:
    C:\forte4j\j2sdkee1.3\bin>runclient client \examples\ears\SavingsAccountApp.ear -name SavingsAccountClient -textauth
    I get the following
    Initiating login ...
    Username = null
    Enter Username:guest
    Enter Password:guest123
    Binding name:`java:comp/env/ejb/SimpleSavingsAccount`
    Application threw an exception:java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: SavingsAccountHome
    Unbinding name:`java:comp/env/ejb/SimpleSavingsAccount`
    Not sure why i am getting the exception.

  • Error while building Web Services for Invoking PL/SQL with ANT

    i tried to build the demo- webservice for plsql- stored procedure, but while i want to run the demo with ant i get the following error:
    The same Error occures while Run the Demo with seperate commands: Step 5a(1) Assembly:
    [mkdir] Created dir: D:\ORAWebServices\webservices_demos\webservices_demos\db\plsql\build\classes\service
    [java] Fehler:
    D:\ORAWebServices\webservices_demos\webservices_demos\db\plsql\build.xml:45: The following error occurred while executing this line:
    D:\ORAWebServices\webservices_demos\webservices_demos\common.xml:74: Java returned: 1
    Total time: 3 seconds
    The Database runs on a remote system and the service-connfig.xml is updated.
    Thanks for Help.

    I assume you have OC4J 10.1.3 webservices installed. Then you should not be using service-config.xml. Check out the 10.1.3 documentation about WebServiceAssembler. I am afraid, you are using 10.1.2 style service-config.xml along with 10.1.3 style WebServiceAssembler.

  • Change manifest file in existing EAR file with ANT task

    I use ant task (ojdeploy) to create EAR files from ADF application.
    Now I want to add the application version number to MANIFEST.MF.
    Is it possible to do the manifest file modification IN THE EXISTING EAR FILE (or while creating the EAR file with ojdeploy) with ant task or do I have to do the modification in the source MANIFEST.MF and after this create EAR file with ojdeploy?
    BTW: I tried the <ear> task to create the EAR file instead of using ojdeploy but I was not able to find the needed deployment descriptor (appxml="application.xml") in my ADF appication.

    Hi Peter,
    I don't know of a way to do it directly in ANT/ojdeploy. However, you could try exploding the EAR, updating the manifest, and recreating the EAR - cumbersome and slow, but it should work.

  • Building with Ant

    I try to build my application using Ant. Here is the fragment
    from build.xml:
    <java jar="${flex.mxmlc.jar}" fork="true">
    <arg line="-file-specs ${src.dir}/${}.mxml"/>
    <arg line="-load-config ${flex.dist.config}"/>
    When I run this, I get this error:
    [java] command line: Error: default arguments may not be
    interspersed with other options
    [java] Use 'mxmlc -help' for information about using the
    command line.
    When I do not use "-load-config" option, I get following:
    [java] defaults: Error: unable to open './flex-config.xml'
    What is wrong?

    I wasn't able to reproduce the first error you got. But the
    second error happens for me.
    Somehow, invoking mxmlc.jar from a directory other than the
    flex frameworks directory leads to an error where it's looking for
    files relative to flex frameworks.
    I got around this by specifying a dir to invoke the VM in.
    <property name="flex.dir" value="c:\flex\sdk" />
    <property name="flex.mxmlc.jar"
    value="${flex.dir}/lib\mxmlc.jar" />
    <java jar="${flex.mxmlc.jar}" dir="${flex.dir}/frameworks"
    <arg line="-file-specs ${src.dir}/${}.mxml"/>

  • Ant help - building a jar with image files.

    I have a jar that contains a handful of image files in a "resources" folder. I used the following command:
    jar -cf resources.jar resources/Now I need to make ANT do the same thing. I tried the following, with no success:
    <property name="build" location="bin"/>
    <property name="dist" location="jars"/>
    <jar jarfile="${dist}/resources.jar" basedir="${build}">
      <arg value="-cf" />
    </jar>In the above example, the "bin" directory contains the "resources" directory that I want to put into the jar. Basically, I need to know how to specify the "-cf" args, and how to specify the target directory as "resources." Can anyone tell me how this is done?

    Hi micah,
    I can just give you an hint:
    With Ant each tasks has its own properties wich are described in xml. So for your jar generation you should look for the possibilities in the description of the ant task in.
    I guess you need some <include> elements in your <jar> target.

  • Building the ADF 11g project with ANT or MAVEN

    I want to automate the build process of my project using ant or maven. Is there already some build scripts for ant / maven. which can compile and package it using the structure which JDeveloper follows?

    You probably can. However, since I wrote the original article, I have changed my way of thinking on this; at the time I wrote the article, ojdeploy was not working - now it is. Installing JDev on a build machine takes a bit of space, but it's not a big deal; it doesn't require a license or anything. If I were doing this today, there is no way I would consider anything but ojdeploy for doing the build - it guarantees that what I set up in JDev is what gets built. The one thing that could make me change my mind is if and when JDeveloper gets fully-baked Maven support, including keeping a POM in synch with any libraries added to a project, but that's neither here today nor a certainty, since Oracle hasn't made any specific announcements that I am aware of about the direction of Maven support in JDev.
    We did have a discussion about this on the [url]ADF Enterprise Methodology Group a while back, and I recall quite a discussion in the forums as well about ojdeploy vs ANT/Maven. I used to be more of a "purist" mindset (i.e. don't make me install an IDE on the build server), but if you like, don't think of it as an IDE in this function - it doesn't require a user to operate it, it's just another build tool that you'd install on the server. That build tool can be integrated with ANT using the ojdeploy tasks.

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    I'm working on a project in FlashBuilder 4.5. I'm using a 3rd party SWC that contains an alchemy-compiled C application in the SWC. Building my entire project within FlashBuilder is working fine. However, due to other parts of the project (not imported into FlashBuilder) I need to build with ant on occasion.
    The Class specific to the C app within the SWC is throwing errors when building with ant - it says it can not find the source. I had one recommendation to look into adding/editing something within the build.xml file, but I don't know what that addition/edit would be.
    Any help appreciated.

    Apparently related to switching workspaces... the error log identifies a path to an old workspace I changed out of weeks ago. I created a new workspace and moved the project (just the source, etc, not the settings) into it. been running fine for a while now... though funny how this problem didn't show up until yesterday.

  • Java.lang.NullPointerException with Ant build, only in 4.7

    I hope some one out there can help.
    I have a large project that uses Ant for release builds, that must be "Run in the same JRE as workspace"
    This has always been fine in fb4.5 and 4.6 but in 4.7 fb.exportReleaseBuild gives us a java.lang.NullPointerException.
    I can just load the project up in 4.6 and build it for now, but as you can't get 4.6 any more this isn't a long term solution.
    I can reproduce the issue in 4.7 on two boxes in either by doing the following:
    Create a new flex project called "buildTest",
    Add a build folder,
    Create a new file named build.xml (in the build folder)
    Put the following in the build file:
         <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
         <project default="default" basedir="../">
                        <!-- target: default -->
                        <target name="default">
                                       <fb.exportReleaseBuild project="BuildTest"/>
    Right click on the build file,
         Run as -> Ant Build... -> JRE (tab) -> select "Run in the same JRE as the workspace" -> Click "Run"
    If you do this in 4.6 (on either of my boxes) it works fine. if you do it in 4.7 (again on either box) you get the following error:
    C:\Users\germanD1\Documents\Projects\test Projects\Ant Test\BuildTest\build\build.xml:6: java.lang.NullPointerException
    You can even create it and watch it fail in 4.7 then open the same proj in 4.6 and watch it work!!!
    I hope someone can help, this is driving me mad.
    Many thanks

    I hope some one out there can help.
    I have a large project that uses Ant for release builds, that must be "Run in the same JRE as workspace"
    This has always been fine in fb4.5 and 4.6 but in 4.7 fb.exportReleaseBuild gives us a java.lang.NullPointerException.
    I can just load the project up in 4.6 and build it for now, but as you can't get 4.6 any more this isn't a long term solution.
    I can reproduce the issue in 4.7 on two boxes in either by doing the following:
    Create a new flex project called "buildTest",
    Add a build folder,
    Create a new file named build.xml (in the build folder)
    Put the following in the build file:
         <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
         <project default="default" basedir="../">
                        <!-- target: default -->
                        <target name="default">
                                       <fb.exportReleaseBuild project="BuildTest"/>
    Right click on the build file,
         Run as -> Ant Build... -> JRE (tab) -> select "Run in the same JRE as the workspace" -> Click "Run"
    If you do this in 4.6 (on either of my boxes) it works fine. if you do it in 4.7 (again on either box) you get the following error:
    C:\Users\germanD1\Documents\Projects\test Projects\Ant Test\BuildTest\build\build.xml:6: java.lang.NullPointerException
    You can even create it and watch it fail in 4.7 then open the same proj in 4.6 and watch it work!!!
    I hope someone can help, this is driving me mad.
    Many thanks

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