Building the varchar string to return from a pl sql function

i'm new with pl/sql and i'm having trouble trying to build the string that i want to return from a function that is inside a package. it seems my problem stems from the fact that i'm trying to incorporate a variable (varchar2) into the string to be returned. below are two attempts that i've made which do not work:
function test_policy (p_schema_name IN varchar2, p_object_name IN varchar2) return varchar2 as
predicate_value varchar2(2000);
user_name varchar2(100);
select first_name
into user_name
from employees
where first_name = SYS_CONTEXT('hr_app_context', 'username');
predicate_value := 'first_name = ' || user_name;
predicate_value := 'first_name = ' || '' || user_name || '';
return predicate_value;
end test_policy;
Can someone help me with the proper syntax to build my string for the return value? Thanks.

this function implements the code for a policy i've created. basically, the policy says that when i do a select on the employees table, i should only see a record whose first_name = sys_context('hr_app_context', 'username'). so, when i perform a simple select * from employees, i get an error which says policy predicate has error. i'm pretty sure the error is caused by how i'm building the return value for that function. if i hard code some return value like:
predicate_value := 'first_name = ''HR''' ;
the select statement above works fine, and i only see the record from employees where first_name = 'HR'

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    I have made the following modifications to your app to get it to work as I thing you need it to.
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    //gray buttons
    //AJAX call to get project-ids
    var get = new htmldb_Get(null,$x('pFlowId').value,'APPLICATION_PROCESS=GETPROJECTS',0);
    gReturn = get.get();
    var arr=gReturn.split(':');  //dump into array
    get = null;
    for (i=0;i<arr.length;i++) {
    // alert('val=' + arr);
    if ( arr[i]==5)
    if ( arr[i]==6)
    if ( arr[i]==7)
    if ( arr[i]==8)
    <table cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' border='0'>
    <input type='button' id='graduate' value='Graduate'>
    <input type='button' id='distance' value='Distance'>
    <input type='button' id='career' value='Career/Tech'>
    <input type='button' id='photo' value='Photos'>
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    l_act_code := wwv_flow.g_x01;
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    where ACT_CODE = l_act_code)
    IDS := IDS || X.PROJECT_ID|| ':' ;
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    Edited by: user11286597 on Jun 19, 2009 11:02 AM

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    You have a couple of options.
    You can process the XML returned by <Xsql:ref-cursor-function> as the normal part of XSLT processing, or you can write a custom action handler that aggregates the action handler for <xsql:ref-cursor-function> and then uses DOM to operate on the return value.
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    Hi 281080,
    If your database and JDBC driver support it, in order to use the solution that da-alexj has suggested, you need to create a 'scrollable' "ResultSet" -- the javadoc for method "createStatement()" (in class "java.sql.Connection") has more details.
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    Of-course, this may be irrelevant to you since I didn't see any mention in your post of what database and JDBC driver you are using.
    Hope this has helped you, anyway.
    Good Luck,

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    Yes I am returning a value from PL/SQL function.
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    td_no Number;
    td_id Number;
    length number;
    insert into TD_INIT values( ----passing all the values here --------- );
    select max(tdno) into td_no from TD_INIT ;
    length := stops.count;
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    td_no, ------- );
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    Compilation failed,line 10 (08:44:32)
    PLS-00307: too many declarations of 'SEND' match this callCompilation failed,line 10 (08:44:32)
    PL/SQL: Statement ignored
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    P_TO => email_rec.TO_EMAIL,
    P_FROM => email_rec.FROM_EMAIL,
    P_BODY => email_rec.BODY,
    P_BODY_HTML => email_rec.BODY,
    P_SUBJ => email_rec.SUBJECT );
    I am in APEX version
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    Other functions work fine.

    Have a look at the following thread Re: HTMLDB_MAIL.SEND Cursor for loop
    It might be a problem of your data types you have defined in email_rec. Eg. do you have a CLOB for SUBJECT?
    My APEX Blog:
    The ApexLib Framework:
    The APEX Builder Plugin:

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    call dbms_java.grant_permission(USER, '',
    FILE, permission)
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    -- some pl/sql code
    dbms_java.grant_permission(someUSER, '',
    sourceFILE, 'write');
    dbms_java.grant_permission(someUSER, '',
    destFILE, 'write');
    flag := move(sourceFILE, destFILE);
    -- flag is for 1 -> done and 0 -> error
    -- some more code ...
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    dbms_java.grant_permission(someUSER, '',
    sourceFILE, 'write');
    do not work!
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    Any ideas anyone?
    Any help would be appreciated.

    The command :
    (someUSER, '',sourceFILE, 'write');
    is right.
    Open sqlplus
    Connect as sys or system
    type :
    execute dbms_java.grant_permission
    (someUSER, '',sourceFILE, 'write');
    try to compile again your procedure...does it work now ?
    Giovanni Regola

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    Below are some demonstration code examples.
    Stored procedure looks like this:
         sMyMsg := 'My test string';
    On the VB6 side, my code looks like this:
    Dim vParam As Variant
    Dim cmdExecute As ADODB.Command
    Dim pParam As ADODB.Parameter
    Set cmdExecute = New ADODB.Command
    cmdExecute.CommandType = adCmdStoredProc
    cmdExecute.CommandText = "MyStoredProc"
    Set pParam = cmdExecute.CreateParameter("PARAM1", vbString, adParamInputOutput, 0, vParam)
    cmdExecute.Parameters.Append pParam
    cmdExecute.ActiveConnection = ADOConnect
    vParams = cmdExecute.Parameters(0)
    Result of VB code is that vParams now contains a Unicode string.
    Any suggestions as to what's happening, where the problem might be, what to do about it, or where else to post this question (I'm not sure which Forum is the best place to look for answers) would be appreciated.
    Is "force SQL_WCHAR" relevant to this problem? If so, what does that mean and how/where do I apply it?

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    report columns and return data as Unicode. If that
    is checked, you probably want to uncheck it.But how do I do that? I can't find any documentation for a SQL_WCHAR option. Where do I go to read/change the current setting of this switch?
    What character set is your client & database?NLS_LANG, for both machines, is "AMERICAN_AMERICA.WE8ISO8859P1". BTW, the client is 9.2, but the database is version 8.1.7. I'm fairly certain that the problem also existed when the client was also running ver. 8.

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    I am having a very strange problem. While trying to create a new connection in SQL Developer (I am using Version, and choosing " TNS " as connection type, I am just able to see 15-20 database entries, where my tnsnsames.ora contains more than 100 entries. And these 15-20 connect strings seem to have been picked randomly. So its like I am seeing the 1st entry, 4-8th entry, 20-24th entry from the tnsnames.ora.
    Any idea what needs to be done?

    Hi there,
    I found what was wrong and would like to update it for the benefit of others. The tnsnames.ora was read upto all the entries which was in correct format. All the entries after the first incorrect entry was being ignored.
    E.g. if you tnsnames.ora is having 100 entries and entry number 50 is in wrong format, then SQLDEVELOPER will only show entries upto 49. Entry 50th onwards will not be shown.
    Hope this helps.

  • Getting the no. of rows returned from the resultset

    Could somebody tell how can I get the count of rows from the resultset object.
    Thanks a lot in advance

    hmmm 20,710 topics and 69,000 odd posts and no one has EVER asked this question before.. it's a miracle....
    or maybe it has been asked and dealt with approx... 11,000 times.
    here is a discussion from 1998 for example

Maybe you are looking for