Built-In Audio Weak & Noisy

I just inherited a G5, single processor, that shows some shipping damage. The built-in audio at the front speaker is weak and loaded with hiss. The hiss is there even when the built-in audio is muted by the control panel.
Audio at the rear speaker output is okay. So is USB audio through an iMike. I don't have a way to check Firewire or Optical outputs.
Thanks in advance for any suggestions about how to get the built-in audio working properly again.

Resetting the PRAM didn't help - already tried, but tried again for good measure. However, testing the front headphone jack helped the noise issue - possibly caused by the jack's speaker switch. I wonder, though, because the noise was quite white most of the time - not the grungy sort of noise I'd expect from a noisy contact like that.
Unfortunately, the volume is still pretty low with the control panel's setting maxed. Okay for listening in very quiet circumstances, but otherwise not. For instance, the fairly normal drone of the optical drive is probably 6db louder than the speaker at full volume.

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    There is an issue with some USB based sound devices and FCE HD.
    You can use Soundflower pref panel to allows virtual "rewiring" of your audio from input source to output destination. That may resolve your problem.
    Search this forum with "soundstick, USB, soundflower" keywords.
    Michel Boissonneault

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    Test after each step.
    1. Applications > Utilities > Audio MIDI Setup
        Audio Devices window
        Side Bar
        Click the Built-in Output.
        Under Mute any of the boxes checked? If so, uncheck it.
        Option click the speaker icon, if present and select Internal Speakers.
    2.  Plug in the head phone and reset SMC.

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    They comes configured with your software. If you want to use, for example, Skype, you need to run the configuration wizard section.
    Best regards.
    First Spanish Community Guru - Colaborador ad honorem

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    Any chance recommending an appropriate microphone?
    You can use your current microphone via the iMic
    <http://store.apple.com/uk/product/TX532ZM/A?fnode=MTY1NDA0MA&mco=MTI5ODU0NzQ&s= topSellers>
    Which is better USB or mic with amp?
    USB is usually more convenient since a pre-amp needs power. The sound quality depends entirely on the microphone. There are some high-qualty USB microphones, such as:
    <http://store.apple.com/uk/product/TF238LL/A?fnode=MTY1NDA0MA&mco=MTY4MzcwNzA&s= topSellers>
    There are also USB pre-amps for high-quality XLR microphones
    There are also low cost USB microphones and headsets.

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    Thanks for the response guys. It seems we're in the same boat.
    The problem is intermittent on my machine . It has occurred three times since I bought it. The fist time it lasted for a day and a half. I rang Apple support and went through a number of steps until the P-RAM suggestion which seemed to fix it. A few days later it disappeared again and resetting the P-RAM had no effect. My wife continued to use the computer (without sound) and some hours later it came back after a restart (she only restarted it because she is in the habit of shutting down instead of using sleep). The problem occurred again. That time I restarted the machine a number of times, with and without the external speakers plugged in, with them turned on and off etc. This had no effect. I gave up. Some time later my wife went to use the computer and it came back. I now believe that the P-RAM solution that seemed to fix the problem the first time was just a coincidence.
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    - The built-in audio was still missing.
    B: Run the disk utility on the hard drive (after booting from installation DVD).
    - There were nil problems on the HD, but it did not fix the problem.
    C: Reset the P-RAM.
    - This worked the first time though it has not worked on subsequent re-occurrences of the problem.
    D: Do an Archive Reinstall.
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    If the problem reoccurs I'll be taking the machine in for warranty repairs, or better still replacement.

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    Welcome to the Apple Discussions!
    The only thing that I might suggest is to plug a lone Toslink miniplug adapter into the audio port. This activates the digital audio. The digital audio shuts off within a few seconds if there is no audio signal being routed through the port.

  • What is "Analog Output - Built-in Audio"?

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    Last edited by SimFox3 (2014-01-07 01:48:31)

    # 'pactl list'. Again the analog-stereo port is the one I need to know more info about:
    analog-input-internal-mic: Internal Microphone (priority: 8900, latency offset: 0 usec)
                                    device.icon_name = "audio-input-microphone"
                            Part of profile(s): input:analog-stereo, output:analog-stereo+input:analog-stereo, output:hdmi-stereo+input:analog-stereo, output:hdmi-stereo-extra1+input:analog-stereo, output:hdmi-surround-extra1+input:analog-stereo
                    analog-input-mic: Microphone (priority: 8700, latency offset: 0 usec, not available)
                                    device.icon_name = "audio-input-microphone"
                            Part of profile(s): input:analog-stereo, output:analog-stereo+input:analog-stereo, output:hdmi-stereo+input:analog-stereo, output:hdmi-stereo-extra1+input:analog-stereo, output:hdmi-surround-extra1+input:analog-stereo
                    analog-output: Analog Output (priority: 9900, latency offset: 0 usec)
                            Part of profile(s): output:analog-stereo, output:analog-stereo+input:analog-stereo
                    analog-output-speaker: Speakers (priority: 10000, latency offset: 0 usec, not available)
                                    device.icon_name = "audio-speakers"
                            Part of profile(s): output:analog-stereo, output:analog-stereo+input:analog-stereo
                    analog-output-headphones: Headphones (priority: 9000, latency offset: 0 usec, available)
                                    device.icon_name = "audio-headphones"
                            Part of profile(s): output:analog-stereo, output:analog-stereo+input:analog-stereo
                    hdmi-output-0: HDMI / DisplayPort (priority: 5900, latency offset: 0 usec, available)
                                    device.icon_name = "video-display"
                                    device.product.name = "ASUS PB278"
                            Part of profile(s): output:hdmi-stereo, output:hdmi-stereo+input:analog-stereo
                    hdmi-output-1: HDMI / DisplayPort 2 (priority: 5800, latency offset: 0 usec, not available)
                                    device.icon_name = "video-display"
                            Part of profile(s): output:hdmi-stereo-extra1, output:hdmi-stereo-extra1+input:analog-stereo, output:hdmi-surround-extra1, output:hdmi-surround-extra1+input:analog-stereo
    # dmesg | grep sound - doesn't list anything to do with analog.
    [    3.920668] input: HDA Intel PCH HDMI/DP,pcm=7 as /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1b.0/sound/card0/input13
    [    3.921853] input: HDA Intel PCH HDMI/DP,pcm=3 as /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1b.0/sound/card0/input11
    [    3.922829] input: HDA Intel PCH Headphone as /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1b.0/sound/card0/input10
    [    3.923004] input: HDA Intel PCH Mic as /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1b.0/sound/card0/input

  • Built-In Audio Devices disappeared

    Greetings everyone,
    I got a big audio problem.
    The Built-In Audio Out and Inputs of my iMac (2011) disappeared in system preferences and i noticed the coreaudio process has high CPU usage all the time. Even force quitting isnt helping, as it restarts immediatly.
    Furthermore my computer is hanging on shutdown:
    If it's entering sleep mode, the display goes black but fans and HDD are still spinning, but I cannot do anything else and I have to do a hard reset. The same happens when i'm restarting or shutting down. It just won't shut off completely (I guess because of that hanging process)
    I booted another OS X installation and everything worked fine, so there's clearly an error somewhere in my current OS X installation. But restoring from a Time Machine backup didnt help.
    Are there any files/caches I have to move to trash or anything else to fix this problem without having to reinstall OS X once again?

    See this link for solution.
    Thanks to the poster for answering.

  • Why is there no plug in capability for"built in audio out"?

    This feature is long overdue and needs to be added.
    Most films have too much dynamic range for home viewing and
    A simple stereo plugin could solve this nicely.
    Also multi band eqs for our environments might help many of us.
    Please add this important feature to Built in audio in OSX 8.?

    I still want to start the buzz here in hopes others follow.
    Effects for "Built In" audio would be a nice add on to the OS.

  • Unable to use built-in audio on macbook

    When I had a G5 with Leopard I had a similar issue, and after some googling I discovered that it can be fixed by simply resetting the PRAM. Sadly, that has not worked in this case.
    Here's what's happening: I am unable to use the speakers on my macbook for audio output. Headphones work, and when I went to the audio output settings the only option available is "Digital Out." When I connect and disconnect headphones I noticed that it flashes to "Built-in Audio" for a fraction of a second before deciding for whatever reason to go to "Digital Out."
    I have some idea what might be causing this; recently I installed a free version of ProTools that came with my roommate's M-Audio firewire box. It turned out the software was complete crap, and it made it impossible for me to shut down my computer without a hard restart. Annoyed by this, I uninstalled it using the program it came with, which fixed the restarting problem, but seems to have taken my ability to use my speakers (perhaps out of spite?).
    I hope someone has an idea of how to fix this! It's driving me insane.

    I've never used the iSight in VMware, but I think I know the solution: you need to install the BootCamp drivers. You can do this by inserting your Mac OS X installation DVD and loading it within your virtual machine. The DVD should give you the option of installing the Boot Camp drivers. Once it's done you'll probably need to restart the virtual machine, and then you're set. (Note: this is how it was with the OSX 10.5 DVD; I haven't done it with 10.6, but I assume it'd be the same.)
    Why is this necessary? VMware is able to connect your hardware devices to the virtual machine, but they're not responsible for the hardware itself. Without the proper drivers, Windows doesn't know what to do with it. Luckily, Apple provides those drivers in the form of the Boot Camp drivers, and those will function even if Windows is running only as a virtual machine.
    While I have not tested the iSight, I can verify that after installing the Boot Camp drivers, Windows is able to utilize Bluetooth properly if you connect it directly to the virtual machine.
    Hope it helps.

  • Built-in audio inputs and output don't respond to anything.

    Hi there,
    Maybe somebody can help me, I have a macbook pro os x 10.8, and i'm having a bit of problem.
    I connected a cable to the line input, and before i had a chance to balance the high volume the whole software in the system preference froze, and now the built-in audio inputs and output don't respond to anything, also in the audio MIDI setup menu. The volume button moves extremely slow, and there is no sound at all. Anybody has any idea?
    Thanks in advance

    Apple store genius bar seems like you best bet.

Maybe you are looking for