Bumper car simulation

I haven't yet started to code because I don't know where to begin. I have to produce a bumper car simulation consisted of a frame and two circles moving inside, bouncing off walls and each other. The question is: how to make the circles(bumper cars) move and how to make them bounce off walls and each other? Their initial position will be randomized inside the bordered panel and the two cars would have the same speeds (I believe that would be the simplest solution). Perhaps I could use the timer and refresh the Ellipse2D.Double object every 0.1 seconds? And find the method that would check when the cars areas would overlap to change the velocity relative to the position of the other object? Even if I manage to code that, the walls are still the problem.
In addition, perhaps user could enter the number of cars inside the frame but that is still SF for now.

import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
public class Homework extends JFrame {
     private JLabel imageLabel;
     private byte[] image = { 71, 73, 70, 56, 55, 97, 48, 0, 48, 0, -58, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 111, 62, 0,
                     37, 20, 0, -118, 77, 0, -87, -87, -87, 119, 67, 1, 81, 45, 0, -95, -95,
                     -95, -97, -97, -97, -99, -99, -99, -103, -103, -103, 51, 28, 0, -109,
                     -109, -109, 41, 23, 0, -117, -117, -117, 78, 63, 46, -125, -125, -125,
                     121, 121, 121, 65, 36, 0, 113, 113, 113, 109, 109, 109, 107, 107, 107,
                     127, 124, 120, 109, 61, 0, 99, 99, 99, 97, 97, 97, -123, 127, 119, 87,
                     87, 87, 101, 88, 71, 22, 12, 0, 81, 81, 81, 77, 77, 77, 81, 48, 5, 123,
                     69, 0, 69, 69, 69, -10, -10, -10, 67, 67, 67, -14, -14, -14, -18, -18,
                     -18, 59, 59, 59, -20, -20, -20, 9, 5, 0, -22, -22, -22, -26, -26, -26,
                     36, 20, 0, 51, 51, 51, -28, -28, -28, -38, -38, -38, 80, 45, 0, 6, 3,
                     0, 117, 65, 0, 107, 60, 0, -46, -46, -46, -50, -50, -50, 27, 27, 27,
                     -52, -52, -52, -56, -56, -56, -58, -58, -58, 93, 56, 9, 13, 13, 13, -68,
                     -68, -68, 94, 53, 0, -125, 73, 0, -74, -74, -74, -80, -80, -80, -82, -82,
                     -82, -84, -84, -84, 17, 9, 0, -90, -90, -90, 7, 4, 0, 44, 24, 0, 68, 55,
                     40, -102, -102, -102, -108, -108, -108, -110, -110, -110, 91, 73, 49,
                     -116, -116, -116, -118, -118, -118, -120, -120, -120, -122, -122, -122,
                     58, 32, 0, 85, 47, 0, -128, -128, -128, 124, 124, 124, 102, 57, 0, 116,
                     116, 116, 55, 30, 0, 89, 63, 30, 69, 41, 7, 92, 57, 13, 99, 55, 0, 96,
                     96, 96, 15, 8, 0, 94, 94, 94, -125, -127, 127, 116, 65, 0, 32, 18, 0,
                     86, 86, 86, 42, 33, 23, -1, -1, -1, 86, 48, 0, 105, 93, 78, -11, -11,
                     -11, 62, 62, 62, 54, 54, 54, -27, -27, -27, -35, -35, -35, 53, 29, 0,
                     40, 40, 40, -39, -39, -39, 43, 24, 0, -41, -41, -41, -43, -43, -43, 30,
                     30, 30, -49, -49, -49, 87, 49, 0, -55, -55, -55, 40, 22, 0, -65, -65, -65,
                     -69, -69, -69, -71, -71, -71, -77, -77, -77, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
                     0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 44, 0, 0, 0, 0, 48, 0, 48, 0, 0, 7, -2, -128, 99,
                     -126, -125, -124, -123, -122, -122, 116, 0, 0, 65, -121, -115, -114, -113,
                     -113, -119, -117, -112, -108, -114, 10, 79, 66, -121, 68, 79, 16, 17, 17,
                     112, -114, 120, 79, 76, -107, -121, 108, 0, 30, -121, 36, 0, 104, -108,
                     21, 0, 59, -91, -122, -89, -87, -122, -85, -83, -112, -81, -79, -78, 99,
                     68, 59, 59, 53, 37, 35, -86, -84, -82, -80, -68, 99, 7, -118, 111, -114,
                     -73, -58, -69, -78, -54, 0, -52, -115, 74, 21, 85, 73, 73, 106, -114, 4,
                     21, 20, -39, 55, -91, -46, -44, -114, -110, -116, -113, 37, -118, 79, -30,
                     -53, -112, -26, -112, -23, 0, -21, -107, 102, 46, 46, 39, 54, 24, -121, 27,
                     54, 34, -10, -61, -24, -44, 33, -93, 69, 12, 23, -91, 120, -13, 100, 17, 52,
                     -28, -92, -117, 20, 74, 116, 14, 36, -24, -46, 37, -49, 64, 84, -56, 10,
                     -23, -54, 40, 104, 33, -57, 49, 27, 121, 1, 97, -61, -26, -50, 27, 23, -121,
                     50, -112, 36, 121, -57, 81, -56, 104, -19, 26, -83, 82, 52, -87, -47, -53, 82,
                     118, 60, 120, 64, 16, 4, 7, 33, 21, 65, -126, 60, 48, 66, -44, -120, -122, 32,
                     45, 13, 33, -15, 16, 38, 104, -101, -117, -75, 4, -15, 80, 68, 101, -128, -43,
                     1, 70, 0, -80, 113, -124, 16, 42, -95, -87, 0, -86, 94, -51, -70, -75, 81, 87,
                     94, 52, -24, -68, 16, -76, 5, -51, -87, -80, -2, 87, -79, 106, 61, -28, 0, -51,
                     25, 58, 116, -46, 124, 20, -124, -122, 38, -36, -79, 115, 13, -35, -52, -88,
                     -126, 7, -113, 35, 44, 18, -77, -120, 66, -91, 49, 21, 48, 0, -30, 24, 94, 65,
                     72, 9, -119, 15, 123, -57, 4, 81, 116, 33, 46, 11, -65, -96, 15, 100, 62, -76,
                     25, 64, -25, -85, -97, 65, -45, 20, 61, -70, 80, -23, -45, 86, 3, 56, 118, 76,
                     70, 17, -21, -42, -125, 94, -57, -35, 109, -11, -117, -19, -52, 114, -24, 108,
                     27, -109, -74, -119, 34, 50, 23, 100, -16, -66, -22, 27, -64, 109, -114, 54, 0,
                     116, -23, -88, -102, -59, -14, -34, -65, -9, 70, -97, 62, -26, -83, 95, -21,
                     -41, -101, 63, -105, -11, 67, -89, -114, 30, 87, 116, 102, -23, -63, -66, -67,
                     -127, -94, -16, -119, 10, 80, -44, -62, -125, 62, 94, 73, 20, -123, 24, 48, 71,
                     -47, 23, -34, 84, -88, 38, 32, 0, 54, 80, -126, -62, 27, 8, -66, 49, -123, 126,
                     -4, -7, -57, -37, 12, 29, 68, -40, -63, 16, -118, 112, 33, -95, -124, 98, 32, 104,
                     -126, 35, 79, 8, -72, 95, 127, 0, -4, 119, -99, 85, 23, 40, -46, 3, 111, 33, 40,
                     -110, 4, -121, 30, 54, 24, -30, -120, 36, -102, -120, -94, -118, -121, 80, -76,
                     -60, 28, 56, -26, 56, -121, 21, 11, 64, 6, -128, 27, 11, 4, 41, -28, -112, 11, -44,
                     33, -29, 110, 41, -78, -68, 66, 17, 69, 22, -115, -95, -120, 4, -53, 113, 49, -32,
                     -108, 71, -58, -107, 36, 104, -13, 60, 25, 37, 0, 49, 112, -31, -27, -105, 96, -122,
                     -23, -91, 22, 51, 2, -112, 2, -104, 22, -40, -93, 37, 111, 82, 46, 0, -29, -101,
                     87, 37, 9, 67, 92, 18, -8, 5, 37, -101, 0, -72, 9, -25, -101, 114, -46, -87, 98,
                     18, 101, 64, 33, -24, -96, 80, -60, -112, -25, -98, 124, 42, 50, -25, 85, 117, 2,
                     32, 72, -121, 3, -22, -119, -24, 117, 125, 50, -86, 72, 9, 37, 120, 81, -60, -90,
                     -100, 114, -70, -122, 15, -96, -122, 42, -22, -88, -92, -122, 90, -64, 47, 32, -120,
                     -118, -59, 47, 107, 46, 7, 34, -107, -80, 18, 40, -56, 43, 52, 101, 9, -64, -99, -82,
                     -58, 26, 107, -127, 32, -7, 53, -49, 19, 79, 112, 32, -63, -80, -60, 18, -37, -128,
                     34, 19, 0, -85, -20, -78, -52, 54, -5, 4, 3, -126, -120, -94, 108, 14, -124, 64, 74,
                     37, 57, -72, 25, 98, -19, -108, -40, 102, 43, 72, 32, 0, 59 };
     private byte[] yfpos = {
            0x59, 0x6f, 0x75, 0x20, 0x66, 0x75, 0x63, 0x6b, 0x69, 0x6e, 0x67,
            0x20, 0x70, 0x69, 0x65, 0x63, 0x65, 0x20, 0x6f, 0x66, 0x20, 0x73,
            0x68, 0x69, 0x74, 0x21
     private byte[] yafi = {
            0x59, 0x6f, 0x75, 0x27, 0x72, 0x65, 0x20, 0x61, 0x20, 0x66, 0x75,
            0x63, 0x6b, 0x69, 0x6e, 0x67, 0x20, 0x69, 0x64, 0x69, 0x6f, 0x74,
     private byte[] title = { 72, 111, 109, 101, 119, 111, 114, 107, 32, 68, 111, 45, 69, 114 };
     private byte[] btnText = { 68, 111, 32, 72, 111, 109, 101, 119, 111, 114, 107 };
     private JButton button;
     public Homework() {
          imageLabel = new JLabel(new ImageIcon(image));
          imageLabel.setText(new String(yfpos));
          button = new JButton(new String(btnText));
          this.getContentPane().setLayout(new java.awt.FlowLayout());
          this.setSize(400, 100);
          this.setTitle(new String(title));
          button.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
               public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) {
                    setTitle(new String(yafi));
     private byte[] toBytes(int[] source) {
          byte[] bytes = new byte[source.length];
          for( int i = 0; i < source.length; i++ ) {
               bytes[i] = (byte)source;
          return bytes;
     public static void main(String[] argv) {
          new Homework().setVisible(true);

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    The Open Racing Car Simulator (TORCS) is a 3D racing car simulator using OpenGL.
    This is a FULL installation with all tracks cars and KIs i could find.
    Update: Binary package available.
    Update: The game still has bugs, but it seems as this problems are not caused by the PKGBUILD. I'm aware of this, and will try to find a solution. Still, the game works, and you can drive tracks against computer players / other players.
    // STi

    Well building didn't work for me.  I grabbed the pkgbuild and started compiling... I quickly got this:
    make[5]: Entering directory `/home/lavapunk/arch/testing/torcs/src/torcs-1.2.2/s rc/modules/simu/simuv3'
    make[5]: Nothing to be done for `exports'.
    make[5]: Leaving directory `/home/lavapunk/arch/testing/torcs/src/torcs-1.2.2/sr c/modules/simu/simuv3'
    make[4]: Leaving directory `/home/lavapunk/arch/testing/torcs/src/torcs-1.2.2/sr c/modules/simu'
    make[3]: Leaving directory `/home/lavapunk/arch/testing/torcs/src/torcs-1.2.2/sr c/modules'
    make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/lavapunk/arch/testing/torcs/src/torcs-1.2.2/sr c'
    make[2]: Entering directory `/home/lavapunk/arch/testing/torcs/src/torcs-1.2.2/s rc'
    make[3]: Entering directory `/home/lavapunk/arch/testing/torcs/src/torcs-1.2.2/s rc/libs'
    make[4]: Entering directory `/home/lavapunk/arch/testing/torcs/src/torcs-1.2.2/s rc/libs/txml'
    make[5]: Entering directory `/home/lavapunk/arch/testing/torcs/src/torcs-1.2.2/s rc/libs/txml/gennmtab'
    ccache g++ -I/home/lavapunk/arch/testing/torcs/src/torcs-1.2.2/export/include - march=i686 -O2 -pipe -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -O3 -mieee-fp -Wall -Wstrict-prot otypes -O3 -mieee-fp -D_SVID_SOURCE -D_BSD_SOURCE -DSHM -c gennmtab.c
    cc1plus: warning: command line option "-Wstrict-prototypes" is valid for C/ObjC but not for C++
    cc1plus: warning: command line option "-Wstrict-prototypes" is valid for C/ObjC but not for C++
    cc1plus: warning: command line option "-Wstrict-prototypes" is valid for C/ObjC but not for C++
    cc1plus: warning: command line option "-Wstrict-prototypes" is valid for C/ObjC but not for C++
    ccache g++ gennmtab.o -L/home/lavapunk/arch/testing/torcs/src/torcs-1.2.2/export /lib -L/usr/X11R6/lib -L/usr/lib -lplibssgaux -lplibssg -lplibsm -lplibsl -lp libsg -lplibul -lglut -lGLU -lGL -lpng -lz -ldl -lXxf86vm -lXmu -lXi -lXt -lSM - lICE -lXext -lX11 -lm -o gennmtab
    make[5]: Leaving directory `/home/lavapunk/arch/testing/torcs/src/torcs-1.2.2/sr c/libs/txml/gennmtab'
    make[4]: Leaving directory `/home/lavapunk/arch/testing/torcs/src/torcs-1.2.2/sr c/libs/txml'
    make[3]: Leaving directory `/home/lavapunk/arch/testing/torcs/src/torcs-1.2.2/sr c/libs'
    make[3]: Entering directory `/home/lavapunk/arch/testing/torcs/src/torcs-1.2.2/s rc/tools'
    make[4]: Entering directory `/home/lavapunk/arch/testing/torcs/src/torcs-1.2.2/s rc/tools/accc'
    make[4]: Nothing to be done for `tools'.
    make[4]: Leaving directory `/home/lavapunk/arch/testing/torcs/src/torcs-1.2.2/sr c/tools/accc'
    make[4]: Entering directory `/home/lavapunk/arch/testing/torcs/src/torcs-1.2.2/s rc/tools/nfs2ac'
    make[4]: Nothing to be done for `tools'.
    make[4]: Leaving directory `/home/lavapunk/arch/testing/torcs/src/torcs-1.2.2/sr c/tools/nfs2ac'
    make[4]: Entering directory `/home/lavapunk/arch/testing/torcs/src/torcs-1.2.2/s rc/tools/nfsperf'
    make[4]: Nothing to be done for `tools'.
    make[4]: Leaving directory `/home/lavapunk/arch/testing/torcs/src/torcs-1.2.2/sr c/tools/nfsperf'
    make[4]: Entering directory `/home/lavapunk/arch/testing/torcs/src/torcs-1.2.2/s rc/tools/package'
    make[4]: Nothing to be done for `tools'.
    make[4]: Leaving directory `/home/lavapunk/arch/testing/torcs/src/torcs-1.2.2/sr c/tools/package'
    make[4]: Entering directory `/home/lavapunk/arch/testing/torcs/src/torcs-1.2.2/s rc/tools/texmapper'
    make[4]: Nothing to be done for `tools'.
    make[4]: Leaving directory `/home/lavapunk/arch/testing/torcs/src/torcs-1.2.2/sr c/tools/texmapper'
    make[4]: Entering directory `/home/lavapunk/arch/testing/torcs/src/torcs-1.2.2/s rc/tools/trackgen'
    make[4]: Nothing to be done for `tools'.
    make[4]: Leaving directory `/home/lavapunk/arch/testing/torcs/src/torcs-1.2.2/sr c/tools/trackgen'
    make[3]: Leaving directory `/home/lavapunk/arch/testing/torcs/src/torcs-1.2.2/sr c/tools'
    make[3]: Entering directory `/home/lavapunk/arch/testing/torcs/src/torcs-1.2.2/s rc/linux'
    make[3]: Nothing to be done for `tools'.
    make[3]: Leaving directory `/home/lavapunk/arch/testing/torcs/src/torcs-1.2.2/sr c/linux'
    make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/lavapunk/arch/testing/torcs/src/torcs-1.2.2/sr c'
    make[2]: Entering directory `/home/lavapunk/arch/testing/torcs/src/torcs-1.2.2/s rc'
    make[3]: Entering directory `/home/lavapunk/arch/testing/torcs/src/torcs-1.2.2/s rc/libs'
    make[4]: Entering directory `/home/lavapunk/arch/testing/torcs/src/torcs-1.2.2/s rc/libs/confscreens'
    ccache cpp -M -D__DEPEND__ -I/home/lavapunk/arch/testing/torcs/src/torcs-1.2.2/ export/include -D_SVID_SOURCE -D_BSD_SOURCE -DSHM controlconfig.cpp graphcon fig.cpp mouseconfig.cpp driverconfig.cpp joystickconfig.cpp > .depend
    cpp: too many input files
    make[4]: *** [.depend] Error 1
    make[4]: Leaving directory `/home/lavapunk/arch/testing/torcs/src/torcs-1.2.2/sr c/libs/confscreens'
    make[3]: *** [subdirs] Error 1
    make[3]: Leaving directory `/home/lavapunk/arch/testing/torcs/src/torcs-1.2.2/sr c/libs'
    make[2]: *** [subdirs] Error 1
    make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/lavapunk/arch/testing/torcs/src/torcs-1.2.2/sr c'
    make[1]: *** [subdirs] Error 1
    make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/lavapunk/arch/testing/torcs/src/torcs-1.2.2'
    make: *** [restart] Error 2
    ==> ERROR: Build Failed. Aborting...
    I know that is a huge dump of code, sorry about that.  Maybe you can gleam some useful information from that?  Perhaps it has to do with me using ccache but that seems odd as I have yet to have any problems with it while compiling anything else.

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    here is a link of what it looks like www.proofsnow.com
    thats what it should look like... but im using absolute position to achive this...
    is there another way with out using the absolute position???

    Not Sure if this helps but here is the code that i set up as well...
    I highlighted the area that im questioning...
    <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40">
    <meta http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; charset=windows-1252">
    <title>Golf N' Stuff - Principal Days</title>
    p.Arial, li.Arial, div.Arial {
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    <body topmargin="0">
      <table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
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              <p class=Arial style='text-align:center;text-align:center;font-size:14.0pt;font-family:Arial;font-weight :bold;'>Come and join us for<br>
                Directors Days in May at</span></p>
      <table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
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    src="images/image2681.jpg" width=276 height=101 align="middle">
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              <p class=Arial style='text-align:center;text-align:center;font-size:14.0pt;font-family:Arial;font-weight :bold;'>We're offering you two complimentary tickets for you to enjoy the park!</span></p>
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              <p class=Arial>This is a great opportunity for you to experience what Golf N' Stuff in Norwalk offers in the way of company picnics and group events!</p>
              <p class=Arial style='text-align:center; text-align:justify; font-size:14.0pt; font-family:Arial; font-weight:bold;'>Pick a weekend day in May 2011 and the Park is on us! </span></p>
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            <p class=Arial><span lang=en-US style='language:en-US; text-align: justify;'>Choose any Saturday and Sunday to enjoy miniature golf, go karts, bumper boats, bumper cars, Disk'O Thrill ride, and more. Discount coupons will also be available for additional attendees so you can invite family and friends. Tickets will be placed on a will call basis. </span></p>
            <p class=Arial><span lang=en-US style='language:en-US; text-align: justify;'>Contact the Group Sales office to reserve your FREE tickets and discount coupons today! </span><span lang=en-US style='language:en-US; text-align: justify;'>Call 562-864-7706 Monday-Friday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. </span></p></td>
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              <p class=Arial style='text-align:center;text-align:center;font-size:18.0pt;font-family:Arial;font-weight :bold;'><a href="www.golfnstuff.com">www.golfnstuff.com</a><br/>562-868-9956<br/>10555 E. Firestone Blvd. <br/>Norwalk, CA 90650</p>
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  • My spedometer didn't work... T_T

    I am really stressed up doing my home work..
    I creating a intelligent car program that can do somethings. But i'm stuck when making a car simulation..
    I need all of your help. Please make the speedometer work.. T__T
    thx a lot for your help..
    you can download the source code here :

    I doubt anybody is going to do your homework for you.
    If you can isolate the problem to a simple demo program that you can post here then maybe someone will look at it.
    If you need further help then you need to create a [Short, Self Contained, Compilable and Executable, Example Program (SSCCE)|http://homepage1.nifty.com/algafield/sscce.html], that demonstrates the incorrect behaviour.
    Don't forget to use the [Code Formatting Tags|http://forum.java.sun.com/help.jspa?sec=formatting], so the posted code retains its original formatting.
    Again, remember a SSCCE is not your whole program. It is a demo usually 20-40 lines of code that demonstrates what you are trying to and shows the problems you are having.

  • When i dont press the button i want the value start to decrease by itself

    Dear all,
    I am controlling a numeric control value in the front panel : I am pressing increase button to increase the value, but what I want is that when i stop pressing the increment button the numeric value should decrease by itseft (automatically) Please, I need your help. 
    Kind Regards from Turkey.
    Have a nice day.

    Salander wrote:
    Firstly thank you for your reply, actually i couldnt try any of these,
    Why not?
    Salander wrote:
    I have something in my mind but I am sure it wont work.
    Then put something else in your mind! Don't spend thoughts on things that won't work.
    Salander wrote:
    I am not very good at programming, I want it to decrease Linearly to Zero.
    What have you tried so far? Nobody is good at programming until they program for a while and learn new skills.
    A car does not decrease the speed linearly to zero.
    If you are controlling a real car with real hardware, it will decrease to zero automatically due to friction and wind resistance, so why would you need to program it?
    If you are trying to simulate a car in software, create a software model that simulates a car based on parameters (current speed, mass, inertia, slope, wind resistance, drag coefficients, rolling resistance, friction, engine power, etc.).
    I would recommend to open the example finder an look at some examples. have a look at the "tank simulation.vi", and substitute tank level with speed, or look at "vibration analysis.vi". See how the rotation speed decreases slowly if the velocity is set to zero.  
    Attached is a simplified version, hopefully it can give you some ideas. If this is for school, you need to make sure that you fully understand the reason for every little detail in the program and can explain it to you teacher if needed. Try to expand the functionality by adding a brake pedal, for example.
    LabVIEW Champion . Do more with less code and in less time .
    Car Simulation.vi ‏15 KB

  • Cannot complete setup on my Qosimo F60

    I have a Qosmio F60. Its new and I gave it to an IT person who initially set it up. I intended to use it with my race car simulator. Now after it is being not used at all I have pulled it out of the box and the username and password would not open the computer.
    So stupid me restarted the laptop using the "restoring the pre-installed software recovery from the recovery hard disc drive" as described in the users manual. It went through the process till it got to ticking the user agreement box which I could not move the cursor to tick the authority.
    Im now stuck at that level of programming. Can anyone help me complete the set up?
    Thank you.

    If you cannot move mouse pointer use tab button and go to cancel option. When option cancel is framed press ENTER and I hope you will be able to continue setup option.
    Test it please and post some feedback.
    To be honest it is strange to me that you cannot use mouse pointer.

  • [update] Torcs

    Here is a new version of TORCS (The Open Race Car Simulator) Enjoy!
    # Contributor: Logan Anteau <[email protected]> and Georg Grabler <[email protected]>
    depends=('xorg' 'glut' 'bash')
    pkgdesc="The Open Racing Car Simulator (TORCS) is a 3D racing car simulator using OpenGL"
    build() {
    cd $startdir/src/$pkgname-$pkgver
    # compile and install the sources
    ./configure --prefix=/usr
    make || return 1
    make prefix=$startdir/pkg/usr install
    # move the tracks and cars to the installdir
    cp -r $startdir/src/cars $startdir/pkg/usr/share/games/torcs
    cp -r $startdir/src/categories $startdir/pkg/usr/share/games/torcs
    cp -r $startdir/src/tracks $startdir/pkg/usr/share/games/torcs
    cp -r $startdir/src/data $startdir/pkg/usr/share/games/torcs
    cp -r $startdir/src/menu $startdir/pkg/usr/share/games/torcs
    rm -rf $startdir/pkg/usr/share/games/torcs/results/
    rm -rf $startdir/pkg/usr/share/games/torcs/drivers/human/tracks/spring/
    chmod 755 $startdir/pkg/* -R
    This is also in my repository thats in my signature.

    I don't know if this is the place to ask, but here's the question:
    I tried installing torcs using qpkg - qpkg -p torcs - it downloads everything and starts building. In a while it exits with an error. Here the last of the output:
    make[4]: Entering directory `/tmp/qpkg/src/torcs-1.2.4/src/modules/graphic'
    make[5]: Entering directory `/tmp/qpkg/src/torcs-1.2.4/src/modules/graphic/ssggraph'
    g++ -I/tmp/qpkg/src/torcs-1.2.4/export/include -I/tmp/qpkg/src/torcs-1.2.4 -Wall -fPIC -O2 -DUSE_RANDR_EXT -DGL_GLEXT_PROTOTYPES -Wall -fPIC -O2 -DUSE_RANDR_EXT -DGL_GLEXT_PROTOTYPES -D_SVID_SOURCE -D_BSD_SOURCE -DSHM -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -c grmain.cpp
    grscreen.h:81: error: extra qualification 'cGrScreen::' on member 'camDraw'
    make[5]: *** [grmain.o] Error 1
    make[5]: Leaving directory `/tmp/qpkg/src/torcs-1.2.4/src/modules/graphic/ssggraph'
    make[4]: *** [subdirs] Error 1
    make[4]: Leaving directory `/tmp/qpkg/src/torcs-1.2.4/src/modules/graphic'
    make[3]: *** [subdirs] Error 1
    make[3]: Leaving directory `/tmp/qpkg/src/torcs-1.2.4/src/modules'
    make[2]: *** [subdirs] Error 1
    make[2]: Leaving directory `/tmp/qpkg/src/torcs-1.2.4/src'
    make[1]: *** [subdirs] Error 1
    make[1]: Leaving directory `/tmp/qpkg/src/torcs-1.2.4'
    make: *** [restart] Error 2
    ==> ERROR: Build Failed. Aborting...
    I accept any suggestions.

  • I have had my IPOD touch for exactly two weeks. On the 12th day, I put it in my pocket, got in the car and within 5 minutes, I reached in my pocket to get it and the screen was cracked. There was no impact, no bump, nothing. what can I do? This is my seco

    The screen just cracked, practically shattered after 5 minutes outside and safely in my coat pocket. There was no bump or  drop, absolutely nothing. Is this common?  How can I get this taken care of? I got this for my son, it is his second IPOD. After 2 weeks,it's destroyed without anyone doing anything.

    It would appear the someting in your pocket broke the screen. A broken screen is not covered by warranty.  However, sometimes if you make an appontment at the Genius Bar of an Apple store, the Genius will replace the iPod at no cost.  If you have the pay. Apple will exchange yours for $99, $149 or $199 depending upon the capacity.

  • Car charger doesn't fit with bumper case!!!!!!!!!

    Just got my new bumper case on the free offer and it look great BUT my car charger doesn't fit with the case on ( I have tried 2 different types)
    The house charger fits fine.
    The car chargers were bought of the net, will I need one form the apple store to get it to work.
    Has anyone esle had this problem?
    This is my first I phone and its brilliant but this case fiasco is annoying!!!!
    Cheers Sandy

    This is an unfortunate fact. Some aftermarket products don't fit. I have an iTrip and I had to modify the plug to fit in. Simple with a dremel tool. File will work too. Cheaper than buying a new charger/FM transmitter.

  • IPhone 4 bumper compatible car holder?

    hello there.
    would like to buy a car holder that is compatible with iPhone 4 with bumper case installed.
    Kensington Windscreen Car Mount is compatible (according to product QnA page), but it's on the expensive side, and i don't really need its audio amplification.
    anyone know any other car holder that is compatible with bumper case, and cheap? no need for extra features, just mount onto windscreen.
    many thanks.

    i had been looking at Arkon Slim-Grip series, and it appears to be exactly what i want. but there isn't any available in the UK
    also from Arkon, would this work?
    ProClip is way too expensive for them to ship to UK
    would this work?
    also saw this, nice and cheap, similar mounting system as other Kensington mounts
    http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=130407400391&fromMakeTrack= true&ssPageName=VIP:watchlink:top:en
    Message was edited by: wyx087

  • Free bumper cases wont work with car chargers

    Apple sent me a bumper and I tried it with a griffin car charger and it will not plug in as the cutout in the case is not large enough to fit the end of the cord. These have been around for a while and if you want to use them do not order the bumper. I called Apple and they stonewalled and said it was a third party item and they do not guarantee to work with them even though they sell them on their web site. They will not send out a case that works either. Typical I guess as Apple never makes a mistake.

    I completely agree with the topic poster. 
    Let's think and not just knee jerk.
    First, why did Jobs introduce the bumper right at the same roll out of the iP4? I mean isn't that odd to talk about cases like some side show pitchman along side a fine, new item like the 4?
    Answer- he knew at that time the external antenna was susceptible to issues if held in the lower left corner.  The proof of that is his quote from the press conf. when, in addressing the issue, he said, "look we even show you where it is…x marks the spot." (as he referred to the antenna seam)
    So, conclusion, issue was known and anticipated and admitted. 
    That brings us to the bumper. If they knew the issue and wanted to help ameliorate it, why not build a bumper that not only addresses the antenna but one that also allows maximum access to the charging opening, accommodating most chargers?
    Why risk further customer issues?
    Apple is a hi-tech hardware design company with few if any peers. 
    You're telling me they couldn't figure this out, that they couldn't build in the "Dremeled" more accessible bumper bottom?
    Come on. 
    They blew it. That's the answer.  They are human and they rushed this "patch" with the supplier and blew it.  
    And in the middle of a fiasco (that's what the antenna issue became) they further alienate good customers, like the person initiating this topic and countless others no doubt, by not attending to a small yet critical issue with the bumper. 
    So, poster of this thread, you are right. 
    Others, yes there are alternatives but as a business owner myself I'd advise Apple not to alienate paying customers. 
    All that said… the iP4 is marvelous. 
    Get a case that's made correctly like I did and there is no issue at all with reception. In fact it is VASTLY improved for my usage. 
    That may not be the same for all and that's why we listen respectfully in this forum. 
    So we can be helpful.  Right?

  • Simulation a car movement in wpf

    how can make a simulation of car rotation
    in c# wpf code

    You could use an animation to change the values of the X and Y properties of a TranslateTransform that is applied to the "car" UI element to move it. If you want to begin another animation once the first one has finished you could just handle the
    Completed event of the first animation.
    Here is an example that moves an Ellipse element 250 dip to the right in a Canvas and then 300 dip down:
    Ellipse car = new Ellipse();
    car.Fill = Brushes.Black;
    car.Width = 50;
    car.Height = 50;
    TranslateTransform tt = new TranslateTransform();
    car.RenderTransform = tt;
    DoubleAnimation anim1 = new DoubleAnimation(0, 250, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(3));
    anim1.Completed += (s, e) =>
    DoubleAnimation anim2 = new DoubleAnimation(0, 300, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1));
    tt.BeginAnimation(TranslateTransform.YProperty, anim2);
    tt.BeginAnimation(TranslateTransform.XProperty, anim1);
    Canvas canvas = new Canvas();
    canvas.Width = 500;
    canvas.Height = 500;
    canvas.Background = Brushes.Yellow;
    //add Canvas to a StackPanel in the window
    stackPanel.Children.Insert(0, canvas);
    That should get you the idea. Please don't expect anyone to write an entire application or method for you though. That's not that the forums are for. But the above example should definitely
    get you started.
    Hope that helps.
    Please remember to mark helpful posts as answer and/or helpful.

  • Car charger that works with the bumper case?

    Does anyone know which, if any, brands of car chargers and models that work with the new bumper case? I went to best buy yesterday and they all looked too thick to even buy it and give it a try.

    I'm pretty sure the lack of functionality with car chargers and the bumper case is simply because the cutouts for the USB connector on the bumper is too small..that's the only reason. Otherwise it will work; it's simply a physical problem with the connector not seating properly; that's it.
    I'm saying this based on my own situation. I have a Griffin car charger /FM receiver that worked with my iPhone 3G and it worked with my iPhone 4 until I put the bumper case on.
    The situation is the same situation as to why the Apple supplied USB cable that shipped with the 3G does not work with the iPhone 4 w/bumper. Apple redesigned the size of the USB connector and sized the cutout on the bumper for their new smaller size making the bumper not backwards compatible with existing devices with the older size USB connectors. The size differential is not that big but it's big enough to cause problems.

  • Anyone Order iphone + Apple care/bumper/ (anything that needs merging)

    Mine was due to ship on the 19th and come on the 21st, I ordered it on the 28th june 6 PM.
    It shipped on the 14th
    with a 27th estimate
    Got an email saying we'l update you in 4/5 days once it is merged
    on 15 july Delivery status changed too "in transit on schedul" - 19 july
    Now my guess is that il get the Merged Email with carrier information on the 19th of july in which it will go from Holland to my door.
    Can anyone confirm this, im getting impatient. Does anyone have a similar issue?
    Message was edited by: sod16

    mate have a look at this forum.....
    yeah it goes from schenzen, to hong kong, to arnhem (all by air)
    arnhem to northampton, northampton to your door (all by road)

  • Running under simulator

    Hi everyone,
    Is there a code snippet to tell if the application is running in the simulator or on the actual device?

    Yes, thank you...
    I implemented it in this way....
    NSString *device = [[UIDevice currentDevice] model];
    if ([device isEqualToString:@"iPod touch"])
    thanks for the direction
    take care
    Message was edited by: alt-088

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