Bumper Case

Can you return the iphone 4 bumper case from the free case program (no receipt) and receive a gift card from Apple?


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    Never used a metallic case, simply because that changes the antenna configuration.  A problem with first of the iPhone 4 models was attributed to hoe the iPhone was held and the effect on the surrounding antenna band.  Good reason to not enclose the iPhone in a metal case.

  • Component Video Cable and Bumper Case

    Just a head's up. If you have an iPhone 4 and a bumper case, the Component video cable will not fit properly when the bumper case is on. It inserts, but the cutout that fits the standard USB cable is too small for the plastic part of the cable that is larger on the Component Video cable.
    When I tried to plug it in, I did not notice this the first time and got the "This accessory is not compatible" message. I also got B&W video. When I took the case off and the cable seated securely, I was able to get 420p video from the video I took with the camera. NOTE - The Component cable only supports 420p when playing on an NTSC TV. I was also able to see YouTube at 420p. I did not try anything else.
    Hope this helps some of you avoid frustration

    Yes I do live in Europe. But who says that Component Video Cable is a standart from USA or Japan. I have been using Component Video Cables to connect my DVD Player with my video projector since 2002. Component Video Cables are wisely used in Europe. And its the ONLY analogue way of transferring HD-Video (Plus DVI and HDMI)
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    Interfaces 1 x headphone
    1 x DC-in
    1 x line-in
    1 x external monitor
    1 x RJ-11
    1 x RJ-45
    1 x i.LINK (IEEE 1394)
    4 x USB 2.0
    1 x Monitor-in (line-in port)
    1 x TV-antenna
    1 x S-Video-in (Composite/Line-in)
    1 x TV-out (s-video, Component-out))
    1 x 5-in-1 Bridge Media slot (supports SD Card, Memory Stick, Memory Stick Pro, MultiMedia Card, xD-Picture Card)
    Where is the Component-out ???Promise is a promise. Why do they say it if they dont give it?
    Instruction manual also says that : D-Video port lets you transfer 525i(480i),525p(480p),1125i(1080i) or 750p(720p) data to external devices.
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  • Car charger doesn't fit with bumper case!!!!!!!!!

    Just got my new bumper case on the free offer and it look great BUT my car charger doesn't fit with the case on ( I have tried 2 different types)
    The house charger fits fine.
    The car chargers were bought of the net, will I need one form the apple store to get it to work.
    Has anyone esle had this problem?
    This is my first I phone and its brilliant but this case fiasco is annoying!!!!
    Cheers Sandy

    This is an unfortunate fact. Some aftermarket products don't fit. I have an iTrip and I had to modify the plug to fit in. Simple with a dremel tool. File will work too. Cheaper than buying a new charger/FM transmitter.

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    I have the same issue.  While I am sure your solution would work, my playlist has over 6,000 songs and hiting every song to download it is not very practical.  Is there another way?
    I am looking to have a subset of my music physically on my phone so that I can play it without internet access, but have access to the entire library when I do have internet access. 

  • Iphone with bumper case and connector cable

    I recently purchased the iPhone 4 and gave my wife my 3G. I had a couple of cables that I use on the 3G for my car and at the desk. I attempted today to charge the iPhone 4 while on a trip only find that the cables that I have for the 3G will not fit into the iPhone 4 which has the bumper case. The opening on the case is smaller than the plastic insulator on the connector.
    Fortunately I brought the one that came with it, which normally stays on my desk, along on the trip and was able to charge it without taking the case off. But now it appears I'll have to purchase another cable for my car charger.
    Has anyone else experienced this problem?

    I made the same discovery on both my iPhone4s. It would fit on my SkyDock either. So I was able to successfully Dremel both of them for a secure fit. It only takes about 15 minutes of careful work to get them modified for greater charger compatibility. Not sure it wasn't intentional to increase aggregate charger sales.

  • IPhone 4 Bumper Case Refund!?!?

    So i have already bought a bumper case, and i can get a refund yeh...but rather then the hassle of sending that one back to get a new 1, would apple just give me my money back and then i keep my case...saves alot of hassle...would they do that?

    It wouldn't matter if you sold it to someone else. The point would be that you got $29 back from Apple. The case is now free per Steve Jobs, so it would be like they gave it to you free from the beginning and then you sold it to someone. The person who would feel duped would be the person who YOU sold it to who didn't originally get it from Apple and doesn't have a receipt from them. However, that person, if he or she didn't buy a bumper or case through Apple, would still get his/her free bumper OR case (choices apparently are coming soon) from them, but I'm guessing he/she would only have the option of getting a new, free case, but not getting money back for the case he/she bought from you.
    WHOA, now I'm confusing myself. What I'm saying is that I don't think Apple will be giving a REFUND to anyone without a receipt proving they bought a bumper. They will however give you a free bumper or selected case. These appear to be the choices:
    1. Bought a bumper already. Go to store, get $29 back, keep bumper.
    2. Bought bumper already, but don't like it. Go to store, get $29 back (if bumper in good enough condition?), and choose from other free case option.
    3. Bought no case/bumper yet. Go to store, get free bumper or free case option.
    4. I think Steve said there would be options online too. I guess you could order your free bumper/selected free case online and have it sent to you too, but I don't know if there will be a place to fill in and get a $29 rebate via mail yet.
    I don't think Apple is just giving $29 back if you haven't paid for a bumper already. I think you can only get a free bumper or selected free case.

  • Bumper Case Problem.. Can't contact apple

    Hi! I ordered for the bumper case last July.. it was supposed to be delivered 2 weeks ago.. but I still didn't get it. Can't seem to contact Apple Customer Service either. Anybody here got the same problem? Is there any other way I can contact Apple for this?
    I know.. its just free.. but we still have to get it right? I also ordered a few stuff after that.. and I am quite scared I won't be able to reach any customer server representative from Apple in case I encounter deliver problems.
    Thanks in advance for helping!

    I received an email from Apple on 09/09 stating that my free bumper will be delivered by 20/09.
    It's 22/9 now and I still haven't received it. I called DHL this morning (because my call to Apple was not answered after an hr) and DHL said that Global Mail is their only service which is not trackable.
    Why didn't Apple send it via a trackable service? Isn't it bad enough that iPhone4 has known antenna issues to begin with??
    So basically, if it's lost in transit, you can't prove it and they won't do anything about it

  • Free bumper case when and how?

    Steve indicated that every iPhone 4 owner would receive a free bumper case to hopefully correct the antenna issue. When and how does one receive the case? I must admit that I have only had a few dropped calls. I live in an area that has a weak signal and my 3G had not one dropped call in 2 years!!!

    Apple will offer a free iPhone 4 Bumper or other select cases to iPhone 4 customers. Details on how to order a free Bumper or case will be available soon on apple.com, details most likely this week.

  • How do i get my free bumper case?

    i have just bought an iphone 4 and was wondering how i get a free bumper case??

    Check this article about Antenna or reception problems: http://support.apple.com/kb/HT4389

  • When bumper cases will be avail for sale?

    Just wondering when we will have Apple iPhone bumper cases avail for sale from online/retail stores?
    I want to get white one.

    Oh okay. Well, I've just had a look at the actual product in the store, and it said currently unavailable, which you probably knew already. Maybe your best bet would be to check after September 30 (I know it is so far away) since that is the date that you can no longer order a free one. Other than that I would suggest to ask at your local genius bar, or see if your carrier/service provider has any for sale.
    One more option I believe you have is to buy one not directly affiliated with the Apple brand. Yes, it is slightly more risky to have a non-apple brand, but since it's just a bumper you could ask to put it on before paying for it. see if it fits.
    That's all I can think of to help you. Sorry I dont have better news.

  • How can i get a bumper case

    What`s the steps to apply for a bumper case online?

    I don't know if they are still doing this, but the current dispute settlement is a $15 cheque (or $15 of some sort) to you, since you did not apply for a bumper earlier. You need to have owned the iPhone before Feb. 17th, and this is all stated in the e-mail Apple sent you. (If you can't find it, check your Spam/Junk folder)

  • Cleaning iPhone 4 Bumper cases

    Hi, I've had my Apple orange bumper case For just over two weeks and I've noticed the soft plastic is getting really dirty, I was wondering if anyone had any tips on cleaning them?
    I've tried wipesand soapy water but it don't seem to be getting cleaner!
    Thanks for help in advance

    Firstly: REMOVE BUMPER FROM IPHONE before attempting to clean!!!
    A solution of warm water and dishwashing detergent should do the trick. For harder stains try Goo be Gone which is sold in hardware stores, Home depot, Lowes etc.
    Dry with a microfiber towel not a paper towel as this will leave lint.

  • Bumper Case Gratis para Iphone 4

    Hola hace dos meses adquirí un Iphone 4 con la compañia de Movistar en México. Pero cuando me llegó el producto presentaba problemas de cobertura y cuando quise entrar al Bumper Case program ya se había pasado el tiempo para adquirirlo de forma gratuita. Quisiera saber si me pueden mandar mi bumper case porq si tengo problemas con antennagate! y Movistar me dicen que solo ustedes me pueden dar el bumper

    Esa respuesta me gusto! Y de hecho el comentario no fue con el fin de desprestigiar la marca que la verdad me fascina! Estoy consiente de que el equipo tiene un ligero fallo, mismo que la verdad no se nota cuando utilizas el teléfono y le encuentras un montón de utilidades! Es impresionante todas las mejoras que implementa este modelo. La razón por la cual escribí fue porque llevo 2 meses con mi equipo que tiene problemas de cobertura pero no le tiro en cara a apple sino al prestador de servicios de antena por no resolver mi problema. LLevo 2 meses tratando de que revisen el equipo y verifiquen la falla. Un ejemplo: de cada 1000 equipos nuevos 1 puede estar defectuoso de fabrica por la recepción y es lo que me ocurre a mi. Ya compré la funda y mil y un accesorios y el problema persiste. Y de hecho en apple me dijeron que ellos podrían cambiar el equipo o bien darme la funda pero el problema es que no lo compré con ellos sino con movistar.
    Mi molestia es con Movistar y no con apple! Considero que si movistar se pusiera las pilas por mi equipo ya tuviera uno nuevo y asunto arreglado! Y si pedí la funda es para demostrarle a Movistar que aunque apple me obsequió la funda el problema no es por la funda sino por la recepción o posiblemente un defecto de fábrica (1 entre muchos).
    Saludos y gracias por tu comentario!
    P.D. No puedo vender el equipo porque está en plan, ni lo quiero llevar a reparar para no perder la garantía pero me decepciona Movistar por no atender a mi garantía y como dice apple, ellos son los intermediarios para proceder a arreglar el equipo!

  • Best Bumper Case For Verizon iPhone?

    What is the best bumper case for the VZW iPhone that is,
    1. Pretty thin, doesn't make the iPhone feel that thicker.
    2. Under $35.
    3. Doesn't cover the back.
    4. Has a sort of front or back lip.
    5. Is good looking and is good quality.
    It's a lot of stuff but I'd really appreciate it if you could recommend me some bumpers. Thanks.

    What you just described is the apple bumper perfectly. Just go get one of those.

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    KingAoki wrote:
    Oh really? Do you mind linking me? this is highly dissapointing.

Maybe you are looking for

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