Burned DVD compatibility

Does anyone know if a movie burned with iDVD would be compatible to show on a Japanese DVD player?

Hi Deek490
Should be fine since Japan uses NTSC as well per the following link:

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  • Mac-Burned DVD compatibility on Windows

    I am having difficulty reading data DVD's burned on my PowerBook on any windows system. The dvd drives I put them into should certainly be able to read this data (typically .avi files). When I inspect these disks I notice that the underside is completely burn, whereas often there is a distinct line that distinquishes between the burned and unburned portion of the disk. I have no idea if this effects the PC ability to read the disk or not. I have no idea at all why I am unable to view the info on PC's at all. The PC's read the disk as completely blank. I am using disk utility to burn disk images. (.dmg)
    Help me and thanks,

    Hi Chris!
    If you're selecting .dmg files these disk images may very well be formatted HFS for Mac OS use only. Windows can't read HFS.
    Use Mac OS X's Burn Folder feature instead. Create a new Burn Folder in the Finder, open your .dmg files and drag their contents into the Burn Folder. Burn your DVD from here and see what happens.
    Hope this helps! bill
    1 GHz Powerbook G4   Mac OS X (10.4.8)  

  • How do I find out if my DVD burner is compatable???

    I would like to buy iDVD 6 but the description says"Burning DVDs requires an Apple SuperDrive or compatible third-party DVD burner". How do I find out if my DVD burner (OWC Mercury Firewire/USB2 D109 DVD+/-RW) is compatable??? It shows up as a Pioneer in iDVD3 and is not supported. I don't want to buy iLife 06 and find out I cant use it with my burner.

    The Pioneer 109 should work. My Pioneer 107D and 108
    work fine; and the 108 is recognized as DL.
    You should really upgrade to Tiger and 10.4.4 in
    particular before installing iLife '06. Several new
    features don't install on Panther. Ask my PowerBook.
    I forgot to mention that I want to but my videos from my digital camcorder on to DVD. I currently can copy data and photos to DVD, no problem.

  • Problem with k3b and DVD Plextor PX-750A doesnt burn DVDs

    i m having problem to burn any kind of DVD format with my dvd recorder Plextor PX-750A. the software that i'm using is K3B.
    the first debug that i get is that:
    K3b Version: 1.0.1
    KDE Version: 3.5.7
    QT Version: 3.3.8
    Kernel: 2.6.21-ARCH
    PLEXTOR DVDR PX-750A 1.02 (/dev/sr0, ) [CD-R, CD-RW, CD-ROM, DVD-ROM, DVD-R, DVD-RW, DVD-R DL, DVD+R, DVD+RW, DVD+R DL] [DVD-ROM, DVD-R Sequential, DVD-R Dual Layer Sequential, DVD-R Dual Layer Jump, DVD-RAM, DVD-RW Restricted Overwrite, DVD-RW Sequential, DVD+RW, DVD+R, DVD+R Dual Layer, CD-ROM, CD-R, CD-RW] [SAO, TAO, SAO/R96P, SAO/R96R, Restricted Overwrite, Layer Jump]
    ASUS DVD-E616A 1.05 (/dev/sr1, ) [CD-ROM, DVD-ROM] [DVD-ROM, CD-ROM] [None]
    Burned media
    Used versions
    growisofs: 7.0
    Executing 'builtin_dd if=/dev/fd/0 of=/dev/sr0 obs=32k seek=0'
    :-[ MODE SENSE#2A failed with SK=4h/ASC=08h/ACQ=03h]: Input/output error
    growisofs command:
    /usr/bin/growisofs -Z /dev/sr0=/dev/fd/0 -use-the-force-luke=notray -use-the-force-luke=tty -use-the-force-luke=tracksize:1720400 -dvd-compat -speed=8 -use-the-force-luke=bufsize:32m
    then i did an upgrade to the firmware of Plextor from 1.02 to 1.03
    but still doesnt burn. the debug from the second is this:
    K3b Version: 1.0.1
    KDE Version: 3.5.7
    QT Version:  3.3.8
    Kernel:      2.6.21-ARCH
    PLEXTOR DVDR   PX-750A 1.03 (/dev/sr0, ) [CD-R, CD-RW, CD-ROM, DVD-ROM, DVD-R, DVD-RW, DVD-R DL, DVD+R, DVD+RW, DVD+R DL] [DVD-ROM, DVD-R Sequential, DVD-R Dual Layer Sequential, DVD-R Dual Layer Jump, DVD-RAM, DVD-RW Restricted Overwrite, DVD-RW Sequential, DVD+RW, DVD+R, DVD+R Dual Layer, CD-ROM, CD-R, CD-RW] [SAO, TAO, SAO/R96P, SAO/R96R, Restricted Overwrite, Layer Jump]
    ASUS DVD-E616A 1.05 (/dev/sr1, ) [CD-ROM, DVD-ROM] [DVD-ROM, CD-ROM] [None]
    Burned media
    mkisofs print size result: 2148367 (4399855616 bytes)
    Pipe throughput: 33655808 bytes read, 33654784 bytes written.
    Used versions
    mkisofs: 1.1.6
    growisofs: 7.0
    Executing 'builtin_dd if=/dev/fd/0 of=/dev/sr0 obs=32k seek=0'
    :-[ MODE SENSE#2A failed with SK=4h/ASC=08h/ACQ=03h]: Input/output error
    growisofs command:
    /usr/bin/growisofs -Z /dev/sr0=/dev/fd/0 -use-the-force-luke=notray -use-the-force-luke=tty -use-the-force-luke=tracksize:2148367 -dvd-compat -speed=16 -use-the-force-luke=bufsize:32m
    I: -input-charset not specified, using utf-8 (detected in locale settings)
      0.02% done, estimate finish Mon Jul  9 10:53:07 2007
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    mkisofs calculate size command:
    /usr/bin/genisoimage -gui -graft-points -print-size -quiet -volid Heroes-DVD01 -volset  -appid K3B THE CD KREATOR (C) 1998-2006 SEBASTIAN TRUEG AND THE K3B TEAM -publisher  -preparer  -sysid LINUX -volset-size 1 -volset-seqno 1 -sort /tmp/kde-ironwiller/k3bhZVOPb.tmp -rational-rock -hide-list /tmp/kde-ironwiller/k3bjKitub.tmp -joliet -joliet-long -hide-joliet-list /tmp/kde-ironwiller/k3blTlUib.tmp -no-cache-inodes -full-iso9660-filenames -iso-level 2 -path-list /tmp/kde-ironwiller/k3bgTeAJb.tmp
    mkisofs command:
    /usr/bin/genisoimage -gui -graft-points -volid Heroes-DVD01 -volset  -appid K3B THE CD KREATOR (C) 1998-2006 SEBASTIAN TRUEG AND THE K3B TEAM -publisher  -preparer  -sysid LINUX -volset-size 1 -volset-seqno 1 -sort /tmp/kde-ironwiller/k3bNBKhLa.tmp -rational-rock -hide-list /tmp/kde-ironwiller/k3bJnRJha.tmp -joliet -joliet-long -hide-joliet-list /tmp/kde-ironwiller/k3bXxkBVa.tmp -no-cache-inodes -full-iso9660-filenames -iso-level 2 -path-list /tmp/kde-ironwiller/k3bnNQuIa.tmp
    what else should i do for my dvd recorder to work???
    ty from the start for your help.
    Last edited by ironwiller (2007-07-12 09:04:39)

    bt wrote:This is not an arch package.. no makepkg,  no pacman -U. Just untar the package and follow instructions. Sorry, I've been playing with this stuff so long ( I started with RedHat 5.2), that I have forgotton how to explain the steps. But, if you untar the package (I do it in its own directory} You should be able to move the binary to a location of you choice. I think you need someone more experienced than me to describe the steps.
    ok and ty very much for help so far
    ps: did you find any solution with using k3b?
    i like it more in a graphical enviroment.

  • MPEG4 Movie audio does not end up on burned DVD

    When I create a DVD in iMovie, the audio for the MP4 movies does no end up on the DVD. However it is audible in iMovie prior to creating the DVD. The movies were created with a sony camera mpeg4 format. I do not understand why they play in iMovie but not on the burned DVD?? Help.

    When in iDVD, use the Delete Encoded Assetts in the Advanced menu. This often clears up any garbage left laying around.
    Also my standard list of things to do first for these weird sort of problems, but I also tend to run these before I go to burn an iDVD project just to be safe. Keep in mind this list represents the programs I tend to use. I am running Panther (10.3.9) so Tiger users might want to check the below list for compatibility. There are several alternate programs that do the same things with some combining the functions of some of the ones below. So everyone has their favorites, but here are mine...
    Run MacJanitor (free download) to do all the Unix Cron Maintenance scripts.
    Run Disk Utility (Applications -> Utilities) and repair disk permissions on your start up drive (typically your internal drive). Also verify any other drives mounted on the system, especially any external drives that you use for iMovie and iDVD projects.
    Run Preferential Treatment (free download) to check for corrupt/damaged application and system preference files.
    Run Cache Out X (free download) to clear all system and application caches.
    Reboot your Mac (after running Cache Out X you are given the option to restart the machine).
    If you still can not get it to run correctly, next thing to try is to throw out the iDVD preference file (don't forget to change back those preferences you want different from the defaults next time you run it).

  • Supported disc not available; i.e. imac not recognizing "burned" dvd

    After using iDVD, and not being able to create a finished dvd from an iMovie project with my 1000mz iMac, I had to use my daughter's 1.4 gz iBook, and successfully burned a disc image.
    After I burned a DVD from the disc image, it played fine in my home DVD player, and the iBook from which it was created. However, when I put the disc in my iMac, the disc was not readable within DVD player. I kept getting the following message:
    "supported disc not available".
    Although the name of the DVD appeared on the desktop, DVD player could not play the contents of the DVD. After visiting the Apple store, the "genius" suggested the super drive in the iMac is very sensitive, and after age, may not read all discs.
    Now my question:
    If i need to upgrade to a MacBook (so I have a faster processor to finish DVD projects), and the finished discs are not readable in my iMac, does this all make any sense? Is there another explanation as to why the finished disc was not readable in my iMac, yet was readable in 6 other Macs at the Apple Store? Could it be the media (I doubt), the super drive in the iMac, or the way in which the disc was burned using the iBook? (I used "Toast" to burn the dvd, not apple's "disc utility" .Any advice is most appreciated.

    Is there another explanation as to why the finished disc was not readable in my iMac, yet was readable in 6 other Macs at the Apple Store? Could it be the media (I doubt)
    Yes it could be the media....some drives don't like some kinds of media. You might find if you switch, things get better. I like verbatim. Is it a DVD-R or DVD+R? How old is your iMac?
    the super drive in the iMac
    Yes it could be that too. Could even be a dirty/dusty lens in the iMac. If it's not working now, I'd try a CD/DVD lens cleaning disk. Some users don't like these and think they can damage things, but not me. But use at your own risk.
    or the way in which the disc was burned using the iBook?
    Since it worked well in many other players, it sounds like you've got a pretty good burn. But I said pretty good. You can get better burns if you burn at slower speeds - I use Toast at 1X when I want the "best" burn. I doubt Toast is the problem though, just maybe the speed of the burn.
    DVD compatibility is still not where it should be for home computers, Macs or PCs.
    Download this:
    And read the section on errors, "why don't my DVDs play in any player"

  • Burned DVDs Unable to Play

    Just before Christmas I received a call from the grandson of a lady for whom I did a video. He said the DVD would not play in his DVD player and when he took it to a video production place they told him it was blank. (nitwits. . .it’s not blank) Originally I burned two DVDs of the video using iDVD 4. Later the woman requested three more copies which I did. I asked that he return one of the original DVDs (he said those played without problem) and the DVD that would not play.
    This is what happened. I have three DVD players: an old one, a new one and a portable one. Both DVDs played without problem in the new one. Neither DVD played in the old one. The original DVD played fine in the portable, the DVD I burned later would not play in the portable.
    I tested all three DVD players by playing a different DVD video I made a month or two before the one for this lady.. . . . . . .same equipment (FCX, LaCie external HD, etc), same brand disks, same everything. It played on all three just fine. In fact, I have never encountered this before except once when the people had an ancient DVD player.
    I searched the iDVD site for an answer but there was nothing definitive. One person observed that “as DVD buner write speeds have increased, compatability problems with consumer DVD players has increased. . . .”
    Has anyone else had this happen?

    I’ve been on the iDVD support group (and related sites) for the past several days. I thought just getting quality disks would fix the problem. It didn't work and if I understand correctly, I cannot change the burn speed.
    I got some Memorex Printable DVD-R 16x disks. I found I had archived my 11 minute project on DV tape so I was able to feed it into FCX and create a completely new iDVD project.
    I burned the iDVD project using the Memorex disk. It failed. The message read:
    "The recording device reported the media error: L-EC uncorrectable error. (0x11, 0x05)"
    I went into the console log via the System Profiler. Found this info regarding the failed burn:
    iDVD: Burning to PIONEER DVD-RW DVR-104 A227 via ATAP1.
    iDVD: Requested burn speed was max, actual burn speed is 7x.
    iDVD: Burn started, Mon Jan 30 23:47:28 2006
    iDVD: Burn underrun protection is supported, and enabled.
    iDVD: Write (10), block: 800, count:32 ->3/11/05 Medium Error, L-EC uncorrectable error
    iDVD: Burn failed, Mon Jan 30 23:47:56 2006
    iDVD: Burn sense: 3/11/05 Medium Error, L-EC uncorrectable error
    iDVD: Burn error: 0x80020060 The device drained its butter without burn underrun protection.
    It's mostly Greek to me except that the burn failed. (That it did!)
    Then I burned the same iDVD project to a K-Hypermedia DVD-R 4x disk. Have used these disks in the past with no problem at all, but they are not printable labels. It burned without problem, plays fine on the iMac and three other DVD players. The following is the information on the console log about this successful burn:
    DVD: Burning to PIONEER DVD-RW DVR-104 A227 via ATAPI.
    iDVD: Requested burn speed was max, actual burn speed is 7x.
    iDVD: Burn underrun protection is supported, and enabled.
    iDVD: Burn finished, Thur Feb 2 13:09:46 2006
    My goal here is to be able to burn to disks with printable labels. I’ve ordered some Verbatim DVD-R printable 4x disks.
    Could the 16x on the Memorex have caused the fail?

  • DVD Studio Pro will not burn DVD in Lacie D2 External DVD Burner

    I ordered a new pack of DVD's. These are the Beall 16x DVD's I bought from Meritline.com. I had been using the 8x Beall's with no problem. I was told that my interal drive was not compatable with the faster burning DVDs. So I bought a LaCie D2 External DVD burner 16x. I still can't burn a dvd in dvd studio pro. I tried Patchburn. It said that this burner is already supported.
    I am using DVD Studio Pro 2.
    Any ideas?

    Have you tried burning on other types of brands when burning to your external LaCie? My company bought a NEC external DL burner and it only worked with some type of discs, Maxell DVD+R DL worked but Traxdata DVD+R DL and some other Noname disc didnt work, maybe try that?

  • Burned dvd plays on Mac but not on player

    my burned dvd plays on my Mac with no problems but on my dvd player, it just stops after 3 few seconds. any ideas what happened there?
    i used iDvd 4

    Welcome to the Forum.
    The most likely reason for consumer DVD players to skip or stop on DVDs that play well in computer DVD drives, are excessive burn errors that the consumer players 'choke on'. All burned media (CD and DVD) has burn errors. Burning at lower speeds tends to reduce the error level, hence the recommendation to burn low-speed media for maximum player compatability. Computer DVD drives have a high level of error correction (after all - you wouldn't want to loose any data on a data DVD) and can handle the errors. Consumer DVD players don't - after all they are designed to playback pressed DVDs with low error rates.
    Some consumer DVD players are more sensitive to these errors than others.
    Sometimes using a different brand of media will help.

  • UJ-846 Superdrive unable to burn DVD+R

    It seems that I can't burn anything on any DVD+R with my superdrive (ref. UJ-846). I've tried with iDVD (initially I wanted to burn one of my home-made movie on DVD), Disc Burner, DiscBlaze, Dragon Burn. Each time, the answer is the same : media is not writable. Is it normal for a "Superdrive" advertised as "Universal"?
    Is there a way to solve this issue, for the moment I don't have any other media within reach and anyway, not to be able to burn a DVD+R is like not to be able to burn anything...

    More info after some additional testing:
    Burned a few DVDs using the internal UJ-846 and Pioneer DVR-109 (in a firewire case). The source image was a Tiger DVD (from an earlier Mac). I used Burnz and Disk Utility to burn two DVD+R's (HP brand) in the DVR-109 and Toast and Disk Utility to burn the same brand discs (and a DVD+RW) in the UJ-846.
    In the case of the DVD+RW, I received the message that it could not calibrate the device to the media (both in Toast and Disk Utility).
    From the DVR-109 burns, my old G3 iBook spit out the resulting discs as unreadable. The iMac (UJ-846) did read the discs but took about 30 seconds from the time of disc insertion until the window showing the Installer appeared completely. The DVR-109 displayed this window 16 seconds after insertion.
    I then burned (using Toast) a data DVD using the same DVD+R media. This disc was burned as "Mac & PC" hybrid. The contents of the disc were folders full of audio files. Again, the G3 iBook refused to read the disc while the UJ-846 took about twice as long as the DVR-109 to mount and open the disc.
    Finally, I burned (using the DVR-109) a Verbatim DVD-R "white-top" printable (8X, pn94654, hub printable, no stacking ring) using the Tiger image file as the source. The resulting DVD was not only was readable in the old G3 iBook but booted it, as well.
    I should note that these discs, when burned with my G5's internal burner (DVR-117 which, I believe, is the DVR-110 but with Apple firmware) would work fine for data (and boot discs) but never produced a video DVD that would play in my set-top box.
    Now, just to be a bit more thorough, I dug up some DVD+R's that I've burned over the past few years. Sonuvagun! Not one of them can be read by the G3 iBook's optical drive. So it's apparent that the old drive just doesn't like +R of any brand (Ridata, HP, JVC).
    Okay, so what have we (I) learned from all this (if anything)?
    It is tempting to say that the results with the old G3 iBook might be ignored because it is, after all, one of the first (500MHz) units produced and everything is much more compatible these days. However, shouldn't a burned DVD (of either the + or - persuasion) be seen as simply a DVD by the Mac once it's been burned? My Intel iMac shows a "+R" or "-R" as part of the disc's icon yet these are =burned= discs. Perhaps I do not remembers when this behavior had changed but I recall that the "+" or "-" ID was only on discs that had yet to be burned; subsequent to burning, this ID was dropped. (or so I recall...)
    Could it be that the "+R" compatibility claims are overstated? But what of the "+RW" disc that gave the "can't calibrate..." error? Should I chalk it up simply to media incompatibility? I have some "+RW" media (HP brand, identified by Toast as "PHILIPS.041."); testing that media results in a successful erase and burn/verify using the UJ-846; no "calibrate..." error as experienced with the Memorex +RW's. Toast sees the disc as a 4X and offers to burn it at that speed but it is really burning at 2X based upon the slow speed of the countdown in Toast's window.
    I remember reading something about "book-type" when I used to burn with a PC; perhaps that's an issue? Or maybe that's just a red herring.
    In any case, I'll have to do some more testing with a few more older Macs to see if they can read the older DVD+R & +RW I already have and any new ones I burn with the U-846 and DVR_109 using Intel OSX in my iMac.
    Comments and suggestions always welcome.
    Intel iMac 20" / MacBook   Mac OS X (10.4.6)   Where the h* did all these firewire drives come from?

  • Alternatives to Toast for burning DVDs

    I have been using Toast for many years with mixed success. Each upgrade seems to hog more resources and sometimes freezes (needing a forced quit). I have tried system maintenance (permissions, scripts, trashing prefences etc) but cannot get it to be reliable.
    So ... any recommendations for alternatives. I would like to burn DVDs with EyeTV recordings as well as Apple TV files.

    What version do you have?
    I have not had any issues with 10.x standard - the red box, not the blue box.
    If you have 10, I know there's a couple of updates for 10.6.x compatibility.
    OS X itself will burn data DVDs, but they will not be cross platform.
    If you are talking video DVDs, and for whatever reason, you can't get your source video into iMovie, try this (free for a few more days) utility
    It converts nearly any format to any other format(so far, I've used it for wmv, avi, and flv to HD .mov) import the to iMovie, then export to iDVD, and burn your video.

  • Has anybody bought toast roxio to burn dvd's using the lion?

    Since the new mac OSx lion doesn't have idvd or ilife you can't burn dvd from imovie.  I was wondering if anyone has bought toast roxio for macs to burn dvds.  Would it be worth buying?  Any input would be appreciated.

    helenefromwilton wrote:
    Since the new mac OSx lion doesn't have idvd or ilife you can't burn dvd from imovie.  I was wondering if anyone has bought toast roxio for macs to burn dvds.  Would it be worth buying?  Any input would be appreciated.
    As a total burning suite, Roxio Toast is excellent and worth every cent. I have been using it for ten years or more and the later releases are super stable and haven't had a disc burning error for a couple of years. A bit limited in themes as babowa mentioned, if that is important to you. But as an overall Mac compatable burner, 5 stars from me. Not cheap, so weigh it up against iLife '11 for your overall needs.
    Good Luck

  • Satellite L300D cannot burn DVDs

    I have Satellite L300D and Ii have had about a year but I never tried burning DVDs. Now I can burn and read CDs perfectly and read DVDs but when it comes to burning DVDs it have problems as Toshibas programme that came with laptop does not work to burn DVDs and other various programs like Nero and imgburn do not work. I am always getting write error and other things. I was told it was the disks so I went and spent money for verbatim DVDs instead of cheap ones and still it is making coasters out of every disk I try to burn my DVD burner is
    HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GSA-T50N ata device
    Can anyone help me please have tried everything restoring my factory settings to when I first bought the laptop as new and still no joy desperately need help.
    Any answers lol ?

    Lot of people have problem installing WXP on new notebook because of missing SATA driver. Without this driver HDD will not be recognized properly and WXP installation cannot start because of missing HDD.
    To avoid this SATA settings in BIOS can be changed from AHCI to compatibility. This is OK but HDD will not run on default speed and with full performance. So it is better to install WXP with SATA driver and AHCI settings.
    Now when the WXP is installed you cannot change this BIOS settings. it will probably end with blue screen at start up. So if you want to have well working WXP on your notebook you must install WXP again (AHCI mode in BIOS).
    In this forum you can find hundreds of threads with good explanation how to do this.
    If this will help with DVD I don't know but I don't see any reason why you should not be able to use optical disc drive for burning DVDs.
    I have Satellite A300 with WXP Sp3 and NERO. It burns all empty medias.

  • I repeatedly get "error during rendering/encoding of menus/slideshow" message.  This process is the same on my iMac, MacBook and another iMac.  I have been burning dvd's int he same way for the past 12 months using the exact same steps successfully.

    I keep getting "error during rendering/encoding of menus/slideshows" message.  I have been burning DVD's in exactly the same way for the past 12 months and mostly on my MacBook which is 3 years old.  Obviously I'm using iDVD.  I purchased an iMac about a year ago and moved to use this for dvd burning without problem.  A few months ago (approximately) I started to experience problems with burning with the error message above.  I tried everything including starting the whole process from scratch right down to capturing the movie clips from my video recorder into iMovie, then using them in iDVD.  Still the same message came up.  I lost count of how many times I repeated the process with different clips and variations and the same thing happened.  This was also the case with my MacBook and my husband's iMac.
    After taking both of mymac's tothe service centre, having new optical thingys put it and even a new hard drive on my iMac along with a new DVD burner the same thing happened.  They told me it must be the process that I am using that is incorrect!
    I took my 27" iMac to an apple shop and asked them to assist me while I use the same technique as I always had.  The same message came up so they tried using my clips in one of their mac's.  The same message. They tried it with different clips and the same message.  The only way we could get theirs to work was with a magic DVD which did not produce what I needed and was limited with only one page. 
    I now cannot use any of my Mac's for the intended purpose that I bought them for - to produce good media for my work!  It was suggested that I purchase some non Mac software to burn DVDs which defeats the object of having a mac with iDVD in my opinion.  I have a book on iDVD which is very informative and have followed the process to the letter and checked all the trouble shooting and still no remedy.  It was mentioned that an up-date may have caused the problem on all my macs.
    I feel that this issue should be addressed by Apple as a matter of correctness.
    I now find that on the net there are many posts in forums and such like with exactly the same (almost word for word) problems.  Please Apple, keep/regain your good name and sort this out.
    Jayne Connelly

    Thanks Bengt W for your attention to this matter.  So much appreciated.  And thanks for putting me right on the aim of forums (new to this).  Although, you may regret asking for more information.  I've added everything I can below.
    The process I used is as follows:
    Import recorded clips of between 5 and 15minutes each from my video recorder into i
    Edit the clips (remove unwanted start and endng)
    Add title to front of clips
    ‘Share’ them to ‘movie’ (export using QuickTime)folder in .mov format individually
    Open iDVD and ‘create new project’
    Select ‘favourite’ theme that I have set up forall my work dvd’s (this has been used successfully many times and I’ve triedwithout using the favourite them).
    Add 2 submenus for each group of clips
    Select submenu  - drag and drop between 3 – 6 clips in each of the twosubmenus
    Change title colours on clips
    Dragand drop image into drop zones where required
    In‘map’ view I check for any yellow warnings before burning to disc
    In an attempt to remedy the problems I’ve tried the following:
    Try new DVD discs
    Try different themes (favourites and standardones)
    Change images in drop zones
    Start whole process again even from importingfrom camera again
    Two other completely different computers (iMacand MacBook) with iDVD
    Go to apple shop and use their computers to doin iDVD
    Try with one clip and no menu pages added
    Use a clip that I already have that did notoriginate from my camera
    Turn computer off and restart
    New hard drive
    New optical lense (thing)
    New DVD burner
    Saving to disc image rather than dvd disc
    Other points:
    I also have a ‘flip’ and ‘iPhone’ whereI’ve imported footage camera which, although limited, records and makes videoclips and burns them to DVD through iDVD without problem.
    For example, I have just gone through steps 5 - 11 using some clips that were already imported from my iphone to iPhoto and dragged across.  I used a theme that I've used before which has failed and added one sub menu page where the clip went.  It burned to disc image successfully.
    The startup disc, I believe will have no space issues asit’s a new hard drive with no use apart from this.  That could have been an issue before (I didn’t check it) butnot now.
    Other technical stuff that I don't understand but you may:
    I have…… Mac OS X Version 10.6.7 with all updates onit.  Processor 2.8 GHz Intel Corei7.  Memory 4GB 1067 MHz DDR3.
    iDVD version 7.1.1
      Model Name: iMac
      Model Identifier: iMac11,1
      Processor Name: Intel Core i7
      Processor Speed: 2.8 GHz
      Number Of Processors: 1
      Total Number Of Cores: 4
      L2 Cache (per core): 256 KB
      L3 Cache: 8 MB
      Memory: 4GB
      Processor Interconnect Speed: 4.8 GT/s
      Boot ROM Version: IM111.0034.B02
    SMC Version (system):            1.54f36
      Firmware Revision:     3AHB
      Interconnect:    ATAPI
      Burn Support:   Yes (AppleShipping Drive)
      Cache:    2048KB
      Reads DVD:    Yes
      CD-Write: -R, -RW
      DVD-Write:   -R, -R DL,-RW, +R, +R DL, +RW
      Write Strategies:  CD-TAO,CD-SAO, CD-Raw, DVD-DAO
      Media: Toshow the available burn speeds, insert a disc and choose View > Refresh
    If you can solve this you are better than the 'apple geeks' in the shop and the service technicians in the service centre (and of course me but that's no achievement). 
    Eagerly awaiting your reply.

  • Can't burn DVDs? Try this first...

    Like a number of other folks, I had an unexplained failure to burn DVDs and thought something Very Bad had happened to my drive. However, doing some research before buying a new drive (if I had to buy one, might as well get the Latest and Greatest right?) I found there's a lot of really bad media out there. Companies are buying some really cheap junk, slapping their label on it, and putting it on the shelves.
    So before doing anything drastic, try this:
    Go to Applications -> Utilities and start "System Profiler".
    In System Profiler, left hand column (labeled "contents") click "Disc Burning".
    Insert a disk you haven't been able to burn.
    When (sometimes "if") the disc mounts, refresh System Profiler (command-R or from the View menu select "Refresh"). At some point, you should get something like this:
    Type: DVD-R
    ID: CMC MAG. AM3
    Blank: No
    Erasable: No
    Overwritable: No
    Appendable: No
    Pay attention to the ID field. In this case, "CMC MAG. AM3"
    Pop over to:
    And search for your disc ID. This likely is "all run together". That is, for "CMC MAG. AM3", you look for:
    And, presto, the discs my drive "quit" on are listed in the section:
    "Pathetic garbage media, landfill material, about 0-50% success rate. These discs are pretty much only suited for preventing drink cup rings from forming on a table. Most of the time, these are ready-made coasters. If you can actually get a burner to acknowledge the disc, do not expect much. And if the burn actually succeeds, do not be surprised if a DVD-ROM or player chokes on the disc (read/play errors). Cheap prices, cheap junk quality."
    How nice!
    Mind you, I did not buy "CMC Magnetics" discs. I bought a "brand name". I got CMC Magnetics discs with a "brand name" label. And, apparently, their lowest quality (they do have some listed as "3rd Class Media" but not the ones I have).
    This would also explain why I managed to get several burns from the spindle then everything just up and stopped. A "0-50% success rate" means I can expect half *or more* of the discs to fail. I managed about 30% before reaching a run of total garbage in the spindle.
    (In fact, many of the remaining discs--I've taken different ones out of the spindle at random--won't even mount.)
    Also, the fact that companies are "out sourcing" means that even though you may have tried different "brands", you may actually still be getting discs from the same crappy factory! Scroll down to "Branding Guide" at the digitalfaq.com site and you find that CMC is supplying (among many):
    Datawrite, HP, Maxell, Memorex, Staples, and some TDK even!
    Buying different "brands" doesn't necessarily mean you've bought different discs.
    So before doing anything drastic, before assuming the drive has konked out, buy some one packs or three packs of the "1st Class Media" and try them. I haven't a problem with the ones I bought from companies listed as providing "1st Class Media".
    Based on the "Branding Guide", I suggest buying a few from one or more of:
    Then see if your drive problem suddenly clears up. Did for me. Now to figure out what to do with the 60+ CMC coasters I have left...

    Matt Clifton wrote:
    A great tip that works in OS X 10.5.
    Does anyone know how to get the same information under 10.4?
    If Disk Utility in 10.4 doesn't do it, there are two things I've seen that could help though I cannot vouch for them. One is a little utility here:
    Now, that's a Google translated page in Japanese. But I could find no other widgets out there that read the info. I did download the program from here:
    And tried it out. It worked for me. Just leave the "Format" setting to: Pre-recorded Information in Lead-in. Insert a disk, click on the drive name in the top box of the window when the name appears (takes a sec as the disk is mounted). You get hex (which to most folks is known as "gibberish" <g>). But in the first couple of lines on the right hand side, you should see the manufacturer info such as:
    read DVD structure [0E]
    00 6C 00 00 01 40 C1 FD 9E D8 52 00 02 84 0D 12 [email protected].....
    98 99 90 00 03 43 4D 43 20 4D 41 00 04 47 2E 20 .....CMC MA..G.
    41 4D 33 00 05 88 80 00 00 00 02 00 06 09 0D 14 AM3.............
    Second line, far right, you see the "CMC MAG AM3" (with some spaces in "MAG", no I don't know why). Of course, you'll be looking for codes from here:
    They should show up somewhere in those first few lines.
    According to this discussion:
    You can get the info in Toast. I can't verify that myself as I don't have the software.

Maybe you are looking for

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