Button clicked flashes but must click again for action

If another panel had focus and I click on a button with the mouse, the button flickers, but the button action does not occur. I must click on the button again to actually get the button to "function".
If I have had additional popup windows open, that are now closed, I must click the desired button, one more times than the number of popup windows (i.e. if 2 popup windows were open, I must click a button on the TestStand operator interface 3 times before the desired action occurs. The button will flicker, giving the operator the false impression that button will respond.
Why is this and how do we fix it?
I have TS 3.0, CVI 7.0 and am runing with Windows XP, SP1.

Hello Bob,
It looks like that the event/message queue of CVI is not recording events properly. There could be various reasons like the memory, operating system, the CVI code or any other memory resident program. I would recommend the following things:
1) Try using the shipped OI that you used to create your custom OI.
2) Try clicking on the window/pop-up title bar first and then clicking on the button.
3) Try restarting your computer in safe mode.
4) Try running your OI on a different computer.
5) Open the source code in CVI and in the UI check if the events are called properly and the order of the events called.
I hope it helps,
Rajiv Garg
National Instruments

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    The root issue is that, although you change the value of your page item, it isn't visible to other areas of the page until it is in the session. So, any other action based on the value of your page item; the visibility of a control, a report based on the item's value, etc. will all be unaffected by changing the value of the page item until it has been changed in the session. Even after this the items are stored in the session, you must thereafter do something to cause the value to be reevaluated. To see the effect of this, observe that your page loads and evaluates the value of your page item, it sees that is "MAIN" and hides the regions. However, it doesn't reevaluate them after this.
    So; your choices to get this value set in the session are to either Submit the page, or use JavaScript to set the value in the session. If you use the latter of these, you'll have to do some further work to cause the visibility tests to be re-run, So, let's stick with with the submit method.
    What you've done above sounds correct for this but, there are a lot of decisions you could have made that might have caused things not to happen in the correct sequence.
    Firstly, let's confirm that what I describe above is your problem. From the development environment, load the page, click the button to change the value and submit. Now, click the link labelled Session. Is it still set to MAIN? If so; this is your issue.
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    See the problem?
    Assuming this isn't the issue, you created a Branch to the same page, right? What is your process point for the Branch? Is it *After* Validation, Computation etc? Because if not, you aren't changing the value before the submit happens.
    I bet it is the first issue but, take a look at these.

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    It's always a good idea to debug pages by publishing them to a live web server before your site goes live.
    Flash buttons are not a practical or web friendly choice for navigation because many people/devices can't use Flash.  What will these people do?  Consider using CSS styled text links instead of Flash buttons.
    CSS Tab Designer creates 60+ CSS Styled Button and Tab Menus (download)
    List-O-Rama  (DW Extension)
    CSS  Menu Maker (On-Line Menu Generator)
    Nancy O.
    Alt-Web Design & Publishing
    Web | Graphics | Print | Media  Specialists

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    Hello Ulrich,
    thank you for your answer. Concerning the dataflow I agree and it is what I usually do. Actually I follow the dataflow paradigm whenever there is no problem (the 'false case' in the screenshot):
    “FW102x Initialize.vi” -> “FW102x Get Position.vi” -> “FW102x Set Position.vi”.
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    I'm having difficulty visualizing what is wrong but try some basic steps first:
    Launch Safari while holding a Shift key - this will start Safari with just your Home page
    If you can see Reset Safari from the Safari menu, try that.
    In addition to downloading and installing Safari again, try reapplying just the Snow Leopard Combo Update: http://support.apple.com/kb/DL1399 There is no need to uninstall Safari first.
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    I think [https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/2462/ this add-on] will do what you're asking for.
    Kind regards

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    Thank you for that update.
    I would next backup your device to iTunes with this article:
    iOS: How to back up and restore your content
    And restore it first as a new device, and verify that it works properly, then restore from your backup with the same article below to ensure that it is still working.
    Use iTunes to restore your iOS device to factory settings
    If it does not work correctly when you set up the phone as a new device, I would next seek service for your iPad:
    Thank you for using Apple Support Communities.
    All the best,

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    point. I have a movie clip on the stage and I have an invisible
    button over it. The movie clip consists of a single timeline that
    has an ambient animation running and looping intially. I have three
    more labeled sections of that timeline that each contain a
    different animated sequence as click point animations for that
    movie clip. I want the user to click on the button on the stage and
    the first labeled click point animation of that movie clip will
    play. I want that action to be stored so that when the user clicks
    again then the second labeled click point animation will play then
    they will click for the third in the same way. In between user
    clicks I want the ambient animation loop in the beginning of that
    movie clip timeline to play. When the user has clicked the 3rd and
    last animated sequence then the whole thing will reset and be
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    accomplished. I originally scripted it through tell target to play
    the first but I don't know how to move forward. Thanks!

    What version of Flash are you using? Telltarget is very
    old... try something like this:
    // array of the animations
    myAnims = ['firstAnim','secondAnim','thirdAnim']; // these
    are also frame labels
    // your current animation index in the array, arrays start at
    // so we start at -1 which is like before anything
    currAnim = -1;
    // function to play the next animation
    function nextAnim(){
    // add one to the current animation index
    // if you've reached the end of the array, start back at 0
    if(currAnim >= myAnims.length)currAnim = 0;
    // now tell the MovieClip to play based on the value of the
    current array index
    Then on the button you just put:
    And at the end of each animation on the timeline, put:
    And at the end of the ambient loop at the beginning I guess
    you have that, too, so it loops.
    Hope that helps

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    I have seen examples of flash webpages made with encore and they didn't seem to have that problem. What could be causing the "gaps" or "flashes" when navigating?

    Encore CS6, IE9, Win7
    Simple project, DVD NTSC, One menu with one button. One timeline. Menu first play, button linked to timeline.
    Output flash with flv (and again with f4v - same results), No template, keep with flash swf rather than streaming.
    Open index.html locally, must manually enable active content. Menu opens, movie plays. No grey screen.
    Copy entire folder to USB, same result; USB plays on a different PC also.
    Upload to web site; same result.
    Am I doing soething differently from either of you? Are you using templates?
    Factors related to flash security (for local and probably USB playback) can be problems. Various server settings can be problems for on line.

  • Urgent: Flash Player 10, record audio - save locally on button click?

    Hi there,
    I am wondering if Flash Player 10 will allow a Flex app or a Flash app the ability for the user, inside of a web-page, to record some audio with their microphone then click a button to activate the OS's Save File dialog? The user would then just save the audio on their local filesystem.
    I was thinking this had to be done with a Java app, but I am seeing that v10 allows saving if the user initiates the action (button click)... i cannot a definitive answer or example that shows recording audio without it going to FMS or Red5.  The requirements of this app prohibit a media server so I am not sure if this can be done with Flash Player 10?
    Is this possible?  If so are there any examples of this flow?
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks!

    Hi, everyone,
    If we can record audio from Flash Player 10 inside of a webpage and save audio files onto our local places by the use of mic applications, it will be very convenient. In fact, we can turn to use other available programs to record audio from flash and save locally by clicking buttons. It is possible to use recorders to record audio on flash or any other media players.
    I don't know whether my guess is what you are thinking or not, perhaps you need to search for more information.

Maybe you are looking for

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