Button Property

I want to fix the ShortCut Property in the button Caption text like Cancel or Save like in the VB.
is there any possibility in the webdynpro.
thanks and regards
Dhinakar J

1.u can go to this layout's tab s\.select the button and righi click and select the property.the new property window open now u can set values
2. another option u can go to the outline tab and select button and double click now u can see the property window.
Rewards is useful
Trupti Zanwar

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    hi there,
    use the "Strings[4]" property of the button. right click on the property node and see online doc for more information about the meanings of the 4 elements of strings[4].
    Best regards
    CL(A)Dly bending G-Force with LabVIEW
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    Ron Deavers, CLD

    programmindragon wrote:
    .... Does anyone know what the other strings in this array correspond to?
    1. The help for the 'Strings [4]' property explains what the strings correspond to.
    2. Your problem with the caption(s) for the buttons other than the first will go away if you manually make each button's caption visible the change it back to invisible.  The problem has been discussed several times since LV7.1 came out (e.g. here)
    Fading out. " ... J. Arthur Rank on gong."
    Help_for_Strings4_Property.jpg ‏16 KB

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    Try this
                  b1r2 RADIOBUTTON GROUP g1.
                  b2r2 RADIOBUTTON GROUP g2 MODIF ID MD2.
      IF b1r1 = 'X'.
        if screen-group1 = 'MD2'.
          screen-input = 0.
      ELSEIF b1r2 = 'X'.
        if screen-group1 = 'MD1'.
          screen-input = 0.
        IF b1r1 = 'X'.
        b2r1 = 'X'.
        b2r2 = ''.
      ELSEIF b1r2 = 'X'.
        b2r2 = 'X'.
        b2r1 = ''.

  • Radio  Button Property

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    Thanks a Lot in advance.

    Hi Pranati!
    You have to use *UNDOCUMENTED* properties!
    RADIO_BUTTON_1 := Get_Item_Property(RADIO_GROUP_ITEM, First_Button);
    RADIO_BUTTON_2 := Get_Radio_Button_Property(RADIO_GROUP_ITEM, RADIO_BUTTON_1, Next_Button);
    I use this in forms 6i and it works very well, but I never found something about these properties in the documentation and also nothing in the help files.
    Hope this will help you!

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    where i have to write code.
    any suggession or snippet code,
    Thanks in advance.

    You can take help of following code :
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <s:Application xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"
       xmlns:mx="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/mx" minWidth="955" minHeight="600">
    <!-- Place non-visual elements (e.g., services, value objects) here -->
    import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
    public var Arr:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection([{a:"AAA",b:"BBB"} , {a:"111" , b:"222"}]);
    public function enable():void{
    <mx:DataGrid x="91" y="36" dataProvider="{Arr}" click="enable()">
    <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Column 1" dataField="a"/>
    <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Column 2" dataField="b"/>
    <s:Button x="210" y="237" id="Btn" label="Button" enabled="false"/>
    Thanks and Regards,
    Vibhuti Gosavi | [email protected] | www.infocepts.com

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    To print the results...
    or any ideas on exporting the results would be also appreciated...
    Thanks in adv

    Thanks Shant....
    for those who might need ....
    the final form field code is as follows
    <Field button='true'>
    <Display class='Button'>
    <Property name='label' value='Print Results'/>
    <Property name='onClick' value='javascript:window.print()'/>
    On clicking the "Print Results" button - triggers the Print Function .
    this works exactly like you hitting the - File - Print

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                       PONum                  BarCode                    OptionButton
                          100032                   rnsnsv-e3r                   radiobutton
                          100043                   sae489-q3                   radiobutton           
                          100034                   fs88a7-df4                   radiobutton   
    So with the option of radio button user can select only one row..
    while using Insert Table cell editor am adding a radio button but am not able go ahead...suggest me if u have any ideas.
    Thanks in Advance

    Hi Rajesh,
    Try this:
    Step1: Right click on RootUIElementContainer and manually insert the Table
    Step2: Now right click on Table and Insert the TableCoulmn Group
    Step3: In the TableColumnGroup Insert TableColumn
    Step4: Now Insert TableCellEditor  Radio Button Type.
    Step5: Bind the value attributes to the Radio Button property called selectedKey and KeyToSelect and deploy the application

  • Button's Destination URI is not working

    I have a requirement to keep a button(View Invoice) on a custom notification page. Whenever the button is clicked, it needs to open a new page(not OA.jsp) to show the invoice image.
    I used Item Style as Button and in the controller, setDestination method was called to set the page URL. Button is coming on the page, but there is no link on it. I am not getting any java script error also.
    Thanks in advance.

    Here you can try
    1) Create a FUNCTION and wrp your region in that function with comple OA.jsp?/URL , you can take a look exisiting funcition. Lets say the function name is FUNCTION_NAME
    2) Set the button type to submit button.
    3) In the button property, set ActionType to "fireAction" and Event to "Myevent"
    Now in the processFormRequest() you can handle this event as show below
    String event = pageContext.getParameter("event");
    if ("Myevnt".equals(event))
    //when the create portfolio button clicked.
    true, // Retain AM
    ADD_BREAD_CRUMB_YES, // Do not display breadcrums
    You can set retainAM paramter to true, so you prvious page information will be retain and you can go back to previous page using breadcrump. However it will not be a new page.

  • Trouble displaying icon on push button in 6i Forms

    I'm having trouble displaying an icon on a button at both design and run times. I'm using Forms 6i with client/server enviornment. I have tried to follow several forums regarding icon setup and the Whitepaper articles. I have tried different suggestions but am still unable to get the icon. Here's my latest attempt:
    1. Copied .jar file to C:\Oracle_Developer_9i\forms90\java folder
    2. Modified formsweb.cfg (in the serverApp=default section) and included the following:
    3. In button's properties I set:
    iconic = 'Yes'
    icon filename = C:\Oracle_Developer_9i\forms90\java\myAppIcons.jar
    My guess is that I didn't copy the icon files (from the .jar file) correctly. As suggested in the Whitepaper, I don't have the c:\ myApp\ icons directory. I did a search for an icon directory and found multiple icons folders (due to other oracle projects installed on my pc) but don't know which one to use. Being that I'm using 6i and the instructions were for 9i I didn't know if the directory/folder name is different. Is there another directory/folder (using 6i) where I should copy all the .gif files from in addition to storing the .jar file in the C:\Oracle_Developer_9i\forms90\java directory?
    Also, I feel that I'm not calling it correctly from the location in step 3. Being that the icon exists in the jar file, how would I reference it within the file? Does anybody have any suggestions? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
    Thank you,

    I tried your suggestions but am still unable to view the icon. Here's what I now have tried.
    1. I've created UI_ICONS in the windows registry under the form's oracle home and am calling c:\icons from that variable.
    2. In c:\icons, I copied the .jar file's contents (search.gif) into this folder. This is where I may have a problem in addition to my next step in calling the filename. You mentioned in your first post to put my .ICO files there. Should I rename my .gif to .ico? Not sure if I followed you there.
    3. In the button property, I set icon = yes and icon filename = c:\icons\search.gif -- Not sure if I used the right syntax for the filename. I've tried renaming it to .ico and it still does not display.
    Sorry about all the questions but I really appreciate your help. Do you see anything else that I did that may cause it to not display?
    Thanks again,

  • Rollover buttons in Forms 9i

    I have read that forms 9i has a built in rollver button capability such as seen in all web menu buttons where there is a series of bitmaps that differ for a mouse rollover, mouseup, mouse down, and hit. Is this true and if so how do I utilize this capability. I have looked in the button property palette and there seems to be no difference from the properties of earlier forms versions of buttons.

    can u plz tell me how did u get forms 9i cd's and can u plz send them to me, i willbe very grateful to u , plz reply me ,plz
    [email protected]

  • Images on a Button in ADF pages

    We have 2 buttons created on Page when the page is auto generated from a Human Task.
    The labels on the buttons are "Insert" and "Delete".
    We need + (in green color) instead of Insert.
    and X (In Red Color) instead of Delete.
    The functionality of the buttons should be same but just to the user it should be visible as "+" and "X" instead of "Insert" and "Delete"
    Thanks in Adv...

    You can download .png files(16X16 or 32X32) from any icon free sites. After that you create a folder in your viewController project for images and then place your downloaded images there. Now in the button property palette, go to "Icon" property and enter the path of images.
    for e.g. I have created a folder for images called "Images" under my "Web Content" directory (to create a folder, simple right click on "Web Content" and click "New", from options edition choose "New Folder") and name it as "Images" and place all your images in that folder from your system folder path (like c:/yourApplication....)
    for my button, in property palter icon value = "/images/plus_icon.png" and Text=null
    Thanks & Regards,
    Ravi Nuka.
    Edited by: Ravi Nuka on Apr 2, 2013 5:43 PM

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