Button Shape

Hi All,
I would like to make a button with the shape of an ellipse/ oval shape, how can I do this?
Also, I tried to make an image and put it on the button, but the border of the button still apear, how can I fix this?

b) Check out this article:
That's a decent article, but typically, I would more likely suggest customizing the UI delegate rather than the actual JButton. Some advantages of this are:
1. The user can switch from the rounded look to a normal jbutton look without changing the actual object that is instantiated -- the component heirarchy doesn't change.
2. You can apply the same look and feel to Toggle Buttons, etc, without needing to override those classes as well.
3. Instead of hardcoding how to draw the border, you could create several customized borders, one of which could be installed by the installUI method. This would allow the user to decide to used customized bevel borders, or etched, or matte, etc, borders for his / her rounded button.
4. You can subclass the UI delegate to create several similar look and feels for rounded buttons, which may not necessarily have the same perimeter and bounded area, because you delegate the contains method to the UI contains method. Again, these still all work with a normal JButton component.
5. You can switch UI's DURING the application execution EASILY, becase it doesn't require removing one button and installing another, AND transferring all of the event listeners, resetting all of the stylistic properties, etc, etc, etc.
- Adam

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    Hi Roupen,
    That copyFrom Button is not a List Button.  When we click the CopyTo Button combobox will be dropped. This is not special one. In Background its normal Button and ComboBox. When you click the Button, that ComboBox is dropped by the programming.
    Hope its helpfull for you.

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    Plenty of people ask this question.
    It would depend on your situation but sometimes it's as easy as setting a custom border on your JButton.
    However, I would recommend searching this forum for "round button" before asking for more help.

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    You need to use a PJC for that. There's one available in the Forms 10g Demo, you can use that one, and it's relatively easy o configure.

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    This technique is used in the "Rollover Button" sample dialog in the Forms 10gr2 demos that you can download from OTN.
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    You can use the PJC that's included in the Forms 10g Demo, just put the jar file in your Java directory and include the jar filename in the archive_jini parameter of your formsweb.cfg file and you're done.
    Whenever you use a " ( " or " ) " in the button label that side of the the button will be rounded.
    You can download this jar file from [Oracle Forms 10g Demo|http://www.oracle.com/technology/sample_code/products/forms/index.html]
    PS: Do not use uppercase letters, it's not polite, use lowercase.

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    Hi Phillip,
    We meet again. The problem you are having I think is the colour mapping of your buttons. Click on the button. This should bring up the button inspector box. Here you will see a tab called "Colours". We should be able to adjust the colour mapping to maximise the "cool" factor for your button edges.
    Happy Mapping

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    Unfortunately, bitmaps are a little more limited -- the entire rectangular region is sensitive to the mouse.
    If your original design consisted of vector shapes, then it's easy to get around this.  Just delete the bitmaps and import the original artwork back in.  Then, instead of using Rasterize, use Optimize Vector Graphics.  This will still give you performance and memory benefits, but the mouse sensitivity will follow the exact outline of the vector shapes.  (As icing on the cake, doing it this way lets you revert the optimization and edit the individual shapes again later if you want).
    Hope that helps,
    - Peter

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    why pay someone for this when its so easy to create your own custom assests?

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    Just tell your DBA to check X-Display server is ON on your instance or not.
    Try clearing cache from functional administrator responsibility or even bouncing the server.

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    Hi all
    If you do a bit of Googling, you can come up with some free
    to use on-line button creator tools. Kevin Siegel's last Captivate
    newsletter lists a site called
    ButtonGenerator.com as
    one to use.
    Personally, I tend to opt for specialized software. Two of my
    favorites are Xara WebStyle
    Xara.com and Vista
    Cheers... Rick

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