BW Hierarchies sometimes not showing as pick list

we have created a Crystal Report that uses a parameter that should be picked from a BW hierarchy (a cost center group). We created the report and published it via the BW publisher to BO and then included it with an iView in the BW Portal.
Now when I log on to the portal and call the report, I'm presented with the static pick list (top 200 values) most of the time instead of the hierarchy view (as described in in the lower part of the article)
When I then log on to the CMC and call the report there, I first get the flat list, too, but when I call the report 2 or 3 times, I get the hierarchy view. When I now go back to the BW Portal, I get thet hierarchy view there as well...
any idea what causes this issue? How can I influence which selection screen is being displayed? (particularly as I don't want everyone to have to log on to CMC first...)

Hi Duncan,
thank you for your reply. It's really sort of tricky.
After the pick list is up and ready once, It'll be shown fine from that point on until, I assume, my CMC login expires.
So maybe it's some permission problem?
I just tested the following:
<li>log into portal, call report -> flat list
<li>log into CMC -> call report (does not have to be the same, just has to have a hierarchy pick list, a simple report does not do the trick) -> check that it has the hierarchy pick list
<li>go back to the portal, call the report again -> hierarchy pick list comes up ok
<li>log off from CMC
<li>go back to the portal, call the report again -> flat list again...
the whole thing works the same when I replace CMC by InfoView. The strange thing is that I have to log in to Infoview the first time I call the report from the portal (even though we have SAP credentials in BO), but this does not seem to be sufficient. I have to call one of the reports in Infoview or CMC first to make it work from the portal.
Concerning the trace, I'll have to look into this together with our sysadmins, but I'll see what I can get.
Thanks again for your ideas,

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  • Delivery Notes Generation Via Pick List

    Am trying to generate delivery notes off pick tickets and i can't find any code example. I now came up with the following code but am having issues when items are in multiple Bin Locations.
    Public Sub Sales2Delivery() '(ByVal OrderID As String)
            Dim OrderID As String = ""
                Using connection As New SqlConnection(StaginConn)
                    'Dim command As New SqlCommand("SELECT DocEntry from ORDR with (nolock) WHERE NumAtCard = '" & OrderID & "'", connection)
                    Dim command As New SqlCommand("SET DATEFORMAT DMY; select distinct top 5 o.DocEntry, o.NumAtCard from ordr O with (nolock) join RDR1 R with (nolock) on R.DocEntry = O.DocEntry join OPKL P with (nolock) on P.AbsEntry = R.PickIdNo where u_shipstate = 'Delivered' and CAST(O.docdate as date) >= '30/04/2014' and P.Status = 'Y';", connection)
                    Dim reader As SqlDataReader = command.ExecuteReader()
                    ' Call Read before accessing data.
                    While reader.Read()
                        Dim BusinessOrders As Documents = DirectCast(vCompany.GetBusinessObject(BoObjectTypes.oOrders), Documents)
                        Dim BusinessDelivery As Documents = DirectCast(vCompany.GetBusinessObject(BoObjectTypes.oDeliveryNotes), Documents)
                        Dim orders As Documents = BusinessOrders
                        OrderID = Convert.ToString(reader(1))
                        Dim Delivery As Documents = BusinessDelivery
                        Delivery.CardCode = orders.CardCode
                        Delivery.CardName = orders.CardName
                        Delivery.NumAtCard = orders.NumAtCard
                        'Delivery.DocNum = orders.DocNum
                        Delivery.HandWritten = BoYesNoEnum.tNO
                        Delivery.Series = 8
                        Delivery.DocDate = DateTime.Today
                        Delivery.DocDueDate = DateTime.Today
                        Delivery.TaxDate = DateTime.Today
                        Delivery.Address = orders.Address
                        Delivery.Address2 = orders.Address2
                        Delivery.Comments = "Based on Sales Order #" + orders.NumAtCard & "."
                        Delivery.DocCurrency = orders.DocCurrency
                        Delivery.DocDueDate = orders.DocDueDate
                        Delivery.DocObjectCode = SAPbobsCOM.BoObjectTypes.oDeliveryNotes
                        Delivery.ShipToCode = orders.ShipToCode
                        Dim lines As Document_Lines = orders.Lines
                        'If (count > 0) Then
                        '    lines.Add()
                        '    lines.SetCurrentLine((lines.Count - 1))
                        'End If
                        Dim oPickList As PickLists = DirectCast(vCompany.GetBusinessObject(BoObjectTypes.oPickLists), PickLists)
                        For i As Int32 = 0 To (lines.Count - 1)
                            If i > 0 Then
                            End If
                            ' Set the Current Lines on the order
                                Delivery.Lines.BaseEntry = oPickList.Lines.OrderEntry
                                Delivery.Lines.BaseLine = oPickList.Lines.OrderRowID
                                Delivery.Lines.Quantity = oPickList.Lines.PickedQuantity
                                Delivery.Lines.BaseType = DirectCast(SAPbobsCOM.BoObjectTypes.oOrders, Integer)
                                Delivery.Lines.BinAllocations.BinAbsEntry = oPickList.Lines.BinAllocations.BinAbsEntry
                                Dim rs As SAPbobsCOM.Recordset = vCompany.GetBusinessObject(SAPbobsCOM.BoObjectTypes.BoRecordset)
                                rs.DoQuery("select itemcode, price, dscription from RDR1 R where R.LineNum = " & oPickList.Lines.OrderRowID & " and R.PickIdNo = " & oPickList.Lines.AbsoluteEntry)
                                While (rs.EoF <> True)
                                    Delivery.Lines.ItemCode = rs.Fields.Item(0).Value.ToString 'orders.Lines.ItemCode
                                    Delivery.Lines.UnitPrice = CType(rs.Fields.Item(1).Value.ToString, Double) 'orders.Lines.UnitPrice
                                    Delivery.Lines.ItemDescription = rs.Fields.Item(2).Value.ToString 'orders.Lines.ItemDescription
                                End While
                                rs = Nothing
                            Catch ex As Exception
                                Continue For
                                My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText(_LogPath, ErrDetails.ToString, True)
                            End Try
                        If Delivery.Add() <> 0 Then
                            ErrDetails.AppendLine(" Unable to create Delivery note for Order: " & OrderID & " <br /> " & vCompany.GetLastErrorCode() & ":" & vCompany.GetLastErrorDescription())
                            ErrDetails.AppendLine("Successfully created Delivery note for Order:" & OrderID) ' & " as requested by " & UserEmail & ".")
                        End If
                        orders = Nothing
                        Delivery = Nothing
                        BusinessOrders = Nothing
                        BusinessDelivery = Nothing
                        My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText(_LogPath, ErrDetails.ToString, True)
                    End While
                    'orders = Nothing
                    'BusinessOrders = Nothing
                End Using
            Catch ex As Exception
                ErrDetails.AppendLine(" Error generating Delivery note for Order: " & OrderID & " <br /> " & ex.ToString())
                My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText(_LogPath, ErrDetails.ToString, True)
                If Not String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ErrDetails.ToString) Then
                    My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText(_LogPath, (ChrW(13) & ChrW(10) & ChrW(13) & ChrW(10) & "Errors encountered while registering data on " & System.DateTime.Now.ToString("F") & ".Errors:" & ChrW(13) & ChrW(10) & Me.ErrDetails.ToString), True)
                    My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText(_LogPath, (ChrW(13) & ChrW(10) & ChrW(13) & ChrW(10) & "Application Ran successfully on " & System.DateTime.Now.ToString("F") & "."), True)
                End If
            End Try
        End Sub
    The Error message am getting is 1470000368 - The quantity allocated to bin locations must be positive.

    Am getting this error now is
    "1470000341 - Fully allocate item "1017494" to bin locations in warehouse "Isolo". Issue is we have items in multiple Bin locations and the items have been picked via the pick ticket. Is it also possible to generate the delivery note off the Pick List.
    The new code am using is
        Public Sub Sales2Delivery() '(ByVal OrderID As String)
            Dim OrderID As String = ""
                Using connection As New SqlConnection(StaginConn)
                    'Dim command As New SqlCommand("SELECT DocEntry from ORDR with (nolock) WHERE NumAtCard = '" & OrderID & "'", connection)
                    Dim command As New SqlCommand("SET DATEFORMAT DMY; select distinct top 5 o.DocEntry, o.NumAtCard from ordr O with (nolock) join RDR1 R with (nolock) on R.DocEntry = O.DocEntry join OPKL P with (nolock) on P.AbsEntry = R.PickIdNo where u_shipstate = 'Delivered' and CAST(O.docdate as date) >= '30/04/2014' and P.Status = 'Y' and o.DocStatus = 'O';", connection)
                    Dim reader As SqlDataReader = command.ExecuteReader()
                    ' Call Read before accessing data.
                    While reader.Read()
                        Dim BusinessOrders As Documents = DirectCast(vCompany.GetBusinessObject(BoObjectTypes.oOrders), Documents)
                        Dim BusinessDelivery As Documents = DirectCast(vCompany.GetBusinessObject(BoObjectTypes.oDeliveryNotes), Documents)
                        Dim orders As Documents = BusinessOrders
                        OrderID = Convert.ToString(reader(1))
                        Dim Delivery As Documents = BusinessDelivery
                        Delivery.CardCode = orders.CardCode
                        Delivery.CardName = orders.CardName
                        Delivery.NumAtCard = orders.NumAtCard
                        'Delivery.DocNum = orders.DocNum
                        Delivery.HandWritten = BoYesNoEnum.tNO
                        'Delivery.Series = 8
                        Delivery.DocDate = DateTime.Today
                        Delivery.DocDueDate = DateTime.Today
                        Delivery.TaxDate = DateTime.Today
                        Delivery.Address = orders.Address
                        Delivery.Address2 = orders.Address2
                        Delivery.Comments = "Based on Sales Order #" + orders.NumAtCard & "."
                        Delivery.DocCurrency = orders.DocCurrency
                        Delivery.DocDueDate = orders.DocDueDate
                        Delivery.DocObjectCode = SAPbobsCOM.BoObjectTypes.oDeliveryNotes
                        Delivery.ShipToCode = orders.ShipToCode
                        Dim lines As Document_Lines = orders.Lines
                        'If (count > 0) Then
                        '    lines.Add()
                        '    lines.SetCurrentLine((lines.Count - 1))
                        'End If
                        Dim oPickList As PickLists = DirectCast(vCompany.GetBusinessObject(BoObjectTypes.oPickLists), PickLists)
                        For i As Int32 = 0 To (lines.Count - 1)
                            If i > 0 Then
                            End If
                            ' Set the Current Lines on the order
                                Delivery.Lines.BaseEntry = oPickList.Lines.OrderEntry
                                Delivery.Lines.BaseLine = oPickList.Lines.OrderRowID
                                Delivery.Lines.Quantity = oPickList.Lines.PickedQuantity
                                Delivery.Lines.BaseType = DirectCast(SAPbobsCOM.BoObjectTypes.oOrders, Integer)
                                'Dim rs As SAPbobsCOM.Recordset = vCompany.GetBusinessObject(SAPbobsCOM.BoObjectTypes.BoRecordset)
                                'rs.DoQuery("select itemcode, price, dscription from RDR1 R where R.LineNum = " & oPickList.Lines.OrderRowID & " and R.PickIdNo = " & oPickList.Lines.AbsoluteEntry)
                                'While (rs.EoF <> True)
                                Delivery.Lines.ItemCode = orders.Lines.ItemCode
                                Delivery.Lines.UnitPrice = orders.Lines.UnitPrice
                                Delivery.Lines.ItemDescription = orders.Lines.ItemDescription
                                '            rs.MoveNext()
                                '            End While
                                'rs = Nothing
                            Catch ex As Exception
                Continue For
                My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText(_LogPath, ErrDetails.ToString, True)
            End Try
                        If Delivery.Add() <> 0 Then
                            ErrDetails.AppendLine(" Unable to create Delivery note for Order: " & OrderID & " <br /> " & vCompany.GetLastErrorCode() & ":" & vCompany.GetLastErrorDescription())
                            ErrDetails.AppendLine("Successfully created Delivery note for Order:" & OrderID) ' & " as requested by " & UserEmail & ".")
                        End If
                        orders = Nothing
                        Delivery = Nothing
                        BusinessOrders = Nothing
                        BusinessDelivery = Nothing
                        My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText(_LogPath, ErrDetails.ToString, True)
                    End While
                    'orders = Nothing
                    'BusinessOrders = Nothing
                End Using
            Catch ex As Exception
                ErrDetails.AppendLine(" Error generating Delivery note for Order: " & OrderID & " <br /> " & ex.ToString())
                My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText(_LogPath, ErrDetails.ToString, True)
                If Not String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ErrDetails.ToString) Then
                    My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText(_LogPath, (ChrW(13) & ChrW(10) & ChrW(13) & ChrW(10) & "Errors encountered while registering data on " & System.DateTime.Now.ToString("F") & ".Errors:" & ChrW(13) & ChrW(10) & Me.ErrDetails.ToString), True)
                    My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText(_LogPath, (ChrW(13) & ChrW(10) & ChrW(13) & ChrW(10) & "Application Ran successfully on " & System.DateTime.Now.ToString("F") & "."), True)
                End If
            End Try
        End Sub

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    i've had your same proble,
    you have to go on settings-->itunes&app stores-->apple ID and sign out.
    after this restart your device:
    Reset the iPhone by holding the sleep/wake button at the top right of the device and the home buttonat the bottom center of the face at the same time.
    Hold them both until you see the screen go black. In some cases, you may need to keep holding them even after the red power off slider appears. If it does, just keep holding it.
    Wait until the white Apple logo appears.
    ok, now go to settings-->itunes&app stores-->apple ID and sign in again
    ... for me it worked
    bye bye let me know if it works even for you!

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    Yes I have also events from the holidays and the events I created.(Invitations and others) but where is this option for the NC? In general>notifications I can't find anything about showing events from different calendars there. And how is this subscription made because I had the holidays as soon as I input my account on this device. Maybe I included the holiday calendar but I don't remember. How is that made? And where to find these options?

  • Calendar items not showing ONLY in list view on iPhone

    Weird: My Calendar items are not showing in the list view only, on iPhone.
    They show when I search, they show in month, they show in Day views--just NOT in list view.

    I just had the same problem (calendar information--for eight different calendars--OK on laptop and on Mobile me; on the iPhone only 3 of my calendars were displaying in "List" view, but all eight were appearing in "Day" view); first time I've encountered this problem (and immediately after installing the 11-February-2010 iPhone software update, so I'm suspicious that this might have been the cause).
    Solution described in posting immediately above seems to have worked. I.e.,:
    1. shut OFF MobileMe syncing for calendars on the iPhone (from Settings menu);
    2. wait for calendar entries to be removed;
    3. shut off iPhone, and wait 2 minutes;
    4. restart iPhone;
    5. turn ON MobileMe syncing for calendars on the iPhone (again, from Settings menu).
    All eight calendars now appear in List view (and still appear in Day view).

  • The firefox icon shows on my desk top and in my task bar, but why does it NOT show in my list of Program files?

    My Firefox icons are showing and usable from the desktop and from the task bar; however, the Mozilla Firefox does not show in my list of program files. Why doesn't it show?

    Certain Firefox problems can be solved by performing a ''Clean reinstall''. This means you remove Firefox program files and then reinstall Firefox. Please follow these steps:
    '''Note:''' You might want to print these steps or view them in another browser.
    #Download the latest Desktop version of Firefox from and save the setup file to your computer.
    #After the download finishes, close all Firefox windows (click Exit from the Firefox or File menu).
    #Delete the Firefox installation folder, which is located in one of these locations, by default:
    #**C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox
    #**C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox
    #*'''Mac:''' Delete Firefox from the Applications folder.
    #*'''Linux:''' If you installed Firefox with the distro-based package manager, you should use the same way to uninstall it - see [[Installing Firefox on Linux]]. If you downloaded and installed the binary package from the [ Firefox download page], simply remove the folder ''firefox'' in your home directory.
    #Now, go ahead and reinstall Firefox:
    ##Double-click the downloaded installation file and go through the steps of the installation wizard.
    ##Once the wizard is finished, choose to directly open Firefox after clicking the Finish button.
    More information about reinstalling Firefox can be found [ here].
    <b>WARNING:</b> Do not run Firefox's uninstaller or use a third party remover as part of this process, because that could permanently delete your Firefox data, including but not limited to, extensions, cache, cookies, bookmarks, personal settings and saved passwords. <u>These cannot be recovered unless they have been backed up to an external device!</u>
    Please report back to see if this helped you!
    Thank you.

  • HT1727 help how do i make a purchased song my ring tone, it;s not showing on my list for ringtones

    help how do i make a purchased song my ring tone, it's not showing on my list for ringtones

    This song was purchased from the iTunes Store?
    If so, you can't create a ringtone from music that was purchased from the iTunes store, but if there is a ringtone available for purchase and download at the iTunes Store with this song, you need to do that.
    For music in your iTunes library on your computer that was not purchased from the iTunes store, there are a number of ways to create a ringtone with such music. With a Mac, there is an inexpensive or free app avaiable via Apple's online App Store named Ringer. Ringer has access to all music and sound files in your iTunes library that was not downloaded from the iTunes Store for creating your chosen segment of the song to be used for the ringtone. The app places the created ringtone in your iTunes library under Tones for transfer to your iPhone when syncing.
    Creating ringtones on a Mac can also be done with GarageBand, and there is a manual way of doing this with iTunes.

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  • Create a Delivery note from a picking List and many binallocations

    Recently, I get how create a delivery note form a picking list with batchnumbers, but now I have the following case.
    Quantity       Product       SerialAndBatchNumbersBaseLine
    10                ID200                              0   
    5                  ID200                              1
    now I set the batchNumbers
    location    batchnumber       quantity
    02-A              XY                   10
    02-B              YY                    5    <---    this location give me error.
    now the rest of articles
    Quantity       Product       SerialAndBatchNumbersBaseLine
    10                ID200                              0   
    5                  ID200                              1
    location    batchnumber       quantity
    02-A              XY                   10
    02-B              XY                    5  
    I get the next error:
    1470000344 - Batch "YY" of item "ID200" in bin location "3108" falls into negative inventory.
    When I find this "3108" this "select * from OBIN where AbsEntry = 3108" is the batchnumber for XY and not YY.
    so how is the way to create a delivery note with many binallocations? 
    (if required I will paste code.)
    Kind regards,

    Hi Pablo,
    based on the code from the other thread it should be like that for the first row:
    delivery.Lines.ItemCode = "ID200";
    delivery.Lines.Quantity = 15;
    delivery.Lines.BinAllocations.BinAbsEntry = 3107; // guessed AbsEntry
    delivery.Lines.BinAllocations.Quantity = 10;
    delivery.Lines.BinAllocations.SerialAndBatchNumbersBaseLine = 0;
    delivery.Lines.BinAllocations.BinAbsEntry = 3108;
    delivery.Lines.BinAllocations.Quantity = 5;
    delivery.Lines.BinAllocations.SerialAndBatchNumbersBaseLine = 1;
    delivery.Lines.BatchNumbers.Location = "02-A";
    delivery.Lines.BatchNumbers.BatchNumber = "XY";
    delivery.Lines.BatchNumbers.Quantity = 10;
    delivery.Lines.BatchNumbers.Location = "02-B";
    delivery.Lines.BatchNumbers.BatchNumber = "YY";
    delivery.Lines.BatchNumbers.Quantity = 5;  
    You got now :
    1 Delivery Row, Quantity 15
    2 BinLoc Rows, Quantity 10+5
    2 Batch Rows, Quantity 10+5

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    When i want to install my printer driver, USB001 or USB002 Port did not show in port list.
    How can i install this port manually, please send me link for manual setup.
    Sameer Ali 

    Read the installation instructions in your printer's user manual.  Most USB printers must be connected to the computer first because they are classified as Plug-n-Play.  Once the printer is recognized you should them be prompted for the location
    of the printer software to be installed.Please remember to click “Mark as Answer” on the post that helps you, and to click “Unmark as Answer” if a marked post does not actually answer your question. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread. ”

  • Installed HP Color Laserjet 3600n software but does not show in model list

    Recently installed the HP software for my Color Laserjet 3600n on my MAc OS X 10.5.5 laptop. The software says it is installed successfully, but when I try to set it up for printing via IP address, it says the ip address is valid, but at the bottom, iwhen I choose select drivers, my model does not show in the list.
    Any thoughts?

    What IP printing protocol did you try, and what does it say to use in the manual?
    Since it's not a postscript printer, I wonder if it uses More Printers > HP IP? (instead of IP printer)

  • HT1338 why is my iPod 2nd gen. nano not showing up in list of itunes

    Ipod nano will show sync sign for 3 sec then it will disappear and not show up in list for me to sync playlist

    Well, after posting that, I decided to try deleting another app that was on the list and then Dropbox suddenly reappeared.  I've seen others say that Open In is limited to 10 apps (which seems lame to me). 
    The strange thing is on my iPad, I only have 9 apps listed, but my iPhone allows 10. Anyone know why this would be or have a similar issue?  Is there a way to make certain apps default to the Open In... list?

  • HT3353 I cloud does not show Numbers app listed although I Cloud button in Numbers is on. Therefore unable to back up Numbers data

    I cloud does not show Numbers app listed although I Cloud button in Numbers is on. Therefore unable to back up Numbers data.

    Did you want a answer to this. I have also backed up my iPhone but files are not showing in Numebrs App on iCloud

  • Album Cover/Title not showing in the List for an Artist with one album.

    Hello all.
    I have browsed a number of the posts, but nothing close to my particular problem.
    I am new to iPod Classic (a couple of months). I like it! Used to be a Creative Zen Vision:M user.
    Here is my issue.
    I have most of the covers for my albums. Still looking for a few.
    When I go to the Artist's menu and pick an artist, if it has more than one album, it shows 'All Songs' and a list of albums with covers, album name and number of songs on a separate screen. You click an album and it shows the tracks, you click a track and away you go. That works just fine.
    However, when the Artist only has one album, it does not show the album cover, name and number of songs on a separate screen. It just shows the list of tracks. I would like it to be consistent. I would like to see the album cover/name before I click the tracks to start.
    I have worked all my songs in iTunes. I'm pretty sure there is no difference between the one and multiple album artists.
    Of course when you click a track to start, the album cover shows on the Now Playing screen.
    Is there some sort of setting I might have missed.
    Any thoughts on this? What might I try?
    Thanks in Advance ...

    Is that really so?
    I'm not questioning your answer. Just want to make sure before I say OK and let it be. I had heard that iTunes/iPod forces you to do things their way, this is an example, I guess!
    Thanks for the input.
    I guess I'll just have to leave it be!
    Is iTunes the only way to deal with iPod? Are there any other programs?

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