Create a Delivery note from a picking List and many binallocations

Recently, I get how create a delivery note form a picking list with batchnumbers, but now I have the following case.
Quantity       Product       SerialAndBatchNumbersBaseLine
10                ID200                              0   
5                  ID200                              1
now I set the batchNumbers
location    batchnumber       quantity
02-A              XY                   10
02-B              YY                    5    <---    this location give me error.
now the rest of articles
Quantity       Product       SerialAndBatchNumbersBaseLine
10                ID200                              0   
5                  ID200                              1
location    batchnumber       quantity
02-A              XY                   10
02-B              XY                    5  
I get the next error:
1470000344 - Batch "YY" of item "ID200" in bin location "3108" falls into negative inventory.
When I find this "3108" this "select * from OBIN where AbsEntry = 3108" is the batchnumber for XY and not YY.
so how is the way to create a delivery note with many binallocations? 
(if required I will paste code.)
Kind regards,

Hi Pablo,
based on the code from the other thread it should be like that for the first row:
delivery.Lines.ItemCode = "ID200";
delivery.Lines.Quantity = 15;
delivery.Lines.BinAllocations.BinAbsEntry = 3107; // guessed AbsEntry
delivery.Lines.BinAllocations.Quantity = 10;
delivery.Lines.BinAllocations.SerialAndBatchNumbersBaseLine = 0;
delivery.Lines.BinAllocations.BinAbsEntry = 3108;
delivery.Lines.BinAllocations.Quantity = 5;
delivery.Lines.BinAllocations.SerialAndBatchNumbersBaseLine = 1;
delivery.Lines.BatchNumbers.Location = "02-A";
delivery.Lines.BatchNumbers.BatchNumber = "XY";
delivery.Lines.BatchNumbers.Quantity = 10;
delivery.Lines.BatchNumbers.Location = "02-B";
delivery.Lines.BatchNumbers.BatchNumber = "YY";
delivery.Lines.BatchNumbers.Quantity = 5;  
You got now :
1 Delivery Row, Quantity 15
2 BinLoc Rows, Quantity 10+5
2 Batch Rows, Quantity 10+5

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    Public Sub Sales2Delivery() '(ByVal OrderID As String)
            Dim OrderID As String = ""
                Using connection As New SqlConnection(StaginConn)
                    'Dim command As New SqlCommand("SELECT DocEntry from ORDR with (nolock) WHERE NumAtCard = '" & OrderID & "'", connection)
                    Dim command As New SqlCommand("SET DATEFORMAT DMY; select distinct top 5 o.DocEntry, o.NumAtCard from ordr O with (nolock) join RDR1 R with (nolock) on R.DocEntry = O.DocEntry join OPKL P with (nolock) on P.AbsEntry = R.PickIdNo where u_shipstate = 'Delivered' and CAST(O.docdate as date) >= '30/04/2014' and P.Status = 'Y';", connection)
                    Dim reader As SqlDataReader = command.ExecuteReader()
                    ' Call Read before accessing data.
                    While reader.Read()
                        Dim BusinessOrders As Documents = DirectCast(vCompany.GetBusinessObject(BoObjectTypes.oOrders), Documents)
                        Dim BusinessDelivery As Documents = DirectCast(vCompany.GetBusinessObject(BoObjectTypes.oDeliveryNotes), Documents)
                        Dim orders As Documents = BusinessOrders
                        OrderID = Convert.ToString(reader(1))
                        Dim Delivery As Documents = BusinessDelivery
                        Delivery.CardCode = orders.CardCode
                        Delivery.CardName = orders.CardName
                        Delivery.NumAtCard = orders.NumAtCard
                        'Delivery.DocNum = orders.DocNum
                        Delivery.HandWritten = BoYesNoEnum.tNO
                        Delivery.Series = 8
                        Delivery.DocDate = DateTime.Today
                        Delivery.DocDueDate = DateTime.Today
                        Delivery.TaxDate = DateTime.Today
                        Delivery.Address = orders.Address
                        Delivery.Address2 = orders.Address2
                        Delivery.Comments = "Based on Sales Order #" + orders.NumAtCard & "."
                        Delivery.DocCurrency = orders.DocCurrency
                        Delivery.DocDueDate = orders.DocDueDate
                        Delivery.DocObjectCode = SAPbobsCOM.BoObjectTypes.oDeliveryNotes
                        Delivery.ShipToCode = orders.ShipToCode
                        Dim lines As Document_Lines = orders.Lines
                        'If (count > 0) Then
                        '    lines.Add()
                        '    lines.SetCurrentLine((lines.Count - 1))
                        'End If
                        Dim oPickList As PickLists = DirectCast(vCompany.GetBusinessObject(BoObjectTypes.oPickLists), PickLists)
                        For i As Int32 = 0 To (lines.Count - 1)
                            If i > 0 Then
                            End If
                            ' Set the Current Lines on the order
                                Delivery.Lines.BaseEntry = oPickList.Lines.OrderEntry
                                Delivery.Lines.BaseLine = oPickList.Lines.OrderRowID
                                Delivery.Lines.Quantity = oPickList.Lines.PickedQuantity
                                Delivery.Lines.BaseType = DirectCast(SAPbobsCOM.BoObjectTypes.oOrders, Integer)
                                Delivery.Lines.BinAllocations.BinAbsEntry = oPickList.Lines.BinAllocations.BinAbsEntry
                                Dim rs As SAPbobsCOM.Recordset = vCompany.GetBusinessObject(SAPbobsCOM.BoObjectTypes.BoRecordset)
                                rs.DoQuery("select itemcode, price, dscription from RDR1 R where R.LineNum = " & oPickList.Lines.OrderRowID & " and R.PickIdNo = " & oPickList.Lines.AbsoluteEntry)
                                While (rs.EoF <> True)
                                    Delivery.Lines.ItemCode = rs.Fields.Item(0).Value.ToString 'orders.Lines.ItemCode
                                    Delivery.Lines.UnitPrice = CType(rs.Fields.Item(1).Value.ToString, Double) 'orders.Lines.UnitPrice
                                    Delivery.Lines.ItemDescription = rs.Fields.Item(2).Value.ToString 'orders.Lines.ItemDescription
                                End While
                                rs = Nothing
                            Catch ex As Exception
                                Continue For
                                My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText(_LogPath, ErrDetails.ToString, True)
                            End Try
                        If Delivery.Add() <> 0 Then
                            ErrDetails.AppendLine(" Unable to create Delivery note for Order: " & OrderID & " <br /> " & vCompany.GetLastErrorCode() & ":" & vCompany.GetLastErrorDescription())
                            ErrDetails.AppendLine("Successfully created Delivery note for Order:" & OrderID) ' & " as requested by " & UserEmail & ".")
                        End If
                        orders = Nothing
                        Delivery = Nothing
                        BusinessOrders = Nothing
                        BusinessDelivery = Nothing
                        My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText(_LogPath, ErrDetails.ToString, True)
                    End While
                    'orders = Nothing
                    'BusinessOrders = Nothing
                End Using
            Catch ex As Exception
                ErrDetails.AppendLine(" Error generating Delivery note for Order: " & OrderID & " <br /> " & ex.ToString())
                My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText(_LogPath, ErrDetails.ToString, True)
                If Not String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ErrDetails.ToString) Then
                    My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText(_LogPath, (ChrW(13) & ChrW(10) & ChrW(13) & ChrW(10) & "Errors encountered while registering data on " & System.DateTime.Now.ToString("F") & ".Errors:" & ChrW(13) & ChrW(10) & Me.ErrDetails.ToString), True)
                    My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText(_LogPath, (ChrW(13) & ChrW(10) & ChrW(13) & ChrW(10) & "Application Ran successfully on " & System.DateTime.Now.ToString("F") & "."), True)
                End If
            End Try
        End Sub
    The Error message am getting is 1470000368 - The quantity allocated to bin locations must be positive.

    Am getting this error now is
    "1470000341 - Fully allocate item "1017494" to bin locations in warehouse "Isolo". Issue is we have items in multiple Bin locations and the items have been picked via the pick ticket. Is it also possible to generate the delivery note off the Pick List.
    The new code am using is
        Public Sub Sales2Delivery() '(ByVal OrderID As String)
            Dim OrderID As String = ""
                Using connection As New SqlConnection(StaginConn)
                    'Dim command As New SqlCommand("SELECT DocEntry from ORDR with (nolock) WHERE NumAtCard = '" & OrderID & "'", connection)
                    Dim command As New SqlCommand("SET DATEFORMAT DMY; select distinct top 5 o.DocEntry, o.NumAtCard from ordr O with (nolock) join RDR1 R with (nolock) on R.DocEntry = O.DocEntry join OPKL P with (nolock) on P.AbsEntry = R.PickIdNo where u_shipstate = 'Delivered' and CAST(O.docdate as date) >= '30/04/2014' and P.Status = 'Y' and o.DocStatus = 'O';", connection)
                    Dim reader As SqlDataReader = command.ExecuteReader()
                    ' Call Read before accessing data.
                    While reader.Read()
                        Dim BusinessOrders As Documents = DirectCast(vCompany.GetBusinessObject(BoObjectTypes.oOrders), Documents)
                        Dim BusinessDelivery As Documents = DirectCast(vCompany.GetBusinessObject(BoObjectTypes.oDeliveryNotes), Documents)
                        Dim orders As Documents = BusinessOrders
                        OrderID = Convert.ToString(reader(1))
                        Dim Delivery As Documents = BusinessDelivery
                        Delivery.CardCode = orders.CardCode
                        Delivery.CardName = orders.CardName
                        Delivery.NumAtCard = orders.NumAtCard
                        'Delivery.DocNum = orders.DocNum
                        Delivery.HandWritten = BoYesNoEnum.tNO
                        'Delivery.Series = 8
                        Delivery.DocDate = DateTime.Today
                        Delivery.DocDueDate = DateTime.Today
                        Delivery.TaxDate = DateTime.Today
                        Delivery.Address = orders.Address
                        Delivery.Address2 = orders.Address2
                        Delivery.Comments = "Based on Sales Order #" + orders.NumAtCard & "."
                        Delivery.DocCurrency = orders.DocCurrency
                        Delivery.DocDueDate = orders.DocDueDate
                        Delivery.DocObjectCode = SAPbobsCOM.BoObjectTypes.oDeliveryNotes
                        Delivery.ShipToCode = orders.ShipToCode
                        Dim lines As Document_Lines = orders.Lines
                        'If (count > 0) Then
                        '    lines.Add()
                        '    lines.SetCurrentLine((lines.Count - 1))
                        'End If
                        Dim oPickList As PickLists = DirectCast(vCompany.GetBusinessObject(BoObjectTypes.oPickLists), PickLists)
                        For i As Int32 = 0 To (lines.Count - 1)
                            If i > 0 Then
                            End If
                            ' Set the Current Lines on the order
                                Delivery.Lines.BaseEntry = oPickList.Lines.OrderEntry
                                Delivery.Lines.BaseLine = oPickList.Lines.OrderRowID
                                Delivery.Lines.Quantity = oPickList.Lines.PickedQuantity
                                Delivery.Lines.BaseType = DirectCast(SAPbobsCOM.BoObjectTypes.oOrders, Integer)
                                'Dim rs As SAPbobsCOM.Recordset = vCompany.GetBusinessObject(SAPbobsCOM.BoObjectTypes.BoRecordset)
                                'rs.DoQuery("select itemcode, price, dscription from RDR1 R where R.LineNum = " & oPickList.Lines.OrderRowID & " and R.PickIdNo = " & oPickList.Lines.AbsoluteEntry)
                                'While (rs.EoF <> True)
                                Delivery.Lines.ItemCode = orders.Lines.ItemCode
                                Delivery.Lines.UnitPrice = orders.Lines.UnitPrice
                                Delivery.Lines.ItemDescription = orders.Lines.ItemDescription
                                '            rs.MoveNext()
                                '            End While
                                'rs = Nothing
                            Catch ex As Exception
                Continue For
                My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText(_LogPath, ErrDetails.ToString, True)
            End Try
                        If Delivery.Add() <> 0 Then
                            ErrDetails.AppendLine(" Unable to create Delivery note for Order: " & OrderID & " <br /> " & vCompany.GetLastErrorCode() & ":" & vCompany.GetLastErrorDescription())
                            ErrDetails.AppendLine("Successfully created Delivery note for Order:" & OrderID) ' & " as requested by " & UserEmail & ".")
                        End If
                        orders = Nothing
                        Delivery = Nothing
                        BusinessOrders = Nothing
                        BusinessDelivery = Nothing
                        My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText(_LogPath, ErrDetails.ToString, True)
                    End While
                    'orders = Nothing
                    'BusinessOrders = Nothing
                End Using
            Catch ex As Exception
                ErrDetails.AppendLine(" Error generating Delivery note for Order: " & OrderID & " <br /> " & ex.ToString())
                My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText(_LogPath, ErrDetails.ToString, True)
                If Not String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ErrDetails.ToString) Then
                    My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText(_LogPath, (ChrW(13) & ChrW(10) & ChrW(13) & ChrW(10) & "Errors encountered while registering data on " & System.DateTime.Now.ToString("F") & ".Errors:" & ChrW(13) & ChrW(10) & Me.ErrDetails.ToString), True)
                    My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText(_LogPath, (ChrW(13) & ChrW(10) & ChrW(13) & ChrW(10) & "Application Ran successfully on " & System.DateTime.Now.ToString("F") & "."), True)
                End If
            End Try
        End Sub

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    The problem is twenty three people leaving or twenty three thousand leaving has zero impact on a carrier with over 100 million customers. And they have the lowest churn rate. So if 10,000 or 20,000 or more churn out it means little to the carrier.
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    In fact in Verizon's customer agreement it has such a disclaimer against any verbal exchanges so if you have that agreement in writing, go get them.
    The posting on public forums and places like Face Book, Linkin, Google+ or a personal web site can open you up to a lawsuit for Dilution of Trade Name, and other offences. However if you have proof then go for it.
    Unfortunately that is how big business works today. A pity

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    I am trying to create a delivery note form a sales order in B1 V9 PL8 and I am getting the following error -
    Internal error (-2010) occurred
    The code has been working but we seem to be getting problems now
    Can anyone suggest anything please ?
    Copy of the code attached

    Hi Andrew,
    Try replacing this line:
    odel.Lines.BaseLine = lineno - 1
    with this:
    odel.Lines.BaseLine = oorder.Lines.LineNum

  • Trx for printing picking list and from this printing delivery note.

    1) what is the trx for printing the picking list?
    2) what is the trx for printing the delivery note starting from a picking list?
    Best regards

    T. code for Output for Picking list is VL70
    T. Code for outputs for Deliveries is VL71.
    Hope this is clear.
    Reward if helpful.

  • Error while creating Delivery Note from Sales Order

    I am trying to create Delivery Note from Sales Order. But, I am getting one error sayin "An Item with no delivery quantity is not permitted.Item will be deleted". Hence, the delivery note was not created.
    Can you please let me know, why this error comes. And how to rectify this error.
    Please let me know, what are all checks, I need to do, to know this error.

    There may be following reason :-
    Either the relevant Item Category is not relevant for Delivery, Check the Item Category in Sales Order and then check the settings of this Item Category in VOV7.
    Also check the relevant Schedule Line in VOV6, it should be relevant for Delivery.
    The Other reason may be that your schedule line in Sales Order is Not confirmed for Available Quantity so check the Sales Order> Line Item> Schedule Line.
    Amitesh Anand

  • Active Directory error message "the following object is not from a domain listed in the Select location forestB\username

    Hello Community
        "forestA" is my forest it is a Windows 2008 Server Enterprise Edition
    domain controller using Active Directory and the UI.
        In my forest ("forestA") trust relationship I created a "One-Way, Out-going"
    forest trust with Forest-Wide authentication so that a different forest user(s) or
    group(s) with a different admin in a forest named “forestB” can access the resources in my “forestA”
        But also forestB needs to create a "One-way, Incoming" forest trust so that
    I can either add the user(s) or group(s) from “forestB” into to a "Global Security - Group"
    in my "forestA" or I can
     add user(s)  as  "domain user(s)" from “forestB” into my "forestA".
        The problem is that when I right click  the global group in my forestA  and then
    properties, when I click "Members" and then the "Add" button when I type
    "forestB\username" I get an error message from Active Directory stating:
        "the following object is not from a domain listed in the Select location
    dialog box, and is therefore not valid: forestB\username".
        Am I doing something wrong when creating the one-way trust in my
    “forestA” or is the one-way trust being created wrong by the other domain admin in the other “forestB”?
        Or could I possibly need to select "Change Domain" or "Change Domain Controller"
    before adding the users or Groups to my forestA from forestB?
        That is why I am asking
     how do you add an Active Directory user from one forest into another forest?
        Thank you

    Hello Denis Cooper
        That is the end result.
        What I was trying  to do was that I was trying to
     bring in the user(s) and group(s) from “forestB”  into
    my “forestA”  Global group.
        Later on I was going to add the user(s) or Global groups(s) that I brought into my dc in my forestA
     into the domain local groups  on my member servers in my forestA.
        So since the error message is:
    "the following object is not from a domain listed in the Select location dialog box, and is therefore not valid: forestB\username".
    Does your response
     mean only Global group(s) from forestB not domain user(s) from forestB have
     to been added to domain local groups in forestA?
    Or is it also possible to add Global group(s) from “forestB” to Global group(s) in my “forestA” and if so
    how without getting the above error message?
    Thank you

  • Create a delivery note after an advance invoice is paid

    Suppose that the use of an advance invoice is that you deliver items to your client only after your client has paid the price for these items in advance.
    Now assume the following situation:
    You book an advance invoice.
    You wait until the amount of this advance invoice is paid by your client, i.e. until you are informed by your bank on the receipt of a payment.
    You book the receipt of payment in SAP.
    After this the status of the advance invoice is set to closed by SAP.
    This document status makes it unpossible to create a delivery note related to the advance invoice - the only way is to create a seperate delivery note without any relation to the original advance invoice.
    My question: Did I get the situation right? In this case I would say that the behaviour of SAP is erroneous - or are there any implicite reasons for this design decision?
    Any idea to come along with this?
    Thanks for your help!

    My question was too hasty.
    As I wrote in step 4 of my initial message after booking of payment in SAP the advance invoice is closed - this is correct.
    But my conclusion in step 5 is not correct in total:
    It is correct that you cannot create a delivery note as a sequel document to the advance invoice using "copy to" in the advance invoice form, since the advance invoice is already closed -
    but you can create a sequel delivery note document using "copy from" in a delivery note form related to the already closed advance invoice!
    Hence my question is obsolete!

  • Creating a delivery note based on a sales order in SBO2005

    I am using the diapi to create a delivery note based on a sales order. Everything works well apart from I have 3 user defined fields on the sales order lines, 2 numeric and one which is a combo box.
    The 2 numeric values as copied across ok but the combo is not.
    I don't know what the delivery number is as I guess SAP assigns that after I save the delivery note.
    Can anyone help me with this please ?
    Regards Andy

    Hi Paul & Gilbert,
    As you assumed, the docentry is created at the moment when you are saving the document.
    The docentry for the last created document can be retrieved from the Company object. There are two alternative methods for this: GetNewObjectCode and GetNewObjectKey. Please see the DI API reference for more details. These are the only reliable way to get the last created docentry. A query might work nicely in 95% of the cases, but in a multi-user environment it will sooner or later produce incorrect results.

  • Delivery note from sale order

    Hi all,
    While trying to create a delivery note against sale order in VL10G, the message "only 0 ea of  material XXX available".    In stock material quantity is available.  The material has some reservations against it.  Will this be resulting in not creating delivery note. 

    Is your material stock against order ie restricted to specific order  or is it make to stock ie in Unrestricted.
    Please check the availability check in sales order. It will show if any delivery is created but not done PGI. Either delete that delivery & then you will be able to create the delivery for this order.
    Let me know if the problem still continues.

  • Create the Delivery Notes

    Hi, all
    The Document in oinv and inv1 with DocEntry 18 is exist,
    ItemCode have not binding with batch or series,
    i want create the Delivery Notes, code C#:
         SAPbobsCOM.Documents dShipment =
         dShipment.DocObjectCode = SAPbobsCOM.BoObjectTypes.oDeliveryNotes;
         dShipment.DocDate     = DateTime.Now;
         dShipment.DocDueDate  = DateTime.Now;
         dShipment.Comments    = "";
         dShipment.HandWritten = SAPbobsCOM.BoYesNoEnum.tNO;
         dShipment.DocTotal    = 100000.00;
         dShipment.CardCode    = "ÂÅÑÊÎÐ";
         dShipment.CardName    = "";
         dShipment.Lines.ItemCode     = "FCA 3430";
         dShipment.Lines.Quantity     = 1.0;
         dShipment.Lines.Price          = 100000.00;
         dShipment.Lines.BaseType     = 13;
         dShipment.Lines.BaseEntry     = 18;
         dShipment.Lines.BaseLine     = 0;
         int nRet = dShipment.Add();
         if(nRet != 0)
         // error : , 'Error (-1004) encountered.'
    Delivery Notes don't created

    Hi Gennadiy,
    I think the Delivery note is already closed. I did your test in my SBO and got the same error. Go into SBO and test if you can load that delivery note for that customer into an invoice.
    Hope it helps,

  • I create my apple id from my boyfriend macbook and its says that I have to review my itunes information , when I get to the credit card number info etc. Its keep asking me for that I dont have any credit card and I dont want to put any , what should I do?

    I create my apple id from my boyfriend macbook and its says that I have to review my itunes information , when I get to the credit card number info etc. Its keep asking me for that I dont have any credit card and I dont want to put any , what should I do?

    You cannot use that ID without a credit card. You did not create your account correctly. There is very specific way in which you must create your account if you do not want to use a credit card. If you don't have a credit card, you will have to start all over again.
    1. You will have to sign out of that ID before you can create a new one. Settings>iTunes & App Store>Apple ID>Sign out.
    2. You cannot use the email address that you used for the first ID that you created. You will need to use another email address now
    3. You have to download a free app in order to start the new Apple ID process.
    Read this before proceeding.

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    What can I do? I dropped my iphone (not from a great height) and now it won't turn on however when I plug it in the white apple shows on my screen. My lock button has been broken for awhile so I can't even try switch it on!

    Once you have a proven, working Charger... Charge the Device for a couple of hours. Then try to turn it on.
    If no joy...
    Press and Hold the Sleep/Wake Button and the Home Button at the Same Time...
    Wait for the Apple logo to Appear...
    Usually takes about 15 - 20 Seconds... ( But can take Longer...)
    Release the Buttons...
    If the issue persists...
    Then a Visit to an Apple Store or AASP (Authorized Apple Service Provider) is the Next Step...
    Be sure to make an appointment first...

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    What's more, they don't even show on the bluetooth devices list..

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    i have an unlock iphone 4s that i buy it not from apple store can and i broke the screen can i repair the screen i apple and how mich is it if yes??

    Not covered by warranty. If you make an appointment at an Apple store, you will be offered an out of warranty replacement. Cost is US $199 for an iPhone 4S.

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