Delivery Notes Generation Via Pick List

Am trying to generate delivery notes off pick tickets and i can't find any code example. I now came up with the following code but am having issues when items are in multiple Bin Locations.
Public Sub Sales2Delivery() '(ByVal OrderID As String)
        Dim OrderID As String = ""
            Using connection As New SqlConnection(StaginConn)
                'Dim command As New SqlCommand("SELECT DocEntry from ORDR with (nolock) WHERE NumAtCard = '" & OrderID & "'", connection)
                Dim command As New SqlCommand("SET DATEFORMAT DMY; select distinct top 5 o.DocEntry, o.NumAtCard from ordr O with (nolock) join RDR1 R with (nolock) on R.DocEntry = O.DocEntry join OPKL P with (nolock) on P.AbsEntry = R.PickIdNo where u_shipstate = 'Delivered' and CAST(O.docdate as date) >= '30/04/2014' and P.Status = 'Y';", connection)
                Dim reader As SqlDataReader = command.ExecuteReader()
                ' Call Read before accessing data.
                While reader.Read()
                    Dim BusinessOrders As Documents = DirectCast(vCompany.GetBusinessObject(BoObjectTypes.oOrders), Documents)
                    Dim BusinessDelivery As Documents = DirectCast(vCompany.GetBusinessObject(BoObjectTypes.oDeliveryNotes), Documents)
                    Dim orders As Documents = BusinessOrders
                    OrderID = Convert.ToString(reader(1))
                    Dim Delivery As Documents = BusinessDelivery
                    Delivery.CardCode = orders.CardCode
                    Delivery.CardName = orders.CardName
                    Delivery.NumAtCard = orders.NumAtCard
                    'Delivery.DocNum = orders.DocNum
                    Delivery.HandWritten = BoYesNoEnum.tNO
                    Delivery.Series = 8
                    Delivery.DocDate = DateTime.Today
                    Delivery.DocDueDate = DateTime.Today
                    Delivery.TaxDate = DateTime.Today
                    Delivery.Address = orders.Address
                    Delivery.Address2 = orders.Address2
                    Delivery.Comments = "Based on Sales Order #" + orders.NumAtCard & "."
                    Delivery.DocCurrency = orders.DocCurrency
                    Delivery.DocDueDate = orders.DocDueDate
                    Delivery.DocObjectCode = SAPbobsCOM.BoObjectTypes.oDeliveryNotes
                    Delivery.ShipToCode = orders.ShipToCode
                    Dim lines As Document_Lines = orders.Lines
                    'If (count > 0) Then
                    '    lines.Add()
                    '    lines.SetCurrentLine((lines.Count - 1))
                    'End If
                    Dim oPickList As PickLists = DirectCast(vCompany.GetBusinessObject(BoObjectTypes.oPickLists), PickLists)
                    For i As Int32 = 0 To (lines.Count - 1)
                        If i > 0 Then
                        End If
                        ' Set the Current Lines on the order
                            Delivery.Lines.BaseEntry = oPickList.Lines.OrderEntry
                            Delivery.Lines.BaseLine = oPickList.Lines.OrderRowID
                            Delivery.Lines.Quantity = oPickList.Lines.PickedQuantity
                            Delivery.Lines.BaseType = DirectCast(SAPbobsCOM.BoObjectTypes.oOrders, Integer)
                            Delivery.Lines.BinAllocations.BinAbsEntry = oPickList.Lines.BinAllocations.BinAbsEntry
                            Dim rs As SAPbobsCOM.Recordset = vCompany.GetBusinessObject(SAPbobsCOM.BoObjectTypes.BoRecordset)
                            rs.DoQuery("select itemcode, price, dscription from RDR1 R where R.LineNum = " & oPickList.Lines.OrderRowID & " and R.PickIdNo = " & oPickList.Lines.AbsoluteEntry)
                            While (rs.EoF <> True)
                                Delivery.Lines.ItemCode = rs.Fields.Item(0).Value.ToString 'orders.Lines.ItemCode
                                Delivery.Lines.UnitPrice = CType(rs.Fields.Item(1).Value.ToString, Double) 'orders.Lines.UnitPrice
                                Delivery.Lines.ItemDescription = rs.Fields.Item(2).Value.ToString 'orders.Lines.ItemDescription
                            End While
                            rs = Nothing
                        Catch ex As Exception
                            Continue For
                            My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText(_LogPath, ErrDetails.ToString, True)
                        End Try
                    If Delivery.Add() <> 0 Then
                        ErrDetails.AppendLine(" Unable to create Delivery note for Order: " & OrderID & " <br /> " & vCompany.GetLastErrorCode() & ":" & vCompany.GetLastErrorDescription())
                        ErrDetails.AppendLine("Successfully created Delivery note for Order:" & OrderID) ' & " as requested by " & UserEmail & ".")
                    End If
                    orders = Nothing
                    Delivery = Nothing
                    BusinessOrders = Nothing
                    BusinessDelivery = Nothing
                    My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText(_LogPath, ErrDetails.ToString, True)
                End While
                'orders = Nothing
                'BusinessOrders = Nothing
            End Using
        Catch ex As Exception
            ErrDetails.AppendLine(" Error generating Delivery note for Order: " & OrderID & " <br /> " & ex.ToString())
            My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText(_LogPath, ErrDetails.ToString, True)
            If Not String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ErrDetails.ToString) Then
                My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText(_LogPath, (ChrW(13) & ChrW(10) & ChrW(13) & ChrW(10) & "Errors encountered while registering data on " & System.DateTime.Now.ToString("F") & ".Errors:" & ChrW(13) & ChrW(10) & Me.ErrDetails.ToString), True)
                My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText(_LogPath, (ChrW(13) & ChrW(10) & ChrW(13) & ChrW(10) & "Application Ran successfully on " & System.DateTime.Now.ToString("F") & "."), True)
            End If
        End Try
    End Sub
The Error message am getting is 1470000368 - The quantity allocated to bin locations must be positive.

Am getting this error now is
"1470000341 - Fully allocate item "1017494" to bin locations in warehouse "Isolo". Issue is we have items in multiple Bin locations and the items have been picked via the pick ticket. Is it also possible to generate the delivery note off the Pick List.
The new code am using is
    Public Sub Sales2Delivery() '(ByVal OrderID As String)
        Dim OrderID As String = ""
            Using connection As New SqlConnection(StaginConn)
                'Dim command As New SqlCommand("SELECT DocEntry from ORDR with (nolock) WHERE NumAtCard = '" & OrderID & "'", connection)
                Dim command As New SqlCommand("SET DATEFORMAT DMY; select distinct top 5 o.DocEntry, o.NumAtCard from ordr O with (nolock) join RDR1 R with (nolock) on R.DocEntry = O.DocEntry join OPKL P with (nolock) on P.AbsEntry = R.PickIdNo where u_shipstate = 'Delivered' and CAST(O.docdate as date) >= '30/04/2014' and P.Status = 'Y' and o.DocStatus = 'O';", connection)
                Dim reader As SqlDataReader = command.ExecuteReader()
                ' Call Read before accessing data.
                While reader.Read()
                    Dim BusinessOrders As Documents = DirectCast(vCompany.GetBusinessObject(BoObjectTypes.oOrders), Documents)
                    Dim BusinessDelivery As Documents = DirectCast(vCompany.GetBusinessObject(BoObjectTypes.oDeliveryNotes), Documents)
                    Dim orders As Documents = BusinessOrders
                    OrderID = Convert.ToString(reader(1))
                    Dim Delivery As Documents = BusinessDelivery
                    Delivery.CardCode = orders.CardCode
                    Delivery.CardName = orders.CardName
                    Delivery.NumAtCard = orders.NumAtCard
                    'Delivery.DocNum = orders.DocNum
                    Delivery.HandWritten = BoYesNoEnum.tNO
                    'Delivery.Series = 8
                    Delivery.DocDate = DateTime.Today
                    Delivery.DocDueDate = DateTime.Today
                    Delivery.TaxDate = DateTime.Today
                    Delivery.Address = orders.Address
                    Delivery.Address2 = orders.Address2
                    Delivery.Comments = "Based on Sales Order #" + orders.NumAtCard & "."
                    Delivery.DocCurrency = orders.DocCurrency
                    Delivery.DocDueDate = orders.DocDueDate
                    Delivery.DocObjectCode = SAPbobsCOM.BoObjectTypes.oDeliveryNotes
                    Delivery.ShipToCode = orders.ShipToCode
                    Dim lines As Document_Lines = orders.Lines
                    'If (count > 0) Then
                    '    lines.Add()
                    '    lines.SetCurrentLine((lines.Count - 1))
                    'End If
                    Dim oPickList As PickLists = DirectCast(vCompany.GetBusinessObject(BoObjectTypes.oPickLists), PickLists)
                    For i As Int32 = 0 To (lines.Count - 1)
                        If i > 0 Then
                        End If
                        ' Set the Current Lines on the order
                            Delivery.Lines.BaseEntry = oPickList.Lines.OrderEntry
                            Delivery.Lines.BaseLine = oPickList.Lines.OrderRowID
                            Delivery.Lines.Quantity = oPickList.Lines.PickedQuantity
                            Delivery.Lines.BaseType = DirectCast(SAPbobsCOM.BoObjectTypes.oOrders, Integer)
                            'Dim rs As SAPbobsCOM.Recordset = vCompany.GetBusinessObject(SAPbobsCOM.BoObjectTypes.BoRecordset)
                            'rs.DoQuery("select itemcode, price, dscription from RDR1 R where R.LineNum = " & oPickList.Lines.OrderRowID & " and R.PickIdNo = " & oPickList.Lines.AbsoluteEntry)
                            'While (rs.EoF <> True)
                            Delivery.Lines.ItemCode = orders.Lines.ItemCode
                            Delivery.Lines.UnitPrice = orders.Lines.UnitPrice
                            Delivery.Lines.ItemDescription = orders.Lines.ItemDescription
                            '            rs.MoveNext()
                            '            End While
                            'rs = Nothing
                        Catch ex As Exception
            Continue For
            My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText(_LogPath, ErrDetails.ToString, True)
        End Try
                    If Delivery.Add() <> 0 Then
                        ErrDetails.AppendLine(" Unable to create Delivery note for Order: " & OrderID & " <br /> " & vCompany.GetLastErrorCode() & ":" & vCompany.GetLastErrorDescription())
                        ErrDetails.AppendLine("Successfully created Delivery note for Order:" & OrderID) ' & " as requested by " & UserEmail & ".")
                    End If
                    orders = Nothing
                    Delivery = Nothing
                    BusinessOrders = Nothing
                    BusinessDelivery = Nothing
                    My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText(_LogPath, ErrDetails.ToString, True)
                End While
                'orders = Nothing
                'BusinessOrders = Nothing
            End Using
        Catch ex As Exception
            ErrDetails.AppendLine(" Error generating Delivery note for Order: " & OrderID & " <br /> " & ex.ToString())
            My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText(_LogPath, ErrDetails.ToString, True)
            If Not String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ErrDetails.ToString) Then
                My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText(_LogPath, (ChrW(13) & ChrW(10) & ChrW(13) & ChrW(10) & "Errors encountered while registering data on " & System.DateTime.Now.ToString("F") & ".Errors:" & ChrW(13) & ChrW(10) & Me.ErrDetails.ToString), True)
                My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText(_LogPath, (ChrW(13) & ChrW(10) & ChrW(13) & ChrW(10) & "Application Ran successfully on " & System.DateTime.Now.ToString("F") & "."), True)
            End If
        End Try
    End Sub

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  • Create a Delivery note from a picking List and many binallocations

    Recently, I get how create a delivery note form a picking list with batchnumbers, but now I have the following case.
    Quantity       Product       SerialAndBatchNumbersBaseLine
    10                ID200                              0   
    5                  ID200                              1
    now I set the batchNumbers
    location    batchnumber       quantity
    02-A              XY                   10
    02-B              YY                    5    <---    this location give me error.
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    10                ID200                              0   
    5                  ID200                              1
    location    batchnumber       quantity
    02-A              XY                   10
    02-B              XY                    5  
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    so how is the way to create a delivery note with many binallocations? 
    (if required I will paste code.)
    Kind regards,

    Hi Pablo,
    based on the code from the other thread it should be like that for the first row:
    delivery.Lines.ItemCode = "ID200";
    delivery.Lines.Quantity = 15;
    delivery.Lines.BinAllocations.BinAbsEntry = 3107; // guessed AbsEntry
    delivery.Lines.BinAllocations.Quantity = 10;
    delivery.Lines.BinAllocations.SerialAndBatchNumbersBaseLine = 0;
    delivery.Lines.BinAllocations.BinAbsEntry = 3108;
    delivery.Lines.BinAllocations.Quantity = 5;
    delivery.Lines.BinAllocations.SerialAndBatchNumbersBaseLine = 1;
    delivery.Lines.BatchNumbers.Location = "02-A";
    delivery.Lines.BatchNumbers.BatchNumber = "XY";
    delivery.Lines.BatchNumbers.Quantity = 10;
    delivery.Lines.BatchNumbers.Location = "02-B";
    delivery.Lines.BatchNumbers.BatchNumber = "YY";
    delivery.Lines.BatchNumbers.Quantity = 5;  
    You got now :
    1 Delivery Row, Quantity 15
    2 BinLoc Rows, Quantity 10+5
    2 Batch Rows, Quantity 10+5

  • BW Hierarchies sometimes not showing as pick list

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    Hi Duncan,
    thank you for your reply. It's really sort of tricky.
    After the pick list is up and ready once, It'll be shown fine from that point on until, I assume, my CMC login expires.
    So maybe it's some permission problem?
    I just tested the following:
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    <li>log into CMC -> call report (does not have to be the same, just has to have a hierarchy pick list, a simple report does not do the trick) -> check that it has the hierarchy pick list
    <li>go back to the portal, call the report again -> hierarchy pick list comes up ok
    <li>log off from CMC
    <li>go back to the portal, call the report again -> flat list again...
    the whole thing works the same when I replace CMC by InfoView. The strange thing is that I have to log in to Infoview the first time I call the report from the portal (even though we have SAP credentials in BO), but this does not seem to be sufficient. I have to call one of the reports in Infoview or CMC first to make it work from the portal.
    Concerning the trace, I'll have to look into this together with our sysadmins, but I'll see what I can get.
    Thanks again for your ideas,

  • Problem in generation of Picking list

    Hi friends,
    The scenario:  Picking list is printed as soon as the delivery is saved. The program and layout are working fine.
    Example: let a delivery is being saved with reference to a sales order with only one line item ( for simplicity), and let the quantity to be delivered that is delivery quantity (LIPSD-G_LFIMG, on screen) be 2, now there are three cases:
    1. before saving the delivery if NO Picking quantity (LIPSD-PIKMG, on screen) is entered, The picking list is printed, here the field VBUP-KOSTA (picking status field) is having value 'A', and field VBUK-KOSTK(Overall Picking status)is also having value 'A', and the picking list is printed.
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    So, my requirement is to Print the picking list, even if the delivery quantity and picking quantity is same for any number of line items.
    How can i solve this problem?? Speedy help requested.

    Hi Sharon,
    Looks like you need this pick list no matter what the status of the document is and what the picking relevancy is. Why don't you create an output type that is assigned to the document all the time and then create this form as it is. If you are trying to use the standard output type and standard form and standard routine, then system is going to behave the standard way, that is to create a pick list when it is relevant for picking and only if the status is not complete. The system logic is that a pick list is supposed to tell your warehouse as to what needs to be picked and if there is nothing to be picked or if the item not relevant for the picking then it doesn't need to be there on this list.
    So if you want a list similar to the pick list, have the logic replicated minus the pre-conditions about picking status etc, have the form copied and then create and assign it to a new output type.

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    How can I get the delivery document numbers from the picking list numbers?

    Try using transaction SE16 and table VBFA- subs. doc category Q should give a list of pick list numbers the preceding document is the delivery. Note you may have to go to settings> fields for selection to choose subs doc categ.  so that it appears as a selection.

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    I am using SAP 2007 PL5.  Thank you.  Jason
    Edited by: Jason Stansfield on Mar 15, 2008 4:09 PM

    would any of the BOM types (Production or Template) be able to appear on a pick list?  I am not sure why SAP has this functionality given that a sales BOM insofar as I understand it, is just a collection of items which are actually stocked. In most cases out Sales BOMs do not even require any assembly. 
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    Many Thanks

  • B1 Error with Item Batches and Delivery notes generation

    Hi Experts
    I am getting the following error
    SAPB1 error: (-10) [DLN1.WhsCode][line: 0] , 'The selected quantity of batch/serial numbers is greater than the open quantity.'
    When I try to generate a Delivery note based on information provided in a EDI file
    The EDI file contains item code, quantity, batches, batch quantities. I am able to generate the delivery however in certain instances I get the above error message.
    I am using IBOLT software to import the sales information into a delivery note in SAP.
    I am using SAP B1 2007
    Anthony Mendes

    Dear Mr Mendes,
    Obviously there is an error related to the warehouse on the first line of the document. Considering the error message I reckon that the information imported refer to a warehouse were there is not enough qty in stock and with batches.
    I would recommend to test the issue without using the add on and see if you can add the missing batches through the application (inventory - item management - batches - complete mode).
    If you can it means that the issue relates to the add on and therefore something must be changed in its code.
    If you have an issue in the application, please run the select query related to batches that you can find in note n. 1250867 and if that query retrieves results, please log a message.
    Marcella Rivi
    SAP Business One Forums Team

  • Infoview pick list values and CR parameter values are not the same

    Hello All
    We have created created Crystal Reports based upon BW Query using Static Parameters as recomended by SAP. When we run the query in InfoView the Pick List is dynamically updated and returns the correct data for selection. When The Crystal Report opens and you wish to navigate through the report using the parameter selection the selection criteria has not been maintained by BW and does not match the Pick List.
    Can you please advise if there is any way to make this work?
    We ar using Crystal Reports 2008 version
    on BOBJ XI 3.1
    Any help would be appreciated,

    Hello Ingo
    What is strange that in InfoView the pick list is only dynamic the Parameters when the document is open (in InfoView) are not dynamic. An example would be Searching on Material. In Info view the pick list provides all the materials to select from. Once though the report is open the parameter list on the left hand side could be seen as blank as it refers to the static list that is not manually maintained within Crystal Reports or provide a list of details that has no reference to the dynamic selection as returned from BW as it is a static list that was loaded with Crystal Reports Designer on creation.
    What we are wanting to achieve is that Info View Pick List is Dynamic and the Parameter list that can be used to navigate within the document once opened is dynamically refreshed to be the same as the Pick List provided by BW and InfoView.
    Is this possible?
    With CR Designer if we use Do Not Show, Info View no longer provides this parameter on the left hand side.
    If we use Editable the list provided in InfoView is equal to the static list as maintained within CR Designer.
    We have not tested Read Only Yet so I am not sure if this could be the solution or not.
    Any ideas would be of great benefit
    Edited by: Phillip L on Nov 26, 2010 5:22 PM
    Edited by: Phillip L on Nov 26, 2010 5:23 PM

  • Configuring printer for pick list

    Hi All,
    please let me know how and where do we configure the printer for a pick list.
    thanks in advance for your help.

    Hi Friend,
    The printer configration will be done not only for Pick list, it will be for PACK LIST, invoices, ORDER CONFIRMATIONS, DELIVERY NOTE,
    For any activity we need to configure the printer in Spool Administration via the transaction code
    Please revert back if u need any further clarification,

  • Want address pick list

    hi can u pls help me with this issue
    In sales order there is a ship to sold to party entered manually by the sales order clerk, however this is not reflected in the PICKING SLIP OR PICK LIST. The customer WANTS the ship to party to be printed out in the picking list.
    IN the delivery note the "ship to" is printed! The problem is that the warehouse guys want the ship to on the picking slip as well...
    with regards

    Dear Manish Chaturvedi,
    The rows of the pick list show the sales orders. Therefore you have to query the RDR1. In order to know which document is in the pick lists use the pickidno in RDR1 that is the number of the pick list.
    If it is NULL it means that the sales order is not in any Pick list.
    Marcella Rivi
    SAP Business One Forums Team

  • Printing Picking List in WM

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    But If I creating the O/Delivery and Creates the TO against Delivery then System create & prints the TOs based on each Storage type (TO split function).
    -Even it is not printing the Pick list based on Storage type while using LT44.
    Please suggest...

    Hi Greetings
    Please check the following configuration settings.
    Transaction : OMLV --> Spool code --> For the combination of Warehouse number and Spool control ensure the "Print immediately" check box is checked.
    Gobinathan G

  • Document Generation Wizard - disregard picked Items for Delivery Notes

    We have a requirement from a customer whereby when they are creating Delivery Notes from Sales Orders via the Document Generation Wizard to exclude quantities of Items which have been picked on the Sales Order already. 
    E.g. Sales Order, Product XXXX for Qty 10.
    Qty 5 has been Picked.
    Document Generation Wizard is run with an option to create Delivery Note from Sales Order for qty 5 of XXXX

    Here is the other solution:
    1. Using the draft document generator, you can generate 1 time all the invoices like draft, then you can write a query to display this invoices , then you ca put this query in the alert management to generate the report with this invoices montly when you want.....then you create the invoices that you want, this option is semi-automatic and can work good if you don't have a lot of invoices...
    2. using Data tranfer workbench, you can configure a excel template with all the invoices ready to migrate to SBO with the DTW, also you can make a alert in SBO in order to make this activity in a day montly....this is more automatic.
    3.writing "Simply" SDK project to generate this invoices... using the oinvoice SBO object to create automaticaly all the invoices that you can use the draft table information in order to generate this invoices using SDK.
    The 3 solutions above are meant to resolve problem relate to auto invoice process, you can think about it.

  • Printing delivery note via attachment list

    Hi all,
    when I print a delivery note in VL02N, it is also archived as PDF in our archive system (SAPERION).
    My problem is, that a print from archive via attachment list is different (e.g. different borders) from that, which i printed at first.
    Is there any chance to get the same output again?
    Regards, Hubert

    T. code for Output for Picking list is VL70
    T. Code for outputs for Deliveries is VL71.
    Hope this is clear.
    Reward if helpful.

  • Trx for printing picking list and from this printing delivery note.

    1) what is the trx for printing the picking list?
    2) what is the trx for printing the delivery note starting from a picking list?
    Best regards

    T. code for Output for Picking list is VL70
    T. Code for outputs for Deliveries is VL71.
    Hope this is clear.
    Reward if helpful.

  • Pick List Generation Wizard not working

    Hi all,
    I am trying to generate Pick List but the Pick List Generation Wizard is not picking the items to be released. The items in the sales order are all inventory/sales items. Is there a setting that needs be configured?
    A screenshot of the problem is attached.
    All help is appreciated.

    Please refer SAP note:
    1984364 - Unable to see message from SBO_SP_TransactionNotification
    when releasing to pick list if bin locations are enabled
    Thanks & Regards,

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