Bytearray to string

Hi everyone,
If i have an array of bytes, how can i transform it back into a string, i mean transform the ASCII byte values back into characters so i get back the original string. Is there a method that can transform all the bytestream at once or i have to do it one byte every time?

Did you ever have a look at the String constructors in the API docs?

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    Edited by: xtremliep on May 5, 2008 10:56 PM

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    hi everybody this is my first post I hope I can find the help I need I have been doing some research and couldnt find the solution thanks in advanced
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    public byte[] createData(){
                    ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
                    DataOutputStream dos = new DataOutputStream(baos);               
                    byte[] data = baos.toByteArray();
                    return data;
    }Server Side (Converting the byte[] to String and Add some Identifier)
    byte[] data= createData(); //Obtain the data  in a byte[]
    String response = new String(data);  //Convert the Data to String
    String Identifier= "14"; // to identify in the client side the data received this will be removed later
    response = Identifier+response;  // add the identifier to the String
    sendToClient( response.getBytes() );  //obtain bytes from the complete Response and send them to clientClient Side ( Receive the response that is a byte array containing the identifier plus the info <Identifier : info> )
                int index=response.indexOf(":")+1;  //find the index of the : so i can delete the identifier
                response=response.substring(index); // delete the identifier
                byte[] data = response.getBytes(); // obtains the bytes for the info ONLY cause the string no longer has identif
                receiveData ( data ); // send the data to be read by this method Client Side (Receive the Info sent from the server and read it)
                public void receiveData ( byte[] data ) {
                   ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream ( data );
                   DataInputStream dis= new DataInputStream ( bais );
                   setTotalSize ( dis.readUTF( ) ); // here is the error  it catches an EndOfFileException without read the info
                }im tried sending other values like long and int and i was able to read them but the problem is with the Strings at the ReadUTF()
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    and I would really appreciatte all your comments thanks

    lemaniak wrote:
    The Objective:
    im building a client server application with java and I need to send a response from the server to the client via Socket
    so the response is like this : <Signal : ByteArray> where Signal is a String so the client can Identify the Type of response
    and the ByteArray is an Array of bytes containing the Information I need
    The Problem:
    I have an Array of bytes containing the info to send and I need to pass this byte[] to a String add some String that let me Identify the data in the client side then remove the identifier in the client side and convert the resulting String back to an array of bytes this doesnt workFirst of all, well done: a nicely explained problem. I wish more people were as clear as you.
    Second: I'm no expert on this stuff, so I may well be wrong, but I did note the following:
    1. I can't see anywhere where you're putting out the ":" to separate your signal.
    2. You seem to be doing an awful lot of conversions from Strings to bytes and vice-versa, but only your filename is specified as a UTF-8 conversion. Could you not do something like:
    dos.writeUTF("14:" + requestedFile.getName());or indeed, more generically
    dos.writeUTF(signal + ":" + messageBody);from inside a createMessage() method.
    3. You haven't included the sendToClient() code, but your createData() looks suspiciously like what I would put in a method like that.
    From what I understand, you usually want mirror-images of your streams at your sending and receiving ends, so if your client is expecting an DataInputStream wrapping a ByteArrayInputStream to be read via readUTF(), your server better be sending a ByteArrayOutputStream wrapped in a DataOutputStream created, in its entirety, by writeUTF().
    But after your UTF conversion, you're adding your signal and then using String.getBytes(), which uses the default character set, not UTF.
    HIH (and hope I'm right :-))

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    How can I convert my ByteArray image string into a CLASS object that I can return in a custom iconFunction?
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         var result          :Class          = new Class();
         var decoder          :Base64Decoder     = new Base64Decoder();
         if (item.hasOwnProperty("photo"))
         else if (item.hasOwnProperty("logo"))
         result = decoder.??????????; //(was using decoder.toByteArray() here in other functionality)
         return result;

    Hi Natasha,
    Thanks for your help on this. Right now your solution is a bit over my head as I don't understand all the details. I did manage to find a solution: I created a method called imageFunction which returns either a Class object or a ByteArray, depending on what is used:
    private function showListImage(item:Object):*
         var decoder     :Base64Decoder     = new Base64Decoder();
         var result     :*;
         var userIcon     :Class;
         var vendorIcon     :Class;
         var groupIcon     :Class;
         var roleIcon     :Class;
         var dutyIcon     :Class;
         var locationIcon:Class;
         var resourceIcon:Class;
            if (item.hasOwnProperty("photo"))
              if ( > 0)
                   result = decoder.toByteArray();
                   result = userIcon;
         else if (item.hasOwnProperty("logo"))
              result = decoder.toByteArray();
         else if ((item.hasOwnProperty("name"))
              && (item.hasOwnProperty("company_id")))
              result = groupIcon;
         else if ((item.hasOwnProperty("name"))
              && (!item.hasOwnProperty("company_id")))
              result = roleIcon;
         return result;
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    byte tempByte = byteArray[2];
    String tempString = tempByte.toString();
    The compilation error that I'm getting: byte cannot be dereferenced
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    Use this line instead:
    String tempString = Byte.toString(tempByte);
    You can't call a method on a primitive type of byte.

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    String s = b.toString();
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    Writer out = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(new ByteArrayOutputStream()));
    byte[] b = v.getBytes());

    Ok, that was a mess - take 2:
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    String strData = new String(byteArray);String -> byte[]
    byte[] stringByteArray = strData.getBytes();Lee

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    public String dirName="C:\\image";
    ByteArrayOutputStream baos=new ByteArrayOutputStream(1000);
    BufferedImage File(dirName,"red.jpg"));
    ImageIO.write(img, "jpg", baos);
    byte[] resultimage=baos.toByteArray();
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    byte[] b=str.getBytes();
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    BufferedImage ByteArrayInputStream(b));
    ImageIO.write(imag, "jpg", new File(dirName,"snap.jpg"));
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    To conver the bytearray to string use base64.encoding
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    To convert back use Base64.decode;
    byte[] bytearray = Base64.decode(base64String);

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    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <mx:Application xmlns:mx="" layout="absolute" height="650" width="850">
                import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
                import org.alivepdf.display.*;
                import org.alivepdf.images.ColorSpace;
                import org.alivepdf.fonts.*;
                import org.alivepdf.layout.*;
                import org.alivepdf.pdf.*;
                import org.alivepdf.saving.*;
                import mx.controls.Alert;
                //PDF Export information
                protected var pdf:PDF;
                protected function savePDF(event:MouseEvent): void {
                    pdf = new PDF(Orientation.LANDSCAPE, Unit.MM, Size.LETTER);
                    var bd:BitmapData = new BitmapData(cChart.width,cChart.height);
                    var png:PNGEncoder = new PNGEncoder();
                    var ba:ByteArray = png.encode(bd);
                    //try {
                    pdf.addImageStream(ba, ColorSpace.DEVICE_RGB, new Resize ( Mode.FIT_TO_PAGE, Position.CENTERED ), 10, 10, 800, 800, 0, 1, "Normal", null);
                    //} catch (e:Error) {
                    //    trace("Error occurred!");
                    //myPDF.addImageStream(new jpgBytes() as ByteArray, ColorSpace.DEVICE_RGB, null, 0, 0, 500, 500, 0, 1, "Normal", null);
                    //imageBytes:ByteArray, colorSpace:String, resizeMode:Resize=null, x:Number=0, y:Number=0, width:Number=0, height:Number=0, rotation:Number=0, alpha:Number=1, blendMode:String="Normal", link:ILink=null):
                    //pdf.setFont(FontFamily.ARIAL, Style.NORMAL, 12);
                    //pdf.addText("Grafico de Rata de Fallas", 100, 40); // title
                    //pdf.addImage(imprimirRata, 50, 50, 200, 150); // captured canvas with charts
                    //      pdf.addImage(leyendaImprimir, 50, 120, 20,20); // captured leyend of charts
                    //pdf.addText("RTP Software. Modulo de Score Card.", 10, 200); // header of the document
                    //pdf.addText("Creado: " + new Date(), 180, 200); // Add the created date as a leyend or footer on document
                    var fr:FileReference = new FileReference();
          , "nep_piefy11.pdf");
                    /*var fs:FileStream = new FileStream();
                    var file: File = File.desktopDirectory.resolvePath("nep_piefy11.pdf"); // Name of the file
          , FileMode.WRITE);
                    //"El reporte ha sido generado", "Informacion"); // Confirmation message as a pop-up
                //Pie Chart Creation information
                public var ds:ArrayCollection = sel;
                private function changeEvt(event:Event):void {
                    if(filterCombo.selectedItem == 'Select NEP') {ds = sel;}
                    if(filterCombo.selectedItem == 'Albemarle-Pamlico Estuary Program') {ds = nep1;}
                    if(filterCombo.selectedItem == 'Barataria-Terrebonne Estuary Program') {ds = nep2;}
                    if(filterCombo.selectedItem == 'Barnegat Bay Estuary Program') {ds = nep3;}
                    if(filterCombo.selectedItem == 'Buzzards Bay National Estuary Program') {ds = nep4;}
                    if(filterCombo.selectedItem == 'Casco Bay Estuary Partnership') {ds = nep5;}
                    if(filterCombo.selectedItem == 'Charlotte Harbor Estuary Program') {ds = nep6;}
                    if(filterCombo.selectedItem == 'Coastal Bend Bays and Estuaries Program') {ds = nep7;}
                    if(filterCombo.selectedItem == 'Delaware Estuary Program') {ds = nep8;}
                    if(filterCombo.selectedItem == 'Delaware Inland Bays Estuary Program') {ds = nep9;}
                    if(filterCombo.selectedItem == 'Galveston Bay Estuary Program') {ds = nep10;}
                    if(filterCombo.selectedItem == 'Indian River Lagoon NEP') {ds = nep11;}
                    if(filterCombo.selectedItem == 'Long Island Sound Study') {ds = nep12;}
                    if(filterCombo.selectedItem == 'Lower Columbia River Estuary') {ds = nep13;}
                    if(filterCombo.selectedItem == 'Maryland Coastal Bays Program') {ds = nep14;}
                    if(filterCombo.selectedItem == 'Massachusetts Bays NEP') {ds = nep15;}
                    if(filterCombo.selectedItem == 'Mobile Bay Estuary Program') {ds = nep16;}
                    if(filterCombo.selectedItem == 'Morro Bay Estuary Program') {ds = nep17;}
                    if(filterCombo.selectedItem == 'Narragansett Bay Estuary Program') {ds = nep18;}
                    if(filterCombo.selectedItem == 'New York-New Jersey Harbor Estuary Program') {ds = nep19;}
                    if(filterCombo.selectedItem == 'Peconic Estuary Program') {ds = nep20;}
                    if(filterCombo.selectedItem == 'Piscataqua Region Estuaries Partnership') {ds = nep21;}
                    if(filterCombo.selectedItem == 'Puget Sound Partnership') {ds = nep22;}
                    if(filterCombo.selectedItem == 'San Francisco Estuary Project') {ds = nep23;}
                    if(filterCombo.selectedItem == 'San Juan Bay NEP') {ds = nep24;}
                    if(filterCombo.selectedItem == 'Santa Monica Bay Restoration Project') {ds = nep25;}
                    if(filterCombo.selectedItem == 'Sarasota Bay Estuary Program') {ds = nep26;}
                    if(filterCombo.selectedItem == 'Tampa Bay Estuary Program') {ds = nep27;}
                    if(filterCombo.selectedItem == 'Tillamook Estuaries Partnership') {ds = nep28;}
                private var sel:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
                    { habtype: "Agriculture/Ranch Land", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Beach/Dune", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Coral Reef", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine", Acres: 0.5},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine Shoreline", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Instream", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Island", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Lake/Pond", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Mangrove", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Other", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Riparian", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Upland", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Wetland", Acres: 0} ]);
                private var nep1:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
                    { habtype: "Agriculture/Ranch Land", Acres: 778.44},
                    { habtype: "Beach/Dune", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Coral Reef", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine", Acres: 0.45},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine Shoreline", Acres: 1276.30},
                    { habtype: "Instream", Acres: 1.0},
                    { habtype: "Island", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Lake/Pond", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Mangrove", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Other", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Riparian", Acres: 0.75},
                    { habtype: "Upland", Acres: 779.74},
                    { habtype: "Wetland", Acres: 3268.31} ]);
                private var nep2:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
                    { habtype: "Agriculture/Ranch Land", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Beach/Dune", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Coral Reef", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine Shoreline", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Instream", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Island", Acres: 7.25},
                    { habtype: "Lake/Pond", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Mangrove", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Other", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Riparian", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Upland", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Wetland", Acres: 1185} ]);
                private var nep3:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
                    { habtype: "Agriculture/Ranch Land", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Beach/Dune", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Coral Reef", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine Shoreline", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Instream", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Island", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Lake/Pond", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Mangrove", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Other", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Riparian", Acres: 35.21},
                    { habtype: "Upland", Acres: 852.57},
                    { habtype: "Wetland", Acres: 197.82} ]);
                private var nep4:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
                    { habtype: "Agriculture/Ranch Land", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Beach/Dune", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Coral Reef", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine Shoreline", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Instream", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Island", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Lake/Pond", Acres: 751.82},
                    { habtype: "Mangrove", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Other", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Riparian", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Upland", Acres: 321.82},
                    { habtype: "Wetland", Acres: 157.35} ]);
                private var nep5:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
                    { habtype: "Agriculture/Ranch Land", Acres: 217},
                    { habtype: "Beach/Dune", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Coral Reef", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine Shoreline", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Instream", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Island", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Lake/Pond", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Mangrove", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Other", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Riparian", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Upland", Acres: 324.5},
                    { habtype: "Wetland", Acres: 0} ]);
                private var nep6:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
                    { habtype: "Agriculture/Ranch Land", Acres: 1268},
                    { habtype: "Beach/Dune", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Coral Reef", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine", Acres: 50},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine Shoreline", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Instream", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Island", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Lake/Pond", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Mangrove", Acres: 61},
                    { habtype: "Other", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Riparian", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Upland", Acres: 809},
                    { habtype: "Wetland", Acres: 1690} ]);
                private var nep7:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
                    { habtype: "Agriculture/Ranch Land", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Beach/Dune", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Coral Reef", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine Shoreline", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Instream", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Island", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Lake/Pond", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Mangrove", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Other", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Riparian", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Upland", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Wetland", Acres: 726} ]);
                private var nep8:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
                    { habtype: "Agriculture/Ranch Land", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Beach/Dune", Acres: 0.28},
                    { habtype: "Coral Reef", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine", Acres: 82},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine Shoreline", Acres: 0.14},
                    { habtype: "Instream", Acres: 2.3},
                    { habtype: "Island", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Lake/Pond", Acres: 643},
                    { habtype: "Mangrove", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Other", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Riparian", Acres: 501.9},
                    { habtype: "Upland", Acres: 148.71},
                    { habtype: "Wetland", Acres: 2586.02} ]);
                private var nep9:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
                    { habtype: "Agriculture/Ranch Land", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Beach/Dune", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Coral Reef", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine", Acres: 26.21},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine Shoreline", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Instream", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Island", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Lake/Pond", Acres: 37},
                    { habtype: "Mangrove", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Other", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Riparian", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Upland", Acres: 27},
                    { habtype: "Wetland", Acres: 646} ]);
                private var nep10:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
                    { habtype: "Agriculture/Ranch Land", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Beach/Dune", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Coral Reef", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine Shoreline", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Instream", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Island", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Lake/Pond", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Mangrove", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Other", Acres: 2868},
                    { habtype: "Riparian", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Upland", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Wetland", Acres: 407.06} ]);
                private var nep11:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
                    { habtype: "Agriculture/Ranch Land", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Beach/Dune", Acres: 5},
                    { habtype: "Coral Reef", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine", Acres: 3},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine Shoreline", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Instream", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Island", Acres: 43},
                    { habtype: "Lake/Pond", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Mangrove", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Other", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Riparian", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Upland", Acres: 12910.5},
                    { habtype: "Wetland", Acres: 5026} ]);
                private var nep12:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
                    { habtype: "Agriculture/Ranch Land", Acres: 67},
                    { habtype: "Beach/Dune", Acres: 21.95},
                    { habtype: "Coral Reef", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine Shoreline", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Instream", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Island", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Lake/Pond", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Mangrove", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Other", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Riparian", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Upland", Acres: 120.72},
                    { habtype: "Wetland", Acres: 151.08} ]);
                private var nep13:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
                    { habtype: "Agriculture/Ranch Land", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Beach/Dune", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Coral Reef", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine Shoreline", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Instream", Acres: 12},
                    { habtype: "Island", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Lake/Pond", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Mangrove", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Other", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Riparian", Acres: 194},
                    { habtype: "Upland", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Wetland", Acres: 200} ]);
                private var nep14:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
                    { habtype: "Agriculture/Ranch Land", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Beach/Dune", Acres: 58},
                    { habtype: "Coral Reef", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine", Acres: 153},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine Shoreline", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Instream", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Island", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Lake/Pond", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Mangrove", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Other", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Riparian", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Upland", Acres: 494.3},
                    { habtype: "Wetland", Acres: 0} ]);
                private var nep15:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
                    { habtype: "Agriculture/Ranch Land", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Beach/Dune", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Coral Reef", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine", Acres: 1313},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine Shoreline", Acres: 8},
                    { habtype: "Instream", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Island", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Lake/Pond", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Mangrove", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Other", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Riparian", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Upland", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Wetland", Acres: 543.8} ]);
                private var nep16:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
                    { habtype: "Agriculture/Ranch Land", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Beach/Dune", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Coral Reef", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine", Acres: 40},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine Shoreline", Acres: 6.5},
                    { habtype: "Instream", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Island", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Lake/Pond", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Mangrove", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Other", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Riparian", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Upland", Acres: 195},
                    { habtype: "Wetland", Acres: 85} ]);
                private var nep17:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
                    { habtype: "Agriculture/Ranch Land", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Beach/Dune", Acres: 1109.9},
                    { habtype: "Coral Reef", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine", Acres: 1.14},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine Shoreline", Acres: 0.28},
                    { habtype: "Instream", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Island", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Lake/Pond", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Mangrove", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Other", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Riparian", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Upland", Acres: 0.71},
                    { habtype: "Wetland", Acres: 0} ]);
                private var nep18:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
                    { habtype: "Agriculture/Ranch Land", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Beach/Dune", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Coral Reef", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine Shoreline", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Instream", Acres: 1099},
                    { habtype: "Island", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Lake/Pond", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Mangrove", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Other", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Riparian", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Upland", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Wetland", Acres: 0} ]);
                private var nep19:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
                    { habtype: "Agriculture/Ranch Land", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Beach/Dune", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Coral Reef", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine Shoreline", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Instream", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Island", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Lake/Pond", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Mangrove", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Other", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Riparian", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Upland", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Wetland", Acres: 101.3} ]);
                private var nep20:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
                    { habtype: "Agriculture/Ranch Land", Acres: 98.72},
                    { habtype: "Beach/Dune", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Coral Reef", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine", Acres: 17.99},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine Shoreline", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Instream", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Island", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Lake/Pond", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Mangrove", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Other", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Riparian", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Upland", Acres: 106.13},
                    { habtype: "Wetland", Acres: 12.97} ]);
                private var nep21:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
                    { habtype: "Agriculture/Ranch Land", Acres: 9},
                    { habtype: "Beach/Dune", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Coral Reef", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine", Acres: 3},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine Shoreline", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Instream", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Island", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Lake/Pond", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Mangrove", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Other", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Riparian", Acres: 2},
                    { habtype: "Upland", Acres: 1451},
                    { habtype: "Wetland", Acres: 27} ]);
                private var nep22:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
                    { habtype: "Agriculture/Ranch Land", Acres: 26},
                    { habtype: "Beach/Dune", Acres: 1.65},
                    { habtype: "Coral Reef", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine", Acres: 240.39},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine Shoreline", Acres: 314.97},
                    { habtype: "Instream", Acres: 505.87},
                    { habtype: "Island", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Lake/Pond", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Mangrove", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Other", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Riparian", Acres: 1450.47},
                    { habtype: "Upland", Acres: 1176.7},
                    { habtype: "Wetland", Acres: 850.58} ]);
                private var nep23:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
                    { habtype: "Agriculture/Ranch Land", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Beach/Dune", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Coral Reef", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine Shoreline", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Instream", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Island", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Lake/Pond", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Mangrove", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Other", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Riparian", Acres: 43.05},
                    { habtype: "Upland", Acres: 4519},
                    { habtype: "Wetland", Acres: 3271} ]);
                private var nep24:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
                    { habtype: "Agriculture/Ranch Land", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Beach/Dune", Acres: 1},
                    { habtype: "Coral Reef", Acres: 0.13},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine Shoreline", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Instream", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Island", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Lake/Pond", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Mangrove", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Other", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Riparian", Acres: 1},
                    { habtype: "Upland", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Wetland", Acres: 10} ]);
                private var nep25:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
                    { habtype: "Agriculture/Ranch Land", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Beach/Dune", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Coral Reef", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine", Acres: 1.6},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine Shoreline", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Instream", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Island", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Lake/Pond", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Mangrove", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Other", Acres: 7},
                    { habtype: "Riparian", Acres: 100},
                    { habtype: "Upland", Acres: 6.2},
                    { habtype: "Wetland", Acres: 0} ]);
                private var nep26:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
                    { habtype: "Agriculture/Ranch Land", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Beach/Dune", Acres: 5.5},
                    { habtype: "Coral Reef", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine", Acres: 4.5},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine Shoreline", Acres: 15},
                    { habtype: "Instream", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Island", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Lake/Pond", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Mangrove", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Other", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Riparian", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Upland", Acres: 82},
                    { habtype: "Wetland", Acres: 40} ]);
                private var nep27:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
                    { habtype: "Agriculture/Ranch Land", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Beach/Dune", Acres: 5.1},
                    { habtype: "Coral Reef", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine", Acres: 23},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine Shoreline", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Instream", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Island", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Lake/Pond", Acres: 4.8},
                    { habtype: "Mangrove", Acres: 3.5},
                    { habtype: "Other", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Riparian", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Upland", Acres: 1221},
                    { habtype: "Wetland", Acres: 17.4}]);   
                private var nep28:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
                    { habtype: "Agriculture/Ranch Land", Acres: 67},
                    { habtype: "Beach/Dune", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Coral Reef", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine", Acres: 2},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine Shoreline", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Instream", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Island", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Lake/Pond", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Mangrove", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Other", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Riparian", Acres: 31.33},
                    { habtype: "Upland", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Wetland", Acres: 74.24}]);               
                private function displayAcres(data:Object, field:String, index:Number, percentValue:Number):String {
                    var temp:String= (" " + percentValue).substr(0,6);
                    return data.habtype + ": " + '\n ' + data.Acres + " Acres" + '\n ' + temp + "%";
                //Export to PNG information
                private function saveImageAs(event:MouseEvent):void
                    var bd:BitmapData = new BitmapData(cChart.width,cChart.height);
                    var png:PNGEncoder = new PNGEncoder();
                    var ba:ByteArray = png.encode(bd);
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          , "nepfy11-piechart.png");
        <!--mx:SeriesInterpolate id="chartChange" duration="2000" /-->
        <mx:Panel id="cChart" title="2011 Habitat Efforts" width="825" height="600" chromeColor="#527EAC" layout="vertical" color="#FFFFFF" verticalGap="10" x="15" y="15">
            <mx:HBox width="400" height="20">
                <mx:ComboBox id="filterCombo" x="140" y="140" change="changeEvt(event)" color="#000000" >
                    <mx:String>Select NEP</mx:String>
                    <mx:String>Albemarle-Pamlico Estuary Program</mx:String>
                    <mx:String>Barataria-Terrebonne Estuary Program</mx:String>
                    <mx:String>Barnegat Bay Estuary Program</mx:String>
                    <mx:String>Buzzards Bay National Estuary Program</mx:String>
                    <mx:String>Casco Bay Estuary Partnership</mx:String>
                    <mx:String>Charlotte Harbor Estuary Program</mx:String>
                    <mx:String>Coastal Bend Bays and Estuaries Program</mx:String>
                    <mx:String>Delaware Estuary Program</mx:String>
                    <mx:String>Delaware Inland Bays Estuary Program</mx:String>
                    <mx:String>Galveston Bay Estuary Program</mx:String>
                    <mx:String>Indian River Lagoon NEP</mx:String>
                    <mx:String>Long Island Sound Study</mx:String>
                    <mx:String>Lower Columbia River Estuary</mx:String>
                    <mx:String>Maryland Coastal Bays Program</mx:String>
                    <mx:String>Massachusetts Bays NEP</mx:String>
                    <mx:String>Mobile Bay Estuary Program</mx:String>
                    <mx:String>Morro Bay Estuary Program</mx:String>
                    <mx:String>Narragansett Bay Estuary Program</mx:String>
                    <mx:String>New York-New Jersey Harbor Estuary Program</mx:String>
                    <mx:String>Peconic Estuary Program</mx:String>
                    <mx:String>Piscataqua Region Estuaries Partnership</mx:String>
                    <mx:String>Puget Sound Partnership</mx:String>
                    <mx:String>San Francisco Estuary Project</mx:String>
                    <mx:String>San Juan Bay NEP</mx:String>
                    <mx:String>Santa Monica Bay Restoration Project</mx:String>
                    <mx:String>Sarasota Bay Estuary Program</mx:String>
                    <mx:String>Tampa Bay Estuary Program</mx:String>
                    <mx:String>Tillamook Estuaries Partnership</mx:String>
            <mx:HBox horizontalGap="20" width="822" height="535">
                <mx:PieChart id="chart" showDataTips="true" dataProvider="{ds}" width="634"  height="534" paddingTop="10" fontSize="9" fontFamily="Arial" color="#000000" textAlign="left">
                        <mx:PieSeries id="seriesId" explodeRadius="0.06" nameField="habtype" labelPosition="callout" color="#000000" insideLabelSizeLimit="8" field="Acres" labelFunction="displayAcres">
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        <mx:Button x="444" y="623" label="PDF" click="savePDF(event)" />
    Thank you in advance,

    I figured it out!!!!! In case anyone else needs to know - here is the working code:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
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                private function savePDF(event:MouseEvent): void {
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                //Pie Chart Creation information
                public var ds:ArrayCollection = sel;
                private function changeEvt(event:Event):void {
                    if(filterCombo.selectedItem == 'Select NEP') {ds = sel;}
                    if(filterCombo.selectedItem == 'Albemarle-Pamlico Estuary Program') {ds = nep1;}
                    if(filterCombo.selectedItem == 'Barataria-Terrebonne Estuary Program') {ds = nep2;}
                    if(filterCombo.selectedItem == 'Barnegat Bay Estuary Program') {ds = nep3;}
                    if(filterCombo.selectedItem == 'Buzzards Bay National Estuary Program') {ds = nep4;}
                    if(filterCombo.selectedItem == 'Casco Bay Estuary Partnership') {ds = nep5;}
                    if(filterCombo.selectedItem == 'Charlotte Harbor Estuary Program') {ds = nep6;}
                    if(filterCombo.selectedItem == 'Coastal Bend Bays and Estuaries Program') {ds = nep7;}
                    if(filterCombo.selectedItem == 'Delaware Estuary Program') {ds = nep8;}
                    if(filterCombo.selectedItem == 'Delaware Inland Bays Estuary Program') {ds = nep9;}
                    if(filterCombo.selectedItem == 'Galveston Bay Estuary Program') {ds = nep10;}
                    if(filterCombo.selectedItem == 'Indian River Lagoon NEP') {ds = nep11;}
                    if(filterCombo.selectedItem == 'Long Island Sound Study') {ds = nep12;}
                    if(filterCombo.selectedItem == 'Lower Columbia River Estuary') {ds = nep13;}
                    if(filterCombo.selectedItem == 'Maryland Coastal Bays Program') {ds = nep14;}
                    if(filterCombo.selectedItem == 'Massachusetts Bays NEP') {ds = nep15;}
                    if(filterCombo.selectedItem == 'Mobile Bay Estuary Program') {ds = nep16;}
                    if(filterCombo.selectedItem == 'Morro Bay Estuary Program') {ds = nep17;}
                    if(filterCombo.selectedItem == 'Narragansett Bay Estuary Program') {ds = nep18;}
                    if(filterCombo.selectedItem == 'New York-New Jersey Harbor Estuary Program') {ds = nep19;}
                    if(filterCombo.selectedItem == 'Peconic Estuary Program') {ds = nep20;}
                    if(filterCombo.selectedItem == 'Piscataqua Region Estuaries Partnership') {ds = nep21;}
                    if(filterCombo.selectedItem == 'Puget Sound Partnership') {ds = nep22;}
                    if(filterCombo.selectedItem == 'San Francisco Estuary Project') {ds = nep23;}
                    if(filterCombo.selectedItem == 'San Juan Bay NEP') {ds = nep24;}
                    if(filterCombo.selectedItem == 'Santa Monica Bay Restoration Project') {ds = nep25;}
                    if(filterCombo.selectedItem == 'Sarasota Bay Estuary Program') {ds = nep26;}
                    if(filterCombo.selectedItem == 'Tampa Bay Estuary Program') {ds = nep27;}
                    if(filterCombo.selectedItem == 'Tillamook Estuaries Partnership') {ds = nep28;}
                private var sel:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
                    { habtype: "Agriculture/Ranch Land", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Beach/Dune", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Coral Reef", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine", Acres: 0.5},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine Shoreline", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Instream", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Island", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Lake/Pond", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Mangrove", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Other", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Riparian", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Upland", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Wetland", Acres: 0} ]);
                private var nep1:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
                    { habtype: "Agriculture/Ranch Land", Acres: 778.44},
                    { habtype: "Beach/Dune", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Coral Reef", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine", Acres: 0.45},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine Shoreline", Acres: 1276.30},
                    { habtype: "Instream", Acres: 1.0},
                    { habtype: "Island", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Lake/Pond", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Mangrove", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Other", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Riparian", Acres: 0.75},
                    { habtype: "Upland", Acres: 779.74},
                    { habtype: "Wetland", Acres: 3268.31} ]);
                private var nep2:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
                    { habtype: "Agriculture/Ranch Land", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Beach/Dune", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Coral Reef", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine Shoreline", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Instream", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Island", Acres: 7.25},
                    { habtype: "Lake/Pond", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Mangrove", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Other", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Riparian", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Upland", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Wetland", Acres: 1185} ]);
                private var nep3:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
                    { habtype: "Agriculture/Ranch Land", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Beach/Dune", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Coral Reef", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine Shoreline", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Instream", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Island", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Lake/Pond", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Mangrove", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Other", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Riparian", Acres: 35.21},
                    { habtype: "Upland", Acres: 852.57},
                    { habtype: "Wetland", Acres: 197.82} ]);
                private var nep4:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
                    { habtype: "Agriculture/Ranch Land", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Beach/Dune", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Coral Reef", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine Shoreline", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Instream", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Island", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Lake/Pond", Acres: 751.82},
                    { habtype: "Mangrove", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Other", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Riparian", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Upland", Acres: 321.82},
                    { habtype: "Wetland", Acres: 157.35} ]);
                private var nep5:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
                    { habtype: "Agriculture/Ranch Land", Acres: 217},
                    { habtype: "Beach/Dune", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Coral Reef", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine Shoreline", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Instream", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Island", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Lake/Pond", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Mangrove", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Other", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Riparian", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Upland", Acres: 324.5},
                    { habtype: "Wetland", Acres: 0} ]);
                private var nep6:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
                    { habtype: "Agriculture/Ranch Land", Acres: 1268},
                    { habtype: "Beach/Dune", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Coral Reef", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine", Acres: 50},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine Shoreline", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Instream", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Island", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Lake/Pond", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Mangrove", Acres: 61},
                    { habtype: "Other", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Riparian", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Upland", Acres: 809},
                    { habtype: "Wetland", Acres: 1690} ]);
                private var nep7:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
                    { habtype: "Agriculture/Ranch Land", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Beach/Dune", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Coral Reef", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine Shoreline", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Instream", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Island", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Lake/Pond", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Mangrove", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Other", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Riparian", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Upland", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Wetland", Acres: 726} ]);
                private var nep8:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
                    { habtype: "Agriculture/Ranch Land", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Beach/Dune", Acres: 0.28},
                    { habtype: "Coral Reef", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine", Acres: 82},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine Shoreline", Acres: 0.14},
                    { habtype: "Instream", Acres: 2.3},
                    { habtype: "Island", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Lake/Pond", Acres: 643},
                    { habtype: "Mangrove", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Other", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Riparian", Acres: 501.9},
                    { habtype: "Upland", Acres: 148.71},
                    { habtype: "Wetland", Acres: 2586.02} ]);
                private var nep9:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
                    { habtype: "Agriculture/Ranch Land", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Beach/Dune", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Coral Reef", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine", Acres: 26.21},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine Shoreline", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Instream", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Island", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Lake/Pond", Acres: 37},
                    { habtype: "Mangrove", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Other", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Riparian", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Upland", Acres: 27},
                    { habtype: "Wetland", Acres: 646} ]);
                private var nep10:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
                    { habtype: "Agriculture/Ranch Land", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Beach/Dune", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Coral Reef", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine Shoreline", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Instream", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Island", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Lake/Pond", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Mangrove", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Other", Acres: 2868},
                    { habtype: "Riparian", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Upland", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Wetland", Acres: 407.06} ]);
                private var nep11:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
                    { habtype: "Agriculture/Ranch Land", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Beach/Dune", Acres: 5},
                    { habtype: "Coral Reef", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine", Acres: 3},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine Shoreline", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Instream", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Island", Acres: 43},
                    { habtype: "Lake/Pond", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Mangrove", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Other", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Riparian", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Upland", Acres: 12910.5},
                    { habtype: "Wetland", Acres: 5026} ]);
                private var nep12:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
                    { habtype: "Agriculture/Ranch Land", Acres: 67},
                    { habtype: "Beach/Dune", Acres: 21.95},
                    { habtype: "Coral Reef", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine Shoreline", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Instream", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Island", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Lake/Pond", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Mangrove", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Other", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Riparian", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Upland", Acres: 120.72},
                    { habtype: "Wetland", Acres: 151.08} ]);
                private var nep13:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
                    { habtype: "Agriculture/Ranch Land", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Beach/Dune", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Coral Reef", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine Shoreline", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Instream", Acres: 12},
                    { habtype: "Island", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Lake/Pond", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Mangrove", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Other", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Riparian", Acres: 194},
                    { habtype: "Upland", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Wetland", Acres: 200} ]);
                private var nep14:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
                    { habtype: "Agriculture/Ranch Land", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Beach/Dune", Acres: 58},
                    { habtype: "Coral Reef", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine", Acres: 153},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine Shoreline", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Instream", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Island", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Lake/Pond", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Mangrove", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Other", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Riparian", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Upland", Acres: 494.3},
                    { habtype: "Wetland", Acres: 0} ]);
                private var nep15:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
                    { habtype: "Agriculture/Ranch Land", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Beach/Dune", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Coral Reef", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine", Acres: 1313},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine Shoreline", Acres: 8},
                    { habtype: "Instream", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Island", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Lake/Pond", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Mangrove", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Other", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Riparian", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Upland", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Wetland", Acres: 543.8} ]);
                private var nep16:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
                    { habtype: "Agriculture/Ranch Land", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Beach/Dune", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Coral Reef", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine", Acres: 40},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine Shoreline", Acres: 6.5},
                    { habtype: "Instream", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Island", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Lake/Pond", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Mangrove", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Other", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Riparian", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Upland", Acres: 195},
                    { habtype: "Wetland", Acres: 85} ]);
                private var nep17:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
                    { habtype: "Agriculture/Ranch Land", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Beach/Dune", Acres: 1109.9},
                    { habtype: "Coral Reef", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine", Acres: 1.14},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine Shoreline", Acres: 0.28},
                    { habtype: "Instream", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Island", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Lake/Pond", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Mangrove", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Other", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Riparian", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Upland", Acres: 0.71},
                    { habtype: "Wetland", Acres: 0} ]);
                private var nep18:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
                    { habtype: "Agriculture/Ranch Land", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Beach/Dune", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Coral Reef", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine Shoreline", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Instream", Acres: 1099},
                    { habtype: "Island", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Lake/Pond", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Mangrove", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Other", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Riparian", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Upland", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Wetland", Acres: 0} ]);
                private var nep19:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
                    { habtype: "Agriculture/Ranch Land", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Beach/Dune", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Coral Reef", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine Shoreline", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Instream", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Island", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Lake/Pond", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Mangrove", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Other", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Riparian", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Upland", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Wetland", Acres: 101.3} ]);
                private var nep20:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
                    { habtype: "Agriculture/Ranch Land", Acres: 98.72},
                    { habtype: "Beach/Dune", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Coral Reef", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine", Acres: 17.99},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine Shoreline", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Instream", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Island", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Lake/Pond", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Mangrove", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Other", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Riparian", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Upland", Acres: 106.13},
                    { habtype: "Wetland", Acres: 12.97} ]);
                private var nep21:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
                    { habtype: "Agriculture/Ranch Land", Acres: 9},
                    { habtype: "Beach/Dune", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Coral Reef", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine", Acres: 3},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine Shoreline", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Instream", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Island", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Lake/Pond", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Mangrove", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Other", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Riparian", Acres: 2},
                    { habtype: "Upland", Acres: 1451},
                    { habtype: "Wetland", Acres: 27} ]);
                private var nep22:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
                    { habtype: "Agriculture/Ranch Land", Acres: 26},
                    { habtype: "Beach/Dune", Acres: 1.65},
                    { habtype: "Coral Reef", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine", Acres: 240.39},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine Shoreline", Acres: 314.97},
                    { habtype: "Instream", Acres: 505.87},
                    { habtype: "Island", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Lake/Pond", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Mangrove", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Other", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Riparian", Acres: 1450.47},
                    { habtype: "Upland", Acres: 1176.7},
                    { habtype: "Wetland", Acres: 850.58} ]);
                private var nep23:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
                    { habtype: "Agriculture/Ranch Land", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Beach/Dune", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Coral Reef", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine Shoreline", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Instream", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Island", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Lake/Pond", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Mangrove", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Other", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Riparian", Acres: 43.05},
                    { habtype: "Upland", Acres: 4519},
                    { habtype: "Wetland", Acres: 3271} ]);
                private var nep24:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
                    { habtype: "Agriculture/Ranch Land", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Beach/Dune", Acres: 1},
                    { habtype: "Coral Reef", Acres: 0.13},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine Shoreline", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Instream", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Island", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Lake/Pond", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Mangrove", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Other", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Riparian", Acres: 1},
                    { habtype: "Upland", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Wetland", Acres: 10} ]);
                private var nep25:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
                    { habtype: "Agriculture/Ranch Land", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Beach/Dune", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Coral Reef", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine", Acres: 1.6},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine Shoreline", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Instream", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Island", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Lake/Pond", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Mangrove", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Other", Acres: 7},
                    { habtype: "Riparian", Acres: 100},
                    { habtype: "Upland", Acres: 6.2},
                    { habtype: "Wetland", Acres: 0} ]);
                private var nep26:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
                    { habtype: "Agriculture/Ranch Land", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Beach/Dune", Acres: 5.5},
                    { habtype: "Coral Reef", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine", Acres: 4.5},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine Shoreline", Acres: 15},
                    { habtype: "Instream", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Island", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Lake/Pond", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Mangrove", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Other", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Riparian", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Upland", Acres: 82},
                    { habtype: "Wetland", Acres: 40} ]);
                private var nep27:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
                    { habtype: "Agriculture/Ranch Land", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Beach/Dune", Acres: 5.1},
                    { habtype: "Coral Reef", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine", Acres: 23},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine Shoreline", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Instream", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Island", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Lake/Pond", Acres: 4.8},
                    { habtype: "Mangrove", Acres: 3.5},
                    { habtype: "Other", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Riparian", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Upland", Acres: 1221},
                    { habtype: "Wetland", Acres: 17.4}]);   
                private var nep28:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
                    { habtype: "Agriculture/Ranch Land", Acres: 67},
                    { habtype: "Beach/Dune", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Coral Reef", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine", Acres: 2},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine Shoreline", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Instream", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Island", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Lake/Pond", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Mangrove", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Other", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Riparian", Acres: 31.33},
                    { habtype: "Upland", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Wetland", Acres: 74.24}]);               
                private function displayAcres(data:Object, field:String, index:Number, percentValue:Number):String {
                    var temp:String= (" " + percentValue).substr(0,6);
                    return data.habtype + ": " + '\n ' + data.Acres + " Acres" + '\n ' + temp + "%";
                //Export to PNG information
                private function saveImageAs(event:MouseEvent):void
                    var bd:BitmapData = new BitmapData(cChart.width,cChart.height);
                    var png:PNGEncoder = new PNGEncoder();
                    var ba:ByteArray = png.encode(bd);
                    var fr:FileReference = new FileReference();
          , "nepfy11-piechart.png");
        <!--mx:SeriesInterpolate id="chartChange" duration="2000" /-->
        <mx:Panel id="cChart" title="2011 Habitat Efforts" width="825" height="600" chromeColor="#527EAC" layout="vertical" color="#FFFFFF" verticalGap="10" x="15" y="15">
            <mx:HBox width="400" height="20">
                <mx:ComboBox id="filterCombo" x="140" y="140" change="changeEvt(event)" color="#000000" >
                    <mx:String>Select NEP</mx:String>
                    <mx:String>Albemarle-Pamlico Estuary Program</mx:String>
                    <mx:String>Barataria-Terrebonne Estuary Program</mx:String>
                    <mx:String>Barnegat Bay Estuary Program</mx:String>
                    <mx:String>Buzzards Bay National Estuary Program</mx:String>
                    <mx:String>Casco Bay Estuary Partnership</mx:String>
                    <mx:String>Charlotte Harbor Estuary Program</mx:String>
                    <mx:String>Coastal Bend Bays and Estuaries Program</mx:String>
                    <mx:String>Delaware Estuary Program</mx:String>
                    <mx:String>Delaware Inland Bays Estuary Program</mx:String>
                    <mx:String>Galveston Bay Estuary Program</mx:String>
                    <mx:String>Indian River Lagoon NEP</mx:String>
                    <mx:String>Long Island Sound Study</mx:String>
                    <mx:String>Lower Columbia River Estuary</mx:String>
                    <mx:String>Maryland Coastal Bays Program</mx:String>
                    <mx:String>Massachusetts Bays NEP</mx:String>
                    <mx:String>Mobile Bay Estuary Program</mx:String>
                    <mx:String>Morro Bay Estuary Program</mx:String>
                    <mx:String>Narragansett Bay Estuary Program</mx:String>
                    <mx:String>New York-New Jersey Harbor Estuary Program</mx:String>
                    <mx:String>Peconic Estuary Program</mx:String>
                    <mx:String>Piscataqua Region Estuaries Partnership</mx:String>
                    <mx:String>Puget Sound Partnership</mx:String>
                    <mx:String>San Francisco Estuary Project</mx:String>
                    <mx:String>San Juan Bay NEP</mx:String>
                    <mx:String>Santa Monica Bay Restoration Project</mx:String>
                    <mx:String>Sarasota Bay Estuary Program</mx:String>
                    <mx:String>Tampa Bay Estuary Program</mx:String>
                    <mx:String>Tillamook Estuaries Partnership</mx:String>
            <mx:HBox horizontalGap="20" width="822" height="535">
                <mx:PieChart id="chart" showDataTips="true" dataProvider="{ds}" width="634"  height="534" paddingTop="10" fontSize="9" fontFamily="Arial" color="#000000" textAlign="left">
                        <mx:PieSeries id="seriesId" explodeRadius="0.06" nameField="habtype" labelPosition="callout" color="#000000" insideLabelSizeLimit="8" field="Acres" labelFunction="displayAcres">
                <mx:Legend dataProvider="{chart}" dropShadowVisible="true" width="150" color="#000000" height="350" chromeColor="#527EAC" borderColor="#527EAC" direction="vertical"/>          
        <mx:Button x="746" y="623" label="Export to PNG" id="btnSnap" click="saveImageAs(event)"/>
        <mx:Button x="651" y="623" label="Export to PDF" click="savePDF(event)" />
    Thanks, Alison

  • Variable URL in data service

    I'm new to Flex and trying to create a proof of concept Air App.  I have it connecting to an http service to retrieve data but I want the URL to be configurable.  I created a preferences page which is working, but I can't seem to load the URL preference into a variable for the http service.  Below is my code:
                import mx.controls.Alert;
                import services.exadatademo.newUrl;
                //public var testDbUrl:String = "http://localhost/pls/apex/";
                public var testDbUrl:String;
                private function init():void
                    var storedDatabaseUrl:ByteArray = EncryptedLocalStore.getItem("DatabaseUrl");
                    testDbUrl = storedDatabaseUrl.readUTFBytes(storedDatabaseUrl.length);
                    services.exadatademo.newUrl = 'bar';
                protected function getPrefs():void
                    var storedDatabaseUrl:ByteArray = EncryptedLocalStore.getItem("DatabaseUrl");
                    dbUrlTxt.text = storedDatabaseUrl.readUTFBytes(storedDatabaseUrl.length);
                    testDbUrl = dbUrlTxt.text;
                    var storedDatabaseUserName:ByteArray = EncryptedLocalStore.getItem("DatabaseUserName");
                    dbUsernameTxt.text = storedDatabaseUserName.readUTFBytes(storedDatabaseUserName.length);
                    var storedDatabasePassword:ByteArray = EncryptedLocalStore.getItem("DatabasePassword");
                    dbPasswdTxt.text = storedDatabasePassword.readUTFBytes(storedDatabasePassword.length);
                private function savePrefs():void
                    var bytes:ByteArray = new ByteArray();
                    //write string text as UTF8 bytes
                    EncryptedLocalStore.setItem("DatabaseUrl", bytes);
                    bytes = new ByteArray();
                    EncryptedLocalStore.setItem("DatabaseUserName", bytes);
                    bytes = new ByteArray();
                    EncryptedLocalStore.setItem("DatabasePassword", bytes);
                protected function button1_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
                    currentState = "Main";
                protected function linkbutton1_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
                    currentState = "Preferences";
                protected function InterconnectTraffic_creationCompleteHandler(event:FlexEvent):void
                    //GetEmployeesResult.token = exadataDemo.GetEmployees();
                protected function button2_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
                    // TODO Auto-generated method stub
                    GetEmployeesResult.token = exadataDemo.GetEmployees();
    package services.exadatademo
        import mx.core.FlexGlobals;
        public var newUrl:String = null;
    public class ExadataDemo extends _Super_ExadataDemo
        public function ExadataDemo():void
            _serviceControl.baseURL = FlexGlobals.topLevelApplication['testDbUrl'];

    I tried something similar quite some time ago, spend a lot of
    time on this task, but never got to a real solution.
    As far as I remember there was no way to do it in with shared
    libraries that do have different urls.
    There might be a workaround to build a php/asp/jsp script
    that pipes through the content of a configured shared lib to flash,
    pretending it would be the requested shared lib.

  • Picture in PDF

    Hello All,
         I have an issue while converting bytearray to String.
    The problem primarily is, I have a PDF which contains a picute embedded in that.
    I need to read this PDF and has to conver it into String.
    When converting to String I'm facing some issues with data getting corrupted. When I write the data back,
    the PDF will be invalid and will open without the picture message.
    The code I need to get working is
    FileInputStream fin= new FileInputStream("Input.pdf"):
    byte[] bin = new byte[fin.available()];
    String sin = new String (bin,"UTF-8");// I guess this is creating the problem , I tried almost all the supported encoding, but did no good :-(
    FileOutputStream fout = new FileOutputStream("Output.pdf");
    Any help will be hihgly appresiated as this is a critical problem for me.

    I missed the explanation of why you had to change those bytes to a string. Just don't do that and you won't corrupt your PDF.

  • Put String into a ByteArray

    I have a String variable with the result of an SQL 2005
    varbinary field.
    Can anybody tell me how to put this information into a
    ByteArray variable?


  • Problem in Storing ByteArray(Value) with String (Key) using put method

    Hello Folks:
    I wish to store a byte array with associated with a String. For this I use the put method in Java which stores put(Object key, Object value). I have written a piece of code which works but I am not able to understand it. Its not outputing what I want but something else.
    I guess, I have some ignorance.
    When I compile using
    $java testing
    I get the following output.
    Bytes Array:[B@1372a1a
    I understand that B stands for Bytes array. Also, If I change the String I get the same thing. If I modify the code for Integer array
    and store some Integer array I get [I@1372a1a.
    I fail to understand why I am getting this 1372a1a again and again.
    Instead where is my array.
    May be I am not using the method getValue correctly.
    Thank You very much for your help
    import java.util.*;
    public class testing{
    public static void main(String args[]){
    propsput headers=new propsput();
    String s="Let me See how you do it";
    byte buf[]=s.getBytes();
    headers.put("Bytes Array",buf);
    import java.util.*;
    public class propsput{
    public void put (String key, byte[] value) throws IllegalArgumentException{
    HashMap _props =new HashMap();
    _props.put(key, value);
    Set set =_props.entrySet();
    Iterator i=set.iterator();
    Map.Entry me=(Map.Entry);

    Hi Thanks for your help.
    But I have included your method in the propsput class and also using it like this in the propsput class.
    Map.Entry me=(Map.Entry);
    byte a[]=me.getValue();
    But while compiling with javac I get the following error: incompatible types
    found : java.lang.Object
    required: byte[]
    byte a[]=me.getValue();
    Please let me know how should I use it so as to print my String.
    Well, its still not clear in the previous code (my First Message) that why I am gettinng "1372a1a" everytime. (Even if I change the String. When I change the array to be an Integer array I get [I@1372a1a )
    Othewise in the case of Strings I get ( [B@1372a1a)
    Bytes Array:[B@1372a1a
    Thanks and Regards                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   


    Hi all
    I am getting images from gmail contacts and trying to store it in DB
    using my http code:InputStream is=urlconnection.getInputStream();
    i could able to store the inputstream in file using:
    FileOutputStream fos=new FileOutputStream("picturerecent.jpg");
    ImageIO.write(filebuffer, "jpg", fos);
    but i was trying to store it in DB using the following code but it is not working.i am having a question that
    how it writing to a file without any problem.why not to database:
    try {
           String url = "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/";
             String db = "test";
             String driver = "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver";
                    con = DriverManager.getConnection(url+db,"root","");
    PreparedStatement psmnt;
         psmnt = con.prepareStatement("insert into gmailphoto(id,Photo) "+ "values(?,?)");
         psmnt.setInt(1, 9);
         psmnt.setObject(2, is, java.sql.Types.BLOB);
         int s = psmnt.executeUpdate();
           Statement st = con.createStatement();
            ResultSet rs=st.executeQuery("select photo from gmailphoto where id=9");
              {     //byte[] bytearray = new byte[4096];
                  int size=0;
                File sImage;
                FileWriter wr=new FileWriter(new File("c:\\imageOutput.jpg"));
                //SECOND TRY
                BufferedImage ByteArrayInputStream(rs.getBytes("photo")));
                FileOutputStream fout=new FileOutputStream(new File("C:\\imageOut"));
                if(bf!=null)ImageIO.write(bf, "jpg", fout);
           }}catch(SQLException e){
           }Thanks a lot for help

    but i was trying to store it in DB using the following codeThere is no code here that writes to a database. There are two lots of code that write to a file.

  • Converting a text file into a String

    I need to convert a text file (in whatever format, in my case it would be xml and xsl files) in a String.
    I made this methods:
    public static String createStringFromFile(File f) {
            StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
            try {
                FileInputStream fInp = new FileInputStream(f);
                byte[] byteArray = new byte[fInp.available()];
                int bLetti =;  
                if (bLetti == fInp.available()) {
                    for (int i=0; i<fInp.available(); i++)
    throw (new IOException("Errore nella lettura del file"));
    } catch (Exception e) {
    return (buf.toString());
    public static String createStringFromFile(String fileName) {
    StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
    try {
    FileInputStream fInp = new FileInputStream(fileName);
    byte[] byteArray = new byte[fInp.available()];
    int bLetti =;
    if (bLetti == fInp.available()) {
    for (int i=0; i<fInp.available(); i++)
    throw (new IOException("Errore nella lettura del file"));
    } catch (Exception e) {
    return (buf.toString());
    There are no compilation or runtime errors, but the result string is empty. Not null, empty. What should I do? :)

    Do you really want to use bytes and so on when java does it all for you?
    Here's how I did it, hope it's useful.
    public String getFileAsString(String fileName){
         StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
         BufferedReader bRead = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(new File(fileName)));
         String str = "";
         while( (str = bRead.readLine()) != null ){
         }//end while
         }catch(Exception e){
         System.err.println("in getFileAsString(): " + e.toString());
         }//end try
         return buffer.toString();
    }//end getAsString()

  • How to open a PDF File from a ByteArray

    Hi, Fellows,
    I'm having the following problem:
    I have put a PDF file inside a BLOB field in a table in my SQLite database.
    And I can retrieve it from this database without any problem, receiving a ByteArray data type as result.
    What I want to know is what I should do to render this file in my HTML flex object without saving it to a file…
    I used the property, but what I see is the TEXT of my PDF file. The mx.controls.HTML.location needs a STRING with the link to a URL site or file.
    Thanks in advance for your help.
    Here, my code:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <mx:WindowedApplication xmlns:mx="" layout="absolute" width="810" height="620"
                      import flash.filesystem.*;
                       private var _connection:SQLConnection;
                      private var _statement:SQLStatement; 
                 private function creationCompleteHandler():void {
                    var file:File = File.applicationStorageDirectory.resolvePath("arq.db");
                    _connection = new SQLConnection();
                    _connection.addEventListener(SQLEvent.OPEN, openHandler);
                    _connection.openAsync(file, SQLMode.CREATE);
                 private function openHandler(event:SQLEvent):void {
                    var sql:SQLStatement = new SQLStatement();
                    sql.sqlConnection = _connection;
                    sql.text = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS arq(" +
                               "id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, " +
                               "nome TEXT, " + 
                                "arquivo BLOB)";
                 private function insertFile(identificacao:String, caminho:String):void {
                            var sql:SQLStatement = new SQLStatement();
                            sql.sqlConnection = _connection;
                            var arquivo:File = new File(caminho);
                            var arqStream:FileStream = new FileStream();
                            var arqBlob:ByteArray = new ByteArray();
                    sql.text = "INSERT INTO arq(nome, arquivo)" + 
                                "VALUES(@nome, @arquivo)";
                    sql.parameters["@nome"] = identificacao;
                    sql.parameters["@arquivo"] = arqBlob;
                     trace("Arquivo inserido com Sucesso!!!");
                     lb1.text = "Arquivo inserido com Sucesso!!!";
                 private function selectFile(identificacao:String):void {
                             var sql:SQLStatement = new SQLStatement();
                            sql.sqlConnection = _connection;
                    sql.text = "SELECT id, arquivo FROM arq WHERE nome=@nome";
                    sql.parameters["@nome"] = identificacao;
                    sql.addEventListener(SQLEvent.RESULT, apresentarDados);
                 private function apresentarDados(event:SQLEvent):void {
                             var statement:SQLStatement = as SQLStatement;
                            var result:SQLResult = statement.getResult();
                            if(result != null && != null) {
                                  var dataset:Array =;
                            var arqBlob:ByteArray = dataset[0].arquivo;
                       var xx:HTMLLoader = new  HTMLLoader();
                      var ur:URLRequest = new URLRequest();
                      var ul:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
                       //Right now, it's doing nothing
    ur.contentType = "application/pdf";
                       ul.dataFormat = URLLoaderDataFormat.BINARY;
             = arqBlob;
                       //Here is my problem - WHAT SHOULD I DO? = arqBlob;
                          lb1.text = "Cheguei!!!";
                             } else {
                                  trace("Não funcionou!!!")
                 private function sair():void {
          <mx:TextInput x="99" y="10" id="arq"/>
          <mx:Label x="10" y="12" text="Identificação:" width="81"/>
          <mx:Button x="168" y="40" label="Apresentar" click="selectFile(arq.text)"/>
          <mx:Button x="728" y="10" label="Sair" width="60" click="sair()"/>
          <mx:TextInput x="417" y="10" id="id1"/>
          <mx:TextInput x="417" y="40" id="cm1"/>
          <mx:Button x="585" y="12" label="Gravar" click="insertFile(id1.text, cm1.text)"/>
          <mx:Label x="291" y="12" text="Identificação:" width="105"/>
          <mx:Label x="291" y="42" text="Caminho Completo:" width="118"/>
          <mx:Label x="615" y="42" width="173" id="lb1"/>
          <mx:HTML id="pdfFile" width="800" height="520" y="79"/>

    Bob, Here's some ActionScript code for saving the byte array data to temporary file. (In this code, pdfData is a ByteArray object containing the PDF data.)
    var tempFile:File = File.createTempFile();
    var stream:FileStream = new FileStream();, FileMode.WRITE);
    Next you can load the file into your Flex HTML control (represented as html in the following code):
    html.location = tempFile.url;
    Here's more information on reading and writing files: html (for Flex developers) .html (for Flash developers) html (for Ajax developers)

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