Calculate "consecutive streak" features?

I'm trying to create a cell which counts the longest "consecutive streak" . I'm trying to figure out how to do this: Is this possible in Numbers? Basically, it's an attendance - so it's a yes/no question. But to find out the longest streak:
1. Numbers would have to isolate a cell that matches "Yes" or "No"
2. Numbers would have to recognize the adjacent cells have the same entry
3. Numbers would have to find additional matches if consecutive and the "streak number"
4. Numbers would have to then find the highest number out of the streaks.
It sounds really complicated - as of right now it's simply easier to just count them, but I was just curious if there was a function or if it's at all possible?

Wesley Johnson wrote:
Not quite, I'm looking to have person with the longest streak displayed. Like:
Longest streak: 5
Who: Person 1
OK, this will require a little more effort... stay tuned.
Also, what is B$1?
This is the cell B1 (it might have been clearer if I had taken the screen shot as follows). B$1 is a special way to designate the cell B1 such that if the formula is moved or copied to other cells, the referenced cell will "stick" to the first row, but its column will "float" with the formula's new location. This '$' notation is known as an "absolute reference", the alternative being a "relative reference". You'll find a little more information on this in Numbers online help, search for "absolute cell reference", though it is a well established notation in spreadsheet formulas so it will be covered in many other sources.

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    Figured I'd throw this in just for the fun of it. :)
    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#Habbit') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #Habbit
    CREATE TABLE #Habbit (
    Name VARCHAR(255),
    [Target] INT
    INSERT #Habbit (ID,Name,Target) VALUES
    (1,'Three Day Thing', 3),
    (2,'Four Day Thing', 4),
    (3,'Five Day Thing', 5)
    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#HabitEntry') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #HabitEntry
    CREATE TABLE #HabitEntry (
    UserID INT,
    HabbitID INT,
    EntryDate DATETIME
    INSERT #HabitEntry (UserID,HabbitID,EntryDate) VALUES
    (1, 1, '20150101 06:35:30'),
    (1, 1, '20150102 08:35:30'),
    (1, 1, '20150103 08:35:30'),
    (1, 1, '20150110 09:35:30'),
    (1, 1, '20150112 10:35:30'),
    (1, 1, '20150115 22:35:30'),
    (1, 1, '20150116 23:35:30'),
    (1, 1, '20150117 00:35:30'),
    (1, 1, '20150118 01:35:30'),
    (1, 1, '20150122 04:35:30'),
    (1, 1, '20150124 05:35:30'),
    (1, 1, '20150126 15:35:30'),
    (1, 1, '20150127 10:35:30'),
    (2, 3, '20150101 06:35:30'),
    (2, 3, '20150102 06:35:30'),
    (2, 3, '20150103 02:35:30'),
    (2, 3, '20150104 06:35:30'),
    (2, 3, '20150105 06:35:30'),
    (2, 3, '20150108 06:35:30'),
    (2, 3, '20150110 06:35:30'),
    (2, 3, '20150111 06:35:30'),
    (2, 3, '20150112 06:35:30'),
    (2, 3, '20150113 06:35:30'),
    (2, 3, '20150114 06:35:30'),
    (2, 3, '20150122 06:35:30'),
    (2, 3, '20150123 06:35:30')
    DECLARE @MinDate DATE, @RangeSize INT
    SELECT @MinDate = DATEADD(dd, -1, MIN(he.EntryDate)) FROM #HabitEntry he
    SELECT @RangeSize = DATEDIFF(dd, @MinDate, MAX(he.EntryDate) + 1) FROM #HabitEntry he
    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#CalRanges') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #CalRanges
    SELECT TOP (@RangeSize)
    INTO #CalRanges
    FROM sys.all_objects ao
    ;WITH cte AS (
    COALESCE(LAG(CASE WHEN he.EntryDate IS NOT NULL THEN cr.Date END, 1) OVER (PARTITION BY he.UserID, he.HabbitID ORDER BY cr.Date), '19000101') AS PrevDate
    #CalRanges cr
    JOIN #HabitEntry he
    ON he.EntryDate BETWEEN cr.BegRange AND cr.EndRange
    --AND he.UserID = 1
    ), cte2 AS (
    FROM cte c
    WHERE c.Date <> c.PrevDate
    ), cte3 AS (
    CAST(SUBSTRING(MAX(CAST(c2.Date AS BINARY(4)) + CAST(c2.ConseqGroup AS BINARY(4))) OVER (PARTITION BY c2.UserID, c2.HabbitID ORDER BY c2.Date), 5, 4) AS INT) AS ConseqGroupFill
    FROM cte2 c2
    ), cte4 AS (
    h.Name AS HabbitName,
    MIN(c3.EntryDate) AS BegDate,
    MAX(c3.EntryDate) AS EndDate,
    COUNT(*) AS DaysInSeries
    cte3 c3
    JOIN #Habbit h
    ON c3.HabbitID = h.ID
    COUNT(*) >= MAX(h.Target)
    -- SELECT * FROM cte4
    FROM (SELECT DISTINCT he.UserID, he.HabbitID FROM #HabitEntry he) AS a
    FROM cte4 c4
    WHERE a.UserID = c4.UserID
    AND a.HabbitID = c4.HabbitID
    ORDER BY c4.BegDate DESC
    ) c4
    Jason Long

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    Time Stamp                    Power Output
    11:00:00 AM                       3kW
    11:00:02 AM                       2.9kW
    11:00:04 AM                       3.2kW
    11:00:06 AM                       3.1kW
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    Juan Galindo
    Applications Engineer
    National Instruments

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    I am trying to implement one scenario where in i need to compare the date differences for consecutive rows and generate a sequence against that.
    this is the table schema:
    create table temp
    id int identity(1,1),
    emp_id int,
    time datetime
    insert into temp 
    (1, '2011-02-20 12:30:00.000'),
    (1, '2011-02-20 12:32:34.172'),
    (1, '2011-02-20 12:32:34.172'),
    (1, '2011-02-20 12:43:21.004'),
    (1, '2011-02-20 12:46:39.745'),
    (2, '2011-02-20 12:48:06.004'),
    (2, '2011-02-20 12:48:06.004'),
    (2, '2011-02-20 12:53:07.733'),
    (2, '2011-02-20 12:55:30.295');
    now, I want to compare the first date-time with the second and so on. now if the date-time difference is same for two consecutive rows then the sequence should  increment by 1 otherwise the sequence again will start from '00' for any unique date-time.
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    I want the output to be like this
    ID emp_id
    1 1 2011-02-20 12:30:00.000
    2  1 2011-02-20 12:32:34.172
    3  1 2011-02-20 12:32:34.172
    4  1 2011-02-20 12:32:34.172
    5  1 2011-02-20 12:46:39.745
    6  2 
    2011-02-20 12:48:06.004 00
    7  2 
    2011-02-20 12:48:07.003 00
    8  2 
    2011-02-20 12:48:07.003 01
    9  2 
    2011-02-20 12:46:39.745 00
    Please revert as soon as possible as this is a bit urgent.
    Thank You in Advance. :)

    create table temp
    (id int identity(1,1),
     emp_id int,
     time datetime
    insert into temp values
    (1, '20110220 12:30:00.000'),
    (1, '20110220 12:32:34.172'),
    (1, '20110220 12:32:34.172'),
    (1, '20110220 12:43:21.004'),
    (1, '20110220 12:46:39.745'),
    (2, '20110220 12:48:06.004'),
    (2, '20110220 12:48:06.004'),
    (2, '20110220 12:53:07.733'),
    (2, '20110220 12:55:30.295');
    SELECT id, emp_id, time,
           dateadd(mcs, (row_number() OVER(PARTITION BY emp_id, time ORDER BY
    id) - 1) * 10,
                   convert(datetime2(5), time)) AS [Sequence]
    FROM   temp
    ORDER  BY id
    DROP TABLE temp
    Erland Sommarskog, SQL Server MVP, [email protected]

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    Almost wish they some sort of a whiteboard feature on this forum. 'Cause this would be easiest to explain with some dynamic pictures.
    Any way, to calculate the area "shared" by two or more functions you subtract the areas. Piecewise: calculate the area of fuction 1 by integrating over range of intersection, calculate the area of fuction 2 by integrating over range of intersection, subtract Area 1 from Area 2 and take the absolute value.
    If more than 2 functions, start with the two functions with the greatest area of overlap, and work towards the smallest.
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    dd up all the trapizoidal/triangle areas formed by consecutive points of intersection).
    This is the robust works-for-most-cases solution, your particular instance may provide short cuts, but no details were given that might provide clues to those short cuts.
    Good luck.

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    I´ll apretiate any help.
    LV Custom.jpg ‏40 KB

    No, you can't modify the cursors with either the native or C code. But I'm wondering if you can't get what you want with an XY graph instead of a regular graph. You can have multiple separate plots and some of them can be thick horizontal lines. I've attached a file with just some constants wired to an XY graph to show what I mean. Obviously, you'd have to calculate the values for the x and y arrays in your real situation. If you have to use a regular graph to display the .wav file, you could also overlay a transparent XY Graph on top. The other possiblity is to use a picture control to display your data. There's a couple of shipping examples (i.e. Waveform and XY Plots, XY Multi Plot) that show how data can be represented and Pen Attributes and Sub setting shows how you can draw lines of different widths.
    Horizontal ‏30 KB

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    nvl(sum(l.accounted_dr - l.accounted_cr),0) "Balance"
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    GROUP BY cc.segment1||'-'||cc.segment2||'-'||cc.segment3||'-'||cc.segment4||'-'||cc.segment5||'-'||cc.segment6
    There are some discrepancies in "average balance" after end of month (Jan-12)?
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    Please let me know first, is Average Balancing feature enabled in your GL Ledger?
    Muhammad Ayaz

  • How to get consecutive numbering at the end of paragraphs?

    In a big text some paragraphs, already styled, need a consecutive numbering.
    At the beginning of the paragraph the numbering will create a mess.
    Tried with fake footnotes: Impossible. The text has footnotes and converting the faked ones to text is not available.
    Tried a nice script written by Jong to add/subtract a number on numbered items, but it is restricted to index situations.
    O R I G I N A L                                   R E Q U I R E D
    a. Many years ago.                    a. Many years ago. [1]
    Lucy Smith                              Lucy Smith
    b. Margaret run away.               b. Margaret run away. [2]

    Hi, Camilo:
    First of all,  I was not thinking clearly when I blamed ID for a cross-reference bug. It was my error. Cross-references within a document need to be updated by the author, using the Update cross-references button at the bottom of the Hyperlinks & Cross-References panel, when they're moved or their source content changes. I was thinking about the known issues with cross-references that go between ID document files, which update automatically - performance slows, and sometimes they cause crashes.
    Here's the replacement reply for my previous post #1:
    camilo umaña wrote:
    In a big text some paragraphs, already styled, need a consecutive numbering.
    At the beginning of the paragraph the numbering will create a mess.
    Tried with fake footnotes: Impossible. The text has footnotes and converting the faked ones to text is not available.
    Tried a nice script written by Jong to add/subtract a number on numbered items, but it is restricted to index situations.
    O R I G I N A L                                   R E Q U I R E D
    a. Many years ago.                    a. Many years ago. [1]
    Lucy Smith                              Lucy Smith
    b. Margaret run away.               b. Margaret run away. [2]
    It's not clear if the right-hand numbers are supposed to replace the left-hand numbers while keeping the same sequence, or if you want to retain the left-hand numbers. You can use cross-references to create right-hand numbers from the paragraphs auto-numbers.
    Insert a cross-reference to the paragraph at the end of the text, with a format that captures its autonumber, and adds any ornamentation, like the square brackets in your example.
    If the rightmost number must be positioned at the right margin of the numbered paragraph, no matter how long or short it is, or if it wraps around to new lines, add a right-aligned tab stop to the paragraph style, positioned at the location where you want the number to appear, and insert a tab character in the paragraph before the cross-reference.
    If the left hand numbers are supposed to go away, you can't change the paragraph style to a non-autonumbered style, because you need the numbers that the cross-references capture. So, you need to create a character style that's very small and uses Paper for the text color, to hide the autonumbers. If the smallest point size (IIRC, it's 2 points) leaves too much space at the left of the autonumber, you might be able to reduce it further by using a small value in the Horizontal Scale property of the Advanced Character Formats in the Character Style dialog box. Your example seems to show that the numbered paragraphs are indented, so the space occupied by the hidden autonumbers may not be a problem.
    If the paragraphs are rearranged in sequence, you'll need to use the Update Cross-References button at the bottom of the Hyperlinks & Cross-References panel to update the affected cross-references.
    I'm still not clear about numbers at the end of the paragraphs in square brackets. Are they supposed to be the same value as the auto-number at the beginning of the paragraph, except that they use a numeric display format instead of an alphabetic format?
    I don't know of any code that can work with a find/replace action that can capture a paragraph's autonumber and display it at a specific location. As you've seen, cross-references need to be inserted manually. You might post a query in the InDesign scripting forum to see if someone has figured this out. If there's no complete solution, you might want to ask about a script that searches for the ends of paragraphs of the autonumbered paragraph style and opens the Insert Cross-Reference dialog box.
    Using Quick Apply to execute the Insert Cross-References command, which opens the New Cross-References dialog box, might save some energy for doing the many manual cross-references insertions. Search Google for terms like "InDesign quick apply" without quotes. You can open Quick Apply with a keystroke shortcut - Cmd+Return on Mac. You can type abbreviated commands. I use "rt cr" without quotes for (Inse)rt cr(oss-reference). Opening Quick Apply repeats the last command that was entered.
    Also, if you haven't tried a Google search for phrases like "InDesign numbered list at right end of paragraph," without quotes, give it a try. There are lots of links, including one to this forum article. Perhaps there's a golden nugget among them.
    If you think it's important for ID to be able to place autonumbers at the ends of paragraphs, please post a formal feature request here: Wishform Eventually, some user originated feature requests are incorporated in future ID releases.
    Peter Gold
    KnowHow ProServices

  • Formula to calculate two fiscal year/period difference for non null quantit

    We'd like to have a query result like the following:
    Person -- Jan_2007 -- Feb_2007 -- Mar_2007  --  No. of Months
    Tom --- 21 --- 54 --- 10 --- 2
    John --- 0 ---  3 --- 15 --- 1  
    In the above query, the row is sales persons, the 1st three columns list the sales quantity by each sales person restricted by fiscal year/period and we would like to create 4th column "No. of Months" to calculate (will use formula) the month span (difference) for each sales person from his last sale activity (the last month he performed sales) and the 1st sale activity (the first month he performed sales) as listed in the above query result, e.g.,  Tom performed his first sales (sales quantity: 21) in the month of January of year 2007, and he performed his last sales (sales quantity of 10) in the month of March, 2007, then the "No. of Months" column value for Tom is 2.  The calculation formula will be performed based on the last quantity value (> 0) to trace it's corresponding column fiscal year/period value (max of the fiscal year/period value with quantity value >0) and on the 1st quantity value (>0) to trace it's corresonding column fiscal year/period value (min of the fiscal year/period value with quantity value >0) and then do the subtraction between the max of the fiscal year/period value and the min one. 
    Would be appreciated if BEx experts here give the detailed steps on how to build up this formula to calculate the number of month difference and we will give you reward points!
    Edited by: Kevin Smith on Mar 18, 2008 1:47 PM

    hi Danny,
    I only gave an example of 3 columns, but actually, yes, the report can have more than 12 months, e.g. from Jan_1999, Feb_1999, ..., Mar_2011, Apr_2011.
    In our simple example of 3 columns for the three consecutive months, if John had (3)(0)(15), then the No. of Months is 2, or the last month value he performed sales and 1st month he performed sales.
    You said macro in Excel sheet?  Not sure if macro will work on web since we will eventually run the reports on web browser, therefore we still prefer using Formula.
    Any idea/solution?

  • Error while trying to upgrade SQL 2008 (SP2) to SQL 2012: There was a failure to calculate the applicability of setting LICENSEPATH.

    I am trying to upgrade one of our SQL Server Enterprise (2008 (SP2)) to 2012. I am using the upgrade option but it gives me the following error:
    Error Code 0x85640002: There was a failure to calculate the applicability of setting LICENSEPATH
    We have downloaded the image from our Volume Licensing account. Also, the same image was used to install SQL 2012 on Windows Server 2012 R2 servers without any issues.
    Below is the install summary.txt. I have tried everywhere but no go. Would really appreciate any assistance.
    Overall summary:
      Final result:                  Failed: see details below
      Exit code (Decimal):           -2057043966
      Exit facility code:            1380
      Exit error code:               2
      Exit message:                  There was a failure to calculate the applicability of setting LICENSEPATH.
      Start time:                    2014-02-28 10:58:49
      End time:                      2014-02-28 10:58:58
      Requested action:              RunRules
      Exception help link: 
    Machine Properties:
      Machine name:                  xxxxxxx
      Machine processor count:       2
      OS version:                    Windows Server 2008 R2
      OS service pack:               Service Pack 1
      OS region:                     U.A.E.
      OS language:                   English (United States)
      OS architecture:               x64
      Process architecture:          64 Bit
      OS clustered:                  No
    Package properties:
      Description:                   Microsoft SQL Server 2012
      ProductName:                   SQL Server 2012
      Type:                          RTM
      Version:                       11
      SPLevel:                       0
      Installation location:         D:\x64\setup\
      Installation edition:          
    User Input Settings:
      ACTION:                        RunRules
      ENU:                           true
      HELP:                          false
      INDICATEPROGRESS:              false
      INSTANCENAME:                  <empty>
      PID:                           *****
      QUIET:                         true
      QUIETSIMPLE:                   false
      RULES:                         GlobalRules
      UIMODE:                        Normal
      X86:                           false
      Configuration file:            C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\110\Setup Bootstrap\Log\20140228_105848\ConfigurationFile.ini
    Rules with failures:
    Global rules:
    There are no scenario-specific rules.
    Rules report file:               The rule result report file is not available.
    Exception summary:
    The following is an exception stack listing the exceptions in outermost to innermost order
    Inner exceptions are being indented
    Exception type: Microsoft.SqlServer.Chainer.Infrastructure.CalculateSettingApplicabilityException
            There was a failure to calculate the applicability of setting LICENSEPATH.
        HResult : 0x85640002
            FacilityCode : 1380 (564)
            ErrorCode : 2 (0002)
          SettingId = LICENSEPATH
          WatsonData = Microsoft.SqlServer.Chainer.Infrastructure.CalculateSettingApplicabilityException@2
          DisableWatson = true
            at Microsoft.SqlServer.Chainer.Infrastructure.Setting.CalculateApplicability()
            at Microsoft.SqlServer.Configuration.BootstrapExtension.ValidateChainerSettingAction.ExecuteAction(String actionId)
            at Microsoft.SqlServer.Chainer.Infrastructure.Action.Execute(String actionId, TextWriter errorStream)
            at Microsoft.SqlServer.Setup.Chainer.Workflow.ActionInvocation.ExecuteActionHelper(TextWriter statusStream, ISequencedAction actionToRun, ServiceContainer context)
        Inner exception type: Microsoft.SqlServer.Chainer.Infrastructure.CalculateSettingValueException
                    There was a failure to calculate the default value of setting LICENSEPATH.
            HResult : 0x85640001
                    FacilityCode : 1380 (564)
                    ErrorCode : 1 (0001)
              SettingId = LICENSEPATH
              WatsonData = Microsoft.SqlServer.Chainer.Infrastructure.CalculateSettingValueException@1
                    at Microsoft.SqlServer.Chainer.Infrastructure.Setting`1.CalculateValue()
                    at Microsoft.SqlServer.Deployment.PrioritizedPublishing.PublishingQueue.CallQueuedSubscriberDelegates()
                    at Microsoft.SqlServer.Deployment.PrioritizedPublishing.PublishingQueue.Publish(Publisher publisher)
                    at Microsoft.SqlServer.Chainer.Infrastructure.Setting.CalculateApplicability()
            Inner exception type: System.ArgumentException
                            Culture ID 3072 (0x0C00) is not a supported culture.
                            Parameter name: culture
                            at System.Globalization.CultureInfo..ctor(Int32 culture, Boolean useUserOverride)
                            at System.Globalization.CultureTable.GetCultures(CultureTypes types)
                            at Microsoft.SqlServer.Configuration.SetupExtension.LcidUtilities.GetLangPackParentFolderForLcid(String lcid)
                            at Microsoft.SqlServer.Configuration.SetupExtension.LcidUtilities.GetLcidFolder(ServiceContainer context, String baseFolderFullPath)
                            at Microsoft.SqlServer.Configuration.SetupExtension.LicensePathSetting.DefaultValue()
                            at Microsoft.SqlServer.Deployment.PrioritizedPublishing.PublishingQueue.CallFunctionWhileAutosubscribing[T](SubscriberDelegate
    subscriberDelegate, Int32 priority, AutosubscribingFunctionDelegate`1 function)
                            at Microsoft.SqlServer.Chainer.Infrastructure.Setting`1.CalculateValue()

    Culture ID 3072 (0x0C00) is not a supported culture.
                            Parameter name: culture
    This appears to be the root problem. It seems that the regional settings on this machine is messed up. 0x0C00 is an unusual LCID, they do not normally not end in two zeroes.
    is there a custom culture installed on this machine?
    Review the regional settings and also check the System locale. If it looks spooky, set it to Arabic - U.A.E. if this is where you are located.
    Erland Sommarskog, SQL Server MVP, [email protected]

  • Recently, my Ipod classic no longer plays grouped consecutive podcasts continuously.

    recently, (I believe the since most recent update) my ipod classic no longer plays grouped consecutive podcasts continuously. In the past it work quite effectively.
    I checked the shuffle switches, and they were all turned off. 
    None of the threads that seem to address this issue effectively.
    Don't have this problems with my iPhone 4GS.
    Does anybody know what gives?  Not real keen on Updating Software when options and features removed.

    Did a restore without any media being put on, here are the stats, and the increase from the original posted:
    Retracts: 1                         (+0)
    Reallocs: 280                     (+64)
    Pending Sectors: 480         (+48)
    PowerOn Hours: 198          (+1)
    Start/Stops: 24856             (+50)
    Temp: Current 33c             (+6)
    Temp: Min 14c                   (+0)
    Temp: Max 54c                  (+0)
    Although the hours, and temps don't matter much I included them anyway. Here are the stats after another restore, and all the media being added (increase from original, not last restore):
    Retracts: 1                         (+0)
    Reallocs: 400                     (+184)
    Pending Sectors: 48           (-384)
    PowerOn Hours: 198          (+0)
    Start/Stops: 24861             (+55)
    Temp: Current 36c             (+9)
    Temp: Min 14c                   (+0)
    Temp: Max 54c                   (+0)
    The pending sectors went drastically down, which is awesome, lot less songs are skipping.. Except the reallocs went significantly up as well, I assume that would be due to the remaps of the pending sectors? And should I try more restores to see if that would help try to fix the problem, assuming it would be fixing desk/memory errors?

  • To Apple Inc. respectable brothers, dear, I've purchased a Yvonne immediately after S Black color I did not know that the owner of the device may do Service i Claude and I've work restor of Yvonne and when activation asked me to calculate i Claude and I d

    To Apple Inc. respectable brothers, dear, I've purchased a Yvonne immediately 4 S Black color I did not know that the owner of the device may do Service icloud and I've work restor of Yvonne and when activation asked me to calculate icloud and I do not know;  I do not know who is the owner of the device with science I bought the machine from Turkey Fargo to help me, I was involved with this device, and I'm from users of the iPhone please help me thank you with the knowledge that Amy device is 013186007698501
    If it is possible to activate the iPhone and that did not help me Fargo just inform me or give me the e-mail which has enabled Claude feature so that I could e-mail correspondence on Arslo Please e-mail me
    For I am God and you will lose device safely God

    Birden konuları gönderme Lütfen dur.
    Buraya git -> # 24870284

  • When the user press the button Calculate Tax (see attached doc) and click on Tax details then this should be updated automatically. But it does not work it is empty and the user has to update manually.

    When the user press the button Calculate Tax  and click on Tax details then this should be updated automatically. But it does not work it is empty and the user has to update manually.
    All setup looks fine.
    Please let me know what can be done on this?

    HarryAustralia wrote:
    I recently updated my ipad wifi only to the new ios 6.1.2 and initially I had the auto cover lock option which can be seen in the Generals tab, but then it stoped working!! Before the update, the auto cover lock worked fine. So after trying all the options, I then did a complete reset on the ipad and now its gone all together from the General tab!! I can no longer see the "auto cover lock" option.
    The iPad cover lock is for when you use a cover with magnets in it to lock and unlock the iPad when you close the cover or open it. Try running a refrigerator magnet along the sides of the iPad and see if that trips the iPad Cover Lock back into the settings.
    That is not the same thing as the iPad Auto Lock setting which allows you to set an allotted time before the iPad goes to sleep.
    You can try resetting all settings to see if the Auto Lock feature retinrs to the iPad.
    Settings>General>Reset>Reset All Settings. You will have to enter all of your device settings again.... All of the settings in the settings app will have to be re-entered. This can be a little time consuming re-entering all of the device settings again.

  • Calculate Depreciation Forecast for Fixed asset

    Dear all expert,
    I'm new to ASO, would like to know if there's a way to do depreciation forcast for fixed asset in Essbase.
    1. Database type is ASO
    2. Assuming user will prepare forecast caplitialization of fixed asset then upload to Essbase
    3. Attribute dimension "Useful life" has been defined and attached to specific "Accounts" dimension for calcluation
    4. Need to calculate the forecast and spread of depreciation for future months
    E.g. Input 32000 USD for a fixed asset cost with 32 months useful life
    -> should calculate 1000 each month for the coming 32 months
    Can any expert suggest how to do this in ASO? meaning only can do calculation in member formula itself, not calculation script.
    Thanks for your help in advance,

    I haven't used the feature, but the reference to 'local script_file' in the MaxL railroad diagram for the 'execute calculation' command suggests the location is relative to the client, if the semantics are consistent with the 'export data' command (the options for report scripts there are 'server' or 'local', although according to the railroad diagram there is no non-local alternative in this case!).
    There is a worked example in a Rittman Mead blog post about this that might help:
    The DBAG also says that the script files should have suffix .csc, while the Tech Ref example has suffix .txt - helpful!! If they were actually meant to sit in the server's db directory, I would be surprised to find the .csc suffix used, since that is also the suffix for aggregation scripts. Although me being surprised doesn't mean much.

Maybe you are looking for

  • After Win 8.1 upgrade, Acrobat 9 Pro suddenly won't run

    I have Web Premium CS4, and Acrobat Pro v. 9.5.5.  I bought a new  Window 8.0 computer 90 days ago, installed the suite, activated, and everything ran fine. Yesterday, I upgraded to Win 8.1. Now, when I open Acrobat Pro, I get a pop-up message saying

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