Calculating side of intersecting rectangle in collision

Hi all,
I'm trying to determine the side of a rectangle in which a colliding object has intersected with it (i'm working on some bouncing bullet code)
anyway, this is what I have so far..
I know, the bounding rectangle of the object being hit (tile)
(lets say 0,0,64,64 (top, left, width, height))
I know the projectile is moving 5 pixels per update and has a bounding box of pos.X, pos.Y, 16, 16
So when the bullet and tile collide, the rectangles intersect and so I know a collision has happened
but I want to now know which side of the tile object was intersected so i can do
If top or bottom is the intersecting side then reflect the Y velocity of the bullet (but leave the X projectile)
if left or right is intersected then reflect X and not Y
This should then give me this effect
\ .T
.\ T
./ T
/. T
but to get that effect I need to know which side of the tile was intersected.
I also know the position of the bullet at collision and i know the last 12 positions leading up to collision (as i store them in an array for a bouncing action upon collision of other objects such as the player)
so from that I could work out the trajectory of the bullet through the bounding rectangle of the tile (even though I dont know how but I'm sure mathematics can be my friend on that one :p)
with all this knowledge, is there a way to achieve what I'm trying to do?
Edited by: harveyball on 05-Jun-2009 14:43

Hi again,
so i've found an algorithm to do my intersection and I've implemented a quick php version of the intersection code
which is
function intersectLine($line1A, $line1B, $line2A, $line2B)
     $A1 = $line1B['y']-$line1A['y'];
     $B1 = $line1A['x']-$line1B['x'];
     $C1 = $A1 * $line1A['x'] + $B1 * $line1A['y'];
     $A2 = $line2B['y']-$line2A['y'];
     $B2 = $line2A['x']-$line2B['x'];
     $C2 = $A2 * $line2A['x'] + $B2 * $line2A['y'];
     $det = $A1 * $B2 - $A2 * $B1;
    if($det == 0)
          $insersectionPoint=array("x"=>-1, "y"=>-1);
        $insersectionPoint['x'] = ($B2 * $C1 - $B1 * $C2) / $det;
        $insersectionPoint['y'] = ($A1 * $C2 - $A2 * $C1) / $det;     
     return $insersectionPoint;
     }however, i only want to know if the lines between the given points have actually touched (not the potential of the line if infinity extended)
My code will return an intersection even if the point hasnt reached that part of the line.
Can someone help me with the mathematical bit of doing the min and max of the points to work out the actual collision of lines.
I found this snippet of data from google
This gives you the location of the intersection of two lines, but what if you have line segments, not lines. In this case, you need to make sure that the point you found is on both of the line segments. If your line segment goes from (x1,y1) to (x2,y2), then to check if (x,y) is on that segment, you just need to check that min(x1,x2) ≤ x ≤ max(x1,x2), and do the same thing for y. You must be careful about double precision issues though. If your point is right on the edge of the segment, or if the segment is horizontal or vertical, a simple comparison might be problematic. In these cases, you can either do your comparisons with some tolerance, or else use a fraction class.
which is obviously what i want to do but I dont understand what this means
min(x1,x2) ≤ x ≤ max(x1,x2)
what exactly does ≤ x ≤ mean?
Can someone aid in writing the simplified version of the algorithm?
(java or pseduo is fine :) i just wrote my test function in php because it was quicker)

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                   yone = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Please enter y1");
                   radiusone = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Please enter r1");
                   xtwo = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Please enter x2");
                   ytwo = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Please enter y2");
                   radiustwo = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Please enter r2");
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                   xtwoint = Double.parseDouble(xtwo);
                   yoneint = Double.parseDouble(yone);
                   ytwoint = Double.parseDouble(ytwo);
                   radiusoneint = Double.parseDouble(radiusone);
                   radiustwoint = Double.parseDouble(radiustwo);
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              newyoneint = Math.pow((ytwoint-yoneint),2);
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               *getting the basics working first and then i'll add these functions in later
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              newxtwoint =Math.pow(xtwoint,2);
              newyoneint = Math.pow(yoneint,2);
              newytwoint = Math.pow(ytwoint,2);
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              sqrtpnttwo = Math.sqrt((newxtwoint+newytwoint));
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                        JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"i'm sorry but no exist, the circles are separate.");
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                   JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Your cirlces have no intersection because one is contained in the other");
         public void IntersectCalculations()
              radiusoneintpow = Math.pow(radiusoneint,2);
              radiustwointpow = Math.pow(radiustwoint,2);
              dpow= Math.pow(d,2);
              a = (((radiusoneintpow)-(radiustwointpow)+(dpow))/(2*d));
              newa = Math.pow(a,2);
              h = Math.sqrt((radiusoneintpow - newa));
              newhsqrt = Math.sqrt(h);
         public void IntersectFinalCalculation()
              newxthreepositive = ((xtwoint) + (newhsqrt*(ytwoint-yoneint)/d));
              newxthreenegative = ((xtwoint) - (newhsqrt*(ytwoint-yoneint)/d));
              newythreepositive = ((ytwoint) + (newhsqrt*(xtwoint - xoneint)/d));
              newythreenegative = ((ytwoint) - (newhsqrt*(xtwoint - xoneint)/d));
               *don't floor them make sure they work and then start rounding
               *newxthreepositive = Math.floor(xthreepositive);
              newxthreenegative = Math.floor(xthreenegative);
              newythreepositive = Math.floor(ythreepositive);
              newythreenegative = Math.floor(ythreenegative);*/
         public void DisplayResults()
              JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "your circles intersect at \n\n"+newxthreepositive+","+newythreepositive+"\n\nand\n\n"+newxthreenegative+","+newythreenegative);

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                        var line1:UIComponent = new UIComponent();
                        var lineThickness1:Number = 1;
                        var lineColor1:Number = 0x000000;
                        var lineAlpha1:Number = 1;
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                            var xposstr:String = arr1.getItemAt(arr1.length).toString();
                            var xpos:int = parseInt(xposstr);
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         var lineThickness1:Number = 1;
         var lineColor1:Number = 0x000000;
         var lineAlpha1:Number = 1;
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    r1.add( lineLocation+ 10, 448 );
    r1.add( 465 + lineLocation, 0 );
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    the angles are all still 90 degrees. But maybe it's not possible to make those
    as rectangles.A Rectangle is defined by a Top-Left corner, a width and height.
    You could use an AffineTransform to rotate the Rectangle
    public class ShapeTransform
       public ShapeTransform()
          // define the shape
          Rectangle r = new Rectangle(0, 0, 100, 100);
          // transformation of 45 degrees anticlockwise around point (0,0)
          AffineTransform at = AffineTransform.getRotateInstance(
                Math.toRadians(45), 0, 0);
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    You can definitely show an inner shadow on just one side of a rectangle.  You just need to turn the blur down to 0 to prevent it from leaking to the nearby sides.  Then set the angle to an exact multiple of 90, like 270 to put the shadow on the top side of the rect.
    This file has some examples:
    If you're trying to simulate a rectangle with different border colors or widths, this auto shape can make that easy:

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    then it's easier to calculate the intersection algebraically:
    function intersectionF(x1:Number,y1:Number,x2:Number,y2:Number,x3:Number,y3:Number,x4:Number,y4:Number):Array {
         if (x1==x2) {
              if (x3==x4) {
                   if (x1==x3) {
                        return ["line1"];
                   } else {
                        return [null];
              } else {
                   // line 1 vert, line 2 not
                   var m2:Number = (y3-y4)/(x3-x4);
                   var b2:Number = y3-m2*x3;
                   return [x1,m2*x1+b2];
         } else {
              // line 1 not vert
                   // line 2 vert
                   var m1:Number = (y1-y2)/(x1-x2);
                   var b1:Number = y1-m1*x1;
                   return [x3,m1*x3+b1];
              } else {
                   // line 2 not vert
                   m1 = (y1-y2)/(x1-x2);
                   b1 = y1-m1*x1;
                   m2 = (y3-y4)/(x3-x4);
                   b2 = y3-m2*x3;
                   var x:Number = (b2-b1)/(m1-m2);
                   return [x,m1*x+b1];

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    Hi duggg,
    updating your OSX to the latest version as baltwo proposed is a good idea.
    Also, maybe you accidentally activated Mouse Keys
    And if not, have you tried the 'Clear key' (the on above the '7'-key on the Numpad)

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    Just add another instance of the Drop Shadow Effect from the effects menu. Left and right are controlled by the X offset (positive to the right, negative to the left); up and down by the Y offset (positive down, negative up) either can be 0.

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    Thanks for your reply.
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    I realize P-shop CS2 isn't specically designed for drawing, like Illustrator, but what I am trying seems simple.
    Any other suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
    Thanks for your time!

  • Adding a rectangle & a followup question regarding layering

    I want to simply draw a rectangle on a a location on photograph or file and just see the outline of the rectangle in a color of my choice...I dont want the rectangle filled in with the color...just the outline. I would like to have all sides of the rectangle the same width would be nice to be able to determine that width if possible. What I am trying to do is to create rectangular locations on a photograph and then add text to that identified area...
    In a follow up question it appears that each time I add text from one location on the photo and go to another area to add text...a new layer appears. It would be nice to be able to add various rectangles and areas of text without having a new layer appear for each that possible?

    Use the Rectangular Marquee tool to define the rectangle. Then use the Stroke command to draw the line around it.
    You can flatten the image or merge layers, but there is no way that you can stop them being created when you create shapes or text. I don't think that being able to do so would be useful for many people.

  • Trying to make rectangle fade to lighter colour from left to right

    Hey, having trouble making the colour of my rectangle
    gradually get lighter to a point on the right side of the
    rectangle. Anyone seen this effect before? help!!??

    Change the fill from Solid to Linear Gradient from the
    Properties Panel
    > Fill Category.
    If you need the rectangle to fade out go to Commands >
    Creative > Fade
    defender_nz wrote:
    > Hey, having trouble making the colour of my rectangle
    gradually get lighter to a point on the right side of the
    rectangle. Anyone seen this effect before? help!!??

  • Corner effects on one side only

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    I want to apply rounded corners to one side of a rectangle (2 corners); the other side (2 corners) I want to remain square.
    I tried to add anchor points and pull one side to square it off, but it's still rounded... What to do?
    I read in one of the forum posts to use the "corner effects sample script" -- I guess I have no idea what this is.
    Any other solutions? Help please!

    It should work but here's a CS3 procedure.
    Create your rectangle. Add the corner options using whatever setting you
    Keep it selected and open the pathfinder panel. Click the convert to
    rounded rectangle button.
    Draw a new rectangle and place it on the edge you want to have square
    corners. Click the subtract button.

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    I'm trying to drag the image into the title workspace but it wont allow me to do so......
    How can I get this image of the newspapers logo inside of the white lower third rectangle?
    Any help appreciated!

    Hi Dave,
    Great advice! That's working fine. white lower third rectangle has a fill opacity of 88%. When I've inserted the newspaper's logo into this rectangle, obviously the logo (which is white with blue text) has an opacity of 100%. But when I lower the logo opacity to 88% I lose the logo's white, but also the actual text of the logo too which is a problem.
    So I'm now thinking, is it possible to lower fill opacity from left to right in my rectangle? If so, this would allow the left hand side of my rectangle to stay at 100% fill opacity, which would match the white fill of the newspapers logo, and I could gradually reduce the opacity as the rectangle goes right, fading out towards the end.
    Is it possible to use fill opacity in a left to right motion?
    Thanks Again!

  • Moving a circlewithin a rectangle

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    I would like to now develop a new gauge whereas a filled circle or ball would move along the inside of the rectangle instead of it being filled with color
    I should also state that some values here are run in a thread and just called in this draw method. The repaint is also in a thread hence gives the
    effect that the guage is moving constantly
    the following code represents my draw method to post all the classes here would be really alot so any help with the draw method is appreciated
    public void draw(Graphics2D g) {
    // set up variables to use
            int w = getWidth()/2;
            int h = getHeight();
            int totalRange = 100-0;
            int units = h/totalRange;
            int value = getICUMonitor().getDiaSensor().getDiastolic();
            int valueHeight = value*units;
            int valueY = h-valueHeight;
            // setup a gradient paint
            GradientPaint redtowhite = new GradientPaint(5, 5,, 5, 5,;
            // drawing the actual rectangle
            g.draw(new Rectangle2D.Double(0,0,w,h));
            // filling the rectangle with a color
            g.fill(new Rectangle2D.Double(0,valueY,w,valueHeight));
            // this draws small lines along the side of the rectangle as markers
            for(int i=0;i<getHeight()+10;i+=10){
            // here is just putting the numbers 0 on the first marker and 100 on the last

    I would like to now develop a new gauge whereas a filled circle or ball would move along the inside of the rectangle instead of it being filled with colorThis is really simple, you just have to replace your fill Rectangle call with a drawRect and fillOval calls.
    g.drawRect(0, valueY, w, valueHeight);
    g.fillOval(w/2-8, valueY, 16, 16);// drawing a circle of width 16 on the top middle of rectangleAnd yes SSCCE would be helpful, if your problem is not as simple as I thought.

  • Drawing a rectangle...corectly!

    If i try to draw a rectangle at the point 0,0 if works fine, but when i start moving the point around, the right side of the rectangle disapears for no apparent reason. so it looks like this
    a three sided box. why is it doing this? thank you so much for any help, this is really frustrating me!

    My only guess is that you are drawing this rectanlge inside a component which is just big enough to fit the rectablge, but as soon as you move the position of the rectangle it's getting clipped off the edge of the component.

Maybe you are looking for