Call a program via windows service

Hi! I have write a windows service,and it works. I want to call a .exe file,and my .exe file is signature. The program can not work when I call it through my service. How can I solve my problem? Thanks!

Hi Hassan,
Thank you for sharing the code with us! 
As I understand it, your code handles the situation of an user that is already logged on to an interactive window station (those of you, who need to create a UI-process of a user not yet logged on, could use
CreateProcessWithLogon, or
LogonUser to get the token). Because calling CreateProcessAsUser() requires advanced privileges (such as "Replace a process token level", or "Act as part of the operating system", privileges usually not held by a user unless specified so by the security
policy), the code also implies a service running in the local system account (or equivalent).
To make it easier to read, I'll post here the C#-version of your code:
using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Diagnostics;
namespace WindowsServiceLaunchingExe
class NativeMethods
public IntPtr hProcess;
public IntPtr hThread;
public System.UInt32 dwProcessId;
public System.UInt32 dwThreadId;
public System.UInt32 nLength;
public IntPtr lpSecurityDescriptor;
public bool bInheritHandle;
public struct STARTUPINFO {
public System.UInt32 cb;
public string lpReserved;
public string lpDesktop;
public string lpTitle;
public System.UInt32 dwX;
public System.UInt32 dwY;
public System.UInt32 dwXSize;
public System.UInt32 dwYSize;
public System.UInt32 dwXCountChars;
public System.UInt32 dwYCountChars;
public System.UInt32 dwFillAttribute;
public System.UInt32 dwFlags;
public short wShowWindow;
public short cbReserved2;
public IntPtr lpReserved2;
public IntPtr hStdInput;
public IntPtr hStdOutput;
public IntPtr hStdError;
public struct PROFILEINFO {
public int dwSize;
public int dwFlags;
public string lpUserName;
public string lpProfilePath;
public string lpDefaultPath;
public string lpServerName;
public string lpPolicyPath;
public IntPtr hProfile;
SecurityAnonymous = 0,
SecurityIdentification = 1,
SecurityImpersonation = 2,
SecurityDelegation = 3
internal enum TOKEN_TYPE {
TokenPrimary = 1,
TokenImpersonation = 2
[DllImport("advapi32.dll", SetLastError = true, CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
private static extern bool CreateProcessAsUser(IntPtr hToken, string lpApplicationName, string lpCommandLine, ref SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpProcessAttributes, ref SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpThreadAttributes, bool bInheritHandles, uint dwCreationFlags, IntPtr lpEnvironment, string lpCurrentDirectory, ref STARTUPINFO lpStartupInfo, ref PROCESS_INFORMATION lpProcessInformation);
[DllImport("advapi32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto, SetLastError = true)]
public static extern bool DuplicateTokenEx(IntPtr hExistingToken, uint dwDesiredAccess, ref SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpTokenAttributes, SECURITY_IMPERSONATION_LEVEL ImpersonationLevel, TOKEN_TYPE TokenType, ref IntPtr phNewToken);
[DllImport("advapi32.dll", SetLastError = true)]
private static extern bool OpenProcessToken(IntPtr ProcessHandle, int DesiredAccess, ref IntPtr TokenHandle);
[DllImport("userenv.dll", SetLastError = true)]
private static extern bool CreateEnvironmentBlock(ref IntPtr lpEnvironment, IntPtr hToken, bool bInherit);
[DllImport("userenv.dll", SetLastError = true)]
private static extern bool DestroyEnvironmentBlock(IntPtr lpEnvironment);
private const short SW_SHOW = 1;
private const short SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED = 7;
private const int TOKEN_QUERY = 8;
private const int TOKEN_DUPLICATE = 2;
private const int TOKEN_ASSIGN_PRIMARY = 1;
private const int GENERIC_ALL_ACCESS = 268435456;
private const int STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW = 1;
private const int STARTF_FORCEONFEEDBACK = 64;
private const int CREATE_UNICODE_ENVIRONMENT = 0x00000400;
private const string gs_EXPLORER = "explorer";
public static void LaunchProcess(string Ps_CmdLine)
IntPtr li_Token = default(IntPtr);
IntPtr li_EnvBlock = default(IntPtr);
Process[] lObj_Processes = Process.GetProcessesByName(gs_EXPLORER);
// Get explorer.exe id
// If process not found
if (lObj_Processes.Length == 0)
// Exit routine
// Get primary token for the user currently logged in
li_Token = GetPrimaryToken(lObj_Processes[0].Id);
// If token is nothing
if (li_Token.Equals(IntPtr.Zero))
// Exit routine
// Get environment block
li_EnvBlock = GetEnvironmentBlock(li_Token);
// Launch the process using the environment block and primary token
LaunchProcessAsUser(Ps_CmdLine, li_Token, li_EnvBlock);
// If no valid enviroment block found
if (li_EnvBlock.Equals(IntPtr.Zero))
// Exit routine
// Destroy environment block. Free environment variables created by the
// CreateEnvironmentBlock function.
private static IntPtr GetPrimaryToken(int Pi_ProcessId) {
IntPtr li_Token = IntPtr.Zero;
IntPtr li_PrimaryToken = IntPtr.Zero;
bool lb_ReturnValue = false;
Process lObj_Process = Process.GetProcessById(Pi_ProcessId);
// Get process by id
// Open a handle to the access token associated with a process. The access token
// is a runtime object that represents a user account.
lb_ReturnValue = OpenProcessToken(lObj_Process.Handle, TOKEN_DUPLICATE, ref li_Token);
// If successfull in opening handle to token associated with process
if (lb_ReturnValue) {
// Create security attributes to pass to the DuplicateTokenEx function
lObj_SecurityAttributes = new SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES();
lObj_SecurityAttributes.nLength = Convert.ToUInt32(Marshal.SizeOf(lObj_SecurityAttributes));
// Create a new access token that duplicates an existing token. This function
// can create either a primary token or an impersonation token.
lb_ReturnValue = DuplicateTokenEx(li_Token, Convert.ToUInt32(TOKEN_ASSIGN_PRIMARY | TOKEN_DUPLICATE | TOKEN_QUERY), ref lObj_SecurityAttributes, SECURITY_IMPERSONATION_LEVEL.SecurityIdentification, TOKEN_TYPE.TokenPrimary, ref li_PrimaryToken);
// If un-successful in duplication of the token
if (!lb_ReturnValue) {
// Throw exception
throw new Exception(string.Format("DuplicateTokenEx Error: {0}", Marshal.GetLastWin32Error()));
else {
// If un-successful in opening handle for token then throw exception
throw new Exception(string.Format("OpenProcessToken Error: {0}", Marshal.GetLastWin32Error()));
// Return primary token
return li_PrimaryToken;
private static IntPtr GetEnvironmentBlock(IntPtr Pi_Token) {
IntPtr li_EnvBlock = IntPtr.Zero;
bool lb_ReturnValue = CreateEnvironmentBlock(ref li_EnvBlock, Pi_Token, false);
// Retrieve the environment variables for the specified user.
// This block can then be passed to the CreateProcessAsUser function.
// If not successful in creation of environment block then
if (!lb_ReturnValue) {
// Throw exception
throw new Exception(string.Format("CreateEnvironmentBlock Error: {0}", Marshal.GetLastWin32Error()));
// Return the retrieved environment block
return li_EnvBlock;
private static void LaunchProcessAsUser(string Ps_CmdLine, IntPtr Pi_Token, IntPtr Pi_EnvBlock) {
bool lb_Result = false;
STARTUPINFO lObj_StartupInfo = default(STARTUPINFO);
// Information about the newly created process and its primary thread.
lObj_ProcessInformation = new PROCESS_INFORMATION();
// Create security attributes to pass to the CreateProcessAsUser function
lObj_ProcessAttributes = new SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES();
lObj_ProcessAttributes.nLength = Convert.ToUInt32(Marshal.SizeOf(lObj_ProcessAttributes));
lObj_ThreadAttributes = new SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES();
lObj_ThreadAttributes.nLength = Convert.ToUInt32(Marshal.SizeOf(lObj_ThreadAttributes));
// To specify the window station, desktop, standard handles, and appearance of the
// main window for the new process.
lObj_StartupInfo = new STARTUPINFO();
lObj_StartupInfo.cb = Convert.ToUInt32(Marshal.SizeOf(lObj_StartupInfo));
lObj_StartupInfo.lpDesktop = null;
lObj_StartupInfo.wShowWindow = SW_SHOW;
// Creates a new process and its primary thread. The new process runs in the
// security context of the user represented by the specified token.
lb_Result = CreateProcessAsUser(Pi_Token, null, Ps_CmdLine, ref lObj_ProcessAttributes, ref lObj_ThreadAttributes, true, CREATE_UNICODE_ENVIRONMENT, Pi_EnvBlock, null, ref lObj_StartupInfo, ref lObj_ProcessInformation);
// If create process return false then
if (!lb_Result) {
// Throw exception
throw new Exception(string.Format("CreateProcessAsUser Error: {0}", Marshal.GetLastWin32Error()));
To use the code, create a new windows service project, and add code like the following one:
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.ServiceProcess;
using System.Timers;
namespace WindowsServiceLaunchingExe
public partial class ExeLauncherSvc : ServiceBase
public ExeLauncherSvc() {
Timer timer;
protected override void OnStart(string[] args) {
timer = new Timer(5000);
timer.Elapsed += (sender, e) => {
try {
EventLog.WriteEntry("WindowsServiceLaunchingExe", "Launching process...");
} catch (Exception ex) {
EventLog.WriteEntry("WindowsServiceLaunchingExe", ex.Message);
protected override void OnStop() {
Because NativeMethods.LaunchProcess() throws exceptions on errors, be sure to enclose calling code in a try/catch-block.
I also would recommend reading this:
Stephen Martin - The Perils and Pitfalls of Launching a Process Under New Credentials
Stephen Martin - Launch Process From Service (code download)

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    My english is not so good to completelly understand your last sentence.
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    Thank you for your post.
    Based on your description, I am afraid that the issue is out of support of VS General Question forum which mainly discusses
    WPF & SL designer, Visual Studio Guidance Automation Toolkit, Developer Documentation and Help System
    and Visual Studio Editor.
    I suggest that you can consult your issue directly on SAP Crystal Reports:[thread]
      for better solution and support.
    Best regards,
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
    HERE to participate the survey.

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    Hi David,
    While a random error is still an error it will be difficult for support to find a problem for an error which is not reproducible. It is always a faster resolution if you can determine how to provoke the error and provide those details. If we can reproduce an error on internal systems then we can fix the problem quickly and without having to access your system.
    regards, Nick

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    Hi Sharayu,
    The error your getting is because the  literals exceeds more than 72 characters.
    It seems that the length of the string is exceeding more than 72 character.
    Can you check the following in ECC GUI
    Go to Transaction SE38=>Utilities=>Settings=>ABAP Editor=>Editor=> Downwards -Comp.Line  Length(72).
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    Hi Krishna,
       Once you install NW04S,you can login using j2ee_admin user,but as you said that you are getting Authentication error.You can Activate Emergency user to login.
    Follow this link  <a href="">Activating Emergency User</a>
    Let me know if you have any issues further
    Please Assign points if Helpful
    Rani A

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    I recentry intalled obiee1g. All is working fine. However, I followed
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    Thank you

    Hi all,
    I recentry intalled obiee1g. All is working fine. However, I followed
    to obiee11g Admin service as windows service. I made it successfully. I am able to start this service via windows service. Now I m not able to on any obiee11g tool. Can you please help me?
    Thank you

Maybe you are looking for