Linking two programs via Windows API

I am writing a program to enhance the usability of an already written program. Someone suggested that I interface the two via the windows API: The program I would like to add functionality to was not written in java and I do not have access to the source code. What was suggested to me was that I track down the handles for the buttons on the program (the buttons being the only important features I need access to) and connect that way.
This seemed like a good idea....except I have no idea what this guy was talking about! Can someone explain this to me or at least point me in the right direction?
Thank you very much,

So how would I find out how to access the buttons
found in the other application? What is all this
talk of handles? I am really not very familiar with
the windows api.Neither am I. After all, this is a Java board.
And how is it possible that I could access those
handles from a different program?The "different program" needs to allow you to access them, of course, by offering the appropriate interface.

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    hello ! so far you have been on the right track....i'll help you clear the confusion
    the WRT will communicate wireless with the WET(bridge) the bridge will be hardwired to a switch....and the othe PC and netrwork device will also be hardwired to the switch.
    The way this will work ....the DHCP will be controlled by the router...this in turn will assign DHCP ip's to all PC's/devices connected to the network.
    The PC and network device connected to the switch will get the IP from the router itself...the bridge will do exactly will bridge a wired and wireless medium.
    So go in for a WET .....and let me know if you face any issue or need any further clarification .

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    // new Frame2(this,"hshsh",jb);
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    You can create both together on pgm startup (instaniation of the class).
    Next for frame1 - I'll call it - you can setBounds(int, int, int, int) and setVisible(true); When you press the button on frame1 to get frame2, you can then do frame1.hide(), followed by frame2 setBounds and setVisible. Finally, when you are done with frame2 you can do frame2.dispose() and try that.

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    Hi Hassan,
    Thank you for sharing the code with us! 
    As I understand it, your code handles the situation of an user that is already logged on to an interactive window station (those of you, who need to create a UI-process of a user not yet logged on, could use
    CreateProcessWithLogon, or
    LogonUser to get the token). Because calling CreateProcessAsUser() requires advanced privileges (such as "Replace a process token level", or "Act as part of the operating system", privileges usually not held by a user unless specified so by the security
    policy), the code also implies a service running in the local system account (or equivalent).
    To make it easier to read, I'll post here the C#-version of your code:
    using System;
    using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
    using System.Diagnostics;
    namespace WindowsServiceLaunchingExe
    class NativeMethods
    public struct PROCESS_INFORMATION {
    public IntPtr hProcess;
    public IntPtr hThread;
    public System.UInt32 dwProcessId;
    public System.UInt32 dwThreadId;
    public struct SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES {
    public System.UInt32 nLength;
    public IntPtr lpSecurityDescriptor;
    public bool bInheritHandle;
    public struct STARTUPINFO {
    public System.UInt32 cb;
    public string lpReserved;
    public string lpDesktop;
    public string lpTitle;
    public System.UInt32 dwX;
    public System.UInt32 dwY;
    public System.UInt32 dwXSize;
    public System.UInt32 dwYSize;
    public System.UInt32 dwXCountChars;
    public System.UInt32 dwYCountChars;
    public System.UInt32 dwFillAttribute;
    public System.UInt32 dwFlags;
    public short wShowWindow;
    public short cbReserved2;
    public IntPtr lpReserved2;
    public IntPtr hStdInput;
    public IntPtr hStdOutput;
    public IntPtr hStdError;
    public struct PROFILEINFO {
    public int dwSize;
    public int dwFlags;
    public string lpUserName;
    public string lpProfilePath;
    public string lpDefaultPath;
    public string lpServerName;
    public string lpPolicyPath;
    public IntPtr hProfile;
    SecurityAnonymous = 0,
    SecurityIdentification = 1,
    SecurityImpersonation = 2,
    SecurityDelegation = 3
    internal enum TOKEN_TYPE {
    TokenPrimary = 1,
    TokenImpersonation = 2
    [DllImport("advapi32.dll", SetLastError = true, CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
    private static extern bool CreateProcessAsUser(IntPtr hToken, string lpApplicationName, string lpCommandLine, ref SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpProcessAttributes, ref SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpThreadAttributes, bool bInheritHandles, uint dwCreationFlags, IntPtr lpEnvironment, string lpCurrentDirectory, ref STARTUPINFO lpStartupInfo, ref PROCESS_INFORMATION lpProcessInformation);
    [DllImport("advapi32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto, SetLastError = true)]
    public static extern bool DuplicateTokenEx(IntPtr hExistingToken, uint dwDesiredAccess, ref SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpTokenAttributes, SECURITY_IMPERSONATION_LEVEL ImpersonationLevel, TOKEN_TYPE TokenType, ref IntPtr phNewToken);
    [DllImport("advapi32.dll", SetLastError = true)]
    private static extern bool OpenProcessToken(IntPtr ProcessHandle, int DesiredAccess, ref IntPtr TokenHandle);
    [DllImport("userenv.dll", SetLastError = true)]
    private static extern bool CreateEnvironmentBlock(ref IntPtr lpEnvironment, IntPtr hToken, bool bInherit);
    [DllImport("userenv.dll", SetLastError = true)]
    private static extern bool DestroyEnvironmentBlock(IntPtr lpEnvironment);
    private const short SW_SHOW = 1;
    private const short SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED = 7;
    private const int TOKEN_QUERY = 8;
    private const int TOKEN_DUPLICATE = 2;
    private const int TOKEN_ASSIGN_PRIMARY = 1;
    private const int GENERIC_ALL_ACCESS = 268435456;
    private const int STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW = 1;
    private const int STARTF_FORCEONFEEDBACK = 64;
    private const int CREATE_UNICODE_ENVIRONMENT = 0x00000400;
    private const string gs_EXPLORER = "explorer";
    public static void LaunchProcess(string Ps_CmdLine)
    IntPtr li_Token = default(IntPtr);
    IntPtr li_EnvBlock = default(IntPtr);
    Process[] lObj_Processes = Process.GetProcessesByName(gs_EXPLORER);
    // Get explorer.exe id
    // If process not found
    if (lObj_Processes.Length == 0)
    // Exit routine
    // Get primary token for the user currently logged in
    li_Token = GetPrimaryToken(lObj_Processes[0].Id);
    // If token is nothing
    if (li_Token.Equals(IntPtr.Zero))
    // Exit routine
    // Get environment block
    li_EnvBlock = GetEnvironmentBlock(li_Token);
    // Launch the process using the environment block and primary token
    LaunchProcessAsUser(Ps_CmdLine, li_Token, li_EnvBlock);
    // If no valid enviroment block found
    if (li_EnvBlock.Equals(IntPtr.Zero))
    // Exit routine
    // Destroy environment block. Free environment variables created by the
    // CreateEnvironmentBlock function.
    private static IntPtr GetPrimaryToken(int Pi_ProcessId) {
    IntPtr li_Token = IntPtr.Zero;
    IntPtr li_PrimaryToken = IntPtr.Zero;
    bool lb_ReturnValue = false;
    Process lObj_Process = Process.GetProcessById(Pi_ProcessId);
    SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lObj_SecurityAttributes = default(SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES);
    // Get process by id
    // Open a handle to the access token associated with a process. The access token
    // is a runtime object that represents a user account.
    lb_ReturnValue = OpenProcessToken(lObj_Process.Handle, TOKEN_DUPLICATE, ref li_Token);
    // If successfull in opening handle to token associated with process
    if (lb_ReturnValue) {
    // Create security attributes to pass to the DuplicateTokenEx function
    lObj_SecurityAttributes = new SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES();
    lObj_SecurityAttributes.nLength = Convert.ToUInt32(Marshal.SizeOf(lObj_SecurityAttributes));
    // Create a new access token that duplicates an existing token. This function
    // can create either a primary token or an impersonation token.
    lb_ReturnValue = DuplicateTokenEx(li_Token, Convert.ToUInt32(TOKEN_ASSIGN_PRIMARY | TOKEN_DUPLICATE | TOKEN_QUERY), ref lObj_SecurityAttributes, SECURITY_IMPERSONATION_LEVEL.SecurityIdentification, TOKEN_TYPE.TokenPrimary, ref li_PrimaryToken);
    // If un-successful in duplication of the token
    if (!lb_ReturnValue) {
    // Throw exception
    throw new Exception(string.Format("DuplicateTokenEx Error: {0}", Marshal.GetLastWin32Error()));
    else {
    // If un-successful in opening handle for token then throw exception
    throw new Exception(string.Format("OpenProcessToken Error: {0}", Marshal.GetLastWin32Error()));
    // Return primary token
    return li_PrimaryToken;
    private static IntPtr GetEnvironmentBlock(IntPtr Pi_Token) {
    IntPtr li_EnvBlock = IntPtr.Zero;
    bool lb_ReturnValue = CreateEnvironmentBlock(ref li_EnvBlock, Pi_Token, false);
    // Retrieve the environment variables for the specified user.
    // This block can then be passed to the CreateProcessAsUser function.
    // If not successful in creation of environment block then
    if (!lb_ReturnValue) {
    // Throw exception
    throw new Exception(string.Format("CreateEnvironmentBlock Error: {0}", Marshal.GetLastWin32Error()));
    // Return the retrieved environment block
    return li_EnvBlock;
    private static void LaunchProcessAsUser(string Ps_CmdLine, IntPtr Pi_Token, IntPtr Pi_EnvBlock) {
    bool lb_Result = false;
    PROCESS_INFORMATION lObj_ProcessInformation = default(PROCESS_INFORMATION);
    SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lObj_ProcessAttributes = default(SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES);
    STARTUPINFO lObj_StartupInfo = default(STARTUPINFO);
    // Information about the newly created process and its primary thread.
    lObj_ProcessInformation = new PROCESS_INFORMATION();
    // Create security attributes to pass to the CreateProcessAsUser function
    lObj_ProcessAttributes = new SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES();
    lObj_ProcessAttributes.nLength = Convert.ToUInt32(Marshal.SizeOf(lObj_ProcessAttributes));
    lObj_ThreadAttributes = new SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES();
    lObj_ThreadAttributes.nLength = Convert.ToUInt32(Marshal.SizeOf(lObj_ThreadAttributes));
    // To specify the window station, desktop, standard handles, and appearance of the
    // main window for the new process.
    lObj_StartupInfo = new STARTUPINFO();
    lObj_StartupInfo.cb = Convert.ToUInt32(Marshal.SizeOf(lObj_StartupInfo));
    lObj_StartupInfo.lpDesktop = null;
    lObj_StartupInfo.wShowWindow = SW_SHOW;
    // Creates a new process and its primary thread. The new process runs in the
    // security context of the user represented by the specified token.
    lb_Result = CreateProcessAsUser(Pi_Token, null, Ps_CmdLine, ref lObj_ProcessAttributes, ref lObj_ThreadAttributes, true, CREATE_UNICODE_ENVIRONMENT, Pi_EnvBlock, null, ref lObj_StartupInfo, ref lObj_ProcessInformation);
    // If create process return false then
    if (!lb_Result) {
    // Throw exception
    throw new Exception(string.Format("CreateProcessAsUser Error: {0}", Marshal.GetLastWin32Error()));
    To use the code, create a new windows service project, and add code like the following one:
    using System;
    using System.Diagnostics;
    using System.ServiceProcess;
    using System.Timers;
    namespace WindowsServiceLaunchingExe
    public partial class ExeLauncherSvc : ServiceBase
    public ExeLauncherSvc() {
    Timer timer;
    protected override void OnStart(string[] args) {
    timer = new Timer(5000);
    timer.Elapsed += (sender, e) => {
    try {
    EventLog.WriteEntry("WindowsServiceLaunchingExe", "Launching process...");
    } catch (Exception ex) {
    EventLog.WriteEntry("WindowsServiceLaunchingExe", ex.Message);
    protected override void OnStop() {
    Because NativeMethods.LaunchProcess() throws exceptions on errors, be sure to enclose calling code in a try/catch-block.
    I also would recommend reading this:
    Stephen Martin - The Perils and Pitfalls of Launching a Process Under New Credentials
    Stephen Martin - Launch Process From Service (code download)

  • Launching java program via windows right click

    I've written a Java Applicaton to display some data files we get from our cash registers. The app is stored in a jar file, with a manifest file. Double-clicking the jar file runs the program. Then we can select open from the file menu adn open our data files.
    What I would like to add is the ability to right-click a data file in Windows, have the Java app appear in the Open With... menu in the popup menu, and then have windows launch the jar file.
    I understand I would have to change the program to accept a parameter, and I know how to do that from the command line.
    Is it possible to add a jar file to the popup menu in windows, and pass the path of the file into the main class in the jar file?
    I did some Google searches this morning but couldn't find anything.

    Well purely speaking no. But then you can do most anything you like if you are clever with C++ and JNI.

  • How to open two program in one click??

    hi there Java lovers , can anyone help me on this ?
    I want to open two program ( 2 windows ) after I click on a button... how can I do this ??
    please help me & Thanks for the help ....

    hi there Java lovers , can anyone help me on this ?
    I want to open two program ( 2 windows ) after I click
    on a button... how can I do this ??
    please help me & Thanks for the help ....I suppose that you can open 2 windows,two Dialog windows.You cann't open 2 Frame windows at the same time.
    To do this ,you can use to make the windows be visible.

  • Two Program Windows?

    I just have a short question: How do I open two program windows in Premiere?
    The new multiple timeline feature is really cool, but it would be cool to have two timelines open and one program window for each timeline instead of 1 program, 1 source.
    Thanks in advance!

    Fillern1 wrote:
    Yeah, that doesn't really do it. because both are still connected to the same timeline, although not the same time in the timeline.
    It's basically just to have a quick full size scrubbing area to quickly see and select shots to drag from one timeline to the other. So you can use the timeline to scrub instead of scrubbing in the monitor windows, plus the scrub head and monitor window will remain when you click over to to the other timeline.
    You can do that in CC2014.1 by opening the second sequence via the media browser...
    Save your current project then navigate to it via the media browser and open the sequence you want as a 'source-side' sequence.
    This will open in the source monitor and open a timeline appended (Source Monitor)
    you can 'pancake' the two timelines for simultaneous comparison between source and program.
    There is a danger here though... I'm not sure you are supposed to do this / I don't think this has been thought all the way through - I was able to get a spinning beach ball by editing a sequence into itself (Avid always makes you make a dupe to avoid this).

  • URL links provided in emails (Windows Mail) stopped working. I get a popup message: "Windows cannot find...." asking me to make the URL is correct. I connect to Internet Explorer, but not Firefox, my default browser.

    I have already updated Firefox to latest version and reset the default mail program to Windows Mail. But Windows Mail now doesn't want to recognize Firefox. If I shift to Internet Explorer, I have no problem. I have no problem receiving or sending emails, just using links contained in them.
    This happened suddenly, two days ago, at the end of a day when linking had been possible, per usual.

    nothing that I could find would solve my problem, so I just gave up trying...
    then I had a group of Microsoft Updates badly interact with each other, causing me all kinds of stability problems involving SQL and printer drivers.
    To fix those issues, I backed out all updates within the prior two months, then [slowly and painfully!] reinstalled them -- when done in groups, you can tell how Microsoft corrects bad updates by noting which ones are not reinstalled.
    I also had to download and install every single MS SQL update available before everything that was broken worked again. Note that none of the updates had titles that suggested anything at all to do with web browsing (other than Internet Explorer) or Firefox.
    There was also at least one Firefox update shortly after my re-installation of Windows Updates.
    Funny thing happened along that path: as of today (version 32.0.1) has none of the problems I reported, but I cannot say for certain which change fixed them: I was far more concerned fixing SQL and printer issues to even test Firefox for default file association settings.
    Sorry that I cannot be more useful, other than the general suggestions to:
    (1) keep your system fully updated with all patches
    (2) keep your anti-virus, anti-malware, and anti-spybot software current as well
    (3) keep any program that uses HTML and other browser protocols also up to date
    (4) take regular snapshots of your registry, and create a system restore point before every system and software update, so you can more easily back out problems
    (5) keep the installation package(s) for prior version(s) of software (and Windows Update files) at least until you verify an update hasn't broken anything.
    Hope that helps.

  • LV memory leak - How to use windows API SetProcessWorkingSetSize (from Kernel32.dll)

    Hi fellow LV'ers
    Okay - this is a bit tricky, but i'll try and explain the problem, then ask for the solution, because it may be that someone knows a better way to deal with this.. might get a bit long, sorry - if a solution comes up this will enable all of us to make more memory efficient LV code so please read on..
    Here is the deal:
    When building even a very simple LV executable, looking at the windows task manager will yield a rather large amount of memory allocated for such a small program - and the only way to free this up is by physically clicking the windows minimize button, then suddenly the amount drops to only a few MB and upon maximizing the window again the memory consumption will increase somewhat again, but for a simple VI build to an exe this move may change the consumption from +70MB to less than 15 MB.. This is irregardless of the code you put in the VI, so no coding example in this post as it is how LV works - you can even test it with the development environment - look at the task mgr and check LabVIEW's memory consumption, minimze ALL open NI windows incl project explorer etc, and you will see a significant decrease in memory usage even after maximizing again.. This has annoyed me since day one, but since RAM is a near zero cost these days it is not something I stay awake at night to think about.. However - I have moved into the "publish to web" tools now, wanting to do a remote monitoring part for my application for my customers to experience increased usability from the software i sell them..
    All is well, publishing is really easy (i use the monitor function, NOT the embeded, as customers need not have Labview RunTimeEngine installed, because they might look at it from a non RTE supported platform such as a mobilephone web browser)
    Everything is working fine also for the build application. However - I have noticed that once users start to remote monitor the running application - memory consumption of the running LV application starts to increase - and it keeps doing so - to such an extend that you can drain the computer complete and run off the cliff with a windows error... This is off course not very productive for me, being specialized in measurement applications that usually runs for a long period of time - I initially thought that I had done some poor programming in the VI used to display on the webpage - but it turns out that I can reproduce this behaviour with a simple boolean on an empty front panel..
    NI support has been informed, and they admit there is a problem, but so far solutions from them has been a bit too exotic for my taste, and thus I'm seeking the help of fellow LV programmers...
    You see - The method to solve the increasing memory consumption, is the exact same as mentioned above..minimize the application running with the "minimize" button and all memory will be freed, as soon as you maximize the application and users are viewing it remotely, the memory usage raises again, and history repeats... As previously mentioned, minimizing the window via normal LV calls to property nodes does not yield the same result, nor does a request deallocation of a VI(When you profile a project, there are no VI's increasing in memory, it is the LV process it self doing it) 
    After many many hours googling I stumbled upon this:
    I believe trimming the process with SetProcessWorkingSetSize would solve this problem, and now I would really like to be able to do this in my program, so that users are not forced to minimize the program every X hour depending on their system size...
    However - I have absolutely NO experience in calling windows API from LV, i need someone with that knowledge to provide an example of how to call this.. I've looked at examples on how to do calls to windows API - there is an example in this forum with some llb's in it, and I have gained a fair understanding of how parameters are passed between the calls, but none of those include the "hProcess" handle that is apparently needed for this specific winAPI call to work - Anyone in this forum with the knowledge on how to obtain this handle from a VI, if at all possible, and could provide an example VI for me to use - or even better , someone with the knowledge of how to do this within LV it self??
    Your help is much appreciated
    Best Regards
    LV8.6.1 patch something
    Win XP 
    Go to Solution.

    Hi Enrico
    Finally I can give something to the community that has given me so much  :-)
    The "official" statement is that "yes we know it is a problem".. Not sure what that will do to the future.. 
    I have the problem on 8.6.1 as well  - and in fact it is a general LV problem, that I first time reported to NI with LV8.2 as I was pissed by the fact that even the smallest exe file would consume + 50MB of memory until you manually minimized the window. Well - thanks to the feedback from Cosmin I seem to have solved the problem.
    I most warn that having started to "empty process" once in a while has led to occasional program crashes in the lethal "app.exe performed an illegal action and is closed" windows dialog - however what I did was to move the webserver to a seperate exe file and then communicate the data that I want to use via datasocket in a cluster.. It works like a charm and I simply stall the single thread that the webserver is running when ever the empty process is called and I have not seen a crash since then.. (the initial implementation was done in the main app with 4 parallel loops running, and I guess that was a disaster waiting to happen)
    Either way - what I have done is made a VI that at a user defined interval calls the empty process, simply by getting the .exe name from the task manager of the calling program - it is simple and very effective. I call it every 5 minutes - needless to say that flushing too often will most likely kill performance of the system. I have not noticed problems with VM - are you sure you are not storing large arrays or moving around copies of data not used frequently?
    For future reference to this forum, it is attached here including the .dll required to call - it is a LV8.6.1 file as I have not had the time to yet again test every single function of my program for new problems that could occur with upgrading to LV2009 
    I hope this solves your problem..
    best regards
    Attachments: ‏32 KB

  • Program in windows 8.1 "not responding"

    I have an Imac computer and have installed parallels desktop 9 for mac. I also installed windows 8.1. When I download programs in windows 8.1 sometimes I get the message "not responding". You can use the program but then you get the message "not
    responding" and then it is gone and you can use the program. How can I solve this problem.

    Unfortunately your post is off topic here, in the TechNet Site Feedback forum, because it is not Feedback about the TechNet Website or Subscription.  This is a standard response I’ve written up in advance to help many people (thousands, really.)
    who post their question in this forum in error, but please don’t ignore it.  The links I share below I’ve collected to help you get right where you need to go with your issue.
    For technical issues with Microsoft products that you would run into as an
    end user of those products, one great source of info and help is, which has sections for Windows, Hotmail, Office, IE, and other products. Office related forums are also here:
    For Technical issues with Microsoft products that you might have as an
    IT professional (like technical installation issues, or other IT issues), you should head to the TechNet Discussion forums at, and search for your product name.
    For issues with products you might have as a Developer (like how to talk to APIs, what version of software do what, or other developer issues), you should head to the MSDN discussion forums at, and search for your product or issue.
    If you’re asking a question particularly about one of the Microsoft Dynamics products, a great place to start is here:
    If you really think your issue is related to the subscription or the TechNet Website, and I screwed up, I apologize!  Please repost your question to the discussion forum and include much more detail about your problem, that could include screenshots
    of the issue (do not include subscription information or product keys in your screenshots!), and/or links to the problem you’re seeing. 
    If you really had no idea where to post this question but you still posted it here, you still shouldn’t have because we have a forum just for you!  It’s called the Where is the forum for…? forum and it’s here:
    Moving to off topic. 
    Thanks, Mike
    MSDN and TechNet Subscriptions Support <br/> Read the Subscriptions <a href="">Blog! </a>

  • Has anyone tried to upgrade windows 8 to 8.1 on mBPR via Windows store?

    Windows 8 is installed on the Mac Book Pro Retina Late 2013 (top configuration) via Boot Camp.
    When i try to run the upgrade via windows store it reaches 89% and when it is on the "preparing for restart" stage update fails.
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    All Windows Update updates are installed.
    Tried to go through many windows support communities and found that it could possibly be linked with primary partion being OSX and not Windows.
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    Would appreciate if someone can share with his experience of resolving this?

    I've installed windows 8 preview with an acer T230H touchscreen.
    I will not install it on the libretto.
    The bulletin board is much more intuitiv and flexible than metro.
    I'm missing touch flicks on windows 8.
    There is missing a start button.
    It's for only one screen.
    With two screens you have to work differently:
    - one screen for the desktop
    - one screen for the boards
    It's difficult to get applications from metro to the desktop. You can not make photos or videos or snippets. You can not turn the picture or resize them. There is only one board. I don't know how to add weblinks on the metro side. You lose mach time by switching the desktop to metro.
    Im waiting for an update of the bulletin board instead of windows 8.
    The libretto has a good combination of a Desktop Computer and a smartphone. Windows 8 is neighter a good desktop nor a good board for apps. Neighter Metro nor the Desktop are complete.
    Please tell toshiba to upgrade the bulletin board!!! It has much potential and should be opened with an SDK for external extensions and applications.

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    I'm trying to accomplish serial communications between two laptops via a Bluetooth connection.
    The two laptops are NOT Toshiba notebook, but they are both running the Toshiba Bluetooth Stack For Windows. They are also both using the default Bluetooth Manager program that is supplied by Toshiba and Dell (just rebadged?).
    Basically I can set up a connection no problems, but then I send serial data from one computer and watch the receiving serial port on the other computer but nothing ever arrives.
    Are there any good tutorials for this? It would be nice to have something for the Toshiba Bluetooth Manager in particular as the windows and buttons will have the names as explained in the tutorial.
    Thanks in advance.

    I tried it for tests purpose via a hyperterminal connection and it worked.
    Maybe the description contains also some helpful information for you.
    Here is it:
    Start "Bluetooth Settings->Custom Mode->Select Remote PC->Select 'Serial Port'->Accept proposed COM port (in my case COM40)->Confirm wizard windows
    until setup is finished".
    Start "HyperTerminal->Select COM7"
    Start "HyperTerminal->Select COM40 (in my case. See step 1 above)"
    PC1, PC2:
    Enter the same Passkey if security is turned on e.g. "0000"
    Everything what you type into HyperTerminal should be visible in HyperTerminal of PC2 and vice versa.

  • Windows 8 from TechNet/MSDN to Windows 8.1 via Windows Store, Possible ?

    Windows 8 from TechNet/MSDN can not be updated to Windows 8.1 via Windows Store.
    It says this edition dose not support update via Store.
    Considering that Win8.1 is free for Win8 users, is there a way to bypass this ?
    Can MSDN Windows 8 be converted to Proper Retail Win8 ?

    Windows 8.1 available from MSDN Subscriber Downloads as well Vladimir, so you can get it from there if your subscription is still active. 
    More information about updating to 8.1 on the Windows Store available here:
    This is more of a Windows 8 question because the windows team controls how updates work for their product.  I'd post this question over in in the Windows section.
    Unfortunately your post is off topic here, in the MSDN Subscriptions feedback forum, because it is not feedback regarding the MSDN Subscription. This is a standard response I’ve written up in advance to help many people (thousands, really.) who
    happen to post their question in my forum, but please don’t ignore it.  The links provided below I’ve collected to help with many issues we’ve seen.
    For technical issues with Microsoft products that you would run into as an end user of those products, one great source of info and help is, which has sections for Windows, Hotmail, Office, IE, and other products.   Office related forums are also here:
    For Technical issues with Microsoft products that you might have as an IT professional (like more technical installation issues, or other IT issues), you should head to the TechNet Discussion forums at, and search for your product name.
    For issues with products you might have as a Developer (like how to talk to APIs, what version of software do what, or other developer issues), you should head to the MSDN discussion forums at, and search for your product or issue.
    If you’re asking a question particularly about one of the Microsoft Dynamics products, a great place to start is here:
    If you really think your issue is related to the MSDN Subscription, and I screwed up, I apologize!  Please repost your question to the discussion forum and include much more detail about your problem, that could include screenshots of the issue
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    If you really have no idea where to post this question, then you shouldn’t have posted here, because we have a forum just for you!  It’s called the ‘Where is the forum for…?’ forum and its here:
    Please review the topic of the forum you’re posting in before posting your question.  Moving your post to the off topic forum.
    Thanks, Mike
    MSDN and TechNet Subscriptions Support

  • Linking two songs

    I searched and couldn't find anything on this. What I'd like to do is "link" two songs so that when I play songs from my library in shuffle mode, if the first song comes up, it is automatically followed by the second. For example, Queen's "We will rock you" followed by "We are the Champions" just seems right.
    Any ideas?
    Thanks in advance.

    Are these MP3 files? If so, try a program called MP3 Splitter/Joiner. It would nice to logically link the songs in iTunes but I don't know if that can be done. Physically joining the files may be the only option.
    There are two tracks that I'd lke to link as well. It is the diva singing in "The Fith Element" tracks: "Lucia Di Lammermoor" and "The Diva Dance".
    MP3 Splitter/Joiner:
    Enjoy life!
    Home built PC   Windows XP   X-Fi Platinum soundcard + Klipsch Promedia Ultra 5.1 speakers

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