Call it "EASY WRITING..." with AppleScript ! (Updated)

Just finished several updates to :
Call it "EASY WRITING..." with AppleScript !
Hope some of this is helpful, I only recently started learning AppleScript in a disciplined manner, so I apologize if I am posting too much stuff. If some of this stuff is helpful let me know, if not let me know also. I tend to get excited as I figure out new stuff, and like to share things I've learned...
Best Regards,
Bill Hernandez
Plano, Texas

You can edit the post, but only for a short period (15 minutes? 30 minutes?) after you create it.
When you look at the thread there'll be an additional 'Edit' link in the header along with the 'Reply' and 'Email' links. Once the post has been there long enough the Edit link goes away.

Similar Messages

  • Call it "EASY WRITING..." with AppleScript !

    Does anyone know if there is a way to edit a post, once you send it to the board. Perhaps to catch a typo, change the title, etc.
    I wanted to change :
    FROM : AppleScript - Worth Seeing...
    TO : Call it "EASY WRITING..." with AppleScript !
    But could not find a way to edit my post.
    I apologize for re-submitting the same post with a different name.
    If you use AppleScript at all, this is pretty slick, compared to anything else I found on the web for writing to files.
    Call it "EASY WRITING..." with AppleScript !
    Best Regards,
    Bill Hernandez
    Plano, Texas

    You can edit the post, but only for a short period (15 minutes? 30 minutes?) after you create it.
    When you look at the thread there'll be an additional 'Edit' link in the header along with the 'Reply' and 'Email' links. Once the post has been there long enough the Edit link goes away.

  • Since I upgraded to IOS 7.0.2, many times I am unable to answer the calls. Then I have to switch off and on to answer the calls. I checked with my three friends who updated and they are also facing same problem. Kindly let me know the solution.

    Since I upgraded to IOS 7.0.2, many times I am unable to answer the calls. Then I have to switch off and on to answer the calls. I checked with my three friends who updated and they are also facing same problem. Kindly let me know the solution.

    Since other millions of people updated and do not have that problem - it means one of two.
    1.Your friends lied to you and do not have that problem and in that case only your installation of ios7 got corrupted and you need to restore your phone.
    2.Your friends didn't lie to you and all 4 of you need to restore phones (that way reinstalling ios 7 properly)
    here are instructions for restore and you may have to backup before restore.
    iTunes: Restoring iOS software - Support - Apple

  • Hi i am having problems with a crackling speaker on calls. Its started with every once a hour or so, to now being every call. Its starts crackling and then the person on the other side cannot hear me. I run iPhone 4 with iOS 5 an this happend after update

    Hi i am having problems with a crackling speaker on calls. Its started with every once a hour or so, to now being every call. Its starts crackling and then the person on the other side cannot hear me. I run iPhone 4 with iOS 5 an this happend after update to ios 5... What should i do. I have now resulted in using another phone as i cannot operate like this...

    Hi i am also having problems with a crackling speaker on calls every few calls. Its starts crackling and then the person on the other side cannot hear me. I run iPhone 4 with iOS 5 an this happend after update to ios 5... I will watch to see what advice you get.

  • Calling portal v2 pages with parameters in a jsp

         Hello everybody,
         I'm currently trying to create, in a jsp, a link to a portal-v2 page with parameters.
    Practically :
    [JSP / Portlet 1]
         - a 1st jsp generates some links, all to the same page but each sets a different value to a parameter (for example a productId in a list).
    [JSP / Portlet 2]
         - a 2nd jsp gets this parameter and use it (for example it displays the details of the chosen product).
    So the 1st portlet would be jsp (coded by a portlet designer) and clicking a link would lead to another page (chosen by a page designer) which would hold the 2nd portlet (= 2nd jsp, coded by the same portlet designer).
         Writing the second jsp is easy : getting parameters is described in many examples and pdk articles.
         But I can't find the java methods to use to generate the link. More precisely I don't know how to call the portal page (which would then be a jsp1's parameter). Adding the parameter is well described in the jpdk API-Doc.
         I've tried to use portal events but they seem to work only in an html form. So I supposed it was a wrong way.
    As I've lost myself so many times in the API-Doc and I didn't find any jpdk sample about that, I would be really thankfull if someone has an idea (may I hope for a sample code ? :-)

    I'm having a similar problem!
    I have a JSP page which I have published as a portlet to Portal. The JSP portlet is placed on Portal a page. I need to call this Portal page with some parameters in the URL, which should get passed to the JSP portlet.
    In the JSP portlet I used this syntax in release 1 to retrieve the URL parameters:
    String p_itemID = request.getParameter("item_id");
    That worked great in release 1, but not in release 2.... I think the problem is that you need to define which parameters a portlet has, then map those portlet parameters to page parameters in the page properties. In dynamic page - portlets you define bind variables to accomplish this. But how do you do in JSP portlets? When you try to map Page Parameters to the JSP portlet you'll find that Portal doesn't think that the JSP portlet has any parameters. Hence the page parameters does not get passed to the portlet.
    (More info: JDBC----getImportedKeys() )
    I've looked at the Multipage example and the forminput example. But I don't see how pass a parameter in the URL to the very first JSP portlet from looking at those examples. I do see how you can pass parameters to the next JSP portlet, but that's not my problem. Maybe I'm missing something obvious...
    Any ideas?

  • Problems with AppleScript and MS Office 2011

    The script below used to work great for converting MS Word files to PDF files.  However, sometime during the last few months it has stopped working and will no longer compile without error.  Possibly after upgrading to Mavericks but I'm not exactly sure when it stopped working, could have been an update to Office.  Anyway, the error I'm getting when I compile is a Syntax Error, "Expected end of line but found class name".  The editor highlights "document" in the line "set the_doc to active document".  I'm not very familiar with Applescript but I have opened the scripting dictionary for Microsoft Word in the Applescript editor and I do see "active document" as a property of the "document" object.  So why doesn't the compiler recognize it?  Am I missing something obvious or was there some sort of change in Mavericks that broke this functionality?
    I've been pulling my hair out trying to get this script working again  but I have not had any luck.  I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling Microsoft Office per instructions from Microsoft.  I have all the latest updates and patches. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
    Here is the original code which used to work just fine.
    -- Stephen Norum
    -- [email protected]
    property pdf_ext : ".pdf"
    on remove_extension(file_path)
        -- remove the extension if it exists
        set stripped to do shell script ("F=" & quoted form of file_path & " ; echo ${F%.*}")
        return stripped
    end remove_extension
    on get_pdf_path(doc_path)
        set doc_path to remove_extension(doc_path)
        -- Try the simple name first
        set pdf_path to (doc_path & pdf_ext)
        -- Otherwise, number the pdfs
        set counter to 1
        tell application "Finder"
            repeat while (exists pdf_path)
                set pdf_path to (doc_path & " " & counter & pdf_ext)
                set counter to counter + 1
            end repeat
        end tell
        return pdf_path
    end get_pdf_path
    on run {input, parameters}
        repeat with file_name in input
            tell application "Microsoft Word"
                open file_name
                set the_doc to active document
                set doc_path to path of the_doc
            end tell
            set pdf_path to get_pdf_path(doc_path)
            tell application "Microsoft Word"
                save as active document file name pdf_path file format format PDF
                close active document
            end tell
        end repeat
        tell application "Finder"
        end tell
        return input
    end run

    try this syntax:
                        tell application "Microsoft Word"
      save as (active document) file name pdf_path file format PDF
                        end tell
    Apparently they changed the enumeration label from format PDF to just plain old PDF without bothering to update the scripting dictionary or ensure backward compatibility. If you want to know how they managed to do that, they are still not using sdef or even scriptSuite xml files, but are loading the scripting information from old-school (i.e. os 8 or os 9 style) resource files.
    I've occasionally considered writing Microsoft a proposal to redo the Office scripting dictionaries so they are less crazy-making, but I'm not sure I'd survive the attempt.

  • Problem with AppleScript command "Duplicate"?

    Hi all.
    I'm relatively new to AppleScript so I hope I can get some help here.
    I'm writing a script for Aperture 3.0.3 that
    1. Makes 4 new versions of the currently selected image
    2. Applies 4 different image adjustment presets to the new versions.
    3. Presents the 4 adjusted versions on screen.
    Making duplicate versions with AppleScript was easy enough, but how do I get an ID for the newly created versions? The "Duplicate" command doesn't return any information at all.
    How do I talk to image versions created with the duplicate command?
    Can anyone help?
    Message was edited by: Monostratos

    I'm also interested in a script like that. Have you had any success?
    I've found this site, where you can purchase a similar script: gb-luminance.html

  • Help with Applescript - filenames

    I hope there is someone who can help me. I have very little experience with Applescript, and have spent a couple of days scouring these forums amongst others without any luck...
    I have a folder (titled XLS) with about 1000 excel files in it. They are numbered basen on some parametric calculations (1111.xls, 1112.xls, 1113.xls, etc). I have constructed an Automator rutine which, one at a time, can open each excel file, copy some cells and then paste the data into an empty xml-file in TextWrangler. The empty xml-file is also in the XLS folder.
    What I am looking for is an applescript which can rename the open xml-file with the same filename as the xls-file. So, when 1111.xls is open, the xml-file gets renamed 1111-xml; when 1112.xls is open, the xml-file gets renamed 1112-xml, etc. Each new xlm-file is to be saved into a folder XLM, whivh is also in the XLS folder.
    Thanks in advance....

    Se below; there are two folders on the desktop; "xls" (with xls-files in) and "xml", as well as the empty Template.xml file. Here it is!:
      --3 XLS to XML
              tell application "Finder"
                        set fileList to every file of entire contents of ("YourHD:Users:You:Desktop:xls" as alias)
              end tell
              repeat with i from 1 to number of items in fileList
                        set currentFile to (item i of fileList)
                        tell application "Microsoft Excel"
                                  set screen updating to false
      open currentFile
      activate currentFile
      activate object worksheet 1
                                  copy range range ("YourRange")
                        end tell
                        tell application "Finder"
                                  copy file "YourHD:Users:You:Desktop:Template.xml" to folder "YourHD:Users:You:Desktop:xml"
                        end tell
                        tell application "Microsoft Excel"
                                  set docName to name of window 1
                        end tell
                        tell application "Finder"
                                  set docName2 to text 1 thru ((offset of "." in docName) - 1) of docName
                                  set theFile to "YourHD:Users:You:Desktop:xml:Template.xml" as alias
                                  set the name of theFile to docName2 & ".xml"
      open file theFile
                        end tell
                        tell application "TextWrangler"
      close text document 1 saving yes
                        end tell
                        tell application "Microsoft Excel"
      close active workbook saving no
                        end tell
              end repeat
              tell application "Microsoft Excel"
                        set screen updating to true
              end tell
              tell application "TextWrangler"
              end tell

  • Cannot see Cookies with new update of firefox. I recently updated firefox, but when I look on the PRIVACY window, where websites store cookies, I am no longer a

    Cannot see Cookies with new update of firefox.<br />
    I recently updated firefox, but when I look on the PRIVACY window, where<br />
    websites store cookies, I am no longer able to see any cookies that<br />
    are being stored, and I am not able to delete the cookies as soon as I leave<br />
    their site, as I had been doing for a long time prior to updating.<br />
    So I am wondering where the heck are the cookies being stored now, with the<br />
    new update? I like to be able to delete their cookies immediately, and<br />
    I also wonder why firefox does not make it much easier for us to see<br />
    all the cookies and delete them with one click, instead of having to <br />
    use the &lt;&lt;TOOLS&lt;&lt;OPTIONS&lt;&lt;PRIVACY way of looking at and deleting cookies.<br />
    The option to delete the cookies when firefox closes is not as efficient<br />
    and I will get tracked until I close firefox, and I prefer to not be tracked<br />
    so I like to just delete their cookies as soon as I am no longer using their<br />
    site anymore.

    (my question was not fully showing so I added this here)
    way of looking at and deleting cookies.
    The option to delete the cookies when firefox closes is not as efficient
    and I will get tracked until I close firefox, and I prefer to not be tracked
    so I like to just delete their cookies as soon as I am no longer using their
    site anymore. So I need to know how to make the cookies visible again, so I can immediately delete them. thank you

  • SUN .... When....  JRE 1.4.0 international with auto update

    SUN .... When.... JRE 1.4.0 international with auto update
    When will you deliver .........
    We have a dead line and our product needs the international version 1.4 to be updated on our exsiting user base, one of our customers has over 700 workstations.
    If the solution is to manually dowload and install this version then Web Start totally fails as a web centric solution.
    I see that creating our own servlet breaches SUN's license agreement, so give us a developer servlet we can use.

    The auto download servlet supports both international and us-only versions of Java 1.4.0.
    Java Web Start includes the current locale in the request to the servlet, and it returns the
    US only version if the locale is en_US , or the international version otherwise.
    Curently there is no way to get the servlet to download the international version when the
    clients locale is en_US.Sorry but havent you just anwsered the question I put, either the servlet supports international clients or it dosent and your anwser just puts more wood on the fire, it dosent, but it could.
    Also we recognize that there is a problem when an application needs the international version, and >>the client already has the US version installed. In this case Java Web Start will not attempt
    to contact the servlet since it thinks it has an appropriate version allready.Also if you client requires an international version of the JRE it is because it requires that version period, hence if the version tag within the JNLP file specifies JRE1.4 international, then it dosent matter what Web Start may or may not think, the JNLP file written for the application by the author should determine its fate.
    The only reason Web Start should determine locale on a target machine would be the text displayed for the dialog interface between the end user.
    Its a simple case of checking do I have 1.4 international, "Yes or No", at this point I dont care if 1.4 English is installed, or locale is English, JNLP file asked Web Start, if 1.4 international was installed, "No", Ok then call servlet and request 1.4 international. Simple....
    The JRE license agreement allows customers to repackage and redistribute the JRE.
    Many customers are redistributing a JRE with their app. Im sure many are, please read my previous post , if you can get sun to offically confirm this, then I stand corrected.

  • When on a job web site and you have to upload your resume apple needs to come up with a update so you can do so. When I try to upload my resume from my adobe  reader or iBooks it keeps on going to photos and won't upload from the adobe or iBooks.

    Please come up with an update that will allow people to upload their resume from iBooks or Adobe reader to the website of there choosing using safari. It only gives you the option to upload a photo a take a photo. The iPad or any tablet is going to take over as far as computers are concerned because it's easy to Cary with you and people like the fact of something a lot smaller to carry around then the laptop. Please help need this done like yesterday. Other then that all the apple products I have, has always been the best and they will outwork any windows based or android. You get what you pay for and apple is top dollar.

    Hello Wyodor,
    thanks for your reply on my question.
    You are wright the index file is 308 KB.
    And offcourse that I delete my files and documents is not an Iweb problem, but because my English is not that good, that I thougt I try to tell the whole story, and hope people can read trough the lines.
    Why I didn't use Iweb to upload to the server is because the server company recommanded to use file zilla. And I am a nobody with this kind of things, so I did exactly what they tell me to do.
    No, i did not make a backup of Iweb and the domain file, but reading other messages on this forum showed me that I can maybe try to make empty the cashfile (?)
    and otherwise I have bad luck and have to make my website again. Offcourse I have a lot of examples from all the pages (copied from the local map to my USB stick) and my website is aprox. 15 Mb, (not so big) so it will cost me a few nigths.
    But I'm still hoping on a miracle :-)
    greetings Lasource

  • UPGRADE : RFC call to subst_save_upgeval_db failed with key UPDATE_ERROR

    We are upgrading our NW 7.01 to NW 7.3 ABAP.
    In Postprocessing phase MAIN_POSTP/CREATE_UPGEVAL we encounter the following error:
    ERROR: RFC of "subst_save_upgeval_db" failed
    Here is the troubleshooting ticket:
    This trouble ticket was created by SAPup on 20111125120155
    SAPup broke during phase CREATE_UPGEVAL in module MAIN_POSTP / Post Processing
    Error Message: RFC call to subst_save_upgeval_db failed with key UPDATE_ERROR (UPDATE_ERROR): EXCEPTION UPDATE_ERROR RAISED
    Summary of SAPup:
    SAPehpi Release:        lmt_002
    SAPehpi Version:        SAPup release lmt_002 version 41.001
    Start Release:          701
    Target Release:         730
    Summary of host system details:
    SID:                    TA1
    Host:                   sapta1
    MS Host:                sapta1
    GW Host:                sapta1
    Start Path:             /usr/sap/TA1/DVEBMGS02/exe
    Kernel Path:            /usr/sap/TA1/DVEBMGS02/exe
    Summary of operating system details:
    OS Type:                Linux X86_64
    OS Version:             2.5
    Summary of database details:
    Database Type:          ora
    Database Version:
    Summary of RFC details:
    Host:                   sapta1
    GW Host:                sapta1
    Client:                 000
    Destination:            TA1
    System No.:             02
    here is the PHASES.LOG:
    1 ETQ201 Entering upgrade-phase "CREATE_UPGEVAL" ("20111125120352")
    4 ETQ399 Set environment for standard connect:
    2 ETQ367 Connect variables are set for standard instance access
    4 ETQ399 System-nr = '02', GwService = 'sapgw02'
    4 ETQ399 Environment variables:
    4 ETQ399   dbs_ora_schema=SAPSR3
    4 ETQ399   auth_shadow_upgrade=0
    1 ETQ200 Executing actual phase 'MAIN_POSTP/CREATE_UPGEVAL'.
    1 ETQ399 Phase arguments:
    2 ETQ399 Arg[0] = 'STORE_DB'
    4 ETQ359 RFC Login to: System="TA1", Nr="02", GwHost="sapta1", GwService="sapgw02"
    4 ETQ232 RFC Login succeeded
    Do you have anu ideas ?

    Here is the dev_rd log:
    Fri Nov 25 14:07:04 2011
    ***LOG S23=> GwIDisconnectClient, client disconnected (020) [gwxxrd.c     10423]
    ***LOG S74=> GwIDisconnectClient, client disconnected ( sapta1) [gwxxrd.c     10434]
    ***LOG S0R=> GwIDisconnectClient, client disconnected () [gwxxrd.c     10451]
    ***LOG S0I=> GwIDisconnectClient, client disconnected ( SAPCPIC) [gwxxrd.c     10464]
    LOCATION    SAP-Gateway on host / sapgw02
    ERROR       connection to partner 'localhost.localdomain:0' broken
    TIME        Fri Nov 25 14:07:04 2011
    RELEASE     720
    COMPONENT   NI (network interface)
    VERSION     40
    RC          -6
    MODULE      nixxi.cpp
    LINE        4850
    DETAIL      NiIRead:
    SYSTEM CALL recv
    COUNTER     58

  • Problems with Jrun4 updater 6

    A little background to begin. I recommended Jrun to one of
    our clients, a large Jewish university in New York. The reason I
    recommended it was that Jrun has an easy to use utility to setup a
    connector with IIS, wheras other solutions like Tomcat make that
    All we are asking Jrun to do is run a single relatively
    simply Proxy Servlet. In production, we had a lot of problems,
    which at first appeared sort of random several times a day, problem
    being our whole application came to a screaching halt. Our product
    is used by hundreds of fortune 500 companies, and it is a rock
    solid product with 15 years behind it.
    It took us several days to figure out that Jrun was the
    bottle neck, and that Jrun could not handle much more than a couple
    people trying to login at roughly the same time.
    I tried running the Jrun updater 6, which would not run,
    despite following all the instructions in detail, shutting down
    every possibly related service, and running PortQryV2 to be sure
    nothing was running that could interfere. Nothing I could do would
    make the updater run, and worse than that it messed up our original
    installation and can not be rolled back. Apparently it makes some
    environment variable changes, or registry changes, and restoring
    those folders it changes doesn't help much. The error running the
    updater says to make sure the Jrun server is not running, which it
    is not. So, this updater code is very poorly written because it
    can't be rolled back, and it can't tell you what the real problem
    is inorder to get it working.
    Any help would be appreciated.

    The problem with running the Updater was a conflict with an
    Anti Virus program. There should be some instructions included with
    Jrun Updater saying this is a problem, or a specific error message
    when the updater runs indicating this could be a problem, rather
    than the incorrect error saying a Jrun server might be running when
    a Jrun server obviously was not running.
    Hopefully this post will save someone else the frustration.
    Joe Paladin

  • How to call the DLL writing in Vb6.0 from testsatnd?

    I want to call a dll writting in VB6.0 from teststand. But as i see from the "Step Setting" in teststand, only the C/C++ Dll can be selected in the "adapter" type. I try to use this one as my adapter to call my VB6.0 dll, in result, there is no function can be seen in the "function" tab in teststand.Anyone know how to call the DLL writing in Vb6.0?
    Go to Solution.

    Hi Ivan,
    Just to be sure that your DLL is not wrong
    you have check if all functions are well and present.
    There is  tool called "Dependency Walker"   You can download it at .
    With it you can look "inside" your dll
    If you will see your functions there, you will see them (in my case !!always!!) in TestStand, too.
    Hope this helps 
    =s=i=g=n=a=t=u=r=e= Click on the Star and see what happens :-) =s=i=g=n=a=t=u=r=e=

  • Create Smart Folder with Applescript?

    Is there a way to create a Smart Folder with Applescript?
    many thanks

    thanks neil.
    one other question. once i've made this folder i'll want to use it.
    it occurs to me that i might not be able to use the same code to
    call the folder after it's been created since, while the date may
    be the same, the time won't be.
    how do i stored the new folder name as it's being created so that
    i can call it later in the script?
    thanks again,

Maybe you are looking for