Call parents function

I have a class which extends CustomNode and returns a Node which is made up of a Group. This makes up a menu. However, it is produced by the main application container (called "Main") by using "Menu { }". In "Main", there is a function called "startLocal()" which I would like to call (with some parameters) from "Menu". As an example, in Action Script (very different I know), I would use parent.startLocal() Is there a way to do this in JavaFX? I have tried using "super" but this refers to the CustomNode that I am extending, not "Main".
Thanks in advance,

What you could do is have a variable in your CustomNode that is a function and then initialize the function to your Main's startLocal:
class MyCustomNode extends CustomNode {
    public-init var startLocal:function():Void;
// Main.fx
function startLocal():{
def myNode = MyCustomNode {
    startLocal: startLocal

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    There are no performance issues, but it is ok if you are using the child component in only one class. Suppose if you want to use the same component as a child to some bunch of parents then i would do like the following
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    You can let MyApp implement an interface and refer to that object in MyClass:
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    ciDow ="", "", "width=450, height=175, top=300,
    ciDow.document.write("A proper way to cite a passage of text
    on this page:<br /><br />Stegemann, R. A. 2000.
    <cite>Imagine: Bridging a Historical Gap</cite>. " +
    document.title + ". [<a href='" + location.href + "'
    target='_blank'>online book</a>] &lt;" + location.href
    + "&gt; (");
    ciDow.document.write(").<br /><br /><input
    type='button' value='Close Window' onclick='window.close()'>");

    Never mind - I was doing something very stupid and wasn't
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    calling checkTarget(event) rather than
    event.currentTarget.checkTarget(event); which seems to work.

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    I suspect your problem is that the child window hasn't been created by the time you call the function in the parent.Loading the content is an asynchronous processes -- AIR doesn't stop executing your code until the window has finished loading child.html. So, you will need to add an eventlistener to html2 and call the function from there:
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  • Problem:  Unable to call a function in parent swf from the child swf.

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    Let me see if I can explain it any better.
    The code I just posted is for the Main Stage swf called
    loader.swf. It has the menu, and all the functions that control the
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    Mouse over "The Perfect Tan" and click on "1: Base"
    You will notice it just loaded a new swf called ptbase.swf.
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    until I could get this working"
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    its thing. But that function is back in the loader.swf. Does that
    make sence?
    What am I missing here?

    RyanORo, thank you very much for your response.
    I try that, and I get this sort of error when I click on it:
    TypeError: Error #1006: fwd is not a function.
    at ptbase_fla::MainTimeline/testing()
    I know all that code that I posted was a bith much, but here
    is the movie loading part:
    function loadComplete(event:Event):void
    loaderbar.visible = false;
    thisMC = MovieClip(myloader.content);
    TransitionManager.start(thisMC, {type:Fade,
    direction:Transition.IN, duration:5, easing:Strong.easeOut});
    mainbody is an empty mc under the menu, so that the loaded
    swf file appears under the menu.
    You know what, scratch all that . *MOOWHA* I could KISS you
    right now. "(parent as MovieClip).clickedProductsBase()" did not
    work because it was calling it out of the wrong parent. Just did
    "(this.parent.parent as MovieClip).clickedProductsBase()" and that
    did the magic I needed. Thanks...

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    Layer 1 (Parent)
    function changeAction():void{
    This method will give me the error -> Call to a possibly undefined method changeColor.
    Layer 2 (Child)
    function changeColor():void{

    You will need to assign an instance name to the child or have some reference to it for targeting it.  If you named the child "child1", then the parent function would be more like...
    function changeAction():void{

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    You can Access via
    <s:Group width="100%">
                                  <s:HGroup left="40" top="40">
                                            <s:List width="100%" dataProvider="{items}"
                                                                contentBackgroundColor="#E6E7E8" borderVisible="false">
                                                                <s:HorizontalLayout columnWidth="50" gap="5"/>
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <s:ItemRenderer xmlns:fx=""
                                  override public function set data(value:Object):void
                                       var parent:MainApp =  parentDocument.parentDocument; //Instance of MainApp.mxml
    <s:ToggleButton id="tab" isAlerted="false"  label="{(}" horizontalCenter="0" verticalCenter="0"/>

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    I'm currently banging my head against a brick wall trying to call a parent function with the HTML5 Canvas.
    I have the following code on the stage:
    function fromStage()
      console.log("This is on the stage");
    This correctly outputs that message to the console in the browser.
    However, I have a button within a movie clip that I want to call this function from, my code in that movie clip is as follows:
    this.theButton.addEventListener("click", fl_MouseClickHandler.bind(this)); = "theButton";
    function fl_MouseClickHandler(e)
    However, this doesn't appear to be working, any ideas?

    on the stage:
      console.log("This is on the stage");
    code in that movie clip is as follows:
    this.theButton.addEventListener("click", fl_MouseClickHandler.bind(this)); = "theButton";
    function fl_MouseClickHandler(e)

  • Parent function calling a child function with arguments

    Can anyone give examples of a parent function which has at least 1 parameter, and is invoked from the Form Behavior, which in turn , depending on data, invokes 2 or more child functions passing to these functions the same parameter that was passed in to it.
    I am getting 'Object required' and do not know what I am doing wrong. Please let me know if you've done it, and how you've referenced it , if they are BOTH functions. Thank you!

    The best way to do this is probably using delegates, but to do it directly you have to solve the circular dependency problem (as you have discovered). See
    In case it is not clear to you how the Wikipedia article relates to your case, your files should look something like this:
    // Form1.h
    #include "Watch.h"
    ref class Form1: public Form
    void SomeMethod()
    // implementation
    void SomeHandler()
    Watch watchForm(this);
    // Watch.h
    ref class Form1; // declaration only
    ref class Watch: public Form
    Watch(Form1^ f1);
    Form1^ form1;
    void SomeMethod();
    // Watch.cpp
    #include "Watch.h"
    #include "Form1.h"
    Watch::Watch(Form1^ f1)
    form1 = f1;
    void Watch::SomeMethod()
    David Wilkinson | Visual C++ MVP

  • LVOOP "call parent method" doesn't work when used in sibling VI

    It seems to me that the "call parent method" doesn't work properly according to the description given in the LabVIEW help.
    I have two basic OOP functions I am doing examples for. I can get one to work easily and the other one is impossible.
    There are 3 basic situations in which you could use the "call parent method"
    You are calling the parent VI (or method) of a child VI from within the child VI
    You are calling the parent VI (or method) of a child VI from within a sibling VI
    You are calling the parent VI (or method) of a child VI from a different class/object.
    From the LabVIEW help system for "call parent method":
    Calls the nearest ancestor implementation of a class method. You can use the Call Parent Method node only on the block diagram of a member VI that belongs to a class that inherits member VIs from an ancestor class. The child member VI must be a dynamic dispatching member VI and have the same name as the ancestor member VI
    From my reading of that it means situation 3 is not supported but 1 & 2 should be.
    Unfortunately only Situation 1 works in LabVIEW 2012.
    Here is what I want
    And this is what I actually get
    What this means is that I can perform a classic "Extend Method" where a child VI will use the parent's implementation to augment it's functions BUT I cannot perform a "Revert Method" where I call the parent method's implementation rather than the one that belongs to the object.
    If you want a picture
    Any time I try and make operation2 the VI with the "call parent method" it shows up for about 1/2 sec and then turns into operation.
    So there are only 3 possibilities I can see
    Neither situation 2 or 3 are intended to work (see above) and the help is misleading
    I just don't know what I am doing (and I am willing to accept this if someone can explain it to me)
    The downside is that if situation 2 above doesn't work it does make the "call parent node" much less usefull AND it's usage/application just doesn't make sense. You cannot just drop the "call parent node" on a diagram, it only works if you have an existing VI and you perform a replace. If you can only perform situation 1 (see above) then you should just drop the "call parent node" and it picks up the correct VI as there is only 1 option. Basically if situation 2 is not intended to work then the way you apply "call parent method" doesn't make sense.
    For the really keen I have included 2 zip files
    One is the "Revert Method labVIEW project" which is of course not working properly because it wants to "call parent method" on operation not operation2
    The other zip file is all pictures with a PIN for both "Revert Method" and "Extend Method" so you can see the subtle but important differences and pictrures of the relavant block diagrams including what NI suggested to me as the original fix for this problem but wasn't (they were suggesting I implement Extend Method).
     If you are wondering where I got the names, concepts and PIN diagrams from see:
    Elemental Design Patterns
    By: Jason McColm Smith
    Publisher: Addison-Wesley Professional
    Pub. Date: March 28, 2012
    Print ISBN-10: 0-321-71192-0
    Print ISBN-13: 978-0-321-71192-2
    Web ISBN-10: 0-321-71255-2
    Web ISBN-13: 978-0-321-71255-4
     All the best
    Call parent node ‏356 KB
    Call parent node ‏356 KB

    Hi tst,
    Thankyou for your reply. Can you have a look at my comments below on the points you make.
    1) Have to disagree on that one. The help is unfortunately not clear. The part you quote in your reply only indicates that the VI you are applying "Call Parent Node" to must be dynamic dispatch. There is nowhere in the help it actually states that the call parent node applies to the VI of the block diagram it is placed into. Basically case 2 in my example fulfills all that the help file requires of it. The dynamic dispatch VI's operation are part of a class that inherits from a given ancestor. Operation 2 for Reverted behaviour is a child VI that is dynamic dispatch and has the same name as the ancestor VI (operation2). The help is missing one important piece of information and should be corrected.
    2) True it does work this way. I was trying to build case 2 and had not yet built my ancestor DD for operation so the function dropped but wasn't associated with any VI. I was able to do this via a replace (obviously once the ancestor Vi was built) so this one is just bad operator
    3) Keep in mind this is an example not my end goal. I have a child implementation because this is a case where I am trying to do a "reverse override" if you like.
    3a) The point of the example is to override an objects method (operation2) with it's parent's method NOT it's own. The reason there is a child implementation with specific code is to prove that the parent method is called not the one that relates to the object (child's VI). If I start having to put case structures into the child VI I make the child VI have to determine which code to execute. The point of Revert method is to take this function out of the method that is doing the work. (Single Use Principal and encapsulation)
    3b) The VI I am calling is a Dynamic Dispatch VI. That means if I drop the superclass's VI onto the child's block diagram it will become the child's implementation. Basically I can't use Dynamic Dispatch in this case at all. It would have to be static. That then means I have to put in additional logic unless there is some way to force a VI to use a particular version of a DD VI (which I can't seem to find).
    Additional Background
    One of the uses for "Revert Method" is in versioning.
    I have a parent Version1 implementation of something and a child Version2. The child uses Version2 BUT if it fails the error trapping performs a call to Version1.
    LabVIEW has the possibility of handling the scenario but only if both Case 1 and Case 2 work. It would actually be more useful if all 3 cases worked.
    The advantage of the call parent method moving one up the tree means I don't have the track what my current object is and choose from a possible list, if, for example the hierarchy is maybe 5 levels deep. (so V4 calls V3 with a simple application of "call parent method" rather than doing additional plumbing with case structures that require care and feeding). Basically the sort of thing OOP is meant to help reduce. Anything that doesn't allow case 2 or 3 means you have to work around the limitation from a software design perspective.
    If at the end of the day Case 2 and case 3 don't and won't ever work then the help file entry needs to be fixed.
    All the best

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