Call procedure from table??

İ have a table which name is procedures and it has columns that id, procname. I have a procedures and them names are in table as procname. So I want to use table and execute procedures acoording to porcedure's id. I am trying execute immediate but ı couldnt .
create or replace
PROCEDURE  Proc1(input varchar2) AS
END Proc1;table name is procedures
id 1
procname Proc1
create or replace
proc varchar2(1000);
execute immediate 'select procname from ' || table_name || where id=4 into proc;
END;Where is my fault ?
Edited by: esra aktas on 09.May.2011 12:33

Is this what you are trying to do?
   proc    VARCHAR2 (1000);
   l_sql   VARCHAR2 (1000);
   l_sql := 'select procname from ' || table_name || 'WHERE ID=4';
   l_sql := 'BEGIN ' || proc || '; ' || ' END;';
END;I dont recommend doing this. Redesing your process. Doesnt make sense for me. There are lot of other ways to achieve this.

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    For example
    I have stored procedures like Students(year number,birimno number) 
    GPA(birimno number,studentno number ) Student Procedure and GPA proecdure retrieve name and lastname
    and I want to create a table
    table has
        Id            Package                 Procedurename                                   Arguments                              Header
          1                                                GPA                                 birimno, studentno                      name, lastname
          2                                                Students                          year, birimno                                name,lastnameSo how can I do like this ? I want to call storeprocedures on APEX with selectlist. Selectlist will has a storeprocedures .
    Edited by: esra aktas on 06.May.2011 01:48
    Edited by: esra aktas on 06.May.2011 01:48
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    I am beginner pl/sql .
    I had searched execute immediate for helping my problem.
    My purpose is that I want to collect all of procedures in one table. And I must retrived which I select procedure on APEX Selectlist.
    So I started to create a table which name is procedures and I put my procedures names on it.
    Now how can I execute to procedures that name is in table?
    create or replace
    procedure "ISINIF_BASARI"(normalyariyil number,birimno number )
    ogrenci_no  VARCHAR2(12);
    ders_kodu  VARCHAR2(12);
    ders_adi   VARCHAR2(50);
    harf_kodu  VARCHAR2(4);
    CURSOR c_basari IS
    select  dk.ogrenci_no,da.ders_kodu,da.ders_adi,dk.harf_kodu
    into ogrenci_no,ders_kodu,ders_adi,harf_kodu
    from ders_aktif da,ders_tanim dt, ders_kayit dk
    where da.ders_kodu like  birimno ||'%'
    and (dt.normal_yariyili=normalyariyil
    OR dt.normal_yariyili=normalyariyil+1)
    and (da.acildigi_donem='1' or da.acildigi_donem='2')
    and dt.ders_kodu = da.ders_kodu
    and dk.acilan_ders_no = da.acilan_ders_no
    FOR I IN c_basari LOOP
    dbms_output.put_line(' OGRENCI NO '||I.OGRENCI_NO||'  DERS KODU  '|| I.DERS_KODU||'  DERS ADI  '||I.DERS_ADI||' HARF KODU '||I.HARF_KODU);
    end loop;
    end;I have procedure like that.
    and I have a procedures table. And I put the procedure's name in table.
    id procname
    Now I want to call procedure using this table .
    When I call yhe procedures from table I wrote like this. But it has faults.
    create or replace
    v_sql_exp VARCHAR2(100);
    v_sql_exp :='begin'||'select p.procname from procedure p where id=1'||'end;';
    end;Edited by: esra aktas on 07.May.2011 02:19

  • Is possible to call procedure from vorowimpl class

    please tell me how to call procedure from vorowimpl class.
    Thanks in advance,

    Hi cruz,
    Thanks for your reply.
    I checked that link and they given for controller.
    But i want to call that from the vorowimpl class. but i tried similar like calling in the controller.
    here my code, please correct it if it is mistake.
    public AssessmentsAMImpl xxam;
    public String getXXCompName() {
    //return (String) getAttributeInternal(XXCOMPNAME);
    OADBTransaction txn=(OADBTransaction)xxam.getDBTransaction();
    String compName=getCompName();
    String xxName="";
    CallableStatement cs=txn.createCallableStatement("DECLARE OUTPARAM VARCHAR2(100);begin apps.XX_COMP_ELEMENTSVO_PROC(:1,:2);end;",0);
    catch(Exception e){
    catch(Exception e){
    return xxName;

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    PLS-00307: too many declarations of 'prc_[my proc name]' match this call.
    I looked in the designer class and all the parameters are there, just as I do in my own code, but it still gets the message above even with all the parameter names in place.
    Is there a way to call Overloaded Procs from a table adapter? ?

    Any Oracle folks care to provide some input on why Table Adapters cannot call Overloaded Stored Procs?
    Edited by: SURFThru on Jul 8, 2011 11:37 AM

  • Call Procedure from a Button

    I am trying to call a procedure from a button that will work out the total of an order and display it in the total field in my master block.
    I am unsure as to how to call the prodcedure from my button. I have written the procedure in the PL/SQL Stored Program Units part like it says in the help file but am now stuck.
    I assume I use a WHEN-BUTTON-PRESSED trigger but what do I write in the trigger?

    What about placing outputs from the procedure to fields on the form?
    Here is the procedure I have created:
    procedure vatTotal (Order_no IN number,Total2 OUT number)
    CURSOR c_vatTotal is
    select order_line.quantity, gre_product.cost from ord, gre_product, order_line where ord.order_no = order_line.order_no AND
    gre_product.prod_no = order_line.Product_no;
    Total number;
    Total:= 0;
    for c_record in c_vatTotal loop
    Total := Total + c_record.quantity * c_record.cost;
    end loop;
    Total2 := Total;
    I believe this is correct. It compiles.
    I tried using Total as an out parameter but received the "duplicate fields in RECORD, TABLE or argument list are not permitted" error.

  • How to Call Procedure from Trigger body?

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    what I want is to call this procedure from the trigger and pass the parameters to the proc. the trigger fires AFTER INSERT of certain table and I want to pass those just added attribute values to the proc.
    please help.
    I have tried to do 'exec proc_name' from the trigger but it does not work?

    You don't use exec within pl/sql, just proc_name followed by your parmateters. From within a trigger, the just added values will be :new.column_name. So, you would have something like:
    CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER your_trigger_name
      AFTER INSERT ON your_table_name
      proc_name (:NEW.column_name1, :NEW.column_name2);
    END your_trigger_name;
    /You will need to have corresponding input parameters in your proc_name procedure, something like:
      (p_column_name1 your_table_name.column_name1%TYPE,
       p_column_name2 your_table_name.column_name2%TYPE)
      -- whatever processing you want to do
    END proc_name;

  • How to call procedure from OCI ?

    How to call oracle procedure from OCI ?

    Following works on Windows, your mileage may vary. IIRC one of the standard OCI examples that install with the libraries demonstrates this too.
    /* SQL to create table and Stored Procedures */
    Create table OCI8StoredProcedureSampleTable
              (field1 number(5), field2 varchar2(30));
    (field1 number, field2 IN OUT varchar2)
    insert into OCI8StoredProcedureSampleTable values (field1, field2);
    field2 := 'Successful';
    (field1 number, field2 char, field3 OUT varchar2)
    insert into OCI8StoredProcedureSampleTable values (field1, field2);
    field3 := 'Successful';
    v_Sysdate DATE;
    v_charSysdate VARCHAR2(20);
    SELECT TO_CHAR(SYSDATE, 'dd-mon-yyyy') into v_charSysdate FROM DUAL;
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <string.h>
    #include <oci.h>
    static void checkerr (OCIError *p_err, sword status);
    void main()
    OCIEnv          *p_env;
    OCIError     *p_err;
    OCISvcCtx     *p_svc;
    OCIStmt          *p_sql;
    OCIBind p_Bind1 = (OCIBind ) 0;
    OCIBind p_Bind2 = (OCIBind ) 0;
    OCIBind p_Bind3 = (OCIBind ) 0;
    OCIDefine p_define1 = (OCIDefine ) 0;
    char field2[20] = "Entry 3";
    char *field3;
    //char field3[20];
    sword field1 = 3;
    text mySql = (text ) "Begin OCI8StoredProcedureSample3(:field1, :field2); END;";
    checkerr(p_err, OCIInitialize((ub4) OCI_OBJECT,
              (dvoid *) 0, (dvoid * (*) ()) 0,           
              (dvoid * (*) ()) 0, (void (*) ()) 0));
    checkerr(p_err, OCIEnvInit(&p_env, (ub4) OCI_DEFAULT,
                        (size_t) 0, (dvoid **)0));
    checkerr(p_err, OCIHandleAlloc(p_env, &p_err, OCI_HTYPE_ERROR,
                        (size_t) 0, (dvoid **) 0));
    checkerr(p_err, OCIHandleAlloc(p_env, &p_svc, OCI_HTYPE_SVCCTX,
                        (size_t) 0, (dvoid **) 0));
    checkerr(p_err, OCIHandleAlloc(p_env, &p_sql, OCI_HTYPE_STMT, (size_t) 0, (dvoid **) 0));
    checkerr(p_err, OCILogon(p_env, p_err, &p_svc, "SCOTT", 5, "TIGER", 5, "V8", 2));
    /* Example 1 - Using an IN OUT Parameters */
    printf("Example 1 - Using an IN OUT Parameters\n");
    printf("     OCIStmtPrepare\n");
    printf("          %s\n",mySql);
    checkerr(p_err, OCIStmtPrepare(p_sql, p_err, mySql,
                        (ub4) strlen(mySql), OCI_NTV_SYNTAX, OCI_DEFAULT));
    printf("     OCIBindByPos 1\n");
    checkerr(p_err, OCIBindByPos(p_sql, &p_Bind1, p_err, 1, (dvoid *) &field1, sizeof(sword),
                             SQLT_INT, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, OCI_DEFAULT));
    printf("     OCIBindByPos 2\n");
    checkerr(p_err, OCIBindByPos(p_sql, &p_Bind2, p_err, 2, field2, (sizeof(field2) - 1),
                             SQLT_CHR, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, OCI_DEFAULT));
    printf("          Field2 Before:\n");
    printf("               size     ---> %d\n", sizeof(field2));
    printf("               length     ---> %d\n", strlen(field2));
    printf("               value     ---> %s\n", field2);
    printf("     OCIStmtExecute\n");
    checkerr(p_err, OCIStmtExecute(p_svc, p_sql, p_err, (ub4) 1, (ub4) 0, (OCISnapshot *)
                   NULL, (OCISnapshot *) NULL, (ub4) OCI_COMMIT_ON_SUCCESS));
    printf("          Field2 After:\n");
    printf("               size     ---> %d\n", sizeof(field2));
    printf("               length     ---> %d\n", strlen(field2));
    printf("               value     ---> %s\n", field2);
    /* Example 2 - Using OUT Parameters */
    field1 = 4;
    strcpy(field2, "Entry 4");
    printf("Example 2 - Using OUT Parameters\n");
    printf("     OCIStmtPrepare\n");
    strcpy(mySql,(text *) "Begin OCI8StoredProcedureSample4(:field1, :field2, :field3); END;");
    printf("     %s\n",mySql);
    checkerr(p_err, OCIStmtPrepare(p_sql, p_err, mySql,
                        (ub4) strlen(mySql), OCI_NTV_SYNTAX, OCI_DEFAULT));
    printf("     OCIBindByPos 1\n");
    checkerr(p_err, OCIBindByPos(p_sql, &p_Bind1, p_err, 1, (dvoid *) &field1, sizeof(sword),
                             SQLT_INT, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, OCI_DEFAULT));
    printf("     OCIBindByPos 2\n");
    checkerr(p_err, OCIBindByPos(p_sql, &p_Bind2, p_err, 2, field2, strlen(field2),
                             SQLT_CHR, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, OCI_DEFAULT));
    printf("     OCIBindByPos 3\n");
    checkerr(p_err, OCIBindByPos(p_sql, &p_Bind3, p_err, 3, field3, 19,
                             SQLT_CHR, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, OCI_DEFAULT));
    printf("     OCIStmtExecute\n");
    checkerr(p_err, OCIStmtExecute(p_svc, p_sql, p_err, (ub4) 1, (ub4) 0, (OCISnapshot *)
                   NULL, (OCISnapshot *) NULL, (ub4) OCI_COMMIT_ON_SUCCESS));
    printf("          Field3 After:\n");
    printf("               size     ---> %d\n", sizeof(field3));
    printf("               length     ---> %d\n", strlen(field3));
    printf("               value     ---> %s\n", field3);
    /* Example 3 - Using a Function to Return a Value */
    printf("Example 3 - Using a Function to Return a Value \n");
    printf("     OCIStmtPrepare\n");
    strcpy(mySql,(text *) "SELECT OCI8StoredProcedureSample5 from DUAL");
    printf("     %s\n",mySql);
    checkerr(p_err, OCIStmtPrepare(p_sql, p_err, mySql,
                        (ub4) strlen(mySql), OCI_NTV_SYNTAX, OCI_DEFAULT));
    checkerr(p_err, OCIDefineByPos(p_sql, &p_define1, p_err, 1, (dvoid *) field3,
              (sword) 20, SQLT_STR, (dvoid *) 0, (ub2 *)0,          (ub2 *)0, OCI_DEFAULT));
    printf("     OCIStmtExecute\n");
    checkerr(p_err, OCIStmtExecute(p_svc, p_sql, p_err, (ub4) 1, (ub4) 0, (OCISnapshot *)
                   NULL, (OCISnapshot *) NULL, (ub4) OCI_COMMIT_ON_SUCCESS));
    printf("          The return value:\n");
    printf("               size     ---> %d\n", sizeof(field3));
    printf("               length     ---> %d\n", strlen(field3));
    printf("               value     ---> %s\n", field3);
    static void checkerr(errhp, status)
    OCIError *errhp;sword status;
    text errbuf[512];
    ub4 errcode;
    switch (status)
              case OCI_SUCCESS:
              case OCI_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO:
                   printf("Error - OCI_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO\n");
              case OCI_NEED_DATA:
                   printf("Error - OCI_NEED_DATA\n");
              case OCI_NO_DATA:
                   printf("Error - OCI_NO_DATA\n");
              case OCI_ERROR:
                   OCIErrorGet ((dvoid *) errhp, (ub4) 1, (text *) NULL, &errcode,
                             errbuf, (ub4) sizeof(errbuf), (ub4) OCI_HTYPE_ERROR);
                   printf("Error - %s\n", errbuf);
              case OCI_INVALID_HANDLE:
                   printf("Error - OCI_INVALID_HANDLE\n");
              case OCI_STILL_EXECUTING:
                   printf("Error - OCI_STILL_EXECUTE\n");
              case OCI_CONTINUE:
                   printf("Error - OCI_CONTINUE\n");

  • Performance differce calling Procedure from sqlplus and Java

    Hi ,
    I have one procedure which is called from java application and its called only once from java and the entire process is running from procedure itself.Once its called there is no dependency from java to PL/SQL.Its taking long time from java.But if I execute the same procedure from SQL plus then its running in seconds.Also only one session is running in entire database.
    My Oracle version 11g.
    Please guide me if you get some thing based on below session event.
    This is the session status for running from SQL plus
    SID     EVENT                    TOTAL_WAITS          TOTAL_TIMEOUTS     TIME_WAITED     WAIT_CLASS
    2191     SQL*Net message from client     954                              0                    1319633          Idle
    2191     direct path read                    860                              0                    702               User I/O
    2191     db file sequential read               2605                         0                    550               User I/O
    2191     SQL*Net break/reset to client     24                              0                    460               Application
    2191     SQL*Net more data from client     3                              0                    159               Network
    2191     direct path write temp               214                              0                    74               User I/O
    2191     direct path read temp               314                              0                    67               User I/O
    2191     db file scattered read               78                              0                    42               User I/O
    2191     db file parallel read               71                              0                    21               User I/O
    2191     log file sync                         36                              0                    12               Commit
    2191     SQL*Net message to client          955                              0                    0               Network
    2191     Disk file operations I/O          8                              0                    0               User I/O
    2191     events in waitclass Other          15                              7                    0               Other
    This is the session status for running from Java
    1718     SQL*Net message from client     21208     7046039     Idle
    1718     direct path read     2742     2327     User I/O
    1718     log file sync     3748     1121     Commit
    1718     db file sequential read     1533     1082     User I/O
    1718     enq: TX - row lock contention     6     423     Application
    1718     buffer busy waits     1     100     Concurrency
    1718     log buffer space     1     30     Configuration
    1718     direct path write temp     92     21     User I/O
    1718     direct path read temp     138     16     User I/O
    1718     log file switch (private strand flush incomplete)     6     16     Configuration
    1718     SQL*Net message to client     21209     2     Network
    1718     db file scattered read     2     1     User I/O
    1718     SQL*Net more data from client     17     0     Network
    1718     Disk file operations I/O     11     0     User I/O
    1718     SQL*Net more data to client     1     0     Network
    1718     events in waitclass Other     15     0     Other
    Sorry I am not able to paste in proper alignment for my plain text.

    you need to find which SQL is running slower, using some tools as dbms_profiler, dbms_hprof, ASH, extended SQL trace and real-time SQL monitor (caution: some of the tools may require Diagnostic Pack License).
    Then you need to pinpoint difference in the plans and understand its origin -- post plans here if you need help with that (use tags to preserve formatting).
    Best regards,

  • Getting error while calling procedure from remote database

    When I am trying to call child procedure from remote database I am getting below error:
    ORA-02064: distributed operation not supported
    ORA-06512: at "NMUSER.NEW_CUST_UPLOAD", line 740
    (P.S. on line no 740 I issued "commit;" )
    I checked rights,synonym on all the objects they are fine.

    Oracle Error: ORA-02064
    Error Description:
    Distributed operation
    not supported
    Error Cause:
    One of the following
    unsupported operations was attempted:
    1. array execute of a remote update with a subquery that references a dblink,
    2. an update of a long column with bind variable and an update of a second
    column with a subquery that both references a dblink and a bind variable, or
    3. a commit is issued in a coordinated session from an RPC procedure call
    with OUT parameters or function call.

  • Error when calling procedure from form personalization

    Hi every body
    I want to call a procudre using form personalization . I made the procedure and in form personalization i call it as follow:
    built in type : Execute a Procedure
    Argument :
    but the following error raised when i click on Apply Now button :
    couldn't be evaluated because of error ORA-06550 :line 1 , column 43
    PLS-00103:encountered the symbol ")" while expecting one of the folowing (- + ...... etc
    can anyone have a solution to this problem because it made me mad .(urgent)
    Or if anyone have another way to call the procedure ??
    Note that i want to pass db_session_id to the procedure from the application so does anyone have a complian about the way of passing this parameter to the procedure ??


  • 'ORA-12571: TNS:packet writer failure' error while calling procedure from VC++

    hi all,
    i am writing stored procedures and calling these from vc++. I have one stored procedure in that all
    in and out perameters are numeric. When i am calling these procedure i am able to get the values properly. But in another procedure one in perameter is varchar and one out perameter is varchar. When i am calling these procedure from vc++ the error i am getting is "ORA-12571: TNS:packet writer failure". I test my vc++ code on different computers but its giving the same errors. I think ora-12571 error is when i can't communicate with oracle. But other stored procedures(in and out perameters are numbers) and sql statements are running properly. Only these stored procedure which has in and out perameters as varchar is giving me the above said problem. My out perameter in this procedure strtax is of type varchar and the length 100. Is it the problem. Please suggest me how to over come this problem.
    thanks in advance,
    with regards

    We recently changed our load balancer to a new load balancer. we get this error only after the load balancer change.
    When the error occurs, I could see ORA-12571 error message only in the application error log. The listener.log has only the following message about TNS 12502. It does not have any message about ORA -12571.
    TNS-12502: TNS:listener received no CONNECT_DATA from client
    12-MAR-2010 12:23:26 * (CONNECT_DATA=(SERVICE_NAME=AppName)(CID=(PROGRAM=c:\wind ows\system32\inetsrv\w3wp.exe)(HOST=WEB02)(USER=NETWORK?SERVICE))) * (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=172.x.x.x.x)(PORT=2202)) * establish * AppName * 0
    12-MAR-2010 12:23:26 * (CONNECT_DATA=(SERVICE_NAME=AppName)(CID=(PROGRAM=c:\wind ows\system32\inetsrv\w3wp.exe)(HOST=WEB02)(USER=NETWORK?SERVICE))) * (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=172.x.x.x.x)(PORT=2203)) * establish * AppName * 0
    12-MAR-2010 12:23:26 * (CONNECT_DATA=(SERVICE_NAME=AppName)(CID=(PROGRAM=c:\wind ows\system32\inetsrv\w3wp.exe)(HOST=WEB02)(USER=NETWORK?SERVICE))) * (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=172.x.x.x.x)(PORT=2204)) * establish * AppName * 0
    12-MAR-2010 12:24:09 * 12502
    TNS-12502: TNS:listener received no CONNECT_DATA from client

  • ORA-12571: TNS:packet writer failure while calling procedure from VC++

    hi all,
    i am writing stored procedures and calling these from vc++. I have one stored procedure in that all
    in and out perameters are numeric. When i am calling these procedure i am able to get the values properly. But in another procedure one in perameter is varchar and one out perameter is varchar. When i am calling these procedure from vc++ the error i am getting is "ORA-12571: TNS:packet writer failure". I test my vc++ code on different computers but its giving the same errors. I think ora-12571 error is when i can't communicate with oracle. But other stored procedures(in and out perameters are numbers) and sql statements are running properly. Only these stored procedure which has in and out perameters as varchar is giving me the above said problem. My out perameter in this procedure strtax is of type varchar and the length 100. Is it the problem. Please suggest me how to over come this problem.
    thanks in advance,
    with regards

    thanks for reply,
    I wanna let u know that this is my personal lappy & i have installed apps dump on it in Linux & connect it through VM player in Window environment. I have recently purchased a new Antivirus K7 & installed it on my Lappy. i wanna know does this impact your application or Dbase Bcoz the application is running fine after starting the services in linux.
    The only thing is that i am not able access the database through TOAD or SQL*Plus. the same error i am facing in both.
    shud i uninstall the antivirus on this And this is the only solution to it ?
    If yes, then how do i fix it again when i'll reinstall it Bcoz i need Antivirus as well.
    kindly suggest.

  • Call procedure from another procedure

    Hi All,
    I have a requirement to call a procedure from another procedure and don't want to return to the main procedure again.please suggest me how to achive this .

    user13424229 wrote:
    I have a requirement to call a procedure from another procedure and don't want to return to the main procedure again.please suggest me how to achive this .A very strange requirement.. that perhaps you should expand on in order to get proper technical input and advice from forum members.
    Assuming a valid requirement, it should be implemented in the following way:
    SQL> create or replace procedure ProcB is
      2  begin
      3          DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line( 'ProcB(): executing...' );
      4  end;
      5  /
    Procedure created.
    SQL> create or replace procedure ProcA is
      2          E_CEASE_PROCESSING      exception;
      3          pragma exception_init(E_CEASE_PROCESSING, -20000 );
      4  begin
      5          DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line( 'ProcA(): executing...' );
      6          DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line( 'ProcA(): doing stuff 1...' );
      7          raise E_CEASE_PROCESSING; --// typically a conditional instruction
      8          DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line( 'ProcA(): doing stuff 2...' );
    10  exception when E_CEASE_PROCESSING then
    11          ProcB;
    12  end;
    13  /
    Procedure created.
    SQL> exec ProcA
    ProcA(): executing...
    ProcA(): doing stuff 1...
    ProcB(): executing...
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

  • Problem with IN OUT parameters whiloe calling procedure from Form 6i

    Could some help please? I have the following scenario.
    I am calling a stored procedure from form 6i by pressing a button on the form. Procedure has two IN OUT parameters, and I am passing these two IN OUT parameters and have declared them the way they are declared passed to the procedure. But I get an error when calling that procedure with these IN OUT parameters. the procedure works fine if parameters are IN only. The error says:
    PLS:00363: Expression '1' cannot be used as an assigment target.
    NO matter I pass some value or leave it blank, I get the same error message persistenetly.
    Please help.

    make sure you are calling your procedure with variables as parameters,
          l_v1 := 1 ;
          l_v2 := 'hello world' ;
          your_proc(l_v1, l_v2)
          your_proc(1,'hello world')

  • PLS HELP - Column value missing when calling procedure from Oracle OLEDB provider

    When calling procedure 'sp_a(?,?,?)' from SQL_PLUS and using
    DBMS.OUTPUT to print the result
    It returns a result set as
    C0, C1, C2
    But When I call the same procedure 'sp_a(?,?,?)' with same
    parameter value from MS VB6,
    It returns the a result set as
    C0, Null,C2
    The 2nd value became Null.
    Any ideas?
    Please Help.


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