Calling Modal window in a looping program

I am working in Oracle Forms 6.0.
I want to run a program unit in forms where the program has to call the modal window for the user input and continue back in a loop.
v number;
     --:BLOCK5.ITEM_MAIN := 0;
     :BLOCK5.ITEM_DIALOG := 0;
FOR m in 1..4
The program is for making my point more clear.
Can anybody help me?

You must call that job within an RFC-enabled Function Module in background task.
For example,
    i_data = i_Data.
when the calling program COMMITs, then the ZFMs that have been called with the code above will start running in parallel.
Please, read also the repsective HELP on calling Function Modules in BACKGROUND TASK.
Reward points please if it helps.

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    FORM close_and_end_form.
    change this to CALL FUNCTION 'close_FORM'.
    as you are not using the start_form
    you can use End_form
    i hope you understand now
    reward points if helpful.
    thanks & regards,

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    u  copy the standard print program and make custom program.
    write your own codes in it.
    assign this program in the place of standard print program.
    Reward points, if helpful.

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    thanks for your reply. My problem was that in my popup window no standard buttons are available, so that the SET_ON_CLOSE_ACTION can't be used (cf. documentation it only works with the CANCEL-Button). But with this hint I was able to find another solution (which was by the way explained in another thread answered by you 8-) ): I have to create an event in the component controller and fire this event from my window B. Then I have to subscribe a method of window/view A to that event which does the required refreshing. [trigger event from "child" webdynpro;.
    Best regards,

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    Interface name = myService
    Operation name = myOperation
    Connectivity type = WS
    Application name = myAppName
    Reference name = 8bd95deb-8cf1-453d-94e5-0576bb385149
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    at Method)
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    Hi David,
    While a random error is still an error it will be difficult for support to find a problem for an error which is not reproducible. It is always a faster resolution if you can determine how to provoke the error and provide those details. If we can reproduce an error on internal systems then we can fix the problem quickly and without having to access your system.
    regards, Nick

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    Hi there Nok Saensanoh,
    I would recommend taking a look at the troubleshooting steps found in the article below.
    iTunes for Windows Vista, Windows 7, or Windows 8: Fix unexpected quits or launch issues
    -Griff W.

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    Above problem seems to be resolved with JRE 1.6.0_10.
    Edited by: Ashwani_Saxena123 on Oct 31, 2008 5:42 AM

    Ashwani_Saxena123 wrote:
    Ours is a stand-alone browser based (IE 6.0) application, which communicates between JavaScript to Java using Applet (with Object Id tag).Why? What for?
    .. All the Java class files are bundled in a zip file under different packages and Zip file path is provided at run time when Application starts. It is safest to distribute classes and application resources as Jar files. One reason is that Sun decided to not bother even checking Zips for digital signatures, so no trusted app. can afford to try loading Zip files.
    ..The path of Zip file is at C:\EALife\Program ...Whoa up a second there!
    If this applet is only ever being loaded on the same machine as the codebase, why is it an applet at all? It would make more sense to distribute/install an application.
    If this applet is being loaded by PCs at remote locations, then the will probably not have a C:\EALife\Program path at all (especially is they use Ubuntu, like here).
    ..and home directory path is C:\EAFramework\Program\Screens. We are putting all paths in a single variable (APP_CLASS_PATH) and using that variable as a parameter value in Object Id tag for creating an Applet. Below is the code snnipet for Object Id tag -Sun has championed a script to use for applet versioning and writing the applet element. I suggest you use it instead, it is known as 'deployJava.js' - see top hit at Google for details.

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    I’m struggling, for sometime now, with the famous
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    following set of commands:
    MsgBoxInFlex( …..); \\ blocks operation until UI closes
    if (x=……)
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    to a function (i.e. MsgBoxInFlex) returns the control to the
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    UI container status. This means that the if command will be running
    as soon as the UI will be created and displayed.
    Is there a way to both create and work with on the UI
    container before the MsgBoxInFlex function returns?
    Is there a way to return after a different event - such as
    form closure?
    Is there a way to capture and block the creation completed
    event from being transmitted and decide on when to send it?
    Any ideas will be welcomed.

    Thanks for your response –
    The problem with using popup modal windows (such as Alert) is
    that the calling program does not stop from executing while in VB
    (or in other tools) the application waits for the Modal window
    thread to return.

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    is it possible to call ms-dos command in abap program?

    Hi Cemil,
    You probably have your answer here:
    [Re: DOS/Windows command in app server;
    You create your external command with SM69 (you can test it with SM49).
    Then you call this command with function module "SXPG_COMMAND_EXECUTE".
    (See function group SXPT for all the calls to external commands).

  • How do you open a modal window from an Edge Animate button?

    I am trying to create an animated group of buttons that open a Bootstrap 3 modal window when clicked. The animation (OAM file) is placed on the Bootstrap page.
    This code is added to Animate "CREATION COMPLETE" for button creation and button click:
    // Button 1
    var btn1 = sym.createChildSymbol("HomeButton", "menu");
       // Convert/store a reference to the symbol as a string representing the element name of the symbol instance.
    var btn1_e = btn1.getSymbolElementNode();
       // Now can use that element string and convert it to a DOM element to use with jQuery to call its css properties
       // and adjust whatever you'd like, including its position property   
       sym.$(btn1_e).css({"position":"relative", "margin":"10"});
    btn1.getVariable("setLabel")("Print Work");
    btn1.getVariable("setDescription")("Examples of Telex advertisement");
    btn1.$("MyImageBox").css("background" , "url(images/telexads_full269x151.jpg) no-repeat");
    btn1.getSymbolElement().click(function() {
              console.log("button 1 was clicked");
    The div for the modal is on the main HTML page. I want to have the modal open a larger image of the button. Basically a lightbox for the Edge Animate stage, but it has to access the div on the parent HTML document (not the EdgeAnimate.html).
    Here is the error from the Chrome Javascript console:
    Uncaught TypeError: Object [object Object] has no method 'modal' portfolioButtonStage_edgeActions.js:4
    (anonymous function)portfolioButtonStage_edgeActions.js:4
    I've tried Edge Commons Spotlight, but that doesn't open on the page correctly; it puts the image at the bottom of the main page.
    Any ideas? Thanks

    I am trying to create an animated group of buttons that open a Bootstrap 3 modal window when clicked. The animation (OAM file) is placed on the Bootstrap page.
    This code is added to Animate "CREATION COMPLETE" for button creation and button click:
    // Button 1
    var btn1 = sym.createChildSymbol("HomeButton", "menu");
       // Convert/store a reference to the symbol as a string representing the element name of the symbol instance.
    var btn1_e = btn1.getSymbolElementNode();
       // Now can use that element string and convert it to a DOM element to use with jQuery to call its css properties
       // and adjust whatever you'd like, including its position property   
       sym.$(btn1_e).css({"position":"relative", "margin":"10"});
    btn1.getVariable("setLabel")("Print Work");
    btn1.getVariable("setDescription")("Examples of Telex advertisement");
    btn1.$("MyImageBox").css("background" , "url(images/telexads_full269x151.jpg) no-repeat");
    btn1.getSymbolElement().click(function() {
              console.log("button 1 was clicked");
    The div for the modal is on the main HTML page. I want to have the modal open a larger image of the button. Basically a lightbox for the Edge Animate stage, but it has to access the div on the parent HTML document (not the EdgeAnimate.html).
    Here is the error from the Chrome Javascript console:
    Uncaught TypeError: Object [object Object] has no method 'modal' portfolioButtonStage_edgeActions.js:4
    (anonymous function)portfolioButtonStage_edgeActions.js:4
    I've tried Edge Commons Spotlight, but that doesn't open on the page correctly; it puts the image at the bottom of the main page.
    Any ideas? Thanks

  • How do I include/show data from a child table in a Modal Window?

    How do I show data from a child table in a Modal Window?
    I have an application where each customer might have multiple addresses and phone numbers which are stored in child tables.  When I show the customer in a record on a screen I can place a Modal Window button on the screen which can be pushed at runtime
    to display detail information for the particular customer parent table which works great. However, I would also like to display the data from the address and phone number child tables. Is there a way to do that?  Or can I just launch a hole separate screen
    which would automatically display the needed data for the particular customer? If yes, how? 
    Thank you for any help.

    I am not even sure how to describe my situation in such a way that this forum incident would be of benefit to other people as I think it is fairly unconventional. 
    The “add contactaddress” link does not show up on the right.  
    The contactaddress table is a child of the contact table. 
    The contact table is a child of the contactlink table.
    And the contactlink table is a child of the person table.
    I have it set up this way because the contact in the contact table may be a contact to multiple persons in the person table and I do not want to re-enter the contact info every time the contact is used. 
    In the list detail screen of the person table I can see the contactlink child collection so that I can see the name of the person in the contact table at runtime. However, the contactaddress collection is not related to the person table so it does not show
    up on the right hand side of the design screen as an “add contactaddress”; nor is there “add contact” link.
    What I would like to happen during runtime is that it is not necessary to switch screens from the person list detail screen to a contact list detail screen to see the addresses and phone numbers for the contact.
     Is my setup unnecessarily convoluted? Is there a better way? Please see the two snapshots below.
    Perhaps there is a way to call up a Detail screen from the List Detail at runtime? 
    Anyway, if you are still reading, thank you very much for your help.   

  • Trying to down load Itunes but I get a message : There is a problem with this Windows Installer package a program run as part of the setup did not finish as expected. Contact your support personnel or package vendor.

    When downloading Itunes I get this message:
    There is a problem with this Windows Installer package a Program run as part of the setup did not finish as expected.
    Contact your support personnel or package vendor..
    is there a number for me to call or can someone explain what has happen...
    Thank you for your help....

    Try the following user tip:
    "There is a problem with this Windows Installer package ..." error messages when installing iTunes for Windows

  • Problem refreshing the parent page when closing a modal window.

    I have page that opens a modal window from a report link column. In the modal window I want to be able to make my changes and press an Apply button so that the modal window is closed and the parent page is refreshed to show the modified details in the report. In Firefox all works well but in IE I get the error message ‘Window.opener.location is null or not an object’ .
    When I comment out window.opener.location.href=window.opener.location.href; the modal window closes without error but I want to refresh the parent page with changes made in the modal window.
    I’m afraid my java script is very limited (the code is based on other peoples examples.)
    Parent Page I call this function from a report link column to display a modal window. Sets the hidden SAVE_STATUS field in destination page to ‘N’
    function modalWin(pshow)
    var url;
    if (window.showModalDialog) {
    window.showModalDialog(url,"name","dialogWidth:650px;dialogHeight:700px"); }
    else {,"name","height=700,width=650,toolbar=no,directories=no,status=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=no,resizable=no ,modal=yes");
    Destination page (modal window)
    HTML Header.
    The function closeWindow should refresh the parent page and close the modal window.
    <base target=_self>
    <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
    function closeWindow() {
    if ( document.getElementById("SAVE_STATUS").value == 'Y' )
    Html Body attribute.
    P_UPDATE_DATE process called from the Apply changes button. Sets the SAVE_STATUS flag to ‘Y’ for the onload in the html body.
    UPDATE event
    SET event_date = :P5001_EVENT_DATE
    WHERE contract_reference = :P330_EVD_CONTRACT
    AND event_number = :P330_EVD_EVENT_NUMBER;
    :SAVE_STATUS := 'Y';
    Thanks in advance, I will have a look when back in the office on Monday.
    Cheers Pete

    Hi Chris,
    Thanks for your help. I think I've sorted it using your first suggestion doing a refresh in the parent page, I just didn't know how at the time.
    What I've got in the parent window after the call to the modal window is the reload window.location.reload(); and in the modal window I close it using window.close(); The down side being the refresh happens if I use my 'Apply changes' or 'Cancel' button but I can live with that for now.
    It seems to work in IE and firefox but as I say most of what I'm doing is cobbling together using other peoples code without really understanding exactly what it does. Anyway thanks for your help, sound like I should look into JQUERY when I have time.
    Thanks Pete
    Parent window call to modal
    function modalWin(pshow)
    var url;
    if (window.showModalDialog) {  window.showModalDialog(url,"name","dialogWidth:650px;dialogHeight:700px");                                          }
    else {,"name","height=700,width=650,toolbar=no,directories=no,status=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=no,resizable=no ,modal=yes");
    Modal Window Close.

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