Calling Non SOAP based Web Service

Can I call a web service that is not SOAP based through Data Services natively? I have an API I need to hit that's XML based, but it's not SOAP.
Edited by: jmbsquared on Sep 20, 2011 7:25 PM

I adjusted the JVM memory options to what you suggested, but it looks like the files are just to big. I've decided to just take the pieces out of the request and reply schemas that I need for each method I'll be using and have an operation instance for each. Maybe this is supposed to be how it works anyways.
But, I'm running into an issue where some XML is getting inserted into my request by Data Services after I launch a test job. I show this in the trace file:
11/21/11 9:22:59 AM Thread[Thread-15,5,main]      Handle request data:
<methodName xmlns:xsi=""   xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="adapter_schema_in.xsd"
attribute1 = "test"  attribute2 = "test" >
</methodName >
When that happens, I get this accompanying error:
8012     8956     XML-240304     11/21/2011 9:22:59 AM     XML parser failed: Error <Invalid document structure> at line <1>, char <1> in <XML PARSING ERROR: unknow atrribute 'xmlns:xsi'
8012     8956     XML-240304     11/21/2011 9:22:59 AM     in element 'methodName'>, file <>.
(I've replaced the actual method with methodName in addition to attribute1 and attribute2 replacing actual attributes)

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          <wsse:Security xmlns:wsse="" xmlns:wsu="">
             <wsse:BinarySecurityToken EncodingType=""
    ValueType="" wsu:Id="X509-76146B887E7568491C142289201149318">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</wsse:BinarySecurityToken>
             <ds:Signature Id="SIG-76146B887E7568491C142289201149421" xmlns:ds="">
                   <ds:CanonicalizationMethod Algorithm="">
                      <ec:InclusiveNamespaces PrefixList="soapenv v1 v11" xmlns:ec=""/>
                   <ds:SignatureMethod Algorithm=""/>
                   <ds:Reference URI="#id-76146B887E7568491C14228915193694">
                         <ds:Transform Algorithm="">
                            <ec:InclusiveNamespaces PrefixList="v1 v11" xmlns:ec=""/>
                      <ds:DigestMethod Algorithm=""/>
                <ds:KeyInfo Id="KI-76146B887E7568491C142289201149319">
    <wsse:SecurityTokenReference wsu:Id="STR-76146B887E7568491C142289201149320">
                      <wsse:Reference URI="#X509-76146B887E7568491C142289201149318" ValueType=""/>

    The following articles would be helpful:
    .net call WS-Security enabled web service (created in java)
    WS-Security Protocol with .NET – A Overview
    An introduction to Web Service Security using WSE - Part I
    As this question is not relate to SharePoint, I suggest you post it to a suitable Forum, you will get more help and confirmed answers from there.
    Best Regards
    Dennis Guo
    TechNet Community Support

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    You posted a duplicated thread here :
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    -- mod. action: locking this one --

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    We are attempting call a Blackboard (Axis2) web service using Oracle JDeveloper 11g. We are currently unable to generate the security header required, could anyone please point me in the right direction?
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    1. Install JDeveloper (accept defaults)
    2. Open JDeveloper
    3. Create a Project by selecting File > New > Generic Project > Finish
    4. Right-click newly created project and select New
    a. Select Web Services in the Categories
    b. Select Web Service Proxy, then Next
    c. Next
    d. Select JAX-WS Style, then Next
    e. Enter for the WSDL Document URL, then Next
    f. Next
    g. Remove “:80” from the Endpoint URL in each row, the first row should be, then Next
    h. Next
    i. I don’t see an option for WSSOAP12Binding which this webservice utilizes, so I selected “oracle/wss11_username_token_with_message_protection_client_policy”
    j. Next
    k. Finish
    5. As a test, add the following code after “// Add your code to call the desired methods.”
    GetServerVersionResponse myv = new GetServerVersionResponse();
    myv = contextWSPortType.getServerVersion(new GetServerVersion());
    6. Run the Project
    7. Received the following exception “Exception in thread "main" WSDoAllReceiver: Incoming message does not contain required Security header"
    Currently running JDeveloper 11g with Oracle WebLogic Server 11gR1
    Attempting to connect to Blackboard, Release 9.1.50119.0
    Thanks, Adam Ham

    Did you configure the Axis2 in Jdeveloper?
    Best Regards

  • Issues in creating Java based web services with JAXB 1.0 in Jdeveloper 10 g

    Hi All,
    I am trying out a simple java based web service creation exercise using Jdeveloper and JAXB 1.0. Here is what I am trying to do.
    1. I have a XSD file called Status.xsd, which has three complex types in it.
    2. Using Jdeveloper Tools --> JAXB Compilation, I have created Jaxb classes for the above XSD files. For each of the complex type the jaxb class generator generated on IMPL clas and one abstract class.
    3. Now I have created one simple java class called and created one method that takes the StatusImpl as input and as output for that method. Here is the code for
    public class Class1 {
    public Class1() {
    public StatusImpl getstatus (StatusImpl in) {
    StatusImpl out;
    out = in;
    return out;
    4. Now, I trying to create a web service for this java class from jedeveloper. I have right clicked this class and went thru the wizard Create J2EE web services.
    5. At the end, the web service project got created successfully and I am trying to run this project from jdeveloper. When I run this project, I am getting the following kind of error message in the browser
    It looks like when the runtime deployment classes are trying to instantiate the abstract classes instead of the impl class. and for all the complex types they trow that error and the web service could not be even invoked.
    What could be the issue? Is the jaxb based web services supported with jdeveloper 10g?

    Hi All,
    I am trying out a simple java based web service creation exercise using Jdeveloper and JAXB 1.0. Here is what I am trying to do.
    1. I have a XSD file called Status.xsd, which has three complex types in it.
    2. Using Jdeveloper Tools --> JAXB Compilation, I have created Jaxb classes for the above XSD files. For each of the complex type the jaxb class generator generated on IMPL clas and one abstract class.
    3. Now I have created one simple java class called and created one method that takes the StatusImpl as input and as output for that method. Here is the code for
    public class Class1 {
    public Class1() {
    public StatusImpl getstatus (StatusImpl in) {
    StatusImpl out;
    out = in;
    return out;
    4. Now, I trying to create a web service for this java class from jedeveloper. I have right clicked this class and went thru the wizard Create J2EE web services.
    5. At the end, the web service project got created successfully and I am trying to run this project from jdeveloper. When I run this project, I am getting the following kind of error message in the browser
    It looks like when the runtime deployment classes are trying to instantiate the abstract classes instead of the impl class. and for all the complex types they trow that error and the web service could not be even invoked.
    What could be the issue? Is the jaxb based web services supported with jdeveloper 10g?

  • Document-based web services - WebLogic 8.1

    Hi all,<br>
    I'm exposing a stateless session bean method as a web service. The in/out parameters are XML documents so my method signature looks as follows:
    public Document collectMessages( Document request )
    Accordingly I want to use document-based web services. I use <b>servicegen</b> to create all server-side classes required for the web service.
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    <pre><!-- Do not know how to create a sample instance for this part due to the following exception:java.lang.InstantiationException: org.w3c.dom.Document. Pls replace this with the correct XML before invoking the service. --->
    When I invoke the service I get the following error:
    <env:Envelope xmlns:env=""
    <b><faultstring>Unable to find a matching Operation for this remote invocation <RcmCollectRequest>
    </RcmCollectRequest>. Please check your operation name. </faultstring></b>
    I've searched for this error and seen it in the forum only a number of times. It seems as though some manual manipulation of the web-services.xml document can solve it. Does anyone have an example? My <b>web-services.xml</b> document looks as follows:
    <pre><?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
         <web-service useSOAP12="false" targetNamespace="" name="rcmmessageservices" style="document" uri="/">
                   <xsd:schema xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:stns="" elementFormDefault="qualified" attributeFormDefault="qualified" targetNamespace="">
                        <xsd:element type="xsd:anyType" name="RcmCollectRequest" nillable="true">
                        <xsd:element type="xsd:anyType" name="RcmCollectResponse" nillable="true">
                   <xsd:schema xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:stns="java:ie.revenue.rcm.ejb.session" elementFormDefault="qualified" attributeFormDefault="qualified" targetNamespace="java:ie.revenue.rcm.ejb.session">
                        <xsd:element type="stns:InvalidRequestException" name="InvalidRequestException">
                        <xsd:element type="stns:SystemUnavailableException" name="SystemUnavailableException">
                        <xsd:complexType name="InvalidRequestException">
                        <xsd:complexType name="SystemUnavailableException">
                   <type-mapping-entry deserializer="weblogic.xml.schema.binding.internal.builtin.DocumentCodec" xmlns:p2="" type="p2:RcmCollectResponse" serializer="weblogic.xml.schema.binding.internal.builtin.DocumentCodec" class-name="org.w3c.dom.Document">
                   <type-mapping-entry deserializer="ie.revenue.rcm.ejb.session.SystemUnavailableExceptionCodec" xmlns:p3="java:ie.revenue.rcm.ejb.session" type="p3:SystemUnavailableException" serializer="ie.revenue.rcm.ejb.session.SystemUnavailableExceptionCodec" class-name="ie.revenue.rcm.ejb.session.SystemUnavailableException">
                   <type-mapping-entry deserializer="ie.revenue.rcm.ejb.session.InvalidRequestExceptionCodec" xmlns:p4="java:ie.revenue.rcm.ejb.session" type="p4:InvalidRequestException" serializer="ie.revenue.rcm.ejb.session.InvalidRequestExceptionCodec" class-name="ie.revenue.rcm.ejb.session.InvalidRequestException">
                   <type-mapping-entry deserializer="weblogic.xml.schema.binding.internal.builtin.DocumentCodec" xmlns:xsd="" type="xsd:anyType" serializer="weblogic.xml.schema.binding.internal.builtin.DocumentCodec" class-name="org.w3c.dom.Document">
                   <type-mapping-entry deserializer="weblogic.xml.schema.binding.internal.builtin.DocumentCodec" xmlns:p1="" type="p1:RcmCollectRequest" serializer="weblogic.xml.schema.binding.internal.builtin.DocumentCodec" class-name="org.w3c.dom.Document">
                   <stateless-ejb name="ejbcomp0">
                        <ejb-link path="rcm-ejb-1.0.jar#CustomerMessageController">
                   <operation name="collectMessages" method="collectMessages(org.w3c.dom.Document)" component="ejbcomp0">
                             <param style="in" xmlns:p1="" type="p1:RcmCollectRequest" location="body" name="document" class-name="org.w3c.dom.Document">
                             <return-param xmlns:p2="" type="p2:RcmCollectResponse" location="body" name="result" class-name="org.w3c.dom.Document">
                             <fault xmlns:p3="java:ie.revenue.rcm.ejb.session" type="p3:SystemUnavailableException" class-name="ie.revenue.rcm.ejb.session.SystemUnavailableException" name="SystemUnavailableException">
                             <fault xmlns:p4="java:ie.revenue.rcm.ejb.session" type="p4:InvalidRequestException" class-name="ie.revenue.rcm.ejb.session.InvalidRequestException" name="InvalidRequestException">
    Thanks in advance,<br>

    Hi Eoin,
    I had the exact problem. Struggled a lot and still couldn't figure out. I think its a problem in 8.1. Not sure. Might want to check with the support guys. If you are struck with 8.1 and still couldn't figure out, AXIS would be a option for you. Just an FYI. Thats what we are doing now.
    Luckily for us we are migrating to 9.1 and I just completed a POC for doc oriented webservices in 9.1. It works like a charm.
    Thanks and good luck
    - Aspert

  • Message-based web service

    We are using CF 7.01 and have been successful in consuming
    web services in the past. We are unsuccessful however in consuming
    a web service where the client says is using a message-based (aka
    document style) web service. We are entering thier system but we
    error out in our attempt to access thier web service.
    In the cfcomponent I have even tried using style="document"
    but we are still erroring out. The nature of the error message at
    our end shows:
    -- start of error message...
    Message: Could not generate stub objects for web service
    Detail: Name: WSDL: WSDLException (at
    /SOAP-ENV:Envelope): faultCode=INVALID_WSDL: Expected element '{}definitions'.:
    It is recommended that you use a web browser to retrieve and
    examine the requested WSDL document for correctness. If the
    requested WSDL document can't be retrieved or it is dynamically
    generated, it is likely that the target web service has programming
    -- ...end of error message.
    The message insinuates a WSDL problem. I understand
    message-based web services don't use a WSDL. Must I remove
    something from our standard RPC-based web service configuration?
    Thanks in advance.

    hi all,
    i have some how managed to handle my error at both REQUEST MESSAGE peoplecode and at HANDLER peoplecode. Tested the webservice using SOAPUI tool. After passing all inputs required, the customer is not created and i am getting a blank response message which should contain the SETID and CUST_ID as response. Please help me out whether i am missing any Key part in creating a CUSTOMER. Note, i haven't written any Peoplecode for creation and i am also not aware how to do the same or where to write the logic for it.
    Kindly bare with me and do help me out as i m struck with it for long. Thanks in advance

  • How to make Service Callout to Document (XML) Based Web Service Proxy

    I am receiving a String which is basically XML via MQ.
    I want to do a Web Service Callout using the String based XML to a Proxy Service that is a Document Based Web Service.
    When I make the call using the String as the input parameter, I get many PipeLine Exception errors on the console and it does not reach the Web Service.
    Based on my readings, I believe that I need to place an XMLObject variable in the Service Callout instead of a String.
    How do I do this?
    I've tried the fn-bea:inlinedXML function but that does't seem to work.

    Hi Anuj, seems that the problem was an invalid character in the Mq Message when I tried to apply the inlinedXML method to it.
    This is resolved now.
    The solution:
    1) Assign Mq $Body to variable
    2) Use Java Callout to remove special characters fn:string(body)
    3) convert Java Output String to XML using inlinedXML xquery function
    4) Do a replace on the $body node contents using the XML variable
    5) Call Web Service.
    if you dont do the XML conversion, the web service throws a Pipeline Exception.

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    As an example I created a simple workflow that should return a JSON result. The REST Url returns the results in the browser without error.
    Set Variable:webServiceUrl to https://<hostnamedsitecollection>/_vti_bin/client.svc/web/lists/getbytitle('ISR%20Approvers')/Items?$select=Title&$filter=Title%20eq%20%27General%27
    then Build{...} Dictionary (Output to Variable:requestHeaders)
    then Call [%Variable:webServiceUrl%] HTTP web service with request (ResponseContent to Variable:responseContent |ResponseHeaders to responseHeaders | ResponseStatusCode to Variable:responseCode)
    The RequestHeader is set to the requestHeaders variable though the web service call properties
    then Log Variable:responseCode to the workflow history list
    After manually running the workflow in SharePoint on a list item in the ISR Approvers list it Logs "Unauthorized" in the Workflow History Log. It does this with every SharePoint REST web service call that I have tried through the workflow.
    It doesn't have anything to do with the Workflow Manger being installed on the same machine as the SharePoint WFE does it?
    Thank You for any insight

    According to your post, my understanding is that you had 401 Unauthorized Error when calling a SharePoint REST web service from SharePoint 2013 Workflow.
    Please make sure you use the ‘Call HTTP Web Service’ correctly.
    You can enter the URL into the brower to check whether it is correctly.
    You need to
    create the Request header requestHeaders
    using a Dictionary:
    Accept : application/json;odata=verbose
    Content-Type : application/json;odata=verbose
    To associate the
    requestHeaders variable, select the Call action
    property, set the RequestHeaders property to
    Please refer to the following articles:
    Working with Web Services in SharePoint 2013 Workflows using SharePoint Designer 2013
    Calling the SharePoint 2013 Rest API from a SharePoint Designer
    In addtion, you need to make sure you install the workflow manager correctly.
    More information:
    Install and configure workflow for SharePoint Server 2013
    Known Issues in Workflow Manager 1.0
    Troubleshooting Workflow Manager 1.0 Management and Execution
    Best Regards,
    Linda Li
    Linda Li
    TechNet Community Support

  • RPC/SOAP-Encoded Web Service with Workshop

    Is there anyway to create a RPC/SOAP-Encoded Web Service with Workshop ? There is an "encoding" attribute in the autotype ant task but no corresponding properties in Workshop.

    Thanks for the reference.
    I have checked both in the wsdl and the Soap message,
    rpc property effectively means rpc/encoded. Now that
    would say that RPC/Literal is not supported ?
    Here are what the messages looks like with rpc and
    document properties
    Thanks all for making this clear.
    document wlw property = Document/Literal
    <SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENC="" xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">
    <SOAP-ENV:Body SOAP-ENV:encodingStyle="">
    <ns:getEmployeeResponse xmlns:ns="">
    <ns:getEmployeeResult xmlns:ns="">
    <ns:Address xmlns:ns="">
    <ns:City xmlns:ns="">Luxembourg</ns:City>
    <ns:Country xmlns:ns="">LU</ns:Country>
    <ns:Number xmlns:ns="">2</ns:Number>
    <ns:PostCode xmlns:ns="">1000</ns:PostCode>
    <ns:Street xmlns:ns="">Bld. Royal</ns:Street>
    <ns:Age xmlns:ns="">20</ns:Age>
    <ns:Name xmlns:ns="">Dupont</ns:Name>
    <ns:FirstNames xmlns:ns="">
    <ns:String xmlns:ns="">Jean</ns:String>
    <ns:String xmlns:ns="">Jacques</ns:String>
    rpc wlw property = RPC/Soap-Encoded
    <SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENC="" xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">
    <SOAP-ENV:Body SOAP-ENV:encodingStyle="">
    <ns:getEmployeeResponse xmlns:ns="">
    <getEmployeeResult xmlns:s="" xsi:type="s:Employee">
    <Address xsi:type="s:Address">
    <City xsi:type="xsd:string">Luxembourg</City>
    <Country xsi:type="xsd:string">LU</Country>
    <Number xsi:type="xsd:int">2</Number>
    <PostCode xsi:type="xsd:string">1000</PostCode>
    <Street xsi:type="xsd:string">Bld. Royal</Street>
    <Age xsi:type="xsd:int">20</Age>
    <Name xsi:type="xsd:string">Dupont</Name>
    <FirstNames SOAP-ENC:arrayType="xsd:string[2]" xsi:type="SOAP-ENC:Array">
    <String xsi:type="xsd:string">Jean</String>
    <String xsi:type="xsd:string">Jacques</String>
    Message was edited by phcollignon at Aug 27, 2004 2:54 AM

  • [Integrated SOA Gateway] Publish Java based web service

    Lately I have been trying to publish Java based web service through Integrated SOA Gateway. The documentation states that:
    +"Custom interface definitions can be created for various interface types including custom interface definitions for XML Gateway Map, Business Event, PL/SQL, Concurrent Program, Business Service Object, Java (except for Java APIs for Forms subtype) and Composite Service for BPEL type."+ (Integrated SOA Gateway Developer's Guide Release 12.1, "Creating and Using Custom Integration Interfaces")
    After familiarizing myself with $FND_TOP/bin/ and $FND_TOP/bin/FNDLOAD tools, I have started coding my POJOs. Initially I have come up with three classes - request/response objects and service implementation. Service implementation has been annotated with "@rep:X" descriptors according to "Java Annotations" section of the documentation. While invoking $FND_TOP/bin/ I have received errors about class resolution. My solution was to transform request and response types to static inner classes. This way I ended up with one *.java source file (see below).
    * Sample ISG Service.
    * @rep:scope public
    * @rep:product AP
    * @rep:displayname My Custom ISG Service.
    public class MyService {
    public static class Request {
    private String id;
    public void setId(String id) { = id;
    public String getId() {
    return id;
    public static class Response {
    private String data;
    public void setData(String data) { = data;
    public String getData() {
    return data;
    * Sample operation.
    * @param request Request Object.
    * @return Return Object.
    * @rep:displayname Test operation.
    public MyService.Response testOperation(MyService.Request request) {
    MyService.Response response = new MyService.Response();
    response.setData("Some Data");
    return response;
    ILDT file has been successfully created and uploaded. However, I could not see the "Generate WSDL" button on Integrated Repository website. Is there any particular interface or superclass that my service implementation should extend? I have reviewed "PurchaseOrderSDO" example posted in the developer's guide (page 407), but I couldn't come up with a working solution. Could you provide me with more detailed tutorial/example? Which documentation sections should I read again?
    After searching through forum, I have spotted $FND_TOP/bin/ script, and thought that lack of "Generate WSDL" button was an EBS defect. After running the script, I have received an error:
    Error in Service Generation.
    ServiceGenerationError: Interface Type (JAVA) Interface SubType (null) is not supported.
    oracle.apps.fnd.soa.util.SOAException: ServiceGenerationError: Interface Type (JAVA) Interface SubType (null) is not supported.
         at oracle.apps.fnd.soa.provider.wsdl.ArtifactsFactory.getArtifactsGenerator(
         at oracle.apps.fnd.soa.provider.wsdl.WSDLGenerator.generateServiceWSDL(
         at oracle.apps.fnd.soa.provider.wsdl.ServiceGenerator.generateSOAService(
         at oracle.apps.fnd.soa.provider.wsdl.ServiceGenerator.generateSingleService(
         at oracle.apps.fnd.soa.provider.wsdl.ServiceGenerator.main(
    I would be grateful for any suggestions. Has anyone published Java based web service through ISG?
    Best regards,

    I tried the following as per Oracle support and able to generate the wsdl though, but not invoke the webservices.
    1. Applied the patch 8607523
    2. Took the translator.jar file from the patch 8857799 and replaced the current translator.jar file
    3. Deploy the adapters.
    $FND_TOP/bin/ -script=CfgOC4JApp -applicationname=pcapps
    -oc4jpass=welcome -runautoconfig=No

  • Error in calling a method from Web services

    Hai Experts,
                    When i try calling a method in web services from webdyn pro its not being called, i get a error SAOPFAULTCODE: 1 . wat might be the problem? The thing i am working with is tat when a employee try to create a FTR(HCM : Travel), a check has to be done in web services and then allow certain employees to proceed and rest should get a error msg but, i could find all the employees r getting the same error msg . Please resolve this issue.
    Regards and thanks in advance,

    Add the line :
    (Of course, 'test.rdf" is an example, replace it by the name of the reports who want to execute)

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