Calling routines from static c/c++ library

I have a static library (*.lib) written in c/c++, which contains several routines I would like to use out of a java project. Is this possible and how to do it?

Thanks, that's what I suggested. Are there any hints, whre I can get a clue on where to look in the jni manuals or how to do it at least in general?

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    kaneeec wrote:
    I dont have references of these windows, because it would be too difficult. They are created just by new Window().setVisible(true);It's not difficult:
    Window w = new Window();
    w.setVisible(true);Now you have a reference (w) to your window that you can later call dispose() on.
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    Hi Santha,
    Similar questions to yours have already been asked (and answered) several
    times previously on this forum:
    Hope this helps you.
    Good Luck,

  • Calling routine from SO10

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        While calling a routine from SO10, both input table and output table are empty, I have used in following way..
    /: USING PER
    /: CHANGING &P0001-PERNR&
    In routine (ABAP)
    FORM ADDRESS tables in_tab structure itcsy out_tab structure itcsy.
      Data:   v_name2 like p0006-name2,  " C/O
              v_stras like p0006-stras.  " Street/House no
      read table in_tab index 1.
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                              tables co_sym_using
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    Try this out ....
    In Routine:-
    /: CHANGING &P0001-PERNR&
    /: ENDPERFORM</b>
    In ABAP Program:-
    FORM ADDRESS tables in_tab structure itcsy out_tab structure itcsy.
    Data: v_name2 like p0006-name2, " C/O
    v_stras like p0006-stras. " Street/House no
    read table in_tab index 1.
    if sy-subrc = 0.
    pass the values to the fields
    read table out_tab index 1.
    out-tab-value = 'pass the value'.

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    2. Oracle 8.1.7 ( 8i)
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    make -f $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/demo/ extproc_callback \ \
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    ld: fatal: file unknown file type.
    ld: fatal: File processing errors. No output written t
    *** Error code 1
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    got the following error -
    ld: fatal: file unknown file type.
    ld: fatal: File processing errors. No output written t cmd_lib.soI guess this compiles an extproc "stub" with your object file, generating an external procedure. So the object file really needs to be an object file :-)
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    I would be grateful if somebody could help me.
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    The download URL is
    In step #1, type in your e-mail address and click "Download Now"
    You are then taken to a "Download Options" page. Choose Option 2 which is "Download Tarfile Installer"
    This allows non-root access to install. And you can install anywhere you wish. So you don't have to
    un-install your Studio 12 version.

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    An error occurred at line: 103 in the jsp file: /jnlpLaunch.jsp
    pfProjectId cannot be resolved to a variable
    // Java static method with one parameter
    public static void CreateJnlpFile(String pfProjectId)
    //Script that calls java static method
    <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
    var pfProjectId = "proj1057";
    // Here I am calling java method
    Edited by: 878645 on Mar 6, 2012 11:30 PM

    Thanks, Got what you are telling. Right now I have one jsp file which is setting the parameter 'pfProjectId' and in another .jsp I am retrieving it. But I am getting null valuue
    for the variable. I am wondering why I am getting null value in the second jsp page?.
    <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
    // Setting parameter pfProjectId
    var pfProjectId = "proj1057";
    request.setParameter("pfProjectId", "pfProjectId");
    // Using Button post to call a .jsp that creates jnlp file
    <form method=post action="CreateJnlpFile.jsp">
    <input type="submit" value="Create JNLP File">
    //Contents of second .jsp file CreateJNLPFile.jsp
    String pfProjectId = request.getParameter("pfProjectId ");
    System.out.println( "In CreateJnlpFile.jsp pfProjectId " + pfProjectId );

  • Calling PopUpManager from a class in a library

    I have a class for logins that I have put in a Flex Library
    Part of the login is a popup form(mxml) I have created and is
    in the library.
    The problem I have is this line:
    loginPopUp =
    The error I get is:
    1067: Implicit coercion of a value of type
    dataManagers:LoginManager to an unrelated type
    The parent “this” is no good since its parent
    should be the application that called the logon.
    Can I reference the caller from the LoginManager class I
    created to feed to popupmanager as the parent for the popup?
    The code in the app using the llibray that relates to this
    (to save space) is:
    import dataManagers.LoginManager
    public var lm:LoginManager = new LoginManager();
    package theLoginManager {
    import mx.managers.PopUpManager;
    public class LoginManager {
    import LibraryViews.Login.LoginForm;
    public var loginPopUp:LoginForm;
    public function initServices() : void"Login start");
    appCFC = new RemoteObject("ColdFusion");
    appCFC.source = "CFC.Users.usersGateway";
    appCFC.addEventListener(FaultEvent.FAULT, server_fault);
    private function displayLogin():void{
    loginPopUp =
    LoginForm(PopUpManager.createPopUp(this,LoginForm,true));//THIS IS
    //Removes login form
    private function removeLoginPopup(event:Event):void{
    }//End Class
    }//End Package
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <mx:TitleWindow xmlns:mx=""
    <mx:Form width="100%" height="100%"
    <mx:FormItem width="100%" label="Username"
    <mx:TextInput id="email"
    width="175" text="mltv"/>
    <mx:FormItem width="100%" label="Password"
    <mx:TextInput id="password"
    width="175" text="nuffer"/>
    <mx:VBox width="100%" horizontalAlign="center">
    <mx:Button id="loginBTN" label="Login"
    click="authenticateUser();" fillColors="[#80ff00, #80ff00]"/>

    I solved it by passing the parent when I called it from the
    parent project:
    and then created a var in the .as file:
    private var theCallingParent:DisplayObject;
    theCallingParent = theParent;
    Then used that variable when I called the popup:
    loginPopUp =
    Sorry to clog up the board.

  • Problem calling simplebutton from library

    Hi guys,
    I'd like to ask for your assistance. I have a problem calling
    SimpleButton from library. I already checked the Linkage:Export for
    actionscript but still an error appear "Call to a possibly
    undefined method OkBtn". I'm just wondering because this method
    works on my MovieClips except for SimpleButtons. Is there another
    way to call SimpleButtons?
    Here's my code calling MovieClip:
    var mc:MovieClip = new ourProduct();
    and same in calling my SimpleButton:
    var myOkBtn:SimpleButton = new OkBtn();
    please help.
    Thank you very much

    Hi again,
    Since I could not call my SimpleButton inside the library, I
    was thinking of putting my button inside the movieclip and call
    that clip inside my library.
    On my stage, I called
    underConstructionPane() movieclip. This
    underConstructionPane contains
    myOkBtn which previously I wanted to call but as a work
    around, I just put it inside
    underConstructionPane movieclip with instance name of
    okBtn. I added eventHandler on
    okBtn which supposed to call
    showHome() function outside
    showHome() was declared on the stage or root (I don't know
    the correct term. hehehe
    sorry.) but I don't know how to call that function.
    I tried this:
    var home = new showHome();
    but it won't work.
    Please help me
    Thank you.

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    Say I have a game package, most of which
    are written in Java. I am thinking
    to leave the core logics in Java, but
    change the user interface into Flash,
    and serve it over FMS. Now is it
    possible to call Java routines from
    I'd appreciate any suggestions.

    Yes! You can use SOAP(or XML-RPC) to call Java routines.
    Relevant link:
    Btw, does anyone know if there is XML-RPC package for

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    Go to Solution.

    You get an error "Could not load a DLL" when one of the dependencies is missing.
    Please check it this way :
    Download free dependency walker ---
    Select the DLL ( deployed machine).
    It will show which dependency component is missing in the deployed machine.
    For CVI..
    Since you are using a static libarary - did you include it in the build when you build the project?
    It should be embed within your DLL. ( using add files to DLL option in the CVI target settings).
    Hope this helps.

  • Call an ABAP routine from Web Template

    Hi Gurus,
    I Need to call an ABAP routine from a Web template or export value to memory to use in the variable exit.
    is it possible ?

    Hi Ankit,
    take a look:
    /thread/725385 [original link is broken]
    WAD and ABAP
    How to call a ABAP or ABAP Class from the WEB

  • I cannot log onto the App Store, the page appears when I call it from the dock or the Apple menu. I can call the log-in box from the menu bar, but on signing in the spinning icon just keeps spinning,(not the beachball). Any suggestions? Using 10.6.7 and u

    I cannot log onto the App Store, the page appears when I call it from the dock or the Apple menu and I can call the log-in box from the menu bar, but on signing in the spinning icon just keeps spinning,(not the beachball).  Using 10.6.7 and up-to-date on all software. Any suggestions?

    Could be a third party app preventing you from being able to login.
    Mac App Store: Sign in sheet does not appear, or does not accept typed text
    If it's not a third party issue, follow the instructions here.
    Quit the MAS if it's open.
    Open a Finder window. Select your Home folder in the Sidebar on the left then open the Library folder then the Caches folder.
    Move the and the files from the Caches folder to the Trash
    From the same Library folder open the Preferences folder.
    Move these files Preferences folder to the Trash: and
    Same Library folder open the Cookies folder. Move the file from the Cookies folder to the Trash.
    Relaunch the MAS.

  • How come I can't add a song to my playlists in itunes match? Is it me or itunes match? It keeps on coming up with a message " iCloud playlists can only contain songs from your iCloud music library. If you continue, the playlist will be removed from iCloud

    How come I can't add a song to my playlists in itunes match? Is it me or itunes match? It keeps on coming up with a message " iCloud playlists can only contain songs from your iCloud music library. If you continue, the playlist will be removed from iCloud and will only be available on this computer"?
    You must surely be able to add and subtract songs on specific playlist?

    I fixed this issue (with help from tech support) and it involved several things.
    After adding a song to iTunes, right-click on the song in iTunes and select "Update iTunes Match."
    OR go to the iTunes menu-->Store-->Update iTunes Match.
    Maybe that's the reason, it just hadn't updated to the cloud.
    OR maybe it's not a high-enough bitrate file.   This happens to me because most of my tunes are home-recorded.
    Sometimes converting to .mp3 or Create AAC version might work. (You do this with a right-click in iTunes, and then you will want to remove the original file from iTunes.)
    There is an iTunes Preferences setting, under General Preferences called Import Settings.  Try setting it to AAC Encoder and iTunes Plus.   That (I think) causes imports to be slightly better quality.
    Good luck!  The tech support person at Apple is requesting that a knowlege-base article be written about this.

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