Calling system with startrfc.exe. Log

We are involved in upgrade from 46c to 60 and we have some problems with execute a call RFC from external systems with program startrfc.exe. To determine the error firsts we need to locate the error log. Anybody know where is located the error log of startrfc process? Or it is possible to read the error with a SAP transaction?

This may be a Hint
I think if you are using addition option -T in startrfc then this will turn trace on. internally this will write to the trace file 'dev_rfc'

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    Dear All,
    I am getting a below error while doing ehp6 installation on sybase (high availbility )
    can any one help me on this..?
    An error occurred while processing option SAP Business Suite 7i 2011 > Enhancement Package 6 for SAP ERP 6.0 > SAP Application Server ABAP > SAP ASE > High-Availability System > Database Instance( Last error reported by the step: System call failed. Error 2 (The system cannot find the file specified. ) in execution of system call 'CreateProcessAsUser' with parameter ( , NULL,  Program Files/sapinst_instdir/BS2011/ERP606/AS-ABAP/SYB/HA/DB, &StartupInfo, &ProcessInfo), line (646) in file (d:\depot\bas\720_rel\bc_720-2_rel\gen\optu\ntamd64\ins\sapinst\impl\src\syslib\synxcchapp.cpp), stack trace: d:\depot\bas\720_rel\bc_720-2_rel\gen\optu\ntamd64\ins\sapinst\impl\src\ejs\ejscontroller.cpp: 181: EJSControllerImpl::executeScript() d:\depot\bas\720_rel\bc_720-2_rel\gen\optu\ntamd64\ins\sapinst\impl\src\ejs\jsextension.hpp: 1059: CallFunctionBase::call() d:\depot\bas\720_rel\bc_720-2_rel\gen\optu\ntamd64\ins\sapinst\impl\src\osmod\iaxxbprocess.cpp: 423: CIaOsProcess::start_impl() d:\depot\bas\720_rel\bc_720-2_rel\gen\optu\ntamd64\ins\sapinst\impl\src\syslib\synxcchapp.cpp: 238: CSyChildApplicationImpl::start(false) d:\depot\bas\720_rel\bc_720-2_rel\gen\optu\ntamd64\ins\sapinst\impl\src\syslib\synxcchapp.cpp: 262: CSyChildApplicationImpl::doStart() .). You can no

    Hello Mauricio.
    Two Thinks:
    1.- This error appears precisely in the process of creating SAP users including you mention sidadm:
          A.- Execute sapinst
          B.- Installation option is chosen
                SAP NetWeaver CE Production Edition
                        Installation Options
                            High-Availability System
                                  Central Service  Instance (SCS)
           c.- System ID, Next and appear message error
    2.- However, the user manually create sidadm, I gave the permissions you indicate, and the error message is the same

  • Calling an rss script with rs.exe fails to result in a report pdf from VB6 w/ ShellEx.

    Sql 2008 R2
    Calling an rss script with rs.exe fails to result in a report pdf from VB6 w/ ShellEx. 
    If I call rs.exe with the various parameters from the command prompt I  have success(other than rs.exe using the temp folder, which is a different issue).  But when I try to execute the same process from a Visual Basic 6.0 application utilizing
    the ShellEx api call, the report creation and output to PDF format do not occur.   There is no error raised.
    Yes, I wish I could use a newer dev tool but that isn't an option right now. I think this should work.  Can ya'll tell me what I'm doing wrong?
    sArgs = "-i " & Chr(34) & "'C:\Program Files\Dura Supreme\OrderEntry\RunOrdReports.rss'" & Chr(34) & _
    " -s 'http://walnut/reportserver' -v 'DuraOrderNum=" & _
    Chr(34) & sOrdDuraID & Chr(34) & "' -e Exec2005 -t"
    ShellEx Chr(34) & "C:\Program Files\Dura Supreme\OrderEntry\rs.exe" & Chr(34), EShellShowConstants.essSW_SHOWNORMAL, sArgs
    Jim M.

    ShellEx Chr(34) & "C:\Program Files\Dura Supreme\OrderEntry\rs.exe" & ....
    Hello Jim,
    The path for rs.exe includes spaces, you should set it in hyphen, as you already did for file "RunOrdReports.rss" in variable "sArgs2
    Olaf Helper
    [ Blog] [ Xing] [ MVP]

  • Call Webgui from WD application with only one log on

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    Calling WEBGUI is working fine but while calling WEBGUI the system asks for another log-on which is not required.
    When the application first executes it asks for logon again while calling WEBGUI the system asks for another logon,
    please let me know how can we avoid second logon?
    Note - I am using RFC host name while creating URL for WEBGUI.
    Thanks, in advance

    Hello Trupti,
    Are you using fully qualified host names?

  • System.Management.Automation.MethodInvocationException: Exception calling "ExecuteQuery" with "0" argument(s): "$Resources:core,ImportErrorMessage;" --- Microsoft.SharePoint.Client. ServerException: $Resources:core,ImportErrorMessage;

    I am getting an error  System.Management.Automation.MethodInvocationException: Exception calling "ExecuteQuery" with "0" argument(s): "$Resources:core,ImportErrorMessage;" ---> Microsoft.SharePoint.Client. ServerException:
    Following is my powershell script on line
    $context.ExecuteQuery(); it is throwing this error.
    function AddWebPartToPage([string]$siteUrl,[string]$pageRelativeUrl,[string]$localWebpartPath,[string]$ZoneName,[int]$ZoneIndex)
        #this reference is required here
        $clientContext= [Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.ClientContext,Microsoft.SharePoint.Client, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=71e9bce111e9429c]
        $context=New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.ClientContext($siteUrl)
        write-host "Reading file " $pageRelativeUrl
        $oFile = $context.Web.GetFileByServerRelativeUrl($pageRelativeUrl);
        $limitedWebPartManager = $oFile.GetLimitedWebPartManager([Microsoft.Sharepoint.Client.WebParts.PersonalizationScope]::Shared);
        write-host "getting xml reader from file"
        $xtr = New-Object System.Xml.XmlTextReader($localWebpartPath)
         [void] [Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("System.Text")
        $sb = new-object System.Text.StringBuilder
             while ($xtr.Read())
                $tmpObj = $sb.AppendLine($xtr.ReadOuterXml());
             $newXml =  $sb.ToString()
        if ($xtr -ne $null)
        #Add Web Part to catalogs folder
        write-host "Adding Webpart....."
        $oWebPartDefinition = $limitedWebPartManager.ImportWebPart($newXml);
        $limitedWebPartManager.AddWebPart($oWebPartDefinition.WebPart, $ZoneName, $ZoneIndex);
        write-host "Adding Web Part Done"
        write-host "Error while 'AddWebPartToPage'" $_.exception| format-list * -force
    Error while 'AddWebPartToPage' System.Management.Automation.MethodInvocationException: Exception calling "ExecuteQuery" with "0" argument(s): "$Resources:core,ImportErrorMessage;" ---> Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.
    ServerException: $Resources:core,ImportErrorMessage;
       at Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.ClientRequest.ProcessResponseStream(Stream responseStream)
       at Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.ClientRequest.ProcessResponse()
       at Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.ClientContext.ExecuteQuery()
       at ExecuteQuery(Object , Object[] )
       at System.Management.Automation.DotNetAdapter.AuxiliaryMethodInvoke(Object target, Object[] arguments, MethodInformation methodInformation, Object[] originalArguments)
       --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
       at System.Management.Automation.DotNetAdapter.AuxiliaryMethodInvoke(Object target, Object[] arguments, MethodInformation methodInformation, Object[] originalArguments)
       at System.Management.Automation.DotNetAdapter.MethodInvokeDotNet(String methodName, Object target, MethodInformation[] methodInformation, Object[] arguments)
       at System.Management.Automation.Adapter.BaseMethodInvoke(PSMethod method, Object[] arguments)
       at System.Management.Automation.ParserOps.CallMethod(Token token, Object target, String methodName, Object[] paramArray, Boolean callStatic, Object valueToSet)
       at System.Management.Automation.MethodCallNode.InvokeMethod(Object target, Object[] arguments, Object value)
       at System.Management.Automation.MethodCallNode.Execute(Array input, Pipe outputPipe, ExecutionContext context)
       at System.Management.Automation.ParseTreeNode.Execute(Array input, Pipe outputPipe, ArrayList& resultList, ExecutionContext context)
       at System.Management.Automation.StatementListNode.ExecuteStatement(ParseTreeNode statement, Array input, Pipe outputPipe, ArrayList& resultList, ExecutionContext context)

    Thanks Sethu for your comments. However i am running this powershell directly on server so believe
    SharePointOnlineCredentials is not required.
    I have tried it but still giving me same error

  • System exec with telnet.exe

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    Any ideas?
    Attachments: ‏14 KB

    Rollerboy wrote:
    Hi again Mark
    I was looking among the examples but I don't seem to  find what you are refering to. Could you please direct me!
    You could search for TCP using the example finder. They have basic examples of servers and clients. Do you have all of your palletes visble? You can view more by selecting additional palletes. View the Functions pallete (View->Functions Pallete) and select the Customize tab. From there make sure you are displaying the Data Communication pallete.
    Mark Yedinak
    "Does anyone know where the love of God goes when the waves turn the minutes to hours?"
    Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald - Gordon Lightfoot

  • Calling startrfc.exe from within a vbs script

    Hello, can someone help me please
    I am trying to process xml idocs into SAP on a Windows 2008 server. I have written a vbs script to process the file and am trying to call STARTRFC.EXE from within the vbs script. However I keep getting an error that it cannot open the file. The code is shown below. I have changed the server name and gateway and user/passwd for security. I'm passing the filename as a variable (str_expfile) but it does not seem to be able to extract the actual file name from the variable. I know from past experience that you can pass it variables if its running on a unix box and in a shell. But for some reason it not decipering the variable name in the vbs script
    Set objShell = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
    str_startrfc = "D:\usr\sap\SID\SYS\exe\uc\NTAMD64\startrfc.exe -d SID -3 -h hostname -s 00 -g hostname -x sapgw00 -u user -p passwd -c 100 -l EN -t -F EDI_DATA_INCOMING -E PORT=MYPORT -E PATHNAME=str_expfile"
    objShell.Run str_startrfc, ,True
    The error I'm getting is shown below:
    ERROR file opened at 20110510 134219 GMT Daylight Time, SAP-REL 700,0,278 RFC-VER 3 1200864 MT-SL
    T:2584 Error in program 'startrfc': ======> Error at OPEN 'str_expfile' (check file)
    T:2584 Error in program 'startrfc': <* RfcReceive [1] : returns 3:RFC_SYS_EXCEPTION
    T:2584 Error in program 'startrfc': <* RfcCallReceive [1] : returns 3:RFC_SYS_EXCEPTION

    Hi Markus
    Unfortunately I can't do that because I need it to process hundreds of files one after another and I would have to hard code the file path each time. That's why I need it automated.
    Can startrfc.exe not take a variable for the pathname in a vb script? It works fine in a unix shell. We are migrating from unix to windows and I need to convert all my unix scripts into vb scripts.
    I notice there is a nother rfc type program available, can I use rfcexec.exe instead of startrfc.exe and would it take variables?

  • What is this? Performance Counter OS (pdh) call failed with error code PDH_INVALID_HANDLE._

    hi    This event is logged in SharePoint 2010 logs often please help trace the issue also it precedes with Project server WCF code execution which alos is quite slow in execution, means PWA site runing slow. why does status read
    provisioning while i am not running anything.
    please help!!!
    10/03/2011 14:39:23.46 w3wp.exe (0x306C)                      
    SharePoint Foundation         Topology                      
    e5mc Medium  
    WcfSendRequest: RemoteAddress: 'http://moss:32843/a667a0a96d314e5e9e6c8fe4866c5db4/PSI/PWA.svc' Channel: 'Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.Interfaces.IPWA' Action: ''
    MessageId: 'urn:uuid:0751dbdd-76c0-4410-ac73-2f1782e1513b'
    10/03/2011 14:39:23.46 w3wp.exe (0x1B58)                      
    SharePoint Foundation         Topology                      
    e5mb Medium  
    WcfReceiveRequest: LocalAddress: 'http://moss.ccl.local:32843/a247f7273c09486999c9f111798cab59/ProfilePropertyService.svc' Channel: 'System.ServiceModel.Channels.ServiceChannel' Action: 'http://Microsoft.Office.Server.UserProfiles/GetProfileProperties'
    MessageId: 'urn:uuid:772a5c58-c0e4-4b0f-9142-f634fee413a9'
    10/03/2011 14:39:23.46 w3wp.exe (0x1B58)                      
    SharePoint Foundation         Monitoring                    
    nasq Medium  
    Entering monitored scope (ExecuteWcfServerOperation)
    10/03/2011 14:39:23.64 w3wp.exe (0x1B58)                      
    SharePoint Foundation         Monitoring                    
    b4ly Medium  
    Leaving Monitored Scope (ExecuteWcfServerOperation). Execution Time=179.589584709789
    10/03/2011 14:39:23.64 w3wp.exe (0x306C)                      
    SharePoint Foundation         Monitoring                    
    b4ly High    
    Leaving Monitored Scope (ExecuteWcfOperation:http://Microsoft.Office.Server.UserProfiles/GetProfileProperties). Execution Time=205.109867315539
    10/03/2011 14:39:23.64 w3wp.exe (0x306C)                      
    SharePoint Foundation         Monitoring                    
    b4ly High    
    Leaving Monitored Scope (ExecuteOnChannel:GetProfileProperties). Execution Time=206.500546857212
    10/03/2011 14:39:23.74 Microsoft.Office.Project.Server (0x0DAC)
    0x0FA8 Project Server                
    8zdn Medium  
    [SERVICE] ProjectQueueService14: Getting list of Sites for ServiceApp: a667a0a9-6d31-4e5e-9e6c-8fe4866c5db4
    10/03/2011 14:39:23.74 Microsoft.Office.Project.Server (0x0DAC)
    0x0FA8 Project Server                
    128v Medium  
    [SERVICE] ProjectQueueService14: Adding Site: ef3acaf4-3e7a-4819-80e0-8e7a85ca417b to sitelist for ServiceApp: a667a0a9-6d31-4e5e-9e6c-8fe4866c5db4
    10/03/2011 14:39:23.77 Microsoft.Office.Project.Server (0x0CD4)
    0x0FA4 Project Server                
    8zdn Medium  
    [SERVICE] ProjectEventService14: Getting list of Sites for ServiceApp: a667a0a9-6d31-4e5e-9e6c-8fe4866c5db4
    10/03/2011 14:39:23.77 Microsoft.Office.Project.Server (0x0CD4)
    0x0FA4 Project Server                
    128v Medium  
    [SERVICE] ProjectEventService14: Adding Site: ef3acaf4-3e7a-4819-80e0-8e7a85ca417b to sitelist for ServiceApp: a667a0a9-6d31-4e5e-9e6c-8fe4866c5db4
    10/03/2011 14:39:23.99 SPUCHostService.exe (0x22E0)            
    0x300C SharePoint Foundation        
    84yj Medium  
    Performance Counter OS (pdh) call failed with error code PDH_INVALID_HANDLE.
    10/03/2011 14:39:23.99 SPUCHostService.exe (0x22E0)            
    0x300C SharePoint Foundation        
    Sandboxed Code Service        
    ei0p Monitorable
    - Unhandled exception System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception: Unknown error (0xc0000bbc)     at Microsoft.SharePoint.Win32.SPPdh.CheckReturnValue(PDH_STATUS status, Boolean throwOnError)     at Microsoft.SharePoint.Utilities.SPPerformanceCounter.NextValue(Int32
    retry, Int32 retryInterval)     at Microsoft.SharePoint.UserCode.SPUserCodePerformanceCounterHelper..ctor(String processName, Int32 processInstanceId) thrown while reading perf counters for process "SPUCWorkerProcess".
    10/03/2011 14:39:23.99 SPUCHostService.exe (0x22E0)            
    0x300C SharePoint Foundation        
    84yj Medium  
    Performance Counter OS (pdh) call failed with error code PDH_INVALID_HANDLE.
    10/03/2011 14:39:23.99 SPUCHostService.exe (0x22E0)            
    0x300C SharePoint Foundation        
    Sandboxed Code Service        
    ei0p Monitorable
    - Unhandled exception System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception: Unknown error (0xc0000bbc)     at Microsoft.SharePoint.Win32.SPPdh.CheckReturnValue(PDH_STATUS status, Boolean throwOnError)     at Microsoft.SharePoint.Utilities.SPPerformanceCounter.NextValue(Int32
    retry, Int32 retryInterval)     at Microsoft.SharePoint.UserCode.SPUserCodePerformanceCounterHelper..ctor(String processName, Int32 processInstanceId) thrown while reading perf counters for process "SPUCWorkerProcess".
    10/03/2011 14:39:23.99 SPUCHostService.exe (0x22E0)            
    0x300C SharePoint Foundation        
    84yj Medium  
    Performance Counter OS (pdh) call failed with error code PDH_INVALID_HANDLE.

    Hi there,
    A quick search showed the result on fourm thread:
    It's related to SHarePoint foundation error & this issue occurs when the account under which SPUserCodeService is configured to run does not have the necessary permissions to access the performance counters on the server.
    To read in support article., Amit Khare |EPM Consultant| Blog:

  • Problem during installation with sapstartsrv.exe

    Hi Community,
    i have a problem with step 26 of the installation process. The service sapstartsrv.exe is not started within 40 seconds and the installation failed. I added the user j2eadm and SAPServiceJ2E with admin rights without success.
    log file says:
    WARNING    2008-09-09 15:35:19.013
    Execution of the command "C:\usr\sap\CE1\SYS\exe\uc\NTI386\sapstartsrv.exe -stdin" finished with return code -1. Output:
    Service not started within 40 seconds.
    ERROR      2008-09-09 15:35:19.200
    MOS-01011  'C:/usr/sap/CE1/SYS/exe/uc/NTI386/sapstartsrv.exe' returned with '-1'.
    ERROR      2008-09-09 15:35:19.200
    MOS-01011  'C:/usr/sap/CE1/SYS/exe/uc/NTI386/sapstartsrv.exe' returned with '-1'.
    Any suggestions?

    Hello experts!
    I have similar issue with installing CE 7.1 EHP1 at phase 23 (Install instance basics).
    I've got error MOS-01011 in sapinst_dev.log.
    TRACE      2008-10-23 16:42:47.810 [synxcpipe.cpp:195]
               CSyStdIOPipe::waitForOverlappedIO(int timeout)
               lib=syslib module=syslib
    Syslib info about system call. OS message 109 (The pipe has been ended.
    ) after execution of system call 'GetOverlappedResult' with parameter ((pipe to child process)), line (140) in file (synxcpipe.cpp).
    WARNING    2008-10-23 16:42:47.810
    Execution of the command "C:\usr\sap\CE1\SYS\exe\uc\NTI386\sapstartsrv.exe -stdin" finished with return code -1. Output:
    Test call to Service failed.
    Profile parameter SAPSYSTEMNAME or SAPSYSTEM doesn't match installation parameters.
    Service not correctly installed.
    Event Viewer (Application log) has the following record:
    Event Type:     Error
    Event Source:     Application Error
    Event Category:     (100)
    Event ID:     1000
    Date:          2008/10/23
    Time:          16:43:07
    User:          N/A
    Computer:     C239020
    Faulting application sapstartsrv.exe, version 7110.4.15.19843, faulting module sapstartsrv.exe, version 7110.4.15.19843, fault address 0x0009e200.
    Event Viewer (System log) has the following record:
    Event Type:     Error
    Event Source:     Service Control Manager
    Event Category:     None
    Event ID:     7034
    Date:          2008/10/23
    Time:          16:43:52
    User:          N/A
    Computer:     C239020
    The SAPCE1_01 service terminated unexpectedly.  It has done this 1 time(s).
    Any suggestions?
    Edited by: Sergey Vlasov on Oct 23, 2008 11:58 PM

  • Populating our log message along with standard sap log in ck11n.

    Hi all,
    I have developed a user exit which is used in costing of material using ck11n.
    Here i have to show our custom log message along with the standard log shown by standard sap system after costing run is complete.
    I got one FM-- CM_F_MESSAGE  which is used by SAP. But i want the message along with SAP messages and not separately.
    Can u help me out for this. its very urgent.
    Thanks in advance.

    I'm not sure because I don't know that trx, but I seem the function group of that function manages a log, so you can try.
    This is an extract of abap code of SAPLCKDI where that fm is used:
         ARBGB = Y_CMF-CK
         MSGNR = '327'
         MSGTY = Y_CMF-W
         MSGV1 = SICHT
         MSGV2 = KLVAR.
    So I suppose you should call it by this way:
         ARBGB = <your message class>
         MSGNR = <message number>
         MSGTY = <message type>
         MSGV1 = <text 1>
         MSGV2 = <text 2>
         MSGV3 = <text 3>
    I think MSGV* is optional parameter.

  • Error is data loading from 3rd party source system with DBCONNECT

    We have just finished an upgrade of SAP BW 3.10 to SAP NW 7.0 EHP1.
    After the upgrade, we are facing a problem with data loads from a third party Oracle source system using DBConnect.
    The connection is working OK and we can see the tables in the source system. But we cannot load the data.
    The error in the monitor is as follows:
    'Error message from the source system
    An error occurred in the source system.
    System Response
    Caller 09 contains an error message.
    Further analysis:
    The error occurred in Extractor .
    Refer to the error message.'
    But, unfortunately, the error message has no further information.
    If we look at the job log in sm37, the job finished with the following log -                                                                               
    27.10.2009 12:14:19 Job started                                                                                00           516          S 
    27.10.2009 12:14:19 Step 001 started (program RSBATCH1, variant &0000000000119, user ID RXSAHA)                    00           550          S 
    27.10.2009 12:14:23 Start InfoPackage ZPAK_4FMNJ2ZHNNXC6HT3A2TYAAFXG                                              RSM1          797          S 
    27.10.2009 12:14:24 Element NOAUTHORITYCHECK is not available in the container                                     OL           356          S 
    27.10.2009 12:14:24 InfoPackage ZPAK_4FMNJ2ZHNNXC6HT3A2TYAAFXG created request REQU_4FMXSQ6TLSK5CYLXPBOGKF31G     RSM1          796          S 
    27.10.2009 12:14:24 Job finished                                                                                00           517          S 
    In a BW 3.10 system, there is no  message related to element NOAUTHORITYCHECK. So, I am wondering if this is something new in NW 7.0.
    Thanks in advance,

    There will be three things to get the errors like this
    and also Check the RFC connection in SM59 If  it is ok then
    check the SAP note : 692195 for authorization

  • Automated deployments of Windows 7 on systems with multiple hard drives

    Last week I helped a customer use MDT2010 to deploy Windows 7 to ThinkStation systems with multiple hard drives.  The customer has multiple HDDs in the system and wants Windows to be installed to the HDD that is connected to SATA port 1.  Unfortunately Windows does not always assign "Disk 0" to the HDD on SATA port 1 - in fact it is completely random what disk ID gets assigned to which SATA port.  The bug is documented by Microsoft in KB937251:
    MDT2010 uses hard-coded disk IDs (0, 1, 2, etc) to specify where Windows gets installed.  And because of the bug, sometimes Windows gets installed to the HDD on SATA port 1 and sometimes it gets installed to a different HDD.
    The solution is to install Windows to the HDD identified by the "SELECT DISK SYSTEM" command of DISKPART.  This will always return the disk that is connected to the lowest SATA port.
    To configure this in MDT2010, use the following steps (refer to the attachment):
    1. copy "FormatPartition.txt" and "SystemDisk.vbs" to your Scripts folder in the Deployment Share. 
    2. in your Task Sequence, disable the existing step called "Format and Partition Disk" (see TaskSequence.jpg)
    3. create a new step at the same location called "Format and Partition Disk (custom)". The type is "General -> Run Command Line". The command line is " cmd.exe /c "diskpart /s %SCRIPTROOT%\FormatPartition.txt" "
    4. on the main screen for Deployment Workbench, right-click on the Deployment Share and select "properties", then click on the "rules" tab
    5. under section [Default], add the following entries (see Rules.jpg)
        - UserExit=SystemDisk.vbs
        - DestinationDisk=#DiskID#
        - DestinationPartition=1
    Hopefully this info will help someone else!
    Attachments: ‏261 KB

    Last week I helped a customer use MDT2010 to deploy Windows 7 to ThinkStation systems with multiple hard drives.  The customer has multiple HDDs in the system and wants Windows to be installed to the HDD that is connected to SATA port 1.  Unfortunately Windows does not always assign "Disk 0" to the HDD on SATA port 1 - in fact it is completely random what disk ID gets assigned to which SATA port.  The bug is documented by Microsoft in KB937251:
    MDT2010 uses hard-coded disk IDs (0, 1, 2, etc) to specify where Windows gets installed.  And because of the bug, sometimes Windows gets installed to the HDD on SATA port 1 and sometimes it gets installed to a different HDD.
    The solution is to install Windows to the HDD identified by the "SELECT DISK SYSTEM" command of DISKPART.  This will always return the disk that is connected to the lowest SATA port.
    To configure this in MDT2010, use the following steps (refer to the attachment):
    1. copy "FormatPartition.txt" and "SystemDisk.vbs" to your Scripts folder in the Deployment Share. 
    2. in your Task Sequence, disable the existing step called "Format and Partition Disk" (see TaskSequence.jpg)
    3. create a new step at the same location called "Format and Partition Disk (custom)". The type is "General -> Run Command Line". The command line is " cmd.exe /c "diskpart /s %SCRIPTROOT%\FormatPartition.txt" "
    4. on the main screen for Deployment Workbench, right-click on the Deployment Share and select "properties", then click on the "rules" tab
    5. under section [Default], add the following entries (see Rules.jpg)
        - UserExit=SystemDisk.vbs
        - DestinationDisk=#DiskID#
        - DestinationPartition=1
    Hopefully this info will help someone else!
    Attachments: ‏261 KB

  • How to connect SAP R/3- System with SAP NetWeaver Portal (2004s)?

    Hello to all,
    sorry, can someone help me? How can I connect SAP R/3- System with SAP NetWeaver Portal (2004s)?
    Thanks and regards,

    In previous link contain this info
    This describes how to connect an SAP R/3 system to SAP NetWeaver Portal using an iView
    1)      Go to System Administration
    2)      Go to System Configuration
    3)      Go to Portal Content (Right Side Panel), open that folder.
    4)      Right Click on Portal Content, a Panel is displayed select "System (from Template)".
    5)      That will display a new view on right side, now select "SAP system using dedicated application server" from
    the existing templates. (Other templates are possible - for example, load balanced or through a SAProuter connection string).
    For this exercise, we'll use the simplest type.
    6)      Choose next
    7)      Give the System Name and System Id (which are mandatory fields) incase you want to give any brief notes
    about the system then give them in the "Description" field.
    8)      Open the Newly Created System.
    9)      Now when you want to create a New System, you have to fill four Properties they are:
    "Connector" - contains basic connectivty details
    "Internet transaction Server (ITS) - if you wish to use SAPGUI for HTML and/or IACs",
    "Web Application Server" - if you wish to access BSPs and/or Web Dynpro for ABAP and
    "User Management".
    You also need at least one "System Alias" has to be defined from the Display drop down menu.
    Make sure you have set end user access in the Permissions drop down menu to all users who need to access the system
    10)  Select "Connector" property, now fill the required fields such as:
    a)      Application Host (should be fully qualified hostname) - Give the R/3 "Application Name",
    which can be obtained from the SAP Logon Pad (check what R/3 system you are using, right click on it , go to the properties,
    it will open a window which has the Application Server Name.
    b)      Logical System Name - Give the logical name as defined in the backend system
    c)      SAP Client - Check the Client in the backend system and give the appropriate number (3 digits)
    d)      SAP System ID(SID)* - Check the R/3 properties and give the check for System ID
    e)      System Type* - Since we are connecting to R/3, select SAP_R3 system.
    f)       System Number - This is a two digit number that you can find in the SAP Logon Pad
    11)  Select "Internet transaction Server (ITS)" property, now fill the required fields like
    a)      ITS Description à Give some Description
    b)      ITS Host Name - Same as "Application Host" of R/3 (when integrated ITS) and should be attached with the
    port number of ITS Server (to get port number detailed description is given below). ex: hostname : port number
    c)      ITS Path - To get the path along with the port number you have to Log on to R/3 system. Use the
    Transaction Code "SICF", it opens a new window go to:
          default_host -> sap -> bc -> gui -> sap -> its -> webgui -> SAP GUI for HTML -> right click on
    that and click "Test Service'. This will open a new window, on the address bar you will find the "port number", and
    the path something like (/sap/bc/gui/sap/its/webgui). Use the path after the port number.
    d)      ITS Protocol - There are two protocols "http" & "https", select the appropriate protocol which is
    visible when you opened "Test Service" window.
    12)  Select "Web Application Server" property , now fill the required fields like
    a)      Web AS Description -> Give some Description
    b)      Web AS Host Name - same as ITS Host Name
    c)      Web AS Path - usually /sap/bc/bsp/sapd)*    
    Web AS Protocol - should be same as the ITS Protocol.
    13)   Select "User Management" property, now fill the required fields like
    a)      Authentication Ticket Type - Since we are not using SSO leave the field
    empty i.e. put in select mode. (Please note that longer term you will probably want to use SSO)
    b)      Logon Method - Select UIDPW.
    c)      User Mapping Type - In case you have administration rights then you choose "admin" or in case you
    just have user rights then choose "user", better go for "admin/user".
    14)   Since all the required fields are filled appropriately now create a System Alias name, this can be done by following steps:
    a) go to Display -> Select "System Aliases" give some Alias Name, let's call it "SAP_R/3"
    15)  Now that System is created we have to create a iView which will display the given Transaction Code.
    16)  Go To "Content Administration".
    17)  Go To "Portal Content".
    18)  Go to Portal Content (Right Side Panel), open that folder
    19)  Right Click on Portal Content, a Panel is displayed select "New" -> iView
    20)  Select iView template, click next
    21)  Select "SAP Transaction iView" from the list of templates available. Click next.
    22)  Give the iView name and iView ID. Incase you want to give any brief notes about the iView then give it in "Description" field. Click next
    23)   Select "SAP GUI for HTML" radio button. Click next
    24)  Now select the system which you have create "SAP_R/3", give some Transaction Code, say SE12 (Dictionary Display). Click next and Finish.
    25)  Now Preview the iView
    26)  You will see a new Window where in SE12 Dictionary Display window is displayed.
    Senthil K.

  • Can't create log file with java.util.logging

    I have created a class to create a log file with java.util.logging
    This class works correctly as standalone (without jdev/weblogic)
    import java.text.DateFormat;
    import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
    import java.util.Date;
    import java.util.logging.*;
    public class LogDemo
         private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger( "Logging" );
         public static void main( String[] args ) throws IOException
             Date date = new Date();
             DateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMdd");
             String dateStr = dateFormat.format(date);
             String logFileName = dateStr + "SEC" + ".log";
             Handler fh;          
               fh = new FileHandler(logFileName);
               //fh.setFormatter(new XMLFormatter());
               fh.setFormatter(new SimpleFormatter());
               logger.log(Level.INFO, "Initialization log");
               // force a bug
             catch (IOException e)
                  logger.log( Level.WARNING, e.getMessage(), e );
             catch (Exception e)
                  logger.log( Level.WARNING, "Exception", e);
    }But when I use this class...
    import java.text.DateFormat;
    import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
    import java.util.Date;
    import java.util.logging.FileHandler;
    import java.util.logging.Handler;
    import java.util.logging.Level;
    import java.util.logging.Logger;
    import java.util.logging.XMLFormatter;
    public class TraceUtils
      public static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger("log");
      public static void initLogger(String ApplicationName) {
        Date date = new Date();
        DateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMdd");
        String dateStr = dateFormat.format(date);
        String logFileName = dateStr + ApplicationName + ".log";
        Handler fh;
          fh = new FileHandler(logFileName);
          fh.setFormatter(new XMLFormatter());
          logger.log(Level.INFO, "Initialization log");
        catch (IOException e)
    }and I call it in a backingBean, I have the message in console but the log file is not created.
    Thanks for your help.

    I have uncommented this line in and it works.
    # To also add the FileHandler, use the following line instead.
    handlers= java.util.logging.FileHandler, java.util.logging.ConsoleHandlerBut I have another problem:
    jdev ignore the parameters of the FileHandler method .
    And it creates a general log file with anothers log files created each time I call the method logp.
    So I play with these parameters
    fh = new FileHandler(logFileName,true);
    fh = new FileHandler(logFileName,0,1,true);
    fh = new FileHandler(logFileName,10000000,1,true);without succes.
    I want only one log file, how to do that?

  • AnyConnect problem with vpndownloader.exe

    Hi Friends,
    Recently, one user had been encountering some issues with the CiscoAnyConnect VPN connection and Symantec Anti Virus is keep blocking some ports .(The block was due to the application vpndownloader.exe.).
    VPN gateways and ports are already opened and all users can use well since a month ago.
    One of my customer got a problem while testing CiscoAnyconnect VPN on the WIN8.1 laptop intermittently gets the below error :
    He is trying to establish the connections to  four gateways and manage to isolate the error to one box which consistently gave the above error (215.100.xx.xx);
    My question is
    (1) “vpndownloader.exe” required ?
    (2)why it only affected one gateway.
    p/s : We use 4 ASA  boxes, but user only got an issue with one ASA box, using Windows 8.1 (most users use Win 7 & XP).
    Any advise ?
    Thanks & Regards,

    hope below steps help you.
    1. uninstall existing client set up
    2. try to access external ip (outside interface of firewall) from your browser
    3. it will ask you to install anyconnect vpn client software, install that.
    4. when you run the anyconnect vpn first time, make sure that you logged in your system with admin priviledge username
    5. right click on anyconnect icon, run as administrator.
    I think this should work.
    let us know

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