Callmanager 7.1 corporate directory

is there a way to query the database and present the result in a webpage ?
Sent from Cisco Technical Support iPhone App

Have you tried the Web Dialer? You will get access to the corporate directory.
This link is old, but all of the fetures here are included on CUCM 7.X
These are the developer API resources for WebDialler:
The other way will be to point a web browser to the corporate directory URL that the phones uses, you will get the resuls as a XML; just go to:

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    I have several cisco ip phones (7912 and 7960), and there are phones that do not show the option of Corporate directory when i push the directory key. Others of these phones shows the option without problems. Is there any parameter that i have to configure to show this option " 4 Corporate Directory" ?
    Thank you.

    Try to check if the phones that don?t show the Corporate Directory has set up DNS. If you are configuring in CallManager properties the Corporate Directory address with a name instead of an IP address you need that the phones can resolve the name.
    Hope this helps,
    Juan Luis

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    Frankly speaking, I did not understand you question properly. But for now, as recomended, please change all the hostnames to IP Address under the enterprise parameters.
    It would be better if you explain the issue a little more in detail - if in case the above does not fix it.

  • Hiding users in Corporate Directory

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    Sankar you might want to try the following:
    You can hide users from beeing visible in the Corporate Directory.
    For doing this, you have 2 options:
    1) Set the first name to blank and put the whole name in the last name
    field. Full Administrator users will not appear in the corporate
    2) To hide a user in DC Directory:
    First, cut and paste the following 4 lines into a file called "hideuser.ldif"
    text file, and save it in the C: drive of the publisher callmanager server.
    dn: cn=[userid],ou=users,
    changeType: modify
    replace: Description
    Description: CiscoPrivateUser
    Set the [userid] to be the user you would like to hide. Example for the
    UserID "ctifw":
    dn: cn=ctifw,ou=users,
    changeType: modify
    replace: Description
    Description: CiscoPrivateUser
    Next run the following command from a cmd prompt on the publisher callmanager
    server in order to set the description field in DC Directory.
    ldapmodify -h -p 8404 -D "cn=Directory
    -w -c -f hideuser.ldif
    From 3.3 onwards, system users (or special users) are filtered out from the
    search results. The users are filtered based on the attribute "Description".
    If "Description" is CiscoPrivateUser, the user is not displayed in search
    results from Corporate Directory or Users->Global Directory.
    To hide a user in AD do the following:
    * If integrated with AD 2000:
    dn: cn=[userid], CN=users, dc=[domain], dc=com
    changeType: modify
    replace: Description
    Description: CiscoPrivateUser
    Save this file on the AD server as "hideuser.ldif".
    Then execute on the AD server:
    ldifde -i -f hideuser.ldif
    * If integrated with AD 2003:
    Copy the following 5 lines (please note the '-' after the four lines. In
    AD2K3, this is required and has changed from AD2K) into a text file and
    replace the [userid] with the userid of the user that needs to be
    hidden. Replace the [domain] with your domain. Save this file on the AD
    server as "hideuser.ldif".
    dn: cn=[userid], CN=users, dc=[domain], dc=com
    changeType: modify
    replace: Description
    Description: CiscoPrivateUser
    Then execute on the AD server:
    ldifde -i -f hideuser.ldif

  • CCM 4.1 Corporate Directory Listings

    Our organization is installing IP Telephony across seven sites, and our Corporate Directory is incomplete - it lists only 64 members out of several hundred. Our CD also lists about 20 members with names but no extensions. So far we haven't found an answer in Cisco's documentation. Would appreciate guidance and help! Thanks!

    Hi Kathy,
    Here is the information that pertains to the Corporate Directory that you may be looking for;
    Setting User Search Limits
    To limit the search time for accessing users in the corporate directory and to reduce overhead for Cisco CallManager, set two enterprise parameters. The parameters apply to the user search from the Cisco CallManager User window and from the Cisco IP Phone directories button.
    Enable All User Search This parameter specifies True by default. The False setting requires that a user search the corporate directory by entering search criteria (e.g., first name, last name, DN).
    User Search Limit By default, this parameter specifies 64 search results at a time (the range is 1 to 64 search results). This parameter remains invalid if the Enable All User Search parameter is set to False and no search criteria is set.
    Searches are limited to 64 results and are random. If the directory contains more than 64 records, a message displays stating that the search exceeded the search limit and the user must specify more specific search criteria.
    From this doc;
    Managing User Directory Information
    Hope this helps!
    Please remember to rate helpful posts...........

  • Jabber IM for iPhone and corporate directory search

    In the Administrator's Guide (
    I cannot  find an example of how configuring the client to search in the corporate  directory, or the
    requirements to do this. I don't understand how it  works, in Cisco Jabber for Windows we configured UDS to search into CUCM  directory, but it was also possible to use a external LDAP.
    I tried also to configure a LDAP Profile in CUPS, and to associate the user to this profile but Jabber IM cannot find any contacts.
    CUPS 8.6(3), Cisco Jabber IM 1.0.0

    Jabber IM for iPhone use the LDAP profile configurable on the CUPS Admin page,  Application->Cisco Jabber->LDAP Profile.
    At first you have to configure your LDAP Server (Application->Cisco Jabber->LDAP Server): add here the  IP Address of the LDAP  Server with port 3268 and protocol type TCP, when you don't need to use  LDAPS.
    After that configure the LDAP profile and associate the user to this profile: you can  do this either in the user setting page (Application->Cisco Jabber->User  Setting) or directly on the LDAP Profile page.

  • Questions on Corporate Directory in Convergence

    1. I want to have ability to create multiple corporate directories. I had that ability in UWC, but its not working in IWC. do I have to do anything special. Example, I have a directory for students and another for staff. I want to list them as two separate directories "Staff directory" and "Student Directory". I don't see any way of doing this in Convergence.
    2. I have more than 20000 users in my directory, and When I click on the corporate directory, it takes for ever to display the users. Even if i search it takes for ever. I even reduced the lookthrough limit to 25. still i think its trying to search for the entire directory.
    Any help on tuning will help me.
    I am running Sun Communication suite 6 update 2.

    vasandhan wrote:
    1. I want to have ability to create multiple corporate directories. I had that ability in UWC, but its not working in IWC. do I have to do anything special. Example, I have a directory for students and another for staff. I want to list them as two separate directories "Staff directory" and "Student Directory". I don't see any way of doing this in Convergence.This functionality doesn't yet exist in Convergence. If this is important functionality for your environment then I would suggest you raise the following RFE with your Sun Account Manager:
    RFE #6851525 - "Provide support for the Multiple corporate address books on client side"
    2. I have more than 20000 users in my directory, and When I click on the corporate directory, it takes for ever to display the users. Even if i search it takes for ever. I even reduced the lookthrough limit to 25. still i think its trying to search for the entire directory.
    Any help on tuning will help me.I suggest you read through the following thread (especially the posts at the end):

  • Corporate Directory - host not found intermitently

    We have a new installation of a CUCM cluster (
    The phones are a 7821 and 8851.
    Corporate directory was working fine but all of a sudden it just says Requesting... and then it says Host Not Found.
    Then all of a sudden it will start working on some phones but on others it will still not work.
    If we restart a phone on which it is working at the moment after reboot it doesn't work.
    Does anyone have an idea how to fix this?

    Directories or corporate directories?
    As for the status messages, you can find them from:
    Settings > Status > Status Messages
    I'm suspecting that the issue is with the Trust list:
    Try deleting the Trust list from the IP-Phone by going to:
    Settings (you will see a lock that is locked), unlock it by pressing **#
    Once its unlocked proceed:
    Security Connfiguration  > Trust List > ITL File 
    Once reach this section you will see the ITL File(ITL File, CAPF Server,TVS, TFTP Server)
    to verify if its the same files from you tftp servers(login to cucm) and issue the below command
    show itl
    admin:show itl
    Length of ITL file: 5438
    The ITL File was last modified on Wed Jul 27 10:16:24 EDT 2011
            Parse ITL File
    Version:        1.2
    HeaderLength:   296 (BYTES)
    3       SIGNERID        2       110
    4       SIGNERNAME      76      CN=CUCM8-Publisher.bbbburns.lab;
                                    OU=TAC;O=Cisco;L=RTP;ST=North Carolina;C=US
    5       SERIALNUMBER    10      21:00:2D:17:00:00:00:00:00:05
    6       CANAME          15      CN=JASBURNS-AD
    *Signature omitted for brevity*
    The next sections each contain their purpose inside of a special Function parameter. The first function is the System Administrator Security Token. This is the signature of the TFTP public key.
            ITL Record #:1
    1       RECORDLENGTH    2       1972
    2       DNSNAME         2
    3       SUBJECTNAME     76      CN=CUCM8-Publisher.bbbburns.lab;
                                    OU=TAC;O=Cisco;L=RTP;ST=North Carolina;C=US
    4       FUNCTION        2       System Administrator Security Token
    5       ISSUERNAME      15      CN=JASBURNS-AD
    6       SERIALNUMBER    10      21:00:2D:17:00:00:00:00:00:05
    7       PUBLICKEY       140
    8       SIGNATURE       256
    9       CERTIFICATE     1442    0E 1E 28 0E 5B 5D CC 7A 20 29 61 F5
                                    8A DE 30 40 51 5B C4 89 (SHA1 Hash HEX)
    This etoken was used to sign the ITL file.
    The next function is CCM+TFTP. This is again the TFTP public key that serves to authenticate and decrypt downloaded TFTP configuration files.
            ITL Record #:2
    1       RECORDLENGTH    2       1972
    2       DNSNAME         2
    3       SUBJECTNAME     76      CN=CUCM8-Publisher.bbbburns.lab;
                                    OU=TAC;O=Cisco;L=RTP;ST=North Carolina;C=US
    4       FUNCTION        2       CCM+TFTP
    5       ISSUERNAME      15      CN=JASBURNS-AD
    6       SERIALNUMBER    10      21:00:2D:17:00:00:00:00:00:05
    7       PUBLICKEY       140
    8       SIGNATURE       256
    9       CERTIFICATE     1442    0E 1E 28 0E 5B 5D CC 7A 20 29 61 F5
                                    8A DE 30 40 51 5B C4 89 (SHA1 Hash HEX)
    The next function is TVS. There is an entry for the public key of each TVS server to which the phone connects. This allows the phone to establish a Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) session to the TVS server.
            ITL Record #:3
    1       RECORDLENGTH    2       743
    2       DNSNAME         2
    3       SUBJECTNAME     76      CN=CUCM8-Publisher.bbbburns.lab;
                                    OU=TAC;O=Cisco;L=RTP;ST=North Carolina;C=US
    4       FUNCTION        2       TVS
    5       ISSUERNAME      76      CN=CUCM8-Publisher.bbbburns.lab;
                                    OU=TAC;O=Cisco;L=RTP;ST=North Carolina;C=US
    6       SERIALNUMBER    8       2E:3E:1A:7B:DA:A6:4D:84
    7       PUBLICKEY       270
    8       SIGNATURE       256
    11      CERTHASH        20      C7 E1 D9 7A CC B0 2B C2 A8 B2 90 FB
                                    AA FE 66 5B EC 41 42 5D
    12      HASH ALGORITHM  1       SHA-1
            ITL Record #:4
    1       RECORDLENGTH    2       455
    2       DNSNAME         2
    3       SUBJECTNAME     61      CN=CAPF-9c4cba7d;
                                    OU=TAC;O=Cisco;L=RTP;ST=North Carolina;C=US
    4       FUNCTION        2       CAPF
    5       ISSUERNAME      61      CN=CAPF-9c4cba7d;
                                    OU=TAC;O=Cisco;L=RTP;ST=North Carolina;C=US
    6       SERIALNUMBER    8       0A:DC:6E:77:42:91:4A:53
    7       PUBLICKEY       140
    8       SIGNATURE       128
    11      CERTHASH        20      C7 3D EA 77 94 5E 06 14 D2 90 B1
                                    A1 43 7B 69 84 1D 2D 85 2E
    12      HASH ALGORITHM  1       SHA-1
    If they dont match, go back to the below steps and erase the ITL File
    Security Configuration  > Trust List > ITL File 
    At this point you will see ITL File, there will be a more button.
    press more and click on erase it will says "earsing CTL and ITL Files" and reboot

  • Need to add mobile (cell) phone in corporate directory via LDAP

    Hello All
    Can I just start by saying that I am not a developer so expect some dumb questions to follow.
    We have cucm 6.1 and am using ldap sync to AD. The problem is that we would like to query the mobile phone field within AD and present it on the phone when the directory button is pressed.
    Is this possible ?
    From what I have read in the forums I have to create another directory ???
    I have downloaded the sdk 4.1 and tried to copy the asp files from the following directory C:\CiscoIPServices\ASP\ldap
    I have replaced the variables
    var s = new ActiveXObject("LDAPSEARCH.LDAPSearchList");
    s.server = "";
    s.searchbase = "ou=people,";
    var s = new ActiveXObject("LDAPSEARCH.LDAPSearchList");
    s.server = "";
    s.searchbase = "ou=users,ou=demo,dc=demo,dc=voyager,dc=net,dc=uk";
    s.SetOutputTitle("ActiveX Directory Search", 45);
    s.SetOutputPrompt("Records %s to %e of total %c", 45);
    s.AddReturnAttr("givenName,sn","Name","%1,%2", 20);
    s.AddreturnAttr("telephonenumber","Telephone","%1", 20);
    s.AddreturnAttr("mobile","Mobile","%1", 20);
    s.Addreturnattr("mail","Email","%1", 20);
    s.AddSortingAttr("telephonenumber", 1);
    I made these changes to all the asp files and referenced them all in a file called test_main.asp. Which is similar to the ASP_main.asp.
    I have run the regsvr32 LDAPSearch.dll and have added the following url to the phones directory url field ttp:// Where is my AD and IIS server (demounity.demo).
    The phone only display the Missed, received and places calls when I press the directory button. The corporate directory is missing.
    Are there any steps that I am missing or am I barking up the wrong tree all together
    to achieve what I need to ?
    I have also configured the CiscoUrlproxy for what reason I don't really understand.

    Since the CCM is a black box now, unless you pull out a HD and mount it on another Linux box where you have full access, or booting from a Linux boot CD there's no way to access the file system.
    However, you posted an ASP sample so I'm not sure if a jsp (java server page) would help you a lot - there's also no way of telling how much logic will be in the jsp page and how much logic will be behind in a compiled class - e.g. my own directories only have very basic logic (reading input, writing output, limit the number of results per page) and everything else is done in a bunch of jar files - so using them would only work if you can restrict yourself to doing exactly what my frontend page does.

  • How to use SPNegoLoginModule with a corporate directory

    I'm trying to use the kerberos login module for the integrated windows authentication. I found in how to set up the kerberos for an ADS data source. But this works only when using the ADS as unique data source with the windows account of the user as uniquename.
    Our portal currently uses the corporate directory (a ldap system) for authentication. The corporate directory is also defined as data source in the dataSouceConfiguration.xml file.
    And now we should implement the windows authentication via kerberos in additon to this. Kerberos uses a windows domain controler for authentication.
    My problem is that the kerberos principal name used for authentication (=the windows account) is not available in our corporate directory.
    However, there is a unique attribute available in both, in the domain controller and in the corporate directory which could be used for mapping. But I do not know how to do this.
    I thought that I have to set up the windows domain controler as a second data source in the dataSourceConfiguration.xml file. But I'm not sure about this.
    Have someone experience how to do this? Hints are very welcome!

    I found a solution for this problem, I don't know it's best practice but here it is :
        public void validate(FacesContext context, UIComponent component, Object value) throws ValidatorException
            String errortext;
            Pattern pat=Pattern.compile(".+@.+\\.[a-z]+");
            Matcher m= pat.matcher(value.toString());
                ResourceBundle bundle =
                ResourceBundle.getBundle("be.vdab.resources.ApplicationResources", context.getViewRoot().getLocale());
                errortext = bundle.getString("erroremail");
                FacesMessage message = new FacesMessage(errortext);
                throw new ValidatorException(message);

  • Convergence 2 Corporate Directory - Removing "Groups" Dialog

    Under the Address Book, under Corporate Directory, there is a dialog for "Groups".
    There are certain internal LDAP groups that are in there that we don't want our users having access to. How do I keep these from displaying? Is it possible to disable the entire Groups dialog?

    Under the Address Book, under Corporate Directory, there is a dialog for "Groups".
    There are certain internal LDAP groups that are in there that we don't want our users having access to. How do I keep these from displaying? Is it possible to disable the entire Groups dialog?

  • Convergence 2 - How to hide Corporate Directory Groups?

    first post!
    Convergence 2 shows Groups under Corporate Directory in the Address Book interface as well as the Compose autocomplete.
    We don't use CAB groups, so how do I go about disabling Groups from showing up in the interface?

    As always, you are such a reliable source of help! :-)
    That robots.txt you what with that?  I mean, how does that tell it "dont index the images"? For that matter, there are tons of pages on the server I don't want being indexed yet either because they are half baked for later development.
    Create the file, and upload it to the root directory.  It's as simple as that.  But you'll have to read the details on the google hits to see the exact syntax of the exclusions.
    Now - here's why this is happening....
    Somewhere, google has found a link to this URL -
    The bluehippotravel host has NOT disabled directory browsing.  When you browse to that URL, instead of getting a FORBIDDEN message like you should, you get a page listing the contents of that directory.  Google is indexing that page.  Ask your host to turn off directory browsing for that folder.

  • Using Microsoft Exchange to access Gmail (Google Apps for Business) contacts, what is the best way to sync the Corporate Directory?

    Using Microsoft Exchange to access Gmail (Google Apps for Business) contacts, what is the best way to sync the Corporate Directory? For instance, we have 40 staff members and wish to populate each phone with the Gmail profile. Right now we have a third party Android app that does this and copies my contacts to each phone. This is problematic. Any solutions to populate a phone with email and phone contacts? Even it it requires double entry for me...thats ok.

    Oh, I meant Leopard does do more than Tiger Server.
    I don't know enough about Server, even less abut Syncing.
    SL is to new, not enough time to iron out the kinks yet imho.
    One day SL will be better than Leo, but...
    I'd ask over in server...
    Or perhaps Collaboration Services...
    They may even have a different opinion on SL.

  • Corporate Directory not working

    We recently changed our DNS servers and the domain suffix used in our environment. We updated the new DNS suffix everywhere we found it.
    The problem that we have had since we made that change is that the Corporate directory won't come up on the phones.

    Sorry after posting this message I realized that the phones hadn't been reset since the change was made so they were using an old DNS server.

  • User Extension not showing in Corporate Directory on

    I have a User whose name shows in the Corporate Directory, however his Extension not showing in Corporate Directory and unlike all other users who have a telephone Icon next to their name, his just has like a keypad icon.
    Where do I start to troubleshoot this?

    When I view the "End User" under User Management that User has no Phone listed for that users. I tried to find a way to manually change it, but I don't think I can because we are set to sync with AD.
    So I'm thinking that the error may be in AD? What do you think?

Maybe you are looking for