Camera clip names

There was a recent thread in the PP forum where the OP wanted to transcode all his material (similar to FCP workflow) to manage his clip names to avoid duplication. I was wondering what the card file structure and clip naming was for the most common cameras.
I have a couple of the Sony EX series of cameras and there is an option to give each clip a unique number with a user set prefix. This seems to get round the problem of duplicate file names, do other cameras have this option?
This is my SXS card file structure, as you can see, the prefix is B-Coventry (camera and project) followed by the unique number:

Please watch my tutorial at P2 INTRODUCTION
No...there is no way to change this naming scheme. It is how the camera keeps the clip names unique. What you need to do is after you import, watch the clips and add your own description to it...BUT DO NOT ERASE THE NAME. So after you import the clip, ADD the name to it like:
0001DT - Man on street corner
0002R5 - Duck flies into man, knocking him down
0003GG - Man beats up duck
Something like that. This way you still have the number, in case your media ever gets lots or corrupt...or you lose a can always re-import. This is why keeping the number is so important.
Now...when you copy the footage onto an external drive, that drive them becomes your source "tape." Because you erase the P2 card to use again. You then take the footage from that drive and import that onto ANOTHER drive, your media drive. That drive is what you then use to edit the footage, and the first drive you put on a shelf, because again, that is your source tape. If your media drive goes down, or the footage gets lost, you just re-import from the first drive.
This is just what you have to do if you are using this workflow and want to keep your source footage. It would be unwise to delete the CONTENTS folder and master MXF files after you import. You are deleting your backups. It would be like capturing footage from a tape, then throwing it away, or erasing it to be used again. You wouldn't do that, would you?

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    Is there a way of changing/re-naming clips in the HVX200 camera so that when they are imported into FCP they don't have that crazy 0001YB naming structure that makes abolutely no sense to me?
    I'd love to be able to tweak these.
    Also, I guess the only way to get files into FCP is via the P2 import, but that doubles the files and takes up HD space. Can I avoid this duplication upon importing?
    It also piles these crazy named clips all into the capture bin where they REALLY make no sense.
    Thanks in advance.

    Please watch my tutorial at P2 INTRODUCTION
    No...there is no way to change this naming scheme. It is how the camera keeps the clip names unique. What you need to do is after you import, watch the clips and add your own description to it...BUT DO NOT ERASE THE NAME. So after you import the clip, ADD the name to it like:
    0001DT - Man on street corner
    0002R5 - Duck flies into man, knocking him down
    0003GG - Man beats up duck
    Something like that. This way you still have the number, in case your media ever gets lots or corrupt...or you lose a can always re-import. This is why keeping the number is so important.
    Now...when you copy the footage onto an external drive, that drive them becomes your source "tape." Because you erase the P2 card to use again. You then take the footage from that drive and import that onto ANOTHER drive, your media drive. That drive is what you then use to edit the footage, and the first drive you put on a shelf, because again, that is your source tape. If your media drive goes down, or the footage gets lost, you just re-import from the first drive.
    This is just what you have to do if you are using this workflow and want to keep your source footage. It would be unwise to delete the CONTENTS folder and master MXF files after you import. You are deleting your backups. It would be like capturing footage from a tape, then throwing it away, or erasing it to be used again. You wouldn't do that, would you?

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    is that new or was that always there. Not to sure if I have tried that in the past
    anyway it helped and will makes things much faster
    one other question maybe you have an answer to that too. it seems both Audio tracks are independ when putting on keyframes is there a way when using keyframes in the time line that it affect both channels of audio for example a1 an a2
    once again thanks for your help

  • Multiclip changes source clip name

    Hi everyone. Strange problem here.
    We've been using Multiclip for a while, just upgraded all machines to FCP 7, and now we have an issue where switching angles in the Viewer will spontaneously change the source clip name.
    For example :
    - I've got 2 clips, Cam A and Cam B
    - Make a multiclip out of them
    - Open in Viewer
    - Switch angles from Cam A to Cam B in viewer
    - In the Browser, the clip Cam A is renamed as Cam B, NOT the multiclip
    Using the Browser's rename function to match clip to file name erroneously uses the last active angle on the faulty clip, instead of it's proper name.
    Tried on 2 different MacPros, same problem.
    Any clues?

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    Is it possible for Prelude to use the customized name field in the transcoding/copying process?

    Hi -
    Prelude CS6 does not have support for that type of renaming.
    Prelude CC 2014 introduced additional file renaming on ingest options that allow you to specify the starting incremental count. It does yet provide the ability to get this starting value from existing metadata, however (it must be entered by you). That is a good feature request though and we are looking into it.
    Hope this helps!

  • Clip name does not import with video file

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    I would like to remain naming them in Finder if at all possible. This might be a Yosemite error or just my workflow. Workflow is: I edit directly after the event with imported media from the raw file and use the 'Clip #89' first then move, then rename to 'FCP X Import', then reuse for other features (which is where the problem occurs).
    Note: Clips do bring in Finder tags. For example, if I label it red the clip will retain that tag in FCP X

    It would be quite helpful to know what format the footage is, what camera it came from.
    First thing to try is this, assuming AVCHD or similar footage type from SD card -
    Copy ENTIRE card contents to hard drive, not just video clips. In Premiere, Import using the "Media Browser". See if that helps
    Jeff Pulera
    Safe Harbor Computers

  • Import clips into FCP X version 10.0.8 and keep the original clip names

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    Hi Tom,
    Thanks for the response.
    I am aware you can do this change in the Info inspector so the original clip name from camera is used in the event library browser, but it does not change the clip name in the Final Cut Events Original Mieda file. This still remains as an event clip name "2013-05-23 17_08_13". I need the original clip name Clip0100 to remain as Clip0100 at import. FCP X doesn't seem to allow this happen any more in version 10.0.8.

  • Changing Clip Name

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    Within a simple single project, if changing the clip name is OK using "Modify/Rename/File to Match Clip" why is changing a clip name considered so taboo?

    DaisyDaisy wrote:
    Within a simple single project, if changing the clip name is OK using "Modify/Rename/File to Match Clip" why is changing a clip name considered so taboo?
    Where it's taboo is in collaborative projects (meaning you have to merge cuts with other editors, but using the same media) as well as projects that are offline/online, since a key piece of tracking data (especially with tapeless workflows) is the clip name.
    I'd consider most situations outside of those mentioned to be 'simple projects,' and thus hardly scenarios where changing clip names is taboo.

  • Clip name effect not working correctly in 2014/2014.1

    I'm referring to these notes from the latest bug fixes here...
    Bugs fixed in Premiere Pro 2014.1 Release | Premiere Pro work area
    "Clip name effect doesn’t work correctly if Source Track is set to a different track."
    "The Clip Name effect does not work when applied to a transparent video track item, with Source Track set to a video clip."
    I've just updated Premiere (2014.1) to specifically fix these two bugs. The Clip name effect isn't using the correct file names. It uses something close but not quite e.g. clip 100 shows as 100B which is down the timeline.
    The effect is applied to a transparent layer (have also tried it in a black video layer) and the clip name drawn from a different video track (video/PNGs in track 1, transparent video and effect is in track 3). This problem only appears when videos are in the timeline. When used with stills (PNGs) it works fine.
    Any idea of a fix or workaround that isn't using some kind of titling filter? I'm looking to automate the shot naming process for a pipeline in creating animation animatics and this would be perfect. If to actually worked properly.
    Using Premiere on a Mac Book Pro with 10.9.5.

    Anyone from Adobe care to offer some insight as it's something that is reportedly fixed?

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    Mac Pro Quad core
    Memory 8GB
    Storage - XSAN
    FCP version 7.0
    OS X version 10.5.8
    Quicktime 10 & 7.66 both installed
    Anyone has a solution for this....

    I made the sequence off line and save it as a new project. Then deleted the preferences and opened the project..... reconnected the media. Most of the clips showed the correct clip name and the sequence name also didn't change. But a few audio tracks still had the old problem....
    Thanks for the reply.... haven't updated yet..

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    Is there any way to change the name of the clips in the Timeline to reflect the updated clip names in the Browser?

    As 10.0.3 has a manual relink feature - if you rename a browser clip I suggest you keep the original file number as part of the name, that way if it ever goes offline and won't relink automatically for any reason (and after over 20 years of using NLEs believe me it will happen sometime) you can navigate to the original media.

  • Camera clips cannot be processed?

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    Because it's a paid gig thankfully I was able to import and edit these in Premiere 6 and even tried it in FCP 7.  My gut instinct is telling I would have to delete all the media I just worked on and re-import and start again from scratch.  But since i’m still learning about this amazing hobbyist/enthusiast software I am just curious as to why I had to re-do more than an hours worth of work in case anyone might know.  I'm fascinated as to the reasoning for what I am experiencing.
    Before I restarted:
    After re-starting:

    Luis, long time bud:
    The files are actually on my local hard drive and not an external since the files are just a camera test, meant to be a very short clip.  I thought they resided with the rest of my media on my externals.  I just tried to create a new library to start from scratch and reimport EVERYTHING and after 3 minutes passes, FCP crashes.  It's really becoming a nightmare.  But here is the screengrab of the folder contents.  I've also resized and including the other screengrabs of what I saw before I restarted FCP and what happened immediately after I opened FCP (it was editing fine, just a bit choppy before I decided to take a break, then saw the first window saying some "camera clips were selected and could not be processed" which was very confusing, so I decided to restart.

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    As you can see from this screen grab, the monitoring angle is set on a video clip but when I watch the clip in the event browser, there is no video

    I figured it out.  You can change what clip is showing the event browser by going under display and opening the angle viewer.  You can then pick which track to display.

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    Any pointers or help would be appreciated. Thank you.

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    Oops - this should be posted in the Premiere Elements Section.

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