Camera Connector + NANO 8GB = deception

Seems I have wasted my $ on this device despite its description of supporting ANY iPOD with a color display and ver 1.1 software.
NANO = Color display & VER 1.1.2 software....
Why Apple Why? It is bad enough we have spend a small fortune on your "accessories" the least you could do is be accurate with the products you sell... so deceptive!
Needless to say the iPOD and its pricey accessories are back on the store shelf (I bought the USB power adapater as well) and $400 back in my pocket.

So what you are saying is that I need to be savy with iPod history? There is actually a product from Apple called "iPod with color display"? That is ridicules. Even if I did look at the accessory page I would still think that the Nano 8GB would be a supported iPod do to their vague and erroneous naming of their "iPod with color display" product.
I guess I will quote what is actually on the box of this product because that is what I looked at.
"Compatible with all iPod models with color display. Requires iPod software v1.1." ID/2981487
So tell me again how one is supposed to determine from this that the iPod Nano 8GB with its color display and ver 1.1.2 software is not compatible?
sorry still think they are deceptive and money is still in my pocket.
Also, if Apple doesn't look in these forums, then I guess they are not interested in improving their products.

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    None of the new iPods (Classic, Touch, or 3rd gen Nano) support the camera connector. Based on the fact that other dock connecting accessories which worked with the older iPods don't work with the new ones, it's probably a hardware difference in the dock.
    Apple has not announced any new camera connector that will work with the new iPods. Sorry.

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    Many thanks!!

    The camera connector cannot be used with the iPod
    nano; it is only compatible with the iPod photo, iPod
    with color display, and Fifth Generation iPods out of
    those released so far.
    Ok thanks, but the Nano does have a Does a colour screen and can also store photos.
    Not that i dissagree with what your saying, its just strange!

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    Yes, you may have wasted your money on the camera connector. The problem is that the camera connector has been out for a while and, at the time it was made, the only color iPods were full sized ones, and the camera worked with them. So, what they advertised was true up to the time until the Nano was released.
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    Sorry, but no, that was not one of the changes made in the update.

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    As far as I know, the nano doesn't have USB host capabilities. That translates into no camera connector to offload pics. You're going to have to go with the larger iPods for that - 20gb or 60gb from the current offerings.
    As far as compatibility with other DAPs (digital audio player - mp3 player is really a misnomer now), there isn't much out there. iPod is your best bet for seamless compatibility. That's the "curse" of being a Mac user. But I guess there are worse things to be cursed with, like having to use Windows.

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    G4 466/SONY DVD RW DW-Q30A, G3 233 Desktop   Mac OS X (10.3.9)   ipod-photo 60g, Sony Alpha 100 Camera

    no. in order to get photos on the nano you need to have them in the directory you specify on the computer and itunes will copy them over as long as there is space on the nano.

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    Thank you
    Dell Dimension   Windows XP  

    well this is an user to user forum so u wont get an apple support guys response here.
    Nano 4GB black|Moto RAZR V3 black| PSP| all kinds of cases for nano|radio/remote   Windows XP   <img src="" ="right"

  • Calling all iPod Classic owner who wants to use iPod Camera Connector

    Dear All Honoured iPod Classic users a.k.a Photo Enthusiats,
    Good day. I have recently bought an iPod Classic and iPod Camera Connector. As many of us may be into photography. I believe you may agree with me, it is more expensive to buy CF Card especially when you travelling on holiday or assignment. Moreover 1x 8GB CF card is never enough.
    It is troublesome to bring your laptop together when you are travelling. So the best option to transfer all your photos from the camera is to use an iPod Classis and Camera Connector. This helps you to continue shooting without worrying running out of CF card for your next day shooting.
    Currently iPod Classic has firmware v1.0.3 but iPod Camera Connector only works for iPod v.1.1 and above. So, in conclusion ... i urge every member here to send in their feedback to Apple ... logon to , so that Apple will act on it sooner rather than we play wait and see game.
    So, logon today and send in your feedback. Who knows, tomorrow we will have the iPod Classic firmware updates that allow us to use iPod Camera Connector and this will solve our problem and save our money in CF card.
    Cheers! Happy New Year.

    LoisPallister wrote:
    Hi Josh,
    Interesting web site. I holiday in the UK (my passport ran out in '91 and I haven't felt the need to replace it yet) and off to Shropshire in September.
    Lovely, the UK is actually a surprisingly excellent place to retreat to, despite the occasional weather issues.
    LoisPallister wrote:
    I had looked at the Zeppelin but it is a tad too pricey. I began thinking of spending around £50 - £60 but now looking at around £250 for the [Avanti|>. It is a little too large to be portable but it will fit in the car to be taken to our cottage holidays and has an amazing range of features and a sub woofer in the base as you can see from the review.
    Yes, if you have the money, the B&W is great, but as I said, it's only a speaker.
    LoisPallister wrote:
    The Zeppelin may be an excellent speaker but being that much more expensive and also nothing more than a speaker I am still with the Avanti at this point - we often like to listen to the local radio stations when away. I will look at the Chronos though and other PURE products.
    All of the PURE products are excellent, good luck finding one to suit your needs!
    LoisPallister wrote:
    Thanks so much for your input
    Glad I could of helped

  • Transferring photos from camera with nano?

    I understand that current accessories do not yet exist to transfer pictures directly from a camera for the nano. Does anyone know if Apple or a third party plans to develop something in the next few weeks?
    Message was edited by: MisterSeth

    Apple does make an iPod Camera Connector, but it's not compatible with any generation of the iPod nano. This is a user-to-user forum, none of us work for Apple. We have no idea what they have planned and it's against the Terms of Use to speculate about their plans. However, the iPod nano has been a model for some time now and no camera connector has yet be made for them.
    I might suggest you send Apple some iPod nano feedback and request an adapter:

  • I pod doesnt' work with the camera connector and Canon EOS 20D!

    Eigentlich wollte ich gerne den I pod 60GB Video, 5. Generation erwerben, um Fotos auf meiner Reise per Camera Connector darauf abzusichern. Obwohl die Kompatibilität mit meiner Canon EOS 20D zuoberst bei der Apple Site bei der Benutzung des Camera Connectors aufgelistet ist, klappte der Fotoimport beim Ausprobieren in ZWEI Apple Stores mit fachkundiger Hilfe nicht.
    Darauf versuchte ich Hilfe von dem Apple Care Team per Telefon zu kriegen. Sie versuchten das Problem immer wieder an einem anderen Mitarbeiter weiterzureichen. Nach der fünften Verbindung ohne Hilfe hatte ich definitiv genug!
    Und nun poste ich hier in diesem Forum, weil ich auf der Support Site keine Mailadresse gefunden habe und hoffe, dass jemand Deutsch versteht und mir vielleicht helfen könnte!
    Ich bin treuer Apple User, hatte einen G4 und nun einen G5 & Apple Display, haben den sogenannten „Apple Care Protection“ Plan, kurz also ein treuer Apple-Kunde, aber werde trotzdem im Stich gelassen! Zudem ist die Werbung auf der Apple Site schlicht weg gelogen und irreführend, da auf dem neuen Ipod nicht einfach Fotos abgespeichert werden können und die Canon EOS 20 D, die laut der Apple Site kompatibel ist, schlicht weg nicht mit dem Camera Connector funktioniert!
    Meine Fragen: Bringt Apple ein Update auf den Markt, dass ich die Canon EOS 20 D an den Ipod 5. Generation per Camera Connector (wie geworben!) anschliessen und Fotos importieren kann?
    Weiss jemand eine Support Mailadresse, an die ich meine Fragen schreiben kann?
    Ich bin für eure Hilfe dankbar und erwarte nun auch von Apple fachkundige Hilfe (beziehungsweise eine Stellungsnahme ...).
    Mit freundlichen Grüssen
    G5 2Ghz   Mac OS X (10.3.9)  

    Please read:
    iPod Camera Connector: Supported Devices
    The iPod Camera Connector requires a Fifth Generation iPod, iPod photo (also known as iPod with color display) and a supported camera or media reader. Other iPods, including iPod mini, iPod nano, iPod (Click Wheel), and iPod shuffle, are not supported with the iPod Camera Connector.
    The iPod Camera Connector supports cameras with USB connectivity based on the following commonly used protocols:
    Type 4 (or Normal)
    Mass Storage
    For the complete list of supported cameras and media readers, see this webpage.
    If you're using Mac OS X 10.3.x, you can use Image Capture to quickly verify what protocol your camera supports. To do this:
    Connect your camera.
    Open Image Capture.
    Click Options and then click Device Options.
    You can also check your camera's owner manual or the vendor's website to find out what protocols your camera supports. Also see "iPod Camera Connector: Choosing a photo importing protocol on a camera" for additional information.

  • My ipod is COMPLETELY SCREWED after using camera connector

    After using the camera connector with my 30GB ipod, i can't do anything with it any more. when i select a song it doesn't play, it just skips through to the next and the next and the next... and i can't view any photos nor videos. ie my ipod is bloody useless!!!!
    no, there aren't any errors with any of the songs etc and i've done the so-called five r's but to no avail
    HELP ME!!

    My mini has been doing the same thing lately. I'll charge it completley, not touch it for a day, then when I go to the gym, it tells me that it's dead. It will always come on but I rarely get to the menu, it just tells me that it's dead. If you send it to Apple, it's something like $65 (there is a link here somewhere) but I'm contemplating just buying a new iPod. If I understand correctly, they don't fix your iPod if it's doing this, they just send you a new one...they don't make the mini anymore so am I going to get a Nano in it's place? I don't know, that's why I'm more than likely just going to buy a new one.

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