Camera for tracking with student version?

   Hi all,
Im just researching some of the advanced features of LabView.  I'm very new (programming 3 weeks).  I have done most of the tutorials and built a few functional VI's to practice my basic understanding of tools.  my question is just how to connect the camera for tracking VI into my USB camera?
Any links that have helpful information is apperciated. 
I am hoping that the Student Version of LabView doesnt restrict me from some of these cool features.

In order to acquire images from a USB camera, you will need to use the IMAQdx driver which is part of Vision Acquisition Software. This driver requires a license in order to be used and has a 30 day trial if you do not activate it. If you get ahold of a license, the thing to note is that your USB camera must be DirectShow compliant in order to work. There are a number of shipping examples (Help»Find Examples) that acquire from IMAQdx cameras once you install Vision Acquisition Software.
Certified LabVIEW Developer

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    We have been using Video advantage v 2.1.2 with 7940 series phone since long, it works fine with almost all 3rd party camera`s and even with the inbuilt laptop cameras.
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    What device control setting are you using? there is firewire ntsc, and firewire ntsc basic. Try changing that to see if it makes any difference.
    In your user preferences there are options to set how fcp reacts on dropped frames and timecode breaks during capture. Check that these settings are to your satisfaction.
    Are you attempting to capture now? Or are you logging and capturing/batch capturing?
    Personally I suspect that it is the Lacie BigDisk causing the problem, in that you're trying to capture video, perform device control, and send the video to the external drive, all via firewire. Try capturing to the internal drive. Also, a lot of cameras don't play nice with other stuff on the firewire bus. All the fw ports on a mac are on the same bus so it's sometimes necessary to actually unmount the drive before trying to capture. I'd try all these options in the interest of establishing what the problem is before you spend money trying to fix it.
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    Thanks for the help...
    Message was edited by: s.m.t.

    Sheryl Kingstone wrote:
    I believe the real answer is not HDV vs ACHDV but progressive vs interlaced format. Imovie works better with progressive vs interlaced. However, shooting in 1080 60p needs a mac pro to really edit properly. Plus you need to trick imovie to consume it. However, I would still look into shooting progressive. Do a search on progressive and there are a few threads on it.
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    The more I read, the more I am tending to lean toward HDV. I just want to make sure the qualities are the same...
    Message was edited by: s.m.t.

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    You can send feedback to Apple here;
    I don't know if the can or will add this feature, but
    it doesn't hurt to make the suggestion using the
    proper feedback channels.
    Good idea.. I'll do this.

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    Hi Robin
    Have a look at

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    It can work, but I'd recommend a new compatible USB cam instead.
    More info here:

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