Camera specific WB next?

I think the new camera specific profiles are excellent and will move many new customer from camera made raw converters to LR.
It seems like LR manage to read the WB setting in camera and translate that to ACR WB numbers - very good! As shoot, Auto and White balance selector work as expected.
What still confuse many users are the difference in WB settings when you choose the other setting in the menu. Cloudy gives 6500 temp and +10 tint that is way of for my D300 with to warm WB and a strong cast of pink.
If I take a test shoot with my D300 set to cloudy in camera and import the picture LR shows WB values of 5650 temp and -1 tint... I've made preset for my camera and don't use the WB menu for this.
I would suggest that values for Daylight, Cloudy, Shade etc. should be camera specific and match the default values from that camera. Not equal in number, because the different vendors use different number system, but equal in color. Then Adobe would have removed another argument for not using ACR/LR.

> If I have 3 D300 and set all cameras to WB "Cloudy" in camera. Will LR/ACR give different WB values for each cameras when I import pictures from them?
No, or if it does, then that happens based on some mysterious circumstances.
I loaded six images by six different D300, shot with four different ISOs, under different illuminations. "Cloudy" means always (6500,+10).
> The Cloudy setting you get now is of no use
Are you talking of a scenery shot with "Cloudy" in camera and processed by ACR "As shot", or shot with whatever setting in camera and processed by ACR as "Cloudy"?
I suggest you to do following test:
1. shoot a grey card, sufficient large for WB template,
2. use that shot as WB template,
3. shoot the same card again.
Now compare the temperatures shown by CNX and by ACR. I guess they will not be the same; however, when processed in ACR "As shot", is the grey grey? If you pick WB on that spot, are the temperature and tint far from the "As shot" value? That is namely the only important issue, not the absolute numbers.
> and give a strong pink cast
IMO those settings are for JPEG shooters. Depending on the setting, shoot a white/grey patch for picking WB on (for sampling the reflected light), or use a "white disk" for sampling the light source.
Moreover, the fact, that clouds are over your head does not mean, that the actual illumination is "cloudy". Reflections from the surroundings change the illumination. I just tested this on images shot in the mountains with much green. It was truly "cloudy", but the setting "cloudy" resulted yellowish/reddish white objects and yellow greenery.

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    Just my 2-cents.

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    iPhone 4S - Technical Specifications
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    Website problem page is : _00-000003
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    aapl.crox wrote:
    So I guess my best alternative right now is to use other software and export it as TIFF? I guess I will lose some data?
    Use 16-bit TIFF and you'll be hard-pressed to _find_ anything missing.  The disadvantages of 16-bit TIFF compared to RAW are:
    - can be larger (many mfr's use a near-lossless RAW compression algorithm -- it removes data that the camera records but which the eye can't see)
    - WB, white point, black point, and other parameters are "baked into" the file, resulting in a less "head-room" for adjustments.
    I don't know the Sony software, but you might, as a starting workflow, go from camera to Sony's software, convert from RAW, set the above parameters, apply lens correction, export as 16-bit TIFF, and import into Aperture.  You should keep your RAW files in case you want/need to go back to them, but in most cases having the corrected 16-bit TIFF as your Original in Aperture is likely to be more than usable.
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    Then you must have a 3GS, not a 3G.  iOS5 cannot be installed on a 3G.
    Either way, the camera icon cannot be removed.  It gives you quick access to the Camera but not your Camera Roll without unlocking, assuming you're using a passcode.

  • White Balance tool and Camera Calibration Profiles

    Downloaded Lightroom v4 Beta 1 for mac but the installer package failed to launch. ( error -1.) So I've only watched the adobe tv presentations todate.
    Anyway just wanted to give some feedback as a pro photographer about use of Lightroom and improvments I would like to see in the next version.
    I am a commercial photographer who needs colour accuracy in photographing fashion/garment images - most of my work is reproduced on a printing press for catalogues and brochures. On average a shoot will yeild about 500 images for a client, so workflow is important as they normally want them all!
    As a previous user of Capture One Pro v6 and now lightroom v3.6 - the biggest issue I have with Lightroom is the dominace of red tint when setting the white balance from a gray card reference image, shot at the same time as the images to be processed. I'm not adding anything to the images other than doing a white balance, a tweak on exposure and camera neutral setting on profiles.
    To obtain a white balance setting I use the combination of an  Xrite white balance card and the Q-Card and the old fasioned Kodak Gray cards all mounted on the same surface. I've used spot and ambient light readings on the gray cards to measure exposure and I've used the Adobe DNG Profiler and the Xrite colour checker profiler with the large colour checker card as a reference, (I've made profiles for sunny days, cloudy days, dual illuminant etc etc) and I'm viewing my images on a colour calibrated apple monitor.
    Not withstanding all of the above the best results I get out of Lightroom are using the camera profile neutral setting! Everthing else is just too red!! even though the images do look more punchy; for accuracy of actual colour I choose the camera neutral profile.
    Well when I say best results, those for colour critical garment photography and skin tones, these results are similar to those obtained from capture one pro v6.
    So for the Lightroom v4 I would like to see.
    1. White balance RGB values in numbers rather than percentages.
    2. Add and delete a colour readouts points with a dropper tool on an image to enable more acurate colour balancing particularly in shadow areas - (already available on capture one pro and adobe photoshop)
    3. Curves adjustments in all RGB channels (think you've done this)
    4. Output to CMYK profiles.
    5. Individual levels channel adjustment for RGB
    6. Ability re-organize my tools palette (add and remove) is per Capture One and Photoshop

    The legacy ACR X.x profiles are no more produced nor included for newer cameras (AFAIK, since ACR 5.1/LR 2.1). The Adobe Standard is the new default starting point for these.
    While I am at it....are the Canon camera profiles I downloaded for the 1Ds MKII the same as for the 5D MKII or do I have to download different one...I suspect they are the same or Lightroom wouldn't offer them to that correct?
    The profiles are different for each camera model, even if they share the same name in the Calibration panel. If you can see them when developing 5DII files, it means the camera-specific profiles are installed for your particular camera model (otherwise, you wouldn't see them).

  • Canon EOS 5D Mark 111 camera and I currently use CS4 Photoshop/Bridge

    I just purchased a Canon EOS 5D Mark 111 camera and I use CS$ Photoshop/Bridge. Will I need to upgrade my software to make it work with my camera?
    What do I do?

    Adobe currently offers two versions of Photoshop:
    CS6 (perpetual license: pay once, own forever: no upgrades)
    CC (Cloud version: subscription only: all upgrades are free)
    CS6 is superseded software. Adobe is no longer working on it. However CS6 is still being offered for sale for those who want it. However, since CS4 is not eligible for an upgrade to CS6, you're faced with paying full price for CS6.
    The CC option requires a monthly fee but it's the current version. It's the next major version after CS6. New and enhanced features are added to CC regularly.
    If neither the full priced CS6 nor the Cloud CC version are for you then the free DNG converter is your other option so you can continue using CS4.
    You download the free Adobe DNG converter
    Then you must open all 5D Mark III Raw files in the converter and convert to DNG. That adds an extra step to your workflow. Then you can edit the DNGs in CS4.
    Quality-wise DNG files = Raw files. Raw files are manufacturer and camera specific. DNGs are open source. Any software which reads DNG files can read them.

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