Campaigns and Opportunity object relationship

Hi All,
Currently as per ERD there is 1 to M relationship between Campaigns and Opportunity object.
Can anyone please tell if there is any way by which we can create M to M relationship between Campaigns and opportunity object.
Thanks in advance.

Have you looked into using the custom objects? I've done a couple of proof of concept here lately. CO1-3 have M-M with all other objects. CO4-15 have 1-M with all other objects. Since Campaign and Opty are both primary objects, there should be no problem to implement. If you know nothing about them, I would recommend the book "Oracle on Demand Deployment Guide" as it talks a lot about COs (and the steps that are needed to set up Roles and Access Profiles. Good luck!

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    Sudhir Grover

    Dear Sudhir,
    I have search this help portal a lot to find the solution for my need that,
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    My Email ID is - [email protected]
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    That is exactly what I did. It worked! Thank you.
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    proxy.Url = Session.WebserviceUrl;
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    If you want to link the transaction as a relationship then you need to have object relationship profile for e.g. You can link opportunities with each other, and by doing so, link corresponding sales projects and opportunities with each other. This always makes sense, if you wish to split a sales project into several sub-projects, but still wish to link all sub-projects with the higher- level sales project.
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    DTO - used to carry data between the presentation and the services layer
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    Data Object - an exact representation of a database table. many to many relationship between domain object and data object.
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    Hello Jagrut
    A special kind of objects are client-<u>dependent </u>repository objects. These objects have to be treated specially in the way that they have to be imported into their specific target client. In contrast, client-independent repository objects can be imported into any client.
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    LIMU     VARI     Report Program System Variant
    R3TR     COC1     CO: Cost Centers
    R3TR     COC2     CO: Activity Types
    R3TR     FORM     SAPscript form
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    R3TR     PCYS     HR: Transport standard personnel calculation rules
    R3TR     PHDS     HRDSYS: physical information object client-dep. table E SYST
    R3TR     SBNL     Logical Information Object for BDS
    R3TR     SBNP     Logical Information Object for BDS
    R3TR     SBNR     BDS: Relationship Between Information Objects
    R3TR     SBPL     Logical Information Object for BDS: Bid Invitation
    R3TR     SBPP     Physical Information Object for BDS
    R3TR     SBPR     BDS: Relationship Between Information Objects
    R3TR     SBRL     Logical Information Object for BDS
    R3TR     SBRP     Physical Information Object
    R3TR     SBRR     BDS: Relationship Between Information Objects
    R3TR     SBSL     Logical Information Object for BDS
    R3TR     SBSP     Physical Information Object
    R3TR     SBSR     BDS: Relationship Between Information Objects
    R3TR     SBTL     Logical Information Object for BDS
    R3TR     SBTP     Physical Information Object
    R3TR     SBTR     BDS: Relationship Between Information Objects
    R3TR     SBWL     Logical information object for BDS
    R3TR     SBWP     Logical information object for BDS
    R3TR     SBWR     BDS: Relationship between information objects
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    Ok thanks .. waited 4 years for the Partner and Competitor to be reportable .. so what's a few more years for being able to customize the 'ADD' screen !! :)
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  • Missing of Business partner and Individual objects linkage.

    Hi ,
    We are implementing CRM 7.0 service.We don't have equipments(cannot able to see it in IE03 and equipment number will be in EQUI,Since equipment view is not activated in serial number profile of material) and have serial numbers generated for the sales order line item.Hence we opted for download of serial number and serial number configuration(VC) after making all necessary config settings and Iam able to see it in webclient under INDIVIDUAL OBJECTS(NOT IBASE).Also able to search individual objects based on product ID(Material) or serial number or BP wise in webclient.
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    Can anyone suggest what is missing.

    Ok thanks .. waited 4 years for the Partner and Competitor to be reportable .. so what's a few more years for being able to customize the 'ADD' screen !! :)
    As far as the default values ..
    I want to default the 'Relationship' field to 'Customer' and the 'Reverse Relationship' field to 'Vendor'. I tried adding as default value:
    [<RelationshipRole>] = LookupValue("PARTY_REL_TYPE","Customer")
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    It LIVES ON FOREVER, and starts to take on its own personality, hungrily chasing down other objects in memory and ATTACKING THEM AT WILL. Also it grows over time, in its evil attempt to CONSUME YOUR ENTIRE MACHINE, and comes out and EATS YOU UP TOO! MWAHHHAAAHHHAAAA
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    Thanks in advance,

    Hello, Thx for your answer. I tried exactly what you said but still not Ok.
    I did it on a workflow with the following trigger: "when a new created record"
    1. I put a wait action as 0 minutes waiting.
    2. Update values on Opportunity account : JoinFieldValue as I said previously
    Did you success on a workflow like that?

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    Hi All,
    I am building the report on campaigns and customobject 01 ,But wen i build the report i was not able to get all the project ID that are associated to the campaigns.
    The issue is when i pull the campaign id it wont fetches all the ID for customobject01 (becoz the relation is M:M)
    Can u please guide how to build the report.

    you can try to add the metric fields to your report for all involved objects, like # of Campaigns, # of Projects and # of Custom Object 1. Afterwards you can hide these fields from layout. For me this has always helped.

  • What is the difference between Campaign and Trade Promotion?

    hi experts,
    What is the difference between Campaign and Trade Promotion?

    Campaign serve operative marketing planning. They describe actions that are carried out, for example mailing actions, product promotions, and telemarketing. Crieria such as target groups, products, documents, people responsible, and the budget are defined in the campaign for these activities.
    Campaign are basically used for operative marketing planning and execution.
    Trade Promotions are Marketing activity used by industries that sell into the retail channel or through brokers or wholesalers. A trade promotion takes place within a specific time period and aims to increase brand capital, brand awareness, and market share. It is also used to increase sales volume or to launch new products or product lines.
    Trade promotions are structurally similar to other marketing objects, except that trade promotions are targeted at a key account.
    A trade promotion has a header that provides overview information about the trade promotion, such as the intended key account, the product planning basis, the trade promotion objective, funds plan details, and trade promotion status.
    Assignment blocks contain specific information pertaining to, for example, trade promotion dates, products, and causals.
    For more information on Trade Promotion please go through the following link:
    Main difference is campaign is an operative instrument to manage the interactions between the customers and the system

  • Diff between Campaign and Trade prorogation

    can you pls explain me what is the difference between Campaign and Trade prorogation
    Best Regards,

    Hi Sateesh,
    Campaign serve operative marketing planning. They describe actions that are carried out, for example mailing actions, product promotions, and telemarketing. Crieria such as target groups, products, documents, people responsible, and the budget are defined in the campaign for these activities.
    Campaign are basically used for operative marketing planning and execution.
    Trade Promotions are Marketing activity used by industries that sell into the retail channel or through brokers or wholesalers. A trade promotion takes place within a specific time period and aims to increase brand capital, brand awareness, and market share. It is also used to increase sales volume or to launch new products or product lines.
    Trade promotions are structurally similar to other marketing objects, except that trade promotions are targeted at a key account.
    A trade promotion has a header that provides overview information about the trade promotion, such as the intended key account, the product planning basis, the trade promotion objective, funds plan details, and trade promotion status.
    Assignment blocks contain specific information pertaining to, for example, trade promotion dates, products, and causals.
    For more information on Trade Promotion please go through the following link:
    Wish this was useful to you

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