Can a list of columns be used with this?

I'm curious if there is a way to pass in a list of column names and possibly table names too instead of just using one of each in the code below.  Thanks in advance for any help!
IF EXISTS(select * from sys.columns
where Name = N'myColumn' and Object_ID = Object_ID(N'myTable'))
-- Column Exists
PRINT N'The column exists';
-- Column doesn't exist
PRINT N'The column doesn''t exist';

Hello "new to sql server"
Here is my suggestion for your requirement
declare @list as table (
tablename sysname,
columname sysname
insert into @list select N'Employee', 'first'
insert into @list select N'Employee', 'username'
insert into @list select N'Employee', 'last'
insert into @list select N'Countries', 'Code'
insert into @list select N'items', 'Id'
insert into @list select N'items', 'State'
insert into @list select N'Books', 'Author'
case when t.object_id is null
then u.tablename + ' table does not exist'
case when c.object_id is null
then u.columname + ' column does not exist in table ' + u.tablename
u.columname + ' exists in table ' + u.tablename
from @list u
left join sys.tables t on u.tablename =
left join sys.columns c on t.object_id = c.object_id and u.columname =
Please note that on your SQL Server version sys.tables might be used as systables, and similar case for sys.columns table
 I hope this SELECT script can help you for the solution,
SQL Server, SQL Server 2012 Denali and T-SQL Tutorials

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    Apologize to say that I am not familar with Azure and lack of the environment to investigate the issue here.
    Besides, please take a look at the below threads to see if it could help:
    Point-to-Site on Windows 8 Client
    connection Error 798
    Best regards
    Michael Shao
    TechNet Community Support

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    Thanks in advance.

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    Organization Code = APP (Organization_id = 124)
    Part Number = 0328078 (Inventory_item_id = 102991)
    Item 0328078 exists in Organization APP
    Lead Times Preprocessing Lead Time 1 Org
    Lead Times Cumulative Total Lead Time ~ Org
    Lead Times Variable Lead Time ~ Org
    Lead Times Lead Time Lot Size 1 Master
    Lead Times Fixed Lead Time ~ Org
    Lead Times Cum Manufacturing Lead Time ~ Org
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    MRCNEW debug log file with the Inventory_item_id = 102991 details:</font>
    Please review the file 0328078_Setup.doc and the Supply Chain Planning report.
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    Windows 2003 enterprise
    AD DC, DNS, DHCP, CA and IAS all are running from single server. But at the time of configuration of Remote Access Policy the error message of "a certificate could not be found that can be used with this extensible authentication protocol" is appeared.
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    After placing the certificate the error message was disappeared during configuring PEAP. 
    But after sometime the certificate was disappeared from remote access policy. But the same imported certificate was present in personal folder.
    What is reason for frequent disappearing?
    How to manage the situation?

    I think the cause is that the DomainControllerAuthentication certificate has superseded the
    DomainController certificate which is chosen during the setup of IAS.
    To avoid this, if you’re going to install IAS on a Domain Controller, the DC should be made to enroll for a separate certificate from the template
    'RAS and IAS Servers' before the IAS server is installed and this certificate should then be chosen for any PEAP setup.
    Further details:
    Enrolling Certificates with Templates
    Configure the server certificate template
    Steven Lee
    TechNet Community Support

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    John Galt wrote:
    Apple used to sell the Apple Hi-Fi which I thought complimented the Express nicely.
    They're both white -- I'll give you that.
    What I was thinking of more when I said similar in design was the way that the AirPort Express simply hangs on a wall, no desk or shelf shape required, with the bare minimum of cables. By the same token, I'd like to have a small amp and/or speakers that could hang/be mounted on the wall and deliver music into the room via AirTunes -- without an octopus of cables and without having to dedicate an entire tabletop to it (audio should be heard and not seen.)
    Well, that would be great, but there are way too many variations of audio equipment for people with all kinds of tastes to make for a worthwhile market. Whereas I might think it's silly to have more than a 100W stereo amp others would consider that pathetic.
    If Apple could pack a 100W+ amp into something that hangs off a power outlet, more power to them. I was thinking more along the lines of 5-10W, or just enough to power some wall mounted speakers. That said, [these speakers| jI1MQ] look somewhat promising. It looks like they could be powered off the USB on the AEX, so at least no power brick. Unfortunately, they don't look geared to wall mounting, and who knows what the audio cable connections look like (because the ad deceptively photoshopped them out of the picture.)
    The Express's low power analog output, plus optical, not to mention an Ethernet port, router, bridge, a/b/g/n wireless access point and USB printer port in such a tiny package with a self-contained power supply is a such a generalist's piece of connectivity I can't imagine asking for anything more.
    It is a pretty impressive package. But, I'm still asking for GigE in the next rev.

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    Three workarounds:
    1.  If your Mac supports it, partition your internal hard drive or use an external drive and install Snow Leopard.  Then you can "dual-boot" into Snow Leopard when you want to run your PowerPC applications.
    2.  Upgrade and/or find alternative replacements for your PPC software that run without Rosetta.
    3.  Install Snow Leopard (with Rosetta) into Parallels 7 in Lion:
                             [click on images to enlarge]
    Or in Mountain Lion:
    Full Snow Leopard installation instructions into Parallels 7 are here:

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