Can a stamp have fields for input

I have Adobe Acrobat 7.0 Professional and
would like to create an AP stamp with fields to designate invoice classification and allow for digital signatures.  Is this possible?

A digital signature field in a stamp would lose it's meaning as soon as it's applied.
You can create dynamic stamps that include form fields. The content of the fields can be updated at the time the stamp is applied. If you want to prompt the user for information, you have to use either the app.response method or use a custom dialog, both done via JavaScript. You cannot enter info directly into the form fields that are present on a dynamic stamp. For more information, there are a number of tutorials in creating dynamic stamps. This will be one you want to read:

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    Grey text when you look at the content and lock symbol at the bottom of the screen simply shows that your iPod is set to "automatically update songs and playlists". . If you want to access your iPod directly, play it through your iTunes, connect it to a second computer etc. you just need to change the update method to "Manually manage songs and Playlists" in the iPod preferences. Managing Your Songs Manually
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    When you added the Filter parameter in the dialog bow, did it
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    Hi Arun,
    Try this
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    T4.[ItemCode], T4.[Dscription],
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    INNER JOIN OPDN T3 ON T2.DocEntry = T3.DocEntry
    inner join POR1 T4 on T4.DocEntry = T2.BaseEntry and T4.LineNum = T2.BaseLine and T2.BaseType = '22'
    INNER JOIN OPOR T5 ON T4.DocEntry = T5.DocEntry
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    You can achieve this by using an implicit enhancement
    in the class CL_BASIC_MODEL_VIEW_MM,
    There LOOP AT SCREEN and modify the SCREEN.

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    Hi Malika.....
    Try this simple query report in Crystal with Parameter as CardGroup....
    Select T0.CardCode, T0.CardName From OCRD T0
    Where T0.GroupCode='{?GroupCode@Select * from OCRG}'
    Take above query in command window.
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    keep the cursor on component
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    select technical information
    you will find the field name and table or structure name

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    if you're calling the methods on Toolkit to load the image, pass in the component as the ImageObserver. This way when the image is finished loading, it will repaint itself.

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    Also, make sure that whenever a new record is created in those tables, field AEDTM is getting updated with system date else you will miss new records in delta unless there is a change in those newly created records.

  • Set specific rows in ALV grid ready for input

    Hi everyone,
      I have a question about how to set specific rows in ALV grid ready for input.
      I know that I can make some columns ready for input before the ALV displayed,but I have no idea how to make specific rows displayed in the ALV ready for input.

    Hello Aaron
    For editable columns we can use the fieldcatalog (LVC_S_FCAT-EDIT = 'X') but for rows you need to define editability on cell level.
    The required steps are documented in sample report BCALV_EDIT_02. Below I point out a few crucial points:
    *§1.Extend your output table for a field, e.g., CELLTAB, that holds
    *   information about the edit status of each cell for the
    *   corresponding row (the table type is SORTED!).
    DATA: BEGIN OF gt_outtab occurs 0.  "with header line
            include structure sflight.
    DATA: celltab type LVC_T_STYL.
    DATA: END OF gt_outtab.
    *§3.Provide the fieldname of the celltab field by using field
    *   STYLEFNAME of the layout structure.
       gs_layout-stylefname = 'CELLTAB'.
       CALL METHOD grid1->set_table_for_first_display
             EXPORTING i_structure_name = 'SFLIGHT'
                       is_layout        = gs_layout
             CHANGING  it_outtab        = gt_outtab[].
    Note: in the sample report only field SEATSMAX is editable. In your case you need
    to fill CELLTAB for all fields in a row.
    *§2.After selecting data, set edit status for each row in a loop
    *   according to field SEATSMAX.
      LOOP AT gt_outtab.
        l_index = sy-tabix.
        refresh lt_celltab.
        if gt_outtab-seatsmax ge 300.
            perform fill_celltab using 'RW'
                                 changing lt_celltab.
            perform fill_celltab using 'RO'
                                 changing lt_celltab.
    *§2c.Copy your celltab to the celltab of the current row of gt_outtab.
        INSERT LINES OF lt_celltab INTO TABLE gt_outtab-celltab.
        MODIFY gt_outtab INDEX l_index.
    ENDFORM.                               " SELECT_DATA_AND_INIT_STYLE
    NOTE: LVC_T_STYL is a SORTED table type. Thus, take care that you are using the
    INSERT ... INTO TABLE statement and not APPEND (because then nothing is appended
    to the CELLTAB itab).
      IF p_mode EQ 'RW'.
    *§2a.Use attribute CL_GUI_ALV_GRID=>MC_STYLE_ENABLED to set a cell
    *    to status "editable".
        l_mode = cl_gui_alv_grid=>mc_style_enabled.
      ELSE. "p_mode eq 'RO'
    *§2b.Use attribute CL_GUI_ALV_GRID=>MC_STYLE_DISABLED to set a cell
    *    to status "non-editable".
        l_mode = cl_gui_alv_grid=>mc_style_disabled.
      ls_celltab-fieldname = 'SEATSMAX'.
      ls_celltab-style = cl_gui_alv_grid=>mc_style_disabled.
      INSERT ls_celltab INTO TABLE pt_celltab.

  • CUSTOMER_ADD_DATA_CS open for input in display mode

    I have activated this BADI succesfully, I am linking into my subscreen correctly however the fields are always open for input. Do I have to control this in my abap or is there some way you use I-activity in SET_DATA?

    Hi Fiona,
    In method GET_TAXI_SCREEN specify the screen and a Z program to control the fields for input.
          E_SCREEN = '0100'.
    Create a new program ZBADI_CUS_ADD_DATA to control the display and additional functionality.
    Please specify the code as mentioned below based on the screen group assigned.
    Eg Code:
    MODULE status_0100 OUTPUT.
      IF sy-pfkey CA 'A'.
        IF sy-tcode EQ 'VD03' OR
           sy-tcode EQ 'XD03' OR
           sy-tcode EQ 'FD03'.
          LOOP AT SCREEN.
            IF screen-group1 EQ 'CUS'
              screen-input = 0.
              screen-output = 1.
              MODIFY SCREEN.
    Revert back for any further clarification.

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