Can anyone explain Two Pass calculation?

Hello i am new to Essbase?
Thanks in advance
Pothu Raju

Hi Raju,
Two pass calc in simple words, If you want a member with member formula to run once again after aggregation or Calc all is run, to get the desired calculated value you tag that member as two pass. Which will eventually execute the Formula in the second pass instead of doin it in the first pass.
This will be mostly used on members which capture percentages or rates.
To have proper understanding in Two pass find a explanation with example.
Pradeep Chandran

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    I've never seen this issue, and I handle many iPads, of all versions. WiFi issues are generally local to the WiFi router - they are not all of the same quality, range, immunity to interference, etc. You have distance, building construction, and the biggie - interference.
    At home, I use Apple routers, and have no issues with any of my WiFi enabled devices, computers, mobile devices, etc - even the lowly PeeCees. I have locations where I have Juniper Networks, as well as Aruba, and a few Netgears - all of them work as they should.
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    I have no idea what Starbucks uses, but I always have a good connection, and I go there nearly every morning and get some work done, as well as play.
    You could try changing channels, 2.4 to 5 Gigs, changing locations of the router. I have had to do all of these at one time or another over the many years that I have been a Network Engineer.
    Good Luck - Cheers,

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    Business Add-Ins
    Business Add-Ins are a new SAP enhancement technique based on ABAP Objects. They can be inserted into the SAP System to accommodate user requirements too specific to be included in the standard delivery. Since specific industries often require special functions, SAP allows you to predefine these points in your software.
    As with customer exits (SMOD/CMOD [Page 40]), two different views are available:
    • In the definition view, an application programmer predefines exit points in a source that allow specific industry sectors, partners, and customers to attach additional software to standard SAP source code without having to modify the original object.
    • In the implementation view, the users of Business Add-Ins can customize the logic they need or use a standard logic if one is available.
    In contrast to customer exits, Business Add-Ins no longer assume a two-system infrastructure (SAP and customers), but instead allow for multiple levels of software development (by SAP, partners, and customers, and as country versions, industry solutions, and the like). Definitions and implementations of Business Add-Ins can be created at each level within such a system infrastructure.
    SAP guarantees the upward compatibility of all Business Add-In interfaces. Release upgrades do not affect enhancement calls from within the standard software nor do they affect the validity of call interfaces. You do not have to register Business Add-Ins in SSCR.
    The Business Add-In enhancement technique differentiates between enhancements that can only be implemented once and enhancements that can be used actively by any number of customers at the same time.
    In addition, Business Add-Ins can be defined according to filter values. This allows you to control add-in implementation and make it dependent on specific criteria (on a specific Country value, for example). All ABAP sources, screens, GUIs, and table interfaces created using this enhancement technique are defined in a manner that allows customers to include their own enhancements in the standard.
    A single Business Add-In contains all of the interfaces necessary to implement a specific task. In Release 4.6A, program and menu enhancements can be made with Business Add-Ins. The actual program code is enhanced using ABAP Objects. In order to better understand the programming techniques behind the Business Add-In enhancement concept, SAP recommends reading the section on ABAP Objects
    1) execute Tcode SE18.
    2) Specify a definition Name : ZBADI_SPFLI
    3) Press create
    4) Choose the attribute tab. Specify short desc for badi.. and specify the type :
    multiple use.
    5) Choose the interface tab
    6) Specify interface name: ZIF_EX_BADI_SPFLI and save.
    7) Dbl clk on interface name to start class builder . specify a method name (name,
    level, desc).
    Method level desc
    Linese;ection instance methos some desc
    8) place the cursor on the method name desc its parameters to define the interface.
    Parameter type refe field desc
    I_carrid import spfli-carrid some
    I_connid import spefi-connid some
    9) save , check and activate…adapter class proposed by system is
    ZCL_IM_IM_LINESEL is genereated.
    1) EXECUTE tcode se18.choose menuitem create from the implementation menubar.
    2) Specify aname for implementation ZIM_LINESEL
    3) Specify short desc.
    4) Choose interface tab. System proposes a name fo the implementation class.
    ZCL_IM_IMLINESEL which is already generarted.
    5) Specify short desc for method
    6) Dbl clk on method to insert code..(check the code in “AAA”).
    7) Save , check and activate the code.
    Some useful URL
    Now write a sample program to use this badi method..
    Look for “BBB” sample program.
    data : wa_flights type sflight,
    it_flights type table of sflight.
    format color col_heading.
    write:/ 'Flight info of:', i_carrid, i_connid.
    format color col_normal.
    select * from sflight
    into corresponding fields of table it_flights
    where carrid = i_carrid
    and connid = i_connid.
    loop at it_flights into wa_flights.
    write:/ wa_flights-fldate,
    wa_flights-price currency wa_flights-currency,
    *& Report ZBADI_TEST *
    tables: spfli.
    data: wa_spfli type spfli,
    it_spfli type table of spfli with key carrid connid.
    *Initialise the object of the interface.
    data: exit_ref type ref to ZCL_IM_IM_LINESEL,
    exit_ref1 type ref to ZIF_EX_BADISPFLI1.
    selection-screen begin of block b1.
    select-options: s_carr for spfli-carrid.
    selection-screen end of block b1.
    select * from spfli into corresponding fields of table it_spfli
    where carrid in s_carr.
    loop at it_spfli into wa_spfli.
    write:/ wa_spfli-carrid,
    hide: wa_spfli-carrid, wa_spfli-connid.
    at line-selection.
    check not wa_spfli-carrid is initial.
    create object exit_ref.
    exit_ref1 = exit_ref.
    call method exit_ref1->lineselection
    i_carrid = wa_spfli-carrid
    i_connid = wa_spfli-connid.
    clear wa_spfli.
    u can find BADI's in different ways...
    1>First go to any transaction->iN THE menu bar SYSTEM->STATUS->Get the program name ->double click->u will go to the program attached to the tcode.Now search term will be CALL CL_EXITHANDLER.Now u will get list of BADI'S available..
    2>Goto SE24->Give class name as CL_EXITHANDLER->Display->double click on get_instance mathod->Now u will go inside the method->Now put break point on the cl_exithandler.Now go to any transaction code and pass dat..U will see that it will be stopped on the break point which u set on the cl_exithandler...In the exit name u can find list of badi's attached to the tcode..
    There are multiple ways of searching for BADI.
    • Finding BADI Using SQL Trace (TCODE-ST05).
    • Finding BADI Using Repository Information System (TCODE- SE84).
    1. Go to the Transaction, for which we want to find the BADI, take the example of Transaction VD02. Click on System->Status. Double click on the program name. Once inside the program search for ‘CL_EXITHANDLER=>GET_INSTANCE’.
    Make sure the radio button “In main program” is checked. A list of all the programs with call to the BADI’s will be listed.
    The export parameter ‘EXIT_NAME’ for the method GET_INSTANCE of class CL_EXITHANDLER will have the user exit assigned to it. The changing parameter ‘INSTANCE’ will have the interface assigned to it. Double click on the method to enter the source code.Definition of Instance would give you the Interface name.
    2. Start transaction ST05 (Performance Analysis).
    Set flag field "Buffer trace"
    Remark: We need to trace also the buffer calls, because BADI database tables are buffered. (Especially view V_EXT_IMP and V_EXT_ACT)
    Push the button "Activate Trace". Start transaction VA02 in a new GUI session. Go back to the Performance trace session.
    Push the button "Deactivate Trace".
    Push the button "Display Trace".
    The popup screen "Set Restrictions for Displaying Trace" appears.
    Now, filter the trace on Objects:
    • V_EXT_IMP
    • V_EXT_ACT
    Push button "Multiple selections" button behind field Objects
    Fill: V_EXT_IMP and V_EXT_ACT
    All the interface class names of view V_EXT_IMP start with IF_EX_. This is the standard SAP prefix for BADI class interfaces. The BADI name is after the IF_EX_.
    3. Go to “Maintain Transaction” (TCODE- SE93).
    Enter the Transaction VD02 for which you want to find BADI.
    Click on the Display push buttons.
    Get the Package Name. (Package VS in this case)
    Go to TCode: SE84->Enhancements->Business Add-inns->Definition
    Enter the Package Name and Execute.
    Here you get a list of all the Enhancement BADI’s for the given package MB.
    The simplese way for finding BADI is
    1. chooes Tcode Program & package for that Tcode.
    2. Go to Tcode se18
    3. Press F4
    4. search by package or by program.
    sample code for Purchase requisition
    BAdI Name: ZPUR_RFQ (Implementation name) Purchase Requisitions
    Definition Name: ME_REQ_POSTED
    Interface Name : IF_EX_ME_REQ_POSTED
    Implementing Class: ZCL_IM_PUR_REQ
    Method :            POSTED
    METHOD if_ex_me_req_posted~posted .
      DATA : v_mtart TYPE mtart.
      DATA l_s_eban TYPE ueban.
      LOOP AT im_eban INTO l_s_eban.
        IF l_s_eban-estkz NE 'B'.
          CLEAR v_mtart.
          SELECT SINGLE  mtart INTO v_mtart FROM mara WHERE matnr = l_s_eban-matnr.
          IF v_mtart EQ 'ZERS' OR v_mtart EQ 'FHMI' OR v_mtart EQ 'UNBW'.
            MESSAGE e000(zm_msg) WITH 'You are not allowed' 'to create PR for stock items'.
        IF  l_s_eban-knttp NE 'F' OR l_s_eban-pstyp NE '9'.
          IF l_s_eban-knttp NE 'A'.
            IF ( l_s_eban-pstyp NE '9' AND l_s_eban-pstyp NE 'D' )  AND l_s_eban-matnr EQ
              MESSAGE e000(zm_msg) WITH 'You cannot create' 'a PR without material number'.
    <b>Reward points for useful Answers</b>

  • Can anyone explain to me why on god's green earth....

    ....Apple doesn't allow me the ability to turn off automatic downloads for TV Shows/Movies? It boggles my mind. I watch a TON of TV shows. I cut the cord a year ago and I have 12 shows that I have purchased season passes for. Every single episode gets queued up on my iPhone, my iPad, and my Mac. And they start downloading right away!! I don't even get a notification, a simple pop-up ASKING me if I would like this to happen. The only notification I get is when my iPhone is about to run out of space because GIGS AND GIGS of content is being forced onto it.
    Again, BAFFLED. It seems like a no-brainer. They have options in place for music and apps, why not for TV Shows?
    Is this part of Apple's assumption strategy? "Well, we just figured that once you purchase a TV show, of course you're going to want it on all of your iDevices. I mean, why wouldn't you? I honestly don't really see any reason why we should give the user a choice here."

    You have uploaded two different things - pHotos are in one and only one event - if you have the same photo in two different events then you have imported it twice
    Please explain what you want - your initial question and yoru current comments are 180 degrees apart
    You say they are not all in events
    Can anyone explain to me why some of my photos are landing in events and others are appearing only in photo stream?
    Now you say they are
    All 15 pics appear in  Sept 2013 PS
    It sound to me like you have no problem except you imported some photos twice adn you may not understand how the automatic import form PS works - but that is not clear
    you can choose to have all of your My Photo Stream photos automatically downloaded. In iPhoto or Aperture preferences on your Mac, to select Photo Stream > My Photo Stream > Automatic Import. All of your photo stream photos will be imported into your Events, Projects, Photos, Faces, and Places folders in iPhoto or Aperture.
    The event they are imported into is MMMM YYYY PS
    If you import via iTunes sync or by connecting your IOS device via USB then they are importeed into the regular event structrue as defined in your iphoto preferences - and if you imoport via two or more different methods you will ahe duplicates

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    Can anyone send me some screen shots abt cell editor / cell exceptions ? what is it significance to my email id [email protected] can anyone explain me with an example.

    Hi Hari,
    We use <b>Cell Editor</b> when we have Complex query with two structure used to avoid the results getting collapsed,
    It is very useful to resolve complex scenarios. For example, using it in aging analysis report which supports three different periods (aging by key date, aging as of last month and aging as of last year). For each row, the calculation is different based on key date, last month and last year.
    How to document on Cell Editor(E.g),
    URL for <b>Defining Exception Cells,</b>
    Message was edited by:
            Manikandan  A

  • I keep getting an error message when downloading a new app which states " Zinio and 5 other apps cannot be purchased at this time" and then it let's me purchase the app that I was looking at? Can anyone explain that?

    I keep getting an error message when downloading a new app which states " Zinio and 5 other apps cannot be purchased at this time" and then it let's me purchase the app that I was looking at? Can anyone explain that?

    apple_master New Delhi, India
    This solved my questionRe: Unable to Purchase 
    Apr 16, 2012 10:22 PM (in response to eight4seven)
    This worked for someone
    I had this problem for about six weeks. I was following this forum but was too unsure of what might happen to try the fixes that were suggested.
    About two weeks ago I decided to delete the downloads.28.sqlitedb file (usingDiskAid(a free program), on a PC running Windows 7). The original downloads.28.sqlitedb was 936 KB. The new one that the system created is 80 Kb., and has stayed at about that size. After about four days I also deleted all the other contents of the Download folder. Ten days later and still no more problems. Downloads are much quicker, nothing greys-out (as was happening frequently before).
    Everything has worked well since with no more error messages.
    I am using an iPod 4G, iOS 5.1 (originally iOS 5.0). I do not have a manifest file, and as far as I know, have not had one. DiskAid can search the whole "hard drive" on the iPod.
    Deleting downloads.28.sqlitedb and the contents of Downloads worked for me.

  • Can anyone explain to me why some of my photos are landing in events and others are appearing only in photo stream?

    I want to delete photos from camera roll on my iPhone to clear space to install ios7 but after importing photos to iPhoto on my macbook pro only 4 out of 339 photos taken in September landed in events, though all 339 are in Sept photo stream. It seems like on previous uploads all photos "fell" into events according to the day they were taken, as well as into photostream. I want to make sure these photos stick around permanently and do not exist only in photo stream where I imagine they will eventually be bumped from my computer (photostream). Can anyone explain why some of my photos are landing in events and others are appearing only in photo stream?

    You have uploaded two different things - pHotos are in one and only one event - if you have the same photo in two different events then you have imported it twice
    Please explain what you want - your initial question and yoru current comments are 180 degrees apart
    You say they are not all in events
    Can anyone explain to me why some of my photos are landing in events and others are appearing only in photo stream?
    Now you say they are
    All 15 pics appear in  Sept 2013 PS
    It sound to me like you have no problem except you imported some photos twice adn you may not understand how the automatic import form PS works - but that is not clear
    you can choose to have all of your My Photo Stream photos automatically downloaded. In iPhoto or Aperture preferences on your Mac, to select Photo Stream > My Photo Stream > Automatic Import. All of your photo stream photos will be imported into your Events, Projects, Photos, Faces, and Places folders in iPhoto or Aperture.
    The event they are imported into is MMMM YYYY PS
    If you import via iTunes sync or by connecting your IOS device via USB then they are importeed into the regular event structrue as defined in your iphoto preferences - and if you imoport via two or more different methods you will ahe duplicates

  • Can anyone explain how the LO data source flows from ECC to BI up to cubes?

    Dear all,
    Can anyone explain step by step (HOW THE DATA FLOWS)....By taking 2LIS_11_VAHDR  from SD , starting from Activate Data source in ECC  to Info Cube in BI7.0. Please this will be helpful -
    Thanks for the advance answers...
    Edited by: harishk.225 on Dec 23, 2011 9:56 AM

    Hi Harish,
    First go to RSA5 in ECC  select your datasource 2LIS_11_VAHDR and activate it.
    After activatin check in RSA6 whether the datasoure activated properly or not.
    Then log on  to BI sytem Select datasource and click on replicate.
    Then Create Infocube infopackage ,Transformation, DTP ...entire flow. But dont schedule it because there is no data in SETUP Tables.For full load first we need to run statistical set up , so that data should come to SETUP Table.
    Now go to ECC  enter T.CODE OLI7BW to filled up the SETUP Table  for datasource 2LIS_11_VAHDR.
    It will ask  you for Run Name etc give the run name and time limit and execute it.
    If you get some error then first delete the SETUP Table by using Transaction Code LBWG.
    In LBWG it will ask you for applicatiion number , give 11 i.e for sales datasourc and execute it.
    Data will get deleted from SETUP Table. To check data is deleted or not  in SET UP Tabe go to database table MC11VA0HDRSETUP. Always remember the name of SETUP Table will be Extract Structure followed by SETUP.
    EX : If extract structure name is MC11VA0HDR then name of the SETUP Table will MC11VA0HDRSETUP.
    If data gets deleted then again go to 0LI7BW and run the Statistical Setup then agan check in MC1VAOHDRSETUP table contains data or not.
    Then trigger the Infopackage and DTP in BI.  Above steps was for full load.
    Now to Load deltas follow below steps.
    First Create INIT at BI side which enable delta at ECC Side.
    Then go to ECC and execute T.CODE LBWE.
    LBWE is LO Cockpit Work Bench. There we have folowng functions 1.Maintan Datasource. 2.Maintain Extract Structure. 3. Job  Control.  4.Delta Type 5.. Activate/deactivate.
    If you want to add any new field to your datasource then to to Maintain Extract Strucutere remeber before adding or modififying datasource first we should deactivate datasource by using 5th function  Activate/Deactivate.
    Then select DELTA TYPE in delta type we have four types of delta. 1. Delta Queue (RSA7) 2. Queued Delta (LBWQ)
    3. Unserialized (SM13) , 4. Seriaized (SM13)
    If you select Delta queue then deltas drectly come to RSAT.
    if you select Queued Delta  deltas goes to LBWQ then you have perform V3 job by using Job Control  function to move data from LBWQ to RSA7. Remeber to BI  data  always goes from RSA7 only.
    If you select Unserealized then delta goes to SM13 again you have to perorm V3 Job to move deltas in RSA7.
    Serialize update is not in used in Lo-cockpit.
    There is a differerence between  DELTA QUEUE , QUEUED DELTA, UNSERIALIZE UPDATE. Pls find the differences on net.
    Then select your delta type and create deltas dtp in BI and start loading .
    Hope this help you.
    In RSA7 we have two tables delta and repeat delta, to know the functionality of this please search for the documents on  net.

  • Can anyone explain the functionality of FM f4ut_parameter_get_values ?

    Can anyone explain the functionality of FM f4ut_parameter_get_values ?
    This is used in search help to retrive values from screen.This doesnt seem to work for me

    check this
    Short Text
    Standard search help exit for determining contents of a srch help par.
    FunctionalityBy calling this module in a search help exit, you can find out the current contents of a search help parameter . To do this, you must pass the name of the parameter in PARAMETER.
    You must distinguish between the parameter contents that are used in the selection process of the input help process and the parameter contents that are determined by the selection process and the user selection.
    Parameter contents that are used in the selection process are default values of search help parameters, values that are included in the input help process by attaching the search help to the screen from field contents of the screen or its module pool, and possibly complex restrictions made by the user in the dialog box for restricting value. Such parameter contents can also be included in the input help process by the search help exit itself.
    The contents of the specified parameter used in the selection process are stored as complex restrictions in SELOPT_TAB after the call. If exactly one value is defined by these complex restrictions (for example if the restrictions have exactly one row and if SIGN = 'I' and OPTION = 'EQ' for this row), this unique value can be found in VALUE.
    Parameter contents that are determined by selection process and user selection are the parameter contents that are shown in the dialog box for displaying the hit list or returned on the screen. They are managed by the F4 processor in RECORD_TAB.
    This module enables you to transfer the information about the specified parameters from RECORD_TAB to RESULTS_TAB in edited form.
    Pass the name of the field of RESULTS_TAB that should contain the contents of the parameter to the function module in parameter FIELDNAME. If the row type of RESULTS_TAB is elementary, pass the value '*' in FIELDNAME. The rest of RESULTS_TAB is not changed. The values are copied row by row. By removing rows at the end or by adding intiial rows you can make sure that RESULTS_TAB has exactly as many rows as RECOD_TAB.
    You can find an example of the second kind of use of the module in the search help exit SAPBC_GLOBAL_F4_SFLIGHT of search help SFLIGHT.
    Both types of use can be found in the search help exit SAPBC_GLOBAL_F4_SFLIGHT_MIN_FR of search help SFLIGHT_MIN_FREE .
    1. Parameters OFF_RESULT and LEN_RESULT should not be used any more since there are basic problems when using UNICODE. The contents of these parameter are still analyzed when parameter FILEDNAME is initial for compatibility reasons.
    2. Only the dialog box for restricting values can normally produce complex restrictions for a parameter.
    3. If VALUE has the value SPACE, this means that either there are complex restrictions for the parameter or the unique contents are SPACE. SELOPT_TAB must be evaluated in order to determine which of these is the case.
    4. If the search help does not have any parameter with the given name, the exception PARAMETER_UNKNOWN is triggered.
    5. Only parameter contents for the search help displayed in the hit list or the EXPORT parameters of the search help are first managed in RECORD_TAB. If the specified parameter does not satisfy one of these conditions and if parameter RESULTS_TAB is specified in the call, the exception PARAMETER_UNKNOWN can also be triggered. This is not true, however, if results were already entered for the parameter with function module F4UT_PARAMETER_RESULTS_PUT or if space was reserved for the parameter in RECORD_TAB with function module F4UT_PARAMETER_ALLOCATE. The parameter therefore should only be defined if information about the parameter contents are really required.
    6. The header lines of the specified parameter are also transferred from RECORD_TAB to RESULTS_TAB.
    7. The other parameters of this module must be defined as the parameters of the search help exit having the same name, but they are not changed by this module.
    8. RESULTS_TAB should be a standard table.
    9. The contents of the specified parameter in RECORD_TAB are copied to the specified field of table RESULTS_TAB with a MOVE of the correct type. If this is not possible, the target field is assigned the initial value.
    10. If RESULTS_TAB has no field with the name specified by FIELDNAME, only the number of rows of RESULTS_TAB is adjusted to those of RECORD_TAB as described.
    Function Group
    if helpful reward some points.
    with regards,
    Suresh Aluri.

  • Can anyone explain the use of PhantomReference

    Can anyone explain the use of PhantomReference( if possible by an example..).

    Payment request is a noted document and as such does not pass any accounting entry. For effecting a payment to a
    Against the payment request you can effect the down payment. Suppose u have completly automated payment system and if you want to effect a down payment, you can do it only by payment request.
    Payment requests can be controlled through workflow for proper autorization.

  • Can anyone explain Space to me, what is does, what u use it for etc?

    Hi, can anyone explain what Spaces is, like what it does for u and what u would use it for?

    Put a different way: it helps you divide up your work by subject, helping to organize what you see in front of you.
    Before Spaces, all of your work was cluttered together on the screen. If at once you were using Safari, Entourage, Photoshop Elements, iPhoto, QuickTime Player, NetNewsWire (a RSS news aggregator), Finder itself, and whatever else you were using, all of the application windows were strewn around the screen. The only way to get rid of the mess was to quit an application, minimize windows, or hide the application.
    With Spaces, you can simply assign application to its own desktop--almost like having things grouped in different monitors. You could create a Space for your graphics applications, ones that you tended to use together: Photoshop Elements, iPhoto, maybe QuickTime Player. Your Internet applications in another: Safari, Entourage, and NetNewsWire. Some applications can belong to all the Spaces, such as Finder (however you choose).
    That way, when you're doing your graphics work, you only see windows and applications that pertain to that. Want to take a break and go on the Internet? Switching to any of the applications (and you do so by a key combination or a menu) quickly hides the graphics application windows and replaces them with what you use for the Internet. The range of applications you're not working with for now are hidden from you, helping you focus and avoid clutter, but are immediately available.
    I usually limit myself to two spaces (using a secondary space for applications used for writing, such as Scrivener, Dictionary, and the like), but you can make as many as you find helpful.

  • Strange Parameter behavior - can anyone explain or enlighten?

    I have 27 Crystral Reports that are fed data through 27 SQL Stored Procedures.  Recently my boss had me add two more parameters to all 27 Procedures and update the Crystal Reports.  I went through all 27 Reports, ran the Set Datasource Location and Verify Database function in the Crystal Designer, and then tested all the reports.  24 of the 27 ran fine, but 4 of them came back with "Database Connector Error" problems.  I spent two days trying to debug this problem with no luck - even though the reports Verify correctly, and Preview perfectly in the Designer, when I ran them through our .NET (WinForms) app, these 4 continued to give Database Connector Errors.
    I then stumbled on a fix....  Normally every one of the 27 SQL Stored Procedures takes these parameters just as they appear here...
    @ImportCompanyNm as varchar(100),
    @ImportProjectNm as varchar(100),
    @ImportId int,
    @ImportTypeNm as varChar(100),
    @ImportType int,
    @FileType nvarchar(2000),
    @DateTo  datetime,
    @DateFrom  datetime,
    @ImpDateTo  datetime,
    @ImpDateFrom  datetime,
    @Passphrase as varchar(20)
    Once again, 24 of the 27 reports run fine with the SQL this way.  Notice the final 3 parameters, @ImpDateTo and @ImpDateFrom are the 2 new parameters added, and @Passphrase has been there for a year or more.  However, I was able to fix the bug by doing this in 4 of the 27 Procedures.
    @ImportCompanyNm as varchar(100),
    @ImportProjectNm as varchar(100),
    @ImportId int,
    @ImportTypeNm as varChar(100),
    @ImportType int,
    @FileType nvarchar(2000),
    @DateTo  datetime,
    @DateFrom  datetime,
    @Passphrase as varchar(20),
    @ImpDateTo  datetime,
    @ImpDateFrom  datetime
    Notice that I just moved @Passphrase, two lines up - thats it.  Once I did that, the 4 problem reports run fine.  NO Database Connector Error!
    Can anyone explain this to me?  Every single one of the other 24 reports runs just fine with the parameters as shown in the first block above - but the problem 4 will not run unless I move @Passphrase up two lines.
    Why is this?  I thought the order of Parameters does not matter - and why would it matter in 4 of 27 reports, but not in the 23 others???
    This makes me very nervous about Crystal and what it is doing behind the scenes.  Can anyone shed some light here?

    Hi Bruce,
    OK here goes.... And sorry if I miss anything or not clear.
    In MS SQL Server 7 Microsoft had a native Client and CR used p2ssql.dll which is our native DB driver to connect to MS's native client engine. MS SQL 2000 did not support native DB connections using their client engine so CR stopped shipping p2ssql.dll and only supported connectivity through MDAC, OLE DB and ODBC clients. As you know MDAC was installed by default. MS SQL Server ( native ) now shows up in CR Database Explorer again because of this new Native client. In the back end though it's using our native crdb_ado.dll in this case.
    As noted now that 2005 enhanced their client engine which is now known as the "Native SQL Server" it uses a new set of Native API's which can be used to connect in either OLE dB or ODBC mode. Because this is "new" the way our OLE DB Driver works is depending on the client we are connecting to and therefore which CR subroutines are being called. So although you are using OLE DB in the client, the low level API's being called in our driver are a new set of routines.
    These are the ones responsible for indexing the Tables, Fields, Store Procedures and their Parameters. Our OLE DB driver is dynamic, meaning we query the client for connection info and other info including Store Procedure Parameters. The order they are returned in is the order CR expects them to be in, CR keeps a copy of the database structure in the RPT file. For speed we use indexing and not names, this may explain why it works if you change the order. It may be that the new parameter was added in that order or the client is ordering them before sending them to CR to use and dynamically populate the list in CR Designer. In this case it appears something is not being returned to CR or CR does not have logic to handle this type of change.
    In either case I will discuss this with the Report Design team to see if anyone else has noticed this and ask them to test and if it is reproducible I'll have R&D fix this if it's our issue.
    Hope this is understood and explain why?
    Thanks agian

  • Can anyone explain A2A & B2B  AND  BPM & ccBPM  with an example..

    Hi All..
    Can anyone explain me <b>A2A & B2B</b>
    and <b>BPM & ccBPM</b> with an example....
    <b>NOTE: i dont need definitions but examples..</b>
    i am bit confused with this stuff....
    Thanks in advance....

    Hi ,
    <i>A2A & B2B</i>
    This thread explains you the difference between A2A and B2B.
    Re: A2A Vs B2B
    <i>BPM & ccBPM</i> both are same....
    BPM is used to implement work-flow spanning across multiple application system against embedding the parts of work-flow in application system. Apart from this it also help achive other scenarios like, bridging synch and asynch systems, alert mechanism, multi mapping etc. Check the BPM overview document in SDN download section.
    Check out the use cases discussed at
    BPM is mainly used in senarios where extra functionalities are to be done with the source message which cannot be done using the normal mapping and user-defined functions, like
    -->Collecting of messages till a certain count or for a specific criteria.
    -->Merging messages
    -->Spliting messages
    -->Processing of error files and sending to specific location and sending alerts.
    -->Parallel processing of two criterias at the same time can also be done using BPM.
    some weblogs on BPM...

  • Can anyone explain briefly  What is LIS and LO?

    hai sapbw-gurus,
    Can anyone explain briefly  What is LIS and LO?
    what is the different b/w LIS and LO?
    how u will create these two in sap bw?

      LIS is old technique through which we can load the data. Here we use typical delta and full up-loading techniques to get data from an logistics application, it uses V1 and V2 update, it means that it was a synchronous or asynchronous update from the application documents to LIS structures at the time when the application document was posted.
    LO Cockpit is new technique i think from bw 3.0 ( i am not sure) which uses V3 which is an update that you can schedule, so it does not update at the time when you process the application documents, but it will be posted at a later stage.
    Another big difference between LO and LIS is that,
    You have separate datasources for header level, item level and schedule line level available in LO, you can choose at which level you want to extract your data and switch off others, which results in reduced data.
    we do not have this flexibility with LIS structures
    with Plug-In 2001.2 S2xx-Structures have been replaced by Logistics Extraction Cockpit. However, R/3 releases 4.x support S2xx-Structures and Logistics Extraction Cockpit in parallel.
    With new LBWE extractors there are a lot of benefits:
    - Detailed Extraction: extraction can be deactivated (e.g. Schedule Line Data) leads to leaner extractors with less volume.
    Document Changes: only BW-relevant data changes will be updated (less upload volume).
    - LIS-Tables are not updated reduced data volume due to avoided redundancy.
    - Update with Batch-Process (V3) -> no load on daily business (but now there are available different delta methods as the direct delta...)
    - No LIS-Know How necessary.
    - Functional Enhancements easy to be done.
    - Central, uniform maintenance tool for logistics applications (LBWE)
    - No Delta-Tables (SnnnBIW1/-2) no double update, no double Data-Storage
    - A lot of flows are covered: Purchasing,Inventory Controlling, Shop Floor Control, Quality Management, Shipment, Sales, Shipping, Billing, Plant Maintenance, Customer Service, Retailing....
    LOGISTIC COCKPIT DELTA MECHANISM - Episode one: V3 Update, the ‘serializer’
    LOGISTIC COCKPIT DELTA MECHANISM - Episode two: V3 Update, when some problems can occur...
    LOGISTIC COCKPIT DELTA MECHANISM - Episode three: the new update methods
    LOGISTIC COCKPIT - WHEN YOU NEED MORE - First option: enhance it !
    differences between LO and LIS
    hope it helps,

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