Can anyone help me figure this out?

Hi everyone, I have a college question which i'm stuck on, being new to java im struggling to finish the program, I'm still trying to get the correct code for the program, im not yet at the stage where im ready to compile. Anyway here is the task:
Write a program which represents a vehicle museum, which houses 2 types of vehicles: cars and motorbikes, these have the following in common: licence plate, year of manufacture, value, colour, the variables exclusive to cars are no of doors, no of seats, engine type(petrol/diesel), engine size (litres), the variables exclusive to bikes are: bike type(sports/tourer/trails) and engine size (cc).
The task is to create a program that will:-
add new vehicles (bikes or cars)
list all vehicles manufactured in a given year
list all vehicles of 1 litre or more (1 litre = 1000cc)
list all bikes
list all cars
The first thing I did was to write the code for the classes which I think is OK, the vehicle class being the parent class, with the cars and bikes as subclasses.
Then i've attempted to write methods for all the functions: addcar, addbike, the main menu and the methods for listing the vehicles in a given year and 1 litre or more.
Where im getting a bit stuck is the fact there is 2 objects: cars and bikes, which im having trouble with. heres the code, i've put comments on it where i think im going wrong:
/* The museum class */
class Vehicles
     private String plate;
     private String colour;
     private int year;
     private int value;
     Vehicles(String p, String c, int y, int v)
          plate = p;
          colour = c;
          year = y;
          value = v;
     String getPlate()
          return plate;
     String getColour()
          return colour;
     int getYear()
          return year;
     int getValue()
          return value;
/* The Car Class */
class Car extends Vehicles
     private int nodoors;
     private int noseats;
     private String enginetype;
     private double enginesize;
     Car(String p, String c, int y, int v, int d, int s, String t, double e)
          super (p, c, y, v); // super class constructor
          nodoors = d;
     noseats = s;
     enginetype = t;
          enginesize = e;
     int getNodoors()
          return nodoors;
     int getNoseats()
          return noseats;
     String getEnginetype()
          return enginetype;
     double getEnginesize()
          return enginesize;
/* The Bike Class */
class Bike extends Vehicles
     private String biketype;
     private int enginesize;
     Bike(String p, String c, int y, int v, int z, String b)
          super(p, c, y, v); // super class constructor
          biketype = b;
          enginesize = z;
     String getBiketype()
          return biketype;
     int getEnginesize()
          return enginesize;
class Museum
     static final int quit = 0;
          public static int getMenuOpt() //menu method, i think this bit is ok?
               Scanner menuOpt = new Scanner(;
               int option;
               System.out.println("1. Add a bike to the collection");
               System.out.println("2. Add a car to the collection");
               System.out.println("3. List all manufactured in a given year");
               System.out.println("4. List all vehicles over 1 litre (1000cc)");
               System.out.println("5. List all cars");
               System.out.println("6. List all bikes");
               System.out.println(quit + ". Quit");
               option = menuOpt.nextInt();
               return option;
     public static int addBike(Bike bikes[], int bikeTot) //method to add bike not sure about this, do I need to declare all variables or just the ones exclusive to bikes
          Scanner input = new Scanner(;
          String type;
          int esize;
          System.out.print("Enter registration number ");
          plate = input.nextLine();
          System.out.print("Enter colour ");
          colour = input.nextLine();
          System.out.print("Enter year of manufacture ");
          year = input.nextInt();
          System.out.print("Enter the value of the vehicle ");
          value = input.nextInt();
          System.out.print("Enter the type of bike (Sports, Tourer or Trails ");
          type = input.nextLine();
          System.out.print("Enter the size of the engine (in cc)");
          esize = input.nextInt();
          bikes[bikeTot] = new Bike(plate, colour, year, value, type, esize);
          return bikeTot;
     public static int addCar(Car cars[], int carTot) // again not sure about this same question applies as the addbike method
          Scanner input = new Scanner(;
          int doors;
          int seats;
          String type;
          double esize;
          Scanner input = new Scanner(;
          System.out.print("Enter registration number ");
          plate = input.nextLine();
          System.out.print("Enter colour ");
          colour = input.nextLine();
          System.out.print("Enter year of manufacture ");
          year = input.nextInt();
          System.out.print("Enter the value of the vehicle ");
          value = input.nextInt();
          System.out.print("Enter the number of doors ");
          doors = input.nextIntLine();
          System.out.print("Enter the number of seats ");
          seats = input.nextIntLine();
          System.out.print("Enter the engine type (P for Petrol, D for Diesel) ");
          type = input.nextLine();
          System.out.print("Enter the size of the engine (in litres)");
          esize = input.nextDouble();
          cars[carTot] = new Car(plate, colour, year, value, doors, seats, type, esize);
          return carTot;
     public static void ListByYear(Bike bks[], int bikeTot, Car cars[], int carTot)
          Scanner input = new Scanner(; // Really not sure about the code for this method, dont know how to list vehicles for both cars & bikes
          int year;
          System.out.print("Enter Year ");
          year = input.nextInt();
          for (int count = 0; count < carTot; count++)
               if ( Car[count].getYear() == year )
                    System.out.println( Car[count].getPlate() );
     public static void listEngineSize(Bike bks[], int bikeTot, Car cars[], int carTot)
          Scanner input = new Scanner(;
          int enginesize;
          System.out.print("Enter Engine Size (in cc) "); // Again struggling on this one, the cars engine size will be in litres, the bikes in cc,
// This is probably all wrong!
          enginesize = input.nextInt;
          for (int count = 0; count < count++)
          ( Bike[count].getEnginesize > enginesize );
          System.out.println( Bike[count].getPlate);
          ( Car[count].getEnginesize > enginesize );
System.out.println( Car[count].getPlate);
     public static void main(String[] args)
// The main method, i think this bit is ok, please let me know if it isnt
          Car cars[] = new Car[100];
          Bike bikes[] = new Bike[100];
          int carsInMuseum = 0;
          int bikesInMuseum = 0;
          int option;
          option = getMenuOpt();
          while (option != quit)
               if (option == 1)
                    bikesInMuseum = addBike(bike);
               else if (option == 2)
                    carsInMuseum = addCar(car);
               else if (option == 3)
                    ListByYear(car, bike);
               else if (option == 4)
                    listEngineSize(car, bike);
               else if (option == 5)
               else if (option == 6)
               else System.out.println("Invalid input - please try again");
               option = getMenuOPt();

I've simplified my program for the time being, you just can add a car or bike (up to 100 of each) then print a list of cars or bikes stored, what i want to know is there any way of simplifying the listallcars and listallbikes methods to just one line of code to print a list of all the attributes for the car class & also bike class, im not sure how this is done.
Here is my code, this time it compiles with no errors & runs ok
Sorry if the answer is obvious im really new to all this.
import java.util.Scanner;
/* The Vehicle Class*/
class Vehicles
     private String plate;
     private String colour;
     private int year;
     private int value;
     Vehicles(String p, String c, int y, int v)
          plate = p;
          colour = c;
          year = y;
          value = v;
     String getPlate()
          return plate;
     String getColour()
          return colour;
     int getYear()
          return year;
     int getValue()
          return value;
/* The Car Class */
class Car extends Vehicles
     private int nodoors;
     private int noseats;
     private String enginetype;
     private double enginesize;
     Car(String p, String c, int y, int v, int d, int s, String t, double e)
          super (p, c, y, v); // super class constructor
          nodoors = d;
         noseats = s;
         enginetype = t;
          enginesize = e;
     int getNodoors()
          return nodoors;
     int getNoseats()
          return noseats;
     String getEnginetype()
          return enginetype;
     double getEnginesize()
          return enginesize;
/* The Bike Class */
class Bike extends Vehicles
     private String biketype;
     private int enginesize;
     Bike(String p, String c, int y, int v, String b, int z)
          super(p, c, y, v); // super class constructor
          biketype = b;
          enginesize = z;
     String getBiketype()
          return biketype;
     int getEnginesize()
          return enginesize;
class museum
     static final int quit = 0;
     public static int getmenuopt()
          Scanner menuopt = new Scanner(;
          int option;
          System.out.println("1. Add a bike to collection");
          System.out.println("2. Add a car to collection");
          System.out.println("3. List all cars");
          System.out.println("4. List all bikes");
          System.out.println(quit + ". Quit");
          option = menuopt.nextInt();
          return option;
     public static int addBike(Bike bikes[], int bikeTot)
          Scanner input = new Scanner(;
          String plate;
          String colour;
          int year;
          int value;
          String type;
          int esize;
          System.out.print("Enter registration number: ");
          plate = input.nextLine();
          System.out.print("Enter colour: ");
          colour = input.nextLine();
          System.out.print("Enter year of manufacture: ");
          year = input.nextInt();
          System.out.print("Enter the value of the vehicle: ");
          value = input.nextInt();
          System.out.print("Enter the type of bike (Sports, Tourer or Trails: ");
          type =;
          System.out.print("Enter the size of the engine (in cc): ");
          esize = input.nextInt();
          bikes[bikeTot] = new Bike(plate, colour, year, value, type, esize);
          return bikeTot;
     public static int addCar(Car cars[], int carTot)
          Scanner input = new Scanner(;
          String plate;
          String colour;
          int year;
          int value;
          int nodoors;
          int noseats;
          String type;
          double esize;
          System.out.print("Enter registration number: ");
          plate = input.nextLine();
          System.out.print("Enter colour: ");
          colour = input.nextLine();
          System.out.print("Enter year of manufacture: ");
          year = input.nextInt();
          System.out.print("Enter the value of the vehicle: ");
          value = input.nextInt();
          System.out.print("Enter the number of doors: ");
          nodoors = input.nextInt();
          System.out.print("Enter the number of Seats: ");
          noseats = input.nextInt();
          System.out.print("Enter the engine type: ");
          type =;
          System.out.print("Enter the engine size: ");
          esize = input.nextDouble();
          cars[carTot] = new Car(plate, colour, year, value, nodoors, noseats, type, esize);
          return carTot;
/*  list all bikes, can this be simplified to print out all attributes of bike class without having to type all this code */
     public static void listallbikes(Bike bikes[], int bikeTot)
          for (int count = 0; count < bikeTot; count++)
               System.out.println("Bike no: " + (count+1) + "  reg no " + (bikes[count].getPlate()));
               System.out.println("Year: " + (bikes[count].getYear()));
               System.out.println("Colour: " + (bikes[count].getColour()));
               System.out.println("Value: " + (bikes[count].getValue()));
               System.out.println("Type of bike: " + (bikes[count].getBiketype()));
               System.out.println("Engine Size: (cc) " + (bikes[count].getEnginesize()));
/*  list all cars, can this be simplified to print out all attributes of bike class without having to type all this code */
     public static void listallcars(Car cars[], int carTot)
          for (int count = 0; count < carTot; count++)
               System.out.println("Car no: " + (count+1) + "  reg no " + (cars[count].getPlate()));
               System.out.println("Year: " + (cars[count].getYear()));
               System.out.println("Colour: " + (cars[count].getColour()));
               System.out.println("Value: " + (cars[count].getValue()));
               System.out.println("No of doors: " + (cars[count].getNodoors()));
               System.out.println("No of seats: " + (cars[count].getNoseats()));
               System.out.println("Engine type: " + (cars[count].getEnginetype()));
               System.out.println("Engine size (l): " + (cars[count].getEnginesize()));
     public static void main(String[] args)
          Bike bikes[] = new Bike[100];
          Car cars[] = new Car[100];
          int bikesinmuseum = 0;
          int carsinmuseum = 0;
          int option;
          option = getmenuopt();
          while (option != quit)
               if (option == 1)
                    bikesinmuseum = addBike(bikes, bikesinmuseum);
               else if (option == 2)
                    carsinmuseum = addCar(cars, carsinmuseum);
               else if (option == 3)
                    listallcars(cars, carsinmuseum);
               else if (option == 4)
                    listallbikes(bikes, bikesinmuseum);
               else System.out.println("Invalid input - try again");
               option = getmenuopt();

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    OK, you have iMovie 08, which is also known is iMovie Version 7.1.4. It has been a few years since i used this version, so this is based on memory.
    The only components you must have in the Library/QuickTime folder are the AppleIntermediateCodec.component and the AppleMPEG2Codec.component.
    All the others could potentially be causing problems. I would drag the DivX components, the Flip4Mac components, and the Google Camera components to the Desktop temporarily, so nothing is left in this folder except the two Apple components.
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    If none of that works, post back.

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    Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2435M CPU @ 2.40GHz
    7 error-reporting banks
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    IA32_MC0_STATUS(0x401): 0x0000000000000000 invalid
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    Backtrace (CPU 0), Frame : Return Address
    0xffffff800081bd20 : 0xffffff8000220792
    0xffffff800081bda0 : 0xffffff80002c4dd5
    0xffffff800081bf00 : 0xffffff80002daf2f
    0xffffff800010bed0 : 0xffffff800023e7ee
    0xffffff800010bf20 : 0xffffff80002b3832
    0xffffff800010bf50 : 0xffffff80002c9ab9
    0xffffff800010bf80 : 0xffffff80002c48d0
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    0xffffff80f2a63f70 : 0xffffff800063c0e8
    0xffffff80f2a63fb0 : 0xffffff8000820057
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    last unloaded kext at 123341153357:          5.1.0 (addr 0xffffff7f80b25000, size 65536)
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    That panic was not caused by third-party software. If the problem is recurrent, the possibilities are:
    A stale or corrupt kernel cache
    A damaged OS X installation
    A fault in a peripheral device, if any
    Corrupt non-volatile memory (NVRAM)
    An internal hardware fault (including incompatible memory)
    An obscure bug in OS X
    You may already have ruled out some of these.
    Rule out #1 by booting in safe mode and then rebooting as usual. Note: If FileVault is enabled, or if a firmware password is set, or if the boot volume is a software RAID, you can’t do this. Post for further instructions.
    You can rule out #2 and #3 by reinstalling the OS and testing with non-essential peripherals disconnected and aftermarket expansion cards removed, if applicable. Sometimes a clean reinstallation may solve a problem that isn't solved by reinstalling in place.
    Corrupt NVRAM, which rarely causes panics, can be ruled out by resetting it.
    If your model has user-replaceable memory, and you've upgraded the memory modules, reinstall the original memory and see whether there's any improvement. Be careful not to touch the gold contacts. Clean them with a mild solvent such as rubbing alcohol. Aftermarket memory must exactly match the technical specifications for your model.
    Apple Diagnostics or the Apple Hardware Test, though generally unreliable, will sometimes detect a fault. A negative test can't be depended on. Run the extended version of the test, if applicable.
    In the category of obscure bugs, reports suggest that FileVault may trigger kernel traps under some unknown conditions. Most, though not all, of these reports seem to involve booting from an aftermarket SSD. If those conditions apply to you, try deactivating FileVault.
    Connecting more than one display is another reported trigger for OS X bugs.
    If your system is not fully up to date, running Software Update might get you a bug fix.
    In rare cases, a malformed network packet from a defective router or other network device can cause panics. Such packets could also be sent deliberately by a skillful attacker. This possibility is something to consider if you run a public server that might be the target of such an attack.
    If none of the above applies, make a "Genius" appointment at an Apple Store to have the machine tested. You may have to leave it there for several days. There isn't much point in doing this unless you can reproduce the panic, or if you can't, it happens often enough that it's likely to be repeated at the store. Otherwise you may be told that nothing is wrong.
    Print the first page of the panic report and bring it with you.
    Back up all data on the internal drive(s) before you hand over your computer to anyone. If privacy is a concern, erase the data partition(s) with the option to write zeros* (do this only if you know how to restore, and you have at least  two independent backups.) Don’t erase the recovery partition, if present.
    Keeping your confidential data secure during hardware repair
    *An SSD doesn't need to be zeroed.

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    When I run the checker with CABINET CHECK BN21 1EY it is on the same cabinet.
    I checked that postcode on the BT infinity checker and they are able to get infinity - but I'm not??
    Does this mean it's not coming to my flat? I'm in a block of flats but most of the other properties on the road are houses. The block of flats next door (BN21 1HJ) is also unable to get infinity.
    This is infuriating! 50m down the road can get it and my mate 150m up the road can but not me!!​1ey

    I thought it was pretty clear but there you go, I'll try again:
    The rollout process leaves potential customers in the dark.
    BT retail talk to the public but can't talk to Openreach.
    Openreach have the information but don't talk to the pbulic.
    BT Retail and Openreach are owned by the same company, there is no reason information couldn't be shared between them.
    This is catch 22.
    My conspiracy theory (!) is that this is done on purpose as if BT retail were able to obtain the information from Openreach the call volume of people phoning up to ask when they will be activated would be enormous. Openreach would have to hire large amounts of people to answer the constant requests from BT retail.
    Thus it easier for BT retail to just blanket deny they can get the information.
    It's either deliberate or it's just poor communication between two related companies (which is not very encouraging considering the industry they're in).
    Lastly, this means that any potential customers who are awaiting BT infinity but may be out of contract on their current ADSL plan (like me) are stuck.
    You could wait for infiity and stick with your DSL at a price that may not the best deal available or,
    you could switch DSL provider for a better deal and wake up tomorrow with infinity available but you are now stuck in a contract for a year!
    All the while the information is known by Openreach (I don't mean they know day and date for certain but certainly have better information than we do) and we are being kept in the dark.

  • So i have an apple ipod touch 1st generation and it is not charging! It shows the charging sign but its taking a really long time to charge. Ive had it charging for at least 3 hours and it still says under 20% so can someone help me figure this out??

    So i have an apple ipod touch 1st generation and it is not charging! It shows the charging sign but its taking a really long time to charge. Ive had it charging for at least 3 hours and it still says under 20% so can someone help me figure this out??

    Not Charge
    - See:      
    iPod touch: Hardware troubleshooting
    iPhone and iPod touch: Charging the battery
    - Try another cable.
    - Try another charging source
    - Inspect the dock connector on the iPod for bent or missing contacts, foreign material, corroded contacts, broken, missing or cracked plastic.
    - Make an appointment at the Genius Bar of an Apple store.
      Apple Retail Store - Genius Bar 

  • I'm having issues loading Youtube on my MacBook Pro for about a week now.  I'm not sure if this is because of my computer or internet but my sister's PC loads Youtube completely fine.  Can someone help me figure this out?

    I'm having issues loading Youtube on my MacBook Pro for about a week now.  I'm not sure if this is because of my computer or internet but my sister's PC loads Youtube completely fine.  Can someone help me figure this out?

    Hi, I had been having the same problem for over a week, but both my window's HP and my 2011 macbook pro barely could load youtube.  What kind of router you have?  I was using a belkin play router that was only 8 months old, switched to a new AirPort Extreme Base Station and now everything works perfect.

  • I've tried to register as a homeschooling family with iTunes U. (The registration options weren't geared to allow me to say as much.) My application was denied. Can anyone help me sort this out?

    I've tried to register as a homeschooling family with iTunes U. (The registration options weren't geared to allow me to say as much.) My application was denied. Can anyone help me sort this out?

    Private courses support up to 50 students, so you shouldn't have to register your family.
    Have you contacted Apple support?

  • My iMovie is not working, it tells me there's a problem but does not know the problem, Can someone help me figure this out please?

    A couple of days ago, my I opened up my iMovie and it just goes into the blank screen. I am able to click on things like, "import" or "create" and it will take me into the next window, but when I choose an option, I receive a message that there is a problem, but they don't know what the problem is. It has been like this for the past couple of days. I have deleted and re-downloaded the app about 3 times and it still comes out the same. Please assist in any way possible!

    Try a soft-reset : press and hold both the sleep and home buttons for about 10 to 15 seconds (ignore the red slider if it appears), after which the Apple logo should appear - you won't lose any content, it's the iPad equivalent of a reboot.
    When it's rebooted you can force a backup via Settings > iCLoud

  • HT1695 i just got an ipad 2, 32gb, i have  wireless internet thru my phone carrier for my computer, they say i can use up to 5 devices with it, but i cant get the ipad to connect to it, i have tried everything, i think, can u help me figure this out

    i just recieved an ipad2, 32gb, i cant figure out how to get it to connect to my wireless internet.. it is thru my cell carrier, i am suppose to be able to use up to 5 devices with it at the same time.. can someone tell me what i am missing.

    You can not install it.
    Only apps from the official Apple App Store can be installed.

  • HT201304 I can't in app purchases can some help me figure this out?

    Everytime I try to make an in app purchese it keeps telling me that my purchase could not be completed.  Is anyone else having this problem and if you are how do I fix it?

    Thanks for the suggestion - after someone else reproduced the problem on their MacBook Pro, I submitted a bug report. It's not a big deal, but this should probably be fixed.

  • I have home sharing on my main computer turned on.  But I can't access it from my other computer, ipad or apple tv.  I don't even see the home sharing tab on the left side tool bar on my main computer.  Can someone help me figure this out?

    How do I get this to work properly?

    iOS: Setting up Home Sharing on your device
    Setting up Home Sharing for Apple TV (2nd generation)
    Troubleshooting Home Sharing

  • Everytime I try to send a Imessage on my mac it says not delivered, but it is synced to my phone. I have tried everything, but nothing seems to fix it.. Can anyone help me figure it out?

    I can't seem to get my Imessages to send on my mac. I have tried everything, and it says it is synced to my phone.. Not sure what else to do to fix it??

    ..any joy finding an answer? I am stumped, too. Every day I convert Pages Docs to Word and PDF to forward to clients .. and all of the sudden last night Pages wouldn't let me convert. it was late -- I was frustrated, so I thought it was just me. Shoot me an answer if you found one. Tried rebooting, and no joy.

  • Can someone help me figure this out....

    I just recently downloaded iTunes again on a new desktop and it would be my first time syncing my phone to this iTunes and desktop and when I went to sync my apps it said this.... "all existing data on iphone will be replaced with applications from this itunes libary" but there isn't nothing there cause I never synced my phone into it so if I choose yes will it delete all my apps?

    The first thing you need to do is right click your phone name and back everything up to your computer.

  • HT204053 i am missing pictures on my ipad 2.  i have checked photo stream and camera roll.  actually they were there earlier but now gone.  i also use dropbox as well, and can't find them there either!  Can someone help me figure this out?

    Missing photos from camera roll and photo stream.  i also have been using dropbox.  Will someone tell me how to find them?  they were there yesterday, and i did not delete any?

    Unless someone physically deleted those, you describing practically impossible situation. Even deleting from camera roll would delete from photostream possibly, but not if you manually put those in dropbox and they had time to upload.

  • I have FCPX 10.0.0 I'm trying to install updates. It's not allowing me to do this. The App Store says I did not buy the FCPX from the App store. Which I did. Can anyone help me figure out how to update my FCPX?

    I have FCPX 10.0.0 I'm trying to install updates. It's not allowing me to do this. The App Store says I did not buy the FCPX from the App store. Which I did. Can anyone help me figure out how to update my FCPX?

    Hi , a similar thing happened to me with another piece of software .. it was then that I realized I have two accounts .. I have no recollection of setting up two but it seems I did somewhere along the line.. I have jimkells and the second is [email protected] .. so when I logged in as the other acc there it was and I was able to update .. could it be FCPX was bought on another user account ??

Maybe you are looking for

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