Can Bursting  call a xdo file in  the BIP server?

Hi All,
Can some let me know how make webservice using bursting since all my report's are stored on BIP server?
I am using webservice call to runreport and also bursting for output filenames and spliting the pdf's
But I am looking where bursting make a webservice call to BIP server for .xdo files

Tomcat is a web server. Just like any other web server, it will open HTML and javascript pages without special addons. However, it is designed to display JSP and Java encoded pages. This means the scripts that it will respect are Java based. Thus ASP, which is a 'special' separate program just like PHP, cannot be respected by it. besides, ASP is a Microsoft technology which is not cross-platform.

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    Dear Srishti,
    following link will help you.

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    yes it is possible to publish a report in portal. take a look at
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    That's doing it the hard way. Why not use HTTP or FTP?

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    Thanks Nancy
    It certainly worked in windows 8.
    I have deactivated and am trying to reload software inside of windows 8.1.
    Will let you know.
    Thanks again
    Date: Fri, 1 Nov 2013 12:13:57 -0700
    From: [email protected]
    To: [email protected]
    Subject: Since upgrading to windows 8.1 I can not see any local files in the files window.
        Re: Since upgrading to windows 8.1 I can not see any local files in the files window.
        created by Nancy O. in Dreamweaver support forum - View the full discussion
    I honestly don't know if DW CS5 is compatible with Win 8.1.  The OS compatibility FAQ only mentions DW CS6 & CC. ml
    Maybe someone else can shed more light on this.
      Nancy O.
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    Hi Purush
    Unfortunately we couldn't solve the problem. Our IT specialist checked it with SAP directly. SAP doesn't support the SAP KW solution anymore. Therefore we checked-in the document in ".doc"-Format.

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    I am seeking some favor all of experienced gurus, i.e.
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    Actually, I want to extract some records from a MySQL Database running on Apache Server. I wrote a program just to select the columns and show them. It is now a Class file, Now how can I run this class file from the Server???
    The code is here
    import java.sql.*;
    public class RecordShow {
    public static void main(String args[]) {
    String url = "jdbc:mysql://localhost/myhost";
    Connection con;
    String query = "select mytable.column," +
    "from mytable " +
    "where mytable.column = 1";
    Statement stmt;
    try {
    } catch(java.lang.ClassNotFoundException e) {
    System.err.print("ClassNotFoundException: ");
    try {
    con = DriverManager.getConnection(url,
    "myuser", "mypassword");
    stmt = con.createStatement();
    ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(query);
    ResultSetMetaData rsmd = rs.getMetaData();
    int numberOfColumns = rsmd.getColumnCount();
    int rowCount = 1;
    while ( {
    System.out.println("Row " + rowCount + ": ");
    for (int i = 1; i <= numberOfColumns; i++) {
    System.out.print(" Column " + i + ": ");
    } catch(SQLException ex) {
    System.err.print("SQLException: ");
    Please advise... THANKS

    Ehm, I wasn't referring to you at all... read up,
    there's a comment by jschell saying that CGI might be
    easier/better for his purposes.
    I know PHP/Perl/whatever might be easier for some
    purposes, but only if you happen to know them and want
    to/are able to use them. Ok. But you aren't the one asking the question are you. And the person who asked the question seems to have absolutely no familiarity with Apache or applets.
    So whatever they do they are going to have to learn a lot.
    And that does indeed suggest that in all likelyhood they have not investigated the alternatives.
    And for the vast majority of internet applications, especially with smaller projects (obvious this person is not working with a large team), using perl, or something besides java, is going to be the best business solution. It is simpler, and more secure (probably due to the fact that it is simpler.)
    Since this is a Java forum, I
    answer under the assumption that people have made a
    choice one way or another to use a Java solution to
    their problem, so I try to solve it in Java first, and
    only when that fails (very seldom) do I turn to other
    solutions.You approach problems by arbritrarily deciding to try to solve it in java first and only if you fail do you then look to other solutions?
    My first step is to try to figure out which of the various avenues is going to cost less. (And a secondary, but non-trivial concern, is then to convince the customer that just because they have heard of a buzz word like 'enterprise bean' that it doesn't mean that is a cost effective solution.) We must come from different worlds.

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    How can I embed a pdf file into the body of an email?

    The problem is defining what it even means to “embed” a PDF file in the body of an e-mail, especially if you are dealing with a multiple page PDF file.
    E-mail is either pure text, rich text (something akin to RTF in Word), or HTML. PDF is not compatible with any of these. Thus, to embed a PDF file, something has to be converted and that means the PDF would be converted to a less graphically rich raster format. But is that what you would really want?
    I think that the MacOS and iOS e-mail clients do under some circumstances place an attached PDF file within HTML segments and by clicking on same, you get the equivalent of extracting the full PDF file, but I have no real experience with that.
    Another alternative is HTML with a proxy image with a hyperlink to an external PDF file that is invoked when you click on the hyperlink.
    Perhaps you can explain what you are really trying to accomplish and what the recipient of such an e-mail's actual experience would be?
              - Dov

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    Hello all,
    How we can restrict record in CTL file on the basis of other table ?
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    LNUM POSITION(1) Char "substr(:LOAN_NUM, 4, 13)",
    TSRNUM Char "rtrim:TRAN_SR_NUM)" ,
    TPROCDT Char "to_char(to_date rtrim:TRAN_PROC_DT), 'MMDDYYYY'), 'YYYYMMDD')"      
    I have another table c all TFILE in which I have LNUM. I want to import only those records from input text file using the control file and sql loader in which LNUM is exist in the TFILE.
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    Kamlesh Gujarathi
    [email protected]

    Hello Satyaki De.
    Thank you very much for your suggestion but my Private information is totally apart from this question & I already I have changed each and every information from the question.
    Kamlesh Gujarathi
    [email protected]

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    Just found another very helpful post from Ben Mordue with the solution:
    * Quit the Creative Cloud Desktop app
    * In terminal, type:
    rm ~/Library/Application\ Support/Adobe/CoreSync/options.tix
    When you relaunch the CC desktop app, and press the Start Syncing button, it should work.

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