Can I control my Hp5520 to scan a sheet of paper from a distance (remote)?

I am in Denver-my wife is in my office in WA. Can I scan a document that she puts in the printer from my computer in Denver?
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That printer does support scan to email as well, which may work out better in this situation. If she is already putting the item on the scan glass she could choose scan to email and input your email address. It does require a few steps to set up which are outlined in the document below after than she simply scans, puts your email in, and you will receive an email with that file attached to it.
I work on behalf of HP
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    Select the Screen Sharing checkbox.
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    Only these users: Select this if you want to restrict screen sharing to specific users.Click Add at the bottom of the Users list and select a user from Users & Groups (accounts you have set up in Accounts preferences), Network Users (users on your network), or your Address Book. Or click New Person and enter a name and password to create a sharing account. Then select that user from the list and click Select.
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    Anyone may request permission to control screen: Select this to allow anyone on your network to request to share your screen.
    VNC viewers may control screen with password: Select this and enter a password that VNC viewer applications can enter in order to control your screen.
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    Sorry for my english...
    Power Mac G4 - 867MHz   Mac OS X (10.3.9)  

    Now answering newmacguru...
    1. Why I want text to appear as an image?
    Sometimes the graphical result is important. Most of the times, if you use a white or bright page background, what you see in iWeb is almost the same you see when browsing the page. No problem! But if the page background is black or dark, what you see when browsing the page can be different from what you see when developing the page with iWeb. And these differences can be important... Now if you tell iWeb to convert text to images, the result will be exactly the same you see in iWeb (the result you want).
    Let me show you an example. This page was published with iWeb 1.0.1. In this case all text boxes were converted to images and the result you see is exactly what I want. Normally I choose opacity of 80% in the text color to reduce the contrast between text and background (this is the graphical result I most like):
    Now if you publish the page with iWeb 1.1.1/1.1.2 the result is the same for both, but different from the pages obtained with iWeb 1.0.1. I only get the result I want if the text is converted to an image (using shadow). You can also see that with a white background you get good results even if the text remains text:
    Thanks for the suggestion of the shadow. Sometimes using a non web safe font is not a solution, remember I want “that” graphical result...
    2. Now, considering the search engines, I think I read in this forum that the search engines can do is work, even if text is converted to images, because the text still remains in the page (sorry I don’t remember where).
    Sorry for my english...
    Power Mac G4 - 867MHz   Mac OS X (10.3.9)  

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    Here i have attached the problem screenshot as well as report file, wireshark report from client PC.

    I had same issue with version 9.7 of Jabber for Windows and CUCM 9.1.2, I use EDI for integrate Presence and LDAP for Jabber for Windows and BDI for Jabber iPhone and iPad, try with this:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <config version="1.0">
    <ConnectionUsername>[email protected]</ConnectionUsername>
       <BDIConnectionUsername>[email protected]</BDIConnectionUsername>
    Then erase folder CSF under C:\Users\Example_user\AppData\Roaming\Cisco\Unified Communications\Jabber
    and C:\Users\Example_user\AppData\Local\Cisco\Unified Communications\Jabber
    Restart  machine and setup Jabber for windows again.

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    Not using any mouse pad, I have a very smooth desktop. But I just tried to use a sheet of A4 printing paper, but no result, the problem persisted.
    Someone on this forum suggested, that USB3 may interfere with the magic mouse.
    I have 2 LaCie HDD's about 70 cm away from the mouse, I use them on Thunderbolt. But in operation or not - the result is the same, the mouse plays up! Just now I was clicking the desktop and the mouse created a new folder!!
    Thanks for the advice, Bee
    Cheers, Gerd

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    If you really want to know if anyone else has this issue, post on Ford's Mondeo message boards.  It's where the Ford car owners hang out.

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    If you are pressing the "Control" button on the Mac keyboard, scrolling up will zoom in and scrolling down will zoom out. You can disable this if it annoys you through System Preferences > Universal Access. If you are using Mountain Lion, it would be System Preferences > Accessibility.
    Uncheck the in the "Seeing" or "Zoom" section that says "Use scroll gesture with modifier keys to zoom".  It may be slightly different if you have an older OS X version. I have Mountain Lion and am going off of memory on the older versions.

  • How can I control a button from one swf file to another swf file?

    I have a main.swf file. From that file I am accessing the external.swf file which is an external file.
    Now, how can I write code on my main.swf file for the button which is on my external.swf file?
    Activities.MainPanel.close_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, btnClickClose);
    Activities.MainPanel.close_btn (This buttons is actually on external.swf file, but I want to write code on main.swf file to execute it on external.swf) how can I control one swf button on other swf file?

    Here's some example code that you should be able to adapt to your needs.
    // create a new loader object instance...
    var loader:Loader = new Loader();
    // make the download request...
    var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest("external.swf");
    // add a complete event listener to the loader
    loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, completeHandler);
    // start the actual loading process...
    // create a new empty movieClip instance, you will put the loaded movie into this movieClip once its loaded
    var externalMovie:MovieClip;
    // this function is called when the download has finished and the file is ready to use...
    function completeHandler(event:Event):void {
       // set the contents of the loaded movie to the new empty movieClip...
               externalMovie = MovieClip(;
       // add this new movie to the display list...
    Now you can refer to the loaded movie with the instance name "externalMovie". So if, for instance, you want to address a button in the loaded movie, you could write something like this on the main timeline:
    externalMovie.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, btnClickClose);
    function btnClickClose(event:MouseEvent):void {

  • How can i control what images load on my project to save preload time and avoid loading all images, elements, divs not yet visible?

    Sup buddies,
    How can I control what images load on my project to save preload time and avoid loading all images, elements, divs not yet visible?
    As the project grows in size the load time increases. How does one control not loading all images ,divs,elements etc. until they're
    needed on the timeline? For example some sections are off and only become visible when recalled. My projects slowly grow in size so loading
    all images , is counter productive . My other option would be to create separate htmls but that breaks the seamless user experience .
    TY...Over N Out... 

    hello, kiwi
    quote: "Is there an easy way to burn a completed project to DVD, but keep only the (lo res, lo size) previews on my hard drive?"
    1. you might think of making DVD backups first prior to importing the photos into Aperture. "Store Files: In their current location" once in Aperture make low rez Previews, and export finished Project.
    2. bring in the photographs to hard drive first prior to importing the photos into Aperture. "Store Files: In their current location" once in Aperture make low rez Previews, and export finished Project.
    the low rez Previews will stay in Aperture but the high quality Versions will be exported onto DVDs and gone from the hard drive (if you delete the originals).
    another way would be to export small about 50-70 pixel wide high quality jpegs to a folder on your Desktop and import & keep these in Aperture Library as a reference. make metadata to show where the original Project DVDs are stored and DVD filing system used.

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