Can i generate certificates using java api

can i generate certificates signed by my private key using java API.
I found cetificatFactory must generate a certificate from a file,
but how can i generate this file?

visit :
u can create ur own certificate

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    You can create a new class and define all of the Attributes at the time the class is created - this is the preferred way of creating classes. Use the addAttributeDefinition() method on ClassObjectDefinition. If you need to add attributes to existing classes, you can only add them one at a time (using the addAttribute() method on ClassObject).

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    Below is the code snippet:
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                //Specify URI values that are required to render a form
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    var mapCenterLat = 37.6706;
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    navigationPanelBar=new OM.control.NavigationPanelBar();
    map.setMapZoomLevel(mapZoom) ;
    map.init() ;
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    inside the body on load i use DIV Id = Map (i skipped that one line of code because it stops rest of the line from displaying in the thread)please surround your code with [ c o d e ] [ / c o d e ] (without the spaces).
    Secondly: this is probably more appropriate for the {forum:id=727} forum.

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    Have you looked at a package called httpunit.
    This allows form submission, Javascript, cookies etc.

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    I require some information on creating self-signed certificate using java packages.
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    I require some information on creating self-signed certificate using java packages. Its not possible because JCE/JCA doesn't have implementation of X509Certificate. For that you have to use any other JCE Provider e.g. BouncyCastle, IAIK, Assembla and etc.
    I'm giving you sample code for producing self-signed certificate using IAIK JCE. Note that IAIK JCE is not free. But you can use BouncyCastle its open source and free.
    **Generating and Initialising the Public and Private Keys*/
      public KeyPair generateKeys() throws Exception
          //1 - Key Pair Generated [Public and Private Key]
          m_objkeypairgen = KeyPairGenerator.getInstance("RSA");
          m_objkeypair = m_objkeypairgen.generateKeyPair();
          System.out.println("Key Pair Generated....");
          //Returns Both Keys [Public and Private]*/
          return m_objkeypair;
    /**Generating and Initialising the Self Signed Certificate*/
      public X509Certificate generateSSCert() throws Exception
        //Creates Instance of X509 Certificate
        m_objX509 = new X509Certificate();
        //Creatting Calender Instance
        GregorianCalendar obj_date = new GregorianCalendar();
        Name obj_issuer = new Name();
        obj_issuer.addRDN(, "CountryName");
        obj_issuer.addRDN(ObjectID.organization ,"CompanyName");
        obj_issuer.addRDN(ObjectID.organizationalUnit ,"Deptt");
        obj_issuer.addRDN(ObjectID.commonName ,"Valid CA Name");
        //Self Signed Certificate
        m_objX509.setIssuerDN(obj_issuer); // Sets Issuer Info:
        m_objX509.setSubjectDN(obj_issuer); // Sets Subjects Info:
        m_objX509.setPublicKey(m_objkeypair.getPublic());// Sets Public Key
        m_objX509.setValidNotBefore(obj_date.getTime()); //Sets Starting Date
        obj_date.add(Calendar.MONTH, 6); //Extending the Date [Cert Validation Period (6-Months)]
        m_objX509.setValidNotAfter(obj_date.getTime()); //Sets Ending Date [Expiration Date]
        //Signing Certificate With SHA-1 and RSA
        m_objX509.sign(AlgorithmID.sha1WithRSAEncryption, m_objkeypair.getPrivate()); // JCE doesn't have that specific implementation so that why we need any //other provider e.g. BouncyCastle, IAIK and etc.
        System.out.println("Start Certificate....................................");
        System.out.println("End Certificate......................................");
        //Returns Self Signed Certificate.
        return m_objX509;

  • To generate PDF using BI APIs and loadjava utility

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    I am trying to generate PDF using BI APIs(FOProcessor etc).
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    The only reason I am responding to this post is because the poster sent me a request through the forum message system asking for my help.
    Although I did populate PDFs with FDF data generated by web forms a year or so ago, I have since abandoned that kind of solution. It was a big headache. I found it far more stable and flexible to use html, php and css to populate forms that are almost as nice looking as PDFs.
    So my advice is, if you can possibly avoid going the FDF/PDF route, you will be better off.

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    criteria.setString(1, "indexValue");
    Locator mLoc = getLocator();
    IInstanceHandle[] foundInstances = mLoc.listInstancesByIndex(criteria);
    Please tell me how to achieve the same functionality in SOA 11G using Java APIs

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    I have a scenario like Vendor creation using <b>Java API</b>.
    1.I have Vendors (Main) Table.
    2.I have <b>look up</b> tables like Account Group.
    3.Also <b>Qualifier table</b>(Phone numbers) too.
    Could you please give me the sample code which helps me to create Vendor records using Java API?
    <b>I need Code samples which should cover all of the above scenario.</b>
    <b>Marks will be given for the relevent answers.</b>
    Best Regards
    PK Devaraj

    Hi Devraj,
    I hope the below code might solve all your problem:-
    //Adding Qualified field
    //Creating empty record in Qualifed table 
    //Adding No Qualifiers
    Record qualified_record = RecordFactory.createEmptyRecord(new TableId(<TableId>));
    try {
    qualified_record.setFieldValue(new FieldId(<fieldId of NoQualifier), new StringValue(<StringValue>));//Adding No Qualifier
    catch (IllegalArgumentException e2) {
    // TODO Auto-generated catch block
    catch (MdmValueTypeException e2) {
    // TODO Auto-generated catch block
    //Creating Record in Qualified table
    CreateRecordCommand create_command = new CreateRecordCommand(connections);
    catch(Exception e)
    RecordId record_id = create_command.getRecord().getId();
    //Adding the new record to Qualifed Lookup value and setting the Yes Qualifiers
    QualifiedLookupValue lookup_value = new QualifiedLookupValue();
    int link = lookup_value.createQualifiedLink(new QualifiedLinkValue(record_id));
    //Adding Yes Qualifiers
    lookup_value.setQualifierFieldValue(0 , new FieldId(<FieldID of Yes Qualifier>) , new StringValue(<StringValue>));
    //Now adding LookUP values
    //Fetch the RecordID of the value selected by user using the following function
    public RecordId getRecordID(ConnectionPool connections , String sessionID , String value , String Fieldid , String tableid)
    ResultDefinition rsd = new ResultDefinition(new TableId(tableid));
    rsd.addSelectField(new FieldId(Fieldid));
    StringValue [] val = new StringValue[1];
    val[0] = new StringValue(value);
    RetrieveRecordsByValueCommand val_command = new RetrieveRecordsByValueCommand(connections);
    val_command.setFieldId(new FieldId(Fieldid));
    catch(Exception e)
    RecordResultSet result_set = val_command.getRecords();
    RecordId id = null;
         for(int i = 0 ; i < result_set.getCount() ; i++)
         id = result_set.getRecord(i).getId();     
    return id;
    //Finally creating the record in Main table empty_record = RecordFactory.createEmptyRecord(new TableId("T1"));
    try {
         empty_record.setFieldValue(new FieldId(<FieldId of text field in Main table>),new StringValue(<StringValue>));
         empty_record.setFieldValue(new FieldId(<FieldId of lookup field in Main table>), new LookupValue(<RecordID of the value retrieved using the above getRecordID function>));
    empty_record.setFieldValue(new FieldId(<FieldId of Qualified field in Main table>), new QualifiedLookupValue(<lookup_value>));//QualifiedLookUp  value Retrieved above
    } catch (IllegalArgumentException e1) {
    // TODO Auto-generated catch block
    } catch (MdmValueTypeException e1) {
         // TODO Auto-generated catch block
    //Actually creating the record in Main table
    CreateRecordCommand create_main_command = new CreateRecordCommand(connections);
    catch(Exception e)

  • Iterate through all the records in a table using Java API

    Hi All,
    What is the easiest way to iterate through all the records in a given table using Java API? I cannot find any methods that will return all records in a table and the only way I can use is to perform a free form search with a condition that is always true. The code works but is pretty ugly. Is there an alternative to this approach?

    Hi Kenny,
    You can construct a new Search object with your table's code name, a new ResultSetDefinition object for your table and just execute this search using the GetResultSet method of CatalogData.
    Please look at the following code:
    Search search = new Search(<code name of your table>);
    ResultSetDefinition rsd = new ResultSetDefinition(<code name of your table>);
    rsd.AddField<code name of a field>);
    rsd.AddField(<code name of a field>);
    String sortField = <code name of your sort field>;
    boolean sortAscending = true;
    int page = 0; //page number
    A2iResultSet rs = <your CatalogData object>.GetResultSet(search, rsd, sortField, sortAscending, page);
    for (int i = 0; i < rs.GetRecordCount(); i++)
        Value fieldValue = rs.GetValueAt(i, <code name of a field>);
    Hope this helps,
    PS - I really recommend you to start using the new API, as it is much more efficient and straight-forward.

  • Best option to push Mass data using Java API

    Hi All,
    Can any one let me know how Java API push data to MDM? Is it a good option when ti comes to perfromance point of view? We have around 2000/5000 records to be imported every time using Java API and wondering what would be best way to acheive this using Java API?
    Is java API is best option than Web services?

    It is perfectly fine to use API to push data into MDM, you just need to make sure that your API does all those tasks which import manager does by default. For example, it should know when to insert and when to update. if an error happens during insertion of record, you should be able to notify the users.
    Having said that, where does the number 2000/5000 comes in? will you be creating users in batch and then invoke MDM API to store these in a single shot or willl it be a delta insert/update from Java to MDM?

  • How to upload Image to MDM 5.5 SP3 using Java APIs

    I am trying to upload Image to Images table in MDM 5.5 using JAVA API for MDM. But. I'm not able to find particular field in Images table where I need to set the Blob object ( Image data ).
    I'm not aware of the method to set the Blob, there is one for getting the Image data.
    I have gone through I am not able to add images into Catalog thru java API forums posts and tried the code. But with no luck....
    I think this code is for some other MDM version as the fields mentioned are not present in the Images table e.g. DataObject - this field is used in the above posts to set the Blob data but this field does not exist in Images table in MDM 5.5
    Can anyone suggest the solution?
    Thanks and Regards,

    Hi Mausam,
    Please try the following:
    // adding to a image table
    // get the bytes for the image
    byte[] imageBuf = readFile("C:\pic.bmp");
    // setup A2iFields
    fields = new A2iFields();
    fields.Add(new A2iField("DataObject", new
    Value(imageBuf))); // the image binary (required)
    fields.Add(new A2iField("Name", new Value("pic.bmp")));
    // a name for the image
    fields.Add(new A2iField("OrigName", new
    Value("pic.bmp"))); // the original image file name
    fields.Add(new A2iField("DataGroupId", new Value(888)));
    // the data group to add to (required)
    fields.Add(new A2iField("OrigLocationId", new
    Value(999))); // the data location of the image
    fields.Add(new A2iField("Description", new Value("a
    short description"))); // a short description here
    // add the image
    String imageTable = "Images";
    catalog.AddRecord(imageTable, fields, -1, -1);
    It's taken out of the API guide for SP3 (the example for method AddRecord.
    Best regards,

  • How to initialize a replica by using Java API?

    Hi, I used to initialize a replica by adding the attribute nsDS5BeginReplicaRefresh=start to the replica agreement and it works fine by using the ldapmodify commandline utility. Now I am trying to use the Java API to do the same, but I always get the Object class violation error. And I noticed that when I use the Java API to create the replica, it has the different attributes than the one created by the commandline utility. The former has the serializedJavaData and javaClass, ... And I can't find any documentation on this issue. It's really frustrating! I am wondering if the replica agreement has different attribute for initializing? If so, why it's never documented?
    I badly need your help!!!

    Hi Govada,
    (1)You need to add the MDM4j and other JAR files at:-
    right click on project -> Java Build Path -> Libraries -> Add External JARs
    (2)If the project is Web Dynpro project one
    then right click on project -> Web Dynpro Reference -> Library Reference -> and add
    Are you using JAVA API 1 or 2???
    Thanking you
    Namrata Dixit

  • Uploading images whit thumbnail to MDM repository using Java API

    can someone tell me how to upload images whit thumbnail to MDM repository using Java API?
    i get following message using setHasThumbnail(true): Ungültiger Wert für Parameter

    You can upload images to MDM via the API, but the only way to create thumbnails is via the MDM Data Manager application which uses some embedded libraries to do the work.

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    The Java Function Activity Agent is not certified for Oracle Workflow embedded in Oracle Applications. Installing standalone workflow should be a lot easier than what you have found, although it looks like you did hit a Pentium 4 issue with the Oracle Universal Installer. I suggest you contact Oracle Support or Oracle Consulting for assistance.
    because i can't install standalone oracle workflow successfully.
    pls tell me how to use java api for function activity in embed oracle workflow?
    are there some patch or pulg-in package?
    ths a lot...........

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