Can I play 2 instruments/tracks at once?

Is there a way to achieve this: Play my guitar through one of the amp sims (via my Tascam IU2) and also be able to play one of the built-in keyboard instruments?
I'm basically trying to use this setup at band rehearsal instead of lugging my gear.  I normally play through a POD HD500 and a Roland Guitar synth.  I mainly use the synth to play a keyboard part during part of a song or maybe a sax solo, etc.   If I could somehow keep the guitar 'live' and somehow switch to the keyboard track that would be ideal.  Any ideas of if this is possible?  Or even using a second app for the keyboard synth and keep the guitar from Garageband running in the background.

Ok, tried the Jam feature and it didn't work as I had hoped.  I had GB running on my iPod 4th Gen.  I had my guitar hooked up to it via the Tascam iU2 and was playing a guitar sim.  I then ran GB on my iPad and was running one of the keyboards.  I initiated a Jam session on the ipod and joined the session from the ipad.  I had thought that by playing the keyboard on the ipad it would transmit the activity to the ipod and the ipod would actually produce the sound (kind of like midi via the airwaves).  But that's not how it worked.  The ipad still generated the sound itself.  I thought maybe you had to actually be recording in order for it to work the way I wanted, but no.  When recording the ipad actually started when I hit record on the ipod and recorded its own part. When I hit stop, the ipod 'gathered' the performance info from the ipad and generated a new track with the keyboard info.  Which is great, but not what I was trying to achieve.  Oh well.  Doesn't look like there's any way to do this, bummer.

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    If you live in a Region that allows re-downloading Music...
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    Joel DuBay wrote:
    I want to record on two separate stereo tracks, from the same source at the same time.
    Why? Copying afterwards would yield the +exact same result.+
    However, you can record two files at once: Create two audio tracks, the first takes the actual input and has its output set to say *Bus 29,* the second track has Bus 29 as an input, now you can record both tracks.
    You can also use bus 13, 17 or 23. Or any other not yet in use.

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    There are a couple of ways to do this:
    A. Using the Build Inspector (advantage: easy to do - disadvantage: takes a bit of set up & no fade-ins/fade-outs)
    1. Place each of your audio files on the slide, select them all and in Build Inspector set all to "Start Audio"
    2. Then open the Options Drawer in Build Inspector and select "Start Build Automatically"
    3. Select the first audio file in the Build Inspector (I find this easier than guessing which icon is which), note that the audio file icon highlights, then go to Quicktime Inspector and note the duration of the file in seconds.
    4. Return to the Build Inspector and select the second file, note that the icon is highlighted, then in the Options Drawer of the build inspector enter then number of seconds of the first files duration into the Delay box for the second file.
    5. Repeat, rinse lather and repeat again for each audio file.
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    2. Set the Start Movie in Build inspector and go.
    Hope this helps.
    Message was edited by: bwfromspring hill

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    "Did nobody else have this problem?"
    Or maybe no one knows the answer. Happens at times.
    *Maybe if you supply more details:*
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    Are you using PRO or the free version?
    What troubleshooting have you tried to resolve the issue? Need this to avoid the +"been there done that"+ scenarios.
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    Thank you.

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    still plays only one instrument track at a time
    I think this project might be damaged, and it would be great if we could take a look at it, as Bee Jay suggested. In the meantime, you should try what Erik suggested about option-click. And here are a few other ideas, although I'm not too optimistic.
    Select any region and press S. Three things should happen: this region should have a yellow outline, the ruler should turn yellow, and the solo button in the transport bar should turn yellow. Press S again, and those three things should revert to normal. Is this what happens? It just might be helpful to know.
    In the Mixer window, find the button at the top that says "All," and select it. Make sure to look at every channel strip. No yellow S button anywhere? Do you see any Mute buttons flashing?
    Press option-K to open the key commands window. In the search box, type "solo off" (without the quote marks). You will see the command 'Solo off for all.' Probably no key is assigned. Give it a key (option-1 might be a good choice, because it's probably available). Close the key commands window, and press the key stroke. Better now?
    The channel strip meter still shows that the instrument is playing but there is no sound. When I click back on that channel strip I can hear the sound again. Although the channel strip meter works, the strip in the mixer doesn't show any signal at all.
    I have a feeling that when you say "channel strip meter" you mean 'track header meter.' Because it's completely normal that when a midi track is muted (e.g., because another track is soloed) that the track header meter will keep lighting up, even though there's no sound and even though the meter in the mixer (on what is properly called the channel strip) is dark.
    The meter in the track header is just indicating that Logic is reading midi from the track. Whether or not that midi gets to become sound is something that happens downstream, and is not reflected in this meter.

  • Max NUmber of Instrument Tracks Due to Rewire??

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    Am i doing something wrong here? Is it becuase i used all of my instrument tracks to create the 14 pairs for rewire? But if i create a new track (which creates an available audio track that i convert to an audio instruement track in the instrument paramater box in the arrange window) there are over 120 available instrument tracks for me to choose from!
    i'm very confused - can anyone help? how can i add more instruement tracks for me to use in addition to my rewired tracks??

    drcarrmorris wrote:
    hey guys, i have a MOTU 24i interface and allen/heath board. with this setup i can record up to 24 separate "real instrument" tracks at once into my Mac Pro w/ 5GB ram and 500GB HD.
    so i went to try this over the weekend for the first time and it seems that garageband limits the number of recording simultaneous tracks to 8?!!! i had 14 mics setup covering an entire band (drums, guitars, keys, vocals, etc.) only to find out that i had to narrow it down to 8 to satisfy garageband.
    is this correct? why on earth they would limit it to 8 is beyond me. i have 7 mics on the drums alone!!!
    any help appreciated on how to configure more tracks to record simultaneously with.
    if GB cannot do this, can digital performer?
    Apple limits GB to 8 simultaneous inputs max as a way to distinguish it, as a free app, from Logic, which does not have this limit. All of the full-featured DAWS - Logic, DP, Protools - allow many-track recording.
    If you have 7 mics on drums, you might want to send them into a stereo buss in your board so they will only take up 2 tracks in GB (submixing drums is not unheard of). That brings you down to 9 tracks so if you want to record in GB, you're almost there (1 more submix and it'll work).
    Beyond that, though, if you're going to want to regularly record more than 8 tracks at once, you might want to consider moving to one of the fuller-featured DAWs.

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    Do you mean play the same thing at once with two instrumets simultaneously playing two different sounds?

Maybe you are looking for

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