Can I prevent multiple line inserts?

Hi everybody
I wrote a form-personalization to prevent duplicate receipt numbers (just receipt numbers, forget about amount, currency and customer) in AR.
It works perfectly... only if user save each receipt after typing.
It seems that users can enter many receipts before clicking Save button, then all records are saved in one step... if a user enters same receipt number BEFORE saving, validation doesn't work because offending receipt is not inserted in table yet.
Is there a way to force saving each receipt or disable this 'feature'?.
Thanks in advance

I am sure you can achieve this. Use following:
I had a similar kind of requirement, where I was validating some sequence values.
1) extend the CO of your page where you want to achieve this.
2) Capture the Save button event in that CO.
3) In that button capturing, call a method in AM.
4) That method you will have to add in AM, by extending AM.
Here is the sample code for that AM.
public void ValidateSequence() {
OAViewObject vo = (OAViewObject)findViewObject("XXBCR12ToolkitVO1");
int rowcount = vo.getRowCount();
String sequence[] = new String[rowcount];
RowSetIterator SeqIterator;
XXBCR12ToolkitVORowImpl row = null;
SeqIterator = vo.createRowSetIterator("SeqIterator");
for (int i = 0; i < rowcount; i++) {
row = (XXBCR12ToolkitVORowImpl)SeqIterator.getRowAtRangeIndex(i);
if (row.getAttribute("LegacyColumnSeqNum") != null)
sequence[i] =
for (int i = 0; i < rowcount; i++) {
for (int j = i + 1; j < rowcount; j++) {
//System.out.println("Main "+sequence[i]+sequence[j]);
if (sequence[i] != null) {
if (sequence.equals(sequence[j])) {
throw new OAException("Sequence value duplicated. Please enter unique sequence number for " +
sequence[i], (byte)0);
} else {

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    Hi !
    thanx to all for your responses.
    But, let me explain better.
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         2) Select these PRs again and click further on 'Assignment Overview' icon (Shift and F5). The next screen will appear - Assign and Process requisitions - Overview of Assignments screen.
         3) Select the 'PReq' column and then click further on 'Process Assignment' icon (F2). The next screen will appear where you have to maintain the 'quotation deadline' information.
         4) Then click on 'Continue' icon (enter).
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    Message was edited by:
            Lijo Vazhappilly

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