Can I sync my Camera B clips AFTER editing?

I shot a film made up of largely about a dozen interviews. We shot 2 cameras (different formats).
I want to edit for content first; so to use ONLY Cam A clips.  I think it will be easier, especially as I just moved from FCP to Premiere and am just learning the software.
Can I cut for content first, using only Camera A, and then at the end sync the Camera B clips to my finished timeline?

So, a few weeks later and I want to update this. I ended up syncing via Premiere after all, and am currently editing in Premiere.  It's not going super smoothly, but hopefully my learning curve with speed up soon...
With regards to syncing, my workflow was to put all my interview clips from both cameras in one bin, and to create a multi-camera source sequence from the clips in the bin.  This did not work fantastically.  Some clips didn't get synced at all.  The system created several sequences (as does plural eyes).  Perhaps worst of all, each of the clips is assigned its own track. So, if I have three clips from Cam A and 20 from Cam B (which happened on a day that we had a card malfunction so the operator was being selective on what he rolled on), yu end up with 23 tracks on your timeline.  A bit of a pain to do clean up work.
But, after a first pass at the multi-camera source sequence, I copied all the synced bits onto one timeline in sequential order.  This way I could tell which clips had not been synced. I would then select those clips in my bin and do a "take 2" of syncing.  In this way, I'd manage to get all the clips synced. In some cases, if there was a single Cam B clip that still hadn't synced, I manually dropped it into my MASTER sequence on top of the clip that I knew it could sync to, selected those two clips and used the "synchronize" feature on the timeline. It was very time consuming, but I finally had all 14 interviews synced!
Also, people have said to "make sure Cam A is on track one." This is not something I was able to figure out how to do.  I don't know how to make premiere know which one is my Cam A.

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