Can I widen an iWeb template?

Is it possible to widen a template? iWeb seems to assume a 12" screen. I would like my entire page to fit on a screen and it would if I could widen the text box a few inches. Is there any way to do this?
Also, this site has great discussions, but I feel like I am always asking questions someone else has asked. If the posts were organized into topics it would be easier to find the answers to other answers.

Also, this site has great discussions, but I feel
like I am always asking questions someone else has
asked. If the posts were organized into topics it
would be easier to find the answers to other
Yes, we want this too but we aren't getting anywhere with the request...

Similar Messages

  • Does and one know if you can change the navigation menu at the top of the iWeb template pages?

    Does and one know if you can change the navigation menu at the top of the iWeb template pages? I need to make the background a little wider.

    It depends on which template you use.
    You can also hide the default navigation and build your own which allows more freedom of design and is better for search engine optimization...
    Make sure you use web-safe fonts in your navigation...

  • Can iWeb templates be modified?

    I last used iWeb to set up a travelogue in 2006. I have 3.0.4 ('09, I think).
    I may be remembering why I didn't use a template before--because I wanted something I couldn't get with the templates.
    Am I correct that I can't change a background or text color, or choose to center text which is flush left on an iWeb template?

    Jeff, you're a prince. I've printed out your last posts & dragged & dropped the 2 samples to my desktop, from which I can then use them I was able to do the web browser background instructions. It worked! Cool.
    I'm sure this will turn out to be embarrassingly self-evident, but how did you 'copy the page background image and paste it into preview'? It has no 'handles' allowing it to be selected. Nor could I locate 'Preview'.
    Now trying the paper maneuver you explained, I'm a bit stuck. What do I select for 'Page Background? I now have removed the Formal Theme text boxes, have changed footer pixels to '0', and have a horizontal rectangle of the ivory paper there. How do I make it disappear so I can then replace it with the size-able box as you describe?
    By the way, I noticed right off in your video was how you changed the width of the page immediately. How did you choose 900--and I forget the vertical pixels you chose but will check again. I hate how small the page content size is. Is there a 'standard' size these days for website width & height?
    Again, thanks.

  • Which holder can I find all the template for iWeb?

    I would like to customize the existing iWeb template, but I cannot find where iMac store all those templates. I'd appreciate it very much if someone can tell me which holder iWeb hides its template.
    Thank you.

    From within iWeb, just click on Add New Page at the bottom and all page templates are displayed. Choose the one you want and you can then add or take away or do anything you want with it.
    If you want your own design entirely, I would suggest that you start with a blank canvas with a white template. Then you can do whatever you want.

  • Can I customize iWeb Templates?

    Can I customize iWeb templates? For example, if I use a template, can I customize the background, navigation bar text, etc...? PLEASE HELP!

    Welcome to the Apple Discussions. The Inspector/Page/Layout pane is used to change the page and browser backgrounds.
    Click to view full size
    You can use solid, web safe colors for both or your own graphic files. This may not work for some themes that have their own unique graphic files for part of their background, like the center light area of the Darkroom theme.

  • The cool little features in iWeb templates

    Hi all,
    I was just wondering how to get the cool little add-ons that the iWeb templates have on my site?
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    You can add scrolling banner text, blinking text, mouse rollover, Fancy Zoom, Show and Hide text and many other enhancements.

  • Free iWeb Templates and other goodies?

    Hey, it's me again!
    I was looking for FREE iWeb templates but I haven't been able to any find free ones or great ones.
    Do you know where to get them?
    I was also looking for other free goodies that are on iweb, such as little doodles and pieces of paper. You know what I mean?
    Do you know where to get them?
    You're always appreciated :)

    Hello MissMacintosh,
    MissMacintosh wrote:
    Hey, it's me again!
    Always nice to hear from you.
    As you, I did an extensive search (3 months ago) on Google and Ask, only to find out that there is a poor choice of great / free templates for iWeb '08.
    There are 1 or 2 "user understandable" manuals on how to make your own templates, but I found it less time consuming to choose the "blank" template from a theme, adapt it myself with the tools provided in iWeb and then copy this "custom adapted" template.
    I know this is not the answer you are looking for but it is the best I can provide.
    Hopefully, someone else has found the gold somewhere...
    Kind regards,

  • Lost iWeb Template

    My iWeb template for my website seems to have disappeared. I have searched high and low within this iMac to find it but cannot. I enjoy posting to my site and would like to continue to do so. Can you help me find my template or suggest other ideas?

    When you launch iWeb do you get your web site? If not what do you get? If you do see your web site then the domain file has to be somewhere on your hard drive.
    If you don't get your web site in iWeb and can't find the domain file that contains it you'll have to recreate your site from scratch. Read Paragraph 2.3 of this iWeb FAQ site for tips on recreating the site from scratch with some of the file from the online site:
    To help recover from a a similar incident in the future you should consider instigating a backup strategy. I've created an Automator script to copy the domain file to the Documents folder. It can be used after every session in iWeb so you have a current copy. Download it from Toad's Cellar.

  • Using iWeb Templates

    I have found not only iWeb templates difficult to deal with, but also iPhotos.
    Whenever I try to delete a certain saved area - a most important one - I cannot. If I select to utilize a photo template I cannot delete the photo area and when
    I login to the website the slideshow puts up the template photos. This is very disturbing.
    Also in iPhoto I cannot create a new folder or copy to an existing folder except the Library. If this is the case then why cannot I move photos to a newly created directory or folder after copying them to the library,
    I am extremely new to MAC but totally competent with UNIX, LINUX, DOS, and all versions of WINDOWS, ( SADLY )!!
    Any help will be greatly appreciated.

    Can you give us some information about what you're using: iPhoto an iWeb version, Quicktime version, the theme and page layout in iWeb, etc.
    As far as dragging a photo into an album, where are you dragging from? If you're creating "folders" in the Source pane then yes, you can't drag a photo into them. Then will only take albums, slideshows, books, calendars, cards and other albums.
    So instead of creating folders in the Source pane, create an album and put the photos into it. You can use folders to further organize the albums. But albums are the primary photo container (except for rolls of course).
    What saved area are you referring to? If you've selected a photo page then yes, you can't delete the section that is used to house the photos for the slideshow. If you don't want that, create a new page with a different layout, Welcome, About me, or blank. Whichever works best for you. The blank lets you completely customize the page, background, etc.
    Do you Twango?

  • Were are iweb templates stored?

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    The iWeb templates are stored in XML files which can be edited, but it's definitely not for the faint of heart. Thankfully, starting with iWeb 1.1, Apple at the very least started including "blank" templates, which probably satisfied a lot of people wishing for the ultimate in flexibility. Suzanne Boben's work is very good, should take a look.
    One poor man's way of making a template page is to start with a blank template, customize it to your specifications, and then save it as a custom template in your site organizer window. By that, I mean keep it as a "page" in your site organizer, but don't display it in your navigation menu by unchecking the box "Include in navigation menu" in the Inspector Page tab. Keep this "template" clean. Whenever you want to make a real page out of this template, just select it and Control-click, then select "Duplicate" from the menu. THen you can add unique information to this copy and still keep the "template" clean and safe. See how this is the poor man's custom template?

  • Installing Iweb templates

    I have Iweb on an Apple Ibook G4 1.33Ghz 512MB RAM laptop. It came with ILife installed and I'm guessing it's version 6. Can anyone please guide me as to how to install the Iweb templates please?
    Thanks Much,

    You guessed wrong. The latest version is 3.0.4
    You can see it in the iWeb menu > About iWeb. Or select iWeb and do Command-I (Info).
    The iWeb themes are stored inside iWeb. To go there, copy the line below :
    In the Finder, do Command-Shift-G and paste the line. Hit Return.
    Right-click any theme and choose Show Package content. Open the Shared folder.
    You can buy themes, or get them for free :
    Or search for it :
    And here's a dated explanation how to make them yourself :

  • View iWeb templates full size?

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    found it myself---in case others have this question, check at

  • Create iWeb Templates

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    You can only be able to create real iweb template by create them in XML file. Here is a brief description:
    using a blank page (as mentioned) will get you just a blank page (with your layout), nothing spectacular about that.
    but if you want albums, photos, blogs and podcast template... you will need to create template XML file.

  • IWeb template copyright

    So I am making a widget that is really more a of module or addition (Ie it requires several pages in its own right) that customers will be able to buy. As it is now, I have that widget embedded in an iWeb template, and this is how I would like to sell it. The majority of users will just take the widget's html/javascript code and put it into their own pages so no copyright issues there, but some of the less adept may just want to upload my widget, pages and all, and use them in their entirety.
    What do you think?
    I went through all of the pages that I would like to pass on - I have trimmed out a lot of the apple javascript as it really is not cross-browser capable and is fairly bloated. The code of the pages I would like to pass on mention nothing of copyright except for navbar.js which says:
    "// iWeb - navbar.js // Copyright (c) 2007 Apple Inc. All rights reserved."
    A few of the other ones just say:
    "// Created by iWeb 2.0.4 local-build-20100911"
    So maybe I can't use navbar.js, but I am fine with the other ones? What does all rights reserved mean here? Really appreciate the help. Not a lawyer and have no desire to be accosted by one. Thanks again. The answer may be in the license agreement, but I really don;t feel qualified to interpret that.

    I went through all of the pages that I would like to pass on - I have trimmed out a lot of the apple javascript as it really is not cross-browser capable and is fairly bloated. The code of the pages I would like to pass on mention nothing of copyright except for navbar.js which says:
    have you looked at iWebSite.js file?
    do you use images? have you looked at iWebImage.js?
    do you use albums and/or photos page> have you looked at iWebMediaGrid.js?
    they all have copyright warning.

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    777 Development group has something similar, contact them:

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