Can someone test a prog for me, and help reading from an exty file

Okay, I have a program to calculate the Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient ( ) from an external file that I've just written for an assignment on Monday.
I can't actually run it because I can't find a machine with Java on that works, though I can compile it. Why is a long story, but University Admin are going to feel my wrath.
I would like two things.
1) would someone be kind enough to try to run it and test it in anyway and report any bugs or inadequacies back to me. (you will need to create a text file called data.dat with some numbers in, e.g.
14.234 54.4534
376.56 432.2332
23432. 23234.23
2) How can I can the computer to ask the user to enter either a) the name of the file from or b) from a popup dialogue box with a browse feature (or is that incompatible with some OSs?).
The file follows:
// Import packages
     import*; // Import all the Java input/output packages
     import java.util.StringTokenizer; // Import a utility package
class Pearsontwo
public static void main (String[] args)
     /* Define variables.
          (double any number with decimal point.
          ints take integer value) */
          double     sumx, sumy,               // sum of x and sum of y
                    sumxx, sumyy,          // sum of x squared and y squared
                    sumxy;                    // sum of products of x and y
          int n;                              // n is number of lines
     // Set name of file to be read
          String fileName = data.dat; // define the name of the file
     //     (Enhancement: use user input. This requires the use of which is a bit complicated.
          //System.out.print("Please type the name of the file you wish to run the analysis on:");
          //fileName = TextIO.getInt();
     // Set things for reading external file
BufferedReader br;     // Will be used to read the file
String line;          // Will be used to hold a line read from the file
StringTokenizer st; // Will be used to break a line into separate words
          String firstWord, secondWord;     // File will be read as string type
double firstNumber, secondNumber;     // that need to be converted into numbers.
try // if an error occurs, go to the "catch" block below
// Create a buffered file reader for the file
     br = new BufferedReader (new FileReader(fileName));
// Continue to read lines whilst there is one or more left to read
                    while (br.ready())
                    {   line= br.readLine();               // Read one line of the file
                         st = new StringTokenizer(line);     // Prepare to split the line into "words"
                         // Get the first two words (invalid --> error --> catch)
                              firstWord = st.nextToken();
                              secondWord = st.nextToken();
                         // Turn words into numbers (invalid --> error --> catch)
                              firstNumber = Double.parseDouble(firstWord);
                              secondNumber = Double.parseDouble(secondWord);
                         // Add the numbers to the previously stored numbers
                              sumx = sumx + firstNumber;
                              sumy = sumy + secondNumber;
                              sumxx = sumxx + (firstNumber * firstNumber);
                              sumyy = sumyy + (secondNumber * secondNumber);
                              n = n++; add one to the value of n.
// Close the file
// Handle any error in opening the file
               catch (Exception e)
               {   System.err.println("File input error.\nPlease amend the file " + fileName);
          //     Calcuate r in stages, variance and covariance first.
               double variancex = (sumx2 - (sumx * sumx / n)) / (n - 1);     // calculates the variance of x ...
               double variancey = (sumx2 - (sumx * sumx / n)) / (n - 1);     // ... and y
               double covariance = (sumx * sumy - sumx * sumy / n ) / (n - 1);     // and the covariance of x and y
               double r = covariance / Math.sqrt(variancex * variancey);     // and the Pearson r value
               // Printout
               System.out.print("The Pearson product-moment correlation for these data is:" );
               System.out.println ( r );
               // Also print to file ?
(Note: this is my own work by Duncan Harris at Cariff University, so I'm not plaigerising anyone other than myself if I post it here and it subsequently gets found by one of the course organisers who have given permission for this sort of thing anyway!)

"I can't actually run it because I can't find a machine with Java on that works, though I can compile it. Why is a long story, but University Admin are going to feel my wrath."
I'm sure they're worried.
I don't understand this. You can compile, but not run? This makes no sense at all.
Why can't you simply download the JDK from Sun and install it on a machine? You could both compile and run then.
You don't need a pop-up dialog box to get an input file name from a user. The command prompt is quite sufficient.

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    Sincerely Yours

    org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: The root element is required in a well-formed document.This often means that the parser can't find the document. You think it should be able to find the document because your test code could. However if your test code was not in the same package as your real (failing) code, your test is no good because getResourceAsStream("conf/config.xml") is looking for that file name relative to the package of the class that contains that line of code.
    If your test code wasn't in any package, put a slash before the filename and see if that works.

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    Disco Hristo
    * 1.0 02/06/22
    * @author Disco Hristo
    * @version 1.0
    import java.lang.*;
    import java.util.*;
    public class Assemble
         public static void main(String args[]) throws IOException
              if (args.length > 0) //     Checks to see if there are any arguments
                   printArgumentInfo ();
              else // if no arguments run the program
                   getInput ();
                   printToFile ();
                   deleteFiles ();
         public static void getInput () throws IOException
         //     Gets the input and then send it to 3 files according to Tags
              File head = new File ("head.chris");
    PrintStream headStream = new PrintStream (new FileOutputStream (head));
    File body = new File ("body.chris");
    PrintStream bodyStream = new PrintStream (new FileOutputStream (body));
    File foot = new File ("foot.chris");
    PrintStream footStream = new PrintStream (new FileOutputStream (foot));
    String input; //     String used to store input                
    File d = new File(".");
    String files[] = d.list();
    for (int n=0; n!=files.length; n++)
         if (files[n].endsWith(".txt") == true)
              String fileName = files[n];
              BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader (new FileReader(fileName));
                   while (true)
                   input = in.readLine();
                   if (input != null)
                        input = input.trim();
                        if (input == null) // if no more input                          
                        else if ( (input.compareTo("<HEAD>")) == 0) // if start of <HEAD> text
                                  input = in.readLine();
                                       if (input != null)
                                       input = input.trim();
                                       if ( ((input.compareTo("<BODY>")) == 0) ||
                                                      ((input.compareTo("<FOOT>")) == 0) ||
                                                      ((input.compareTo("</BODY>")) == 0) ||
                                                      ((input.compareTo("</FOOT>")) == 0) ||
                                                      ((input.compareTo("<HEAD>")) == 0))
                                                      //checks to see if tags in input are in correct order
                                            System.out.println("Input Is Incorrectly Formatted - Tag Error");
                                            System.out.println("Close your <HEAD> tag before starting another tag.");
                                            System.exit(1); //exit program without printing data                                                   
                                       if ( (input.compareTo("</HEAD>")) != 0) //if not end of tag
                                            headStream.println(input); //print to text file
                             while ( (input.compareTo("</HEAD>")) != 0);
                        else if ( (input.compareTo("<BODY>")) == 0) // if start of <BODY> text
                                  input = in.readLine();
                                  if (input != null)
                                       input = input.trim();
                                       if ( ((input.compareTo("<HEAD>")) == 0) ||
                                                      ((input.compareTo("<FOOT>")) == 0) ||
                                                      ((input.compareTo("</HEAD>")) == 0) ||
                                                      ((input.compareTo("</FOOT>")) == 0) ||
                                                      ((input.compareTo("<BODY>")) == 0))
                                                      //checks to see if tags in input are in correct order
                                            System.out.println("Input Is Incorrectly Formatted - Tag Error");
                                            System.out.println("Close your <BODY> tag before starting another tag.");
                                            System.exit(1); //exit program without printing data                                                   
                                       if ( (input.compareTo("</BODY>")) != 0) //if not end of tag
                                            bodyStream.println(input); //print to text file
                             while ( (input.compareTo("</BODY>")) != 0);
                             else if ( (input.compareTo("<FOOT>")) == 0) // if start of <FOOT> text
                                  input = in.readLine();
                                  if (input != null)
                                       input = input.trim();
                                       if ( ((input.compareTo("<BODY>")) == 0) ||
                                            ((input.compareTo("<HEAD>")) == 0) ||
                                                 ((input.compareTo("</BODY>")) == 0) ||
                                                 ((input.compareTo("</HEAD>")) == 0) ||
                                                 ((input.compareTo("<FOOT>")) == 0))
                                                 //checks to see if tags in input are in correct order
                                            System.out.println("Input Is Incorrectly Formatted - Tag Error");
                                            System.out.println("Close your <FOOT> tag before starting another tag.");
                                            System.exit(1); //exit program without printing data                                                   
                                       if ( (input.compareTo("</FOOT>")) != 0) //if not end of tag
                                                 footStream.println(input); //print to text file
                             while ( (input.compareTo("</FOOT>")) != 0);
    public static void printToFile () throws IOException
    // Prints the text from head.txt, body.txt, and foot.txt to the output.log
         File head = new File ("head.chris");
         FileReader headReader = new FileReader(head);
              BufferedReader inHead = new BufferedReader(headReader);
              File body = new File ("body.chris");
              FileReader bodyReader = new FileReader(body);
              BufferedReader inBody = new BufferedReader(bodyReader);
              File foot = new File ("foot.chris");
              FileReader footReader = new FileReader(foot);
              BufferedReader inFoot = new BufferedReader(footReader);
              PrintStream outputStream = new PrintStream (new FileOutputStream (new File("output.log")));
              String output;     //string used to store output
              while (true)
                   output = inHead.readLine();
                   if (output == null) //if no more text to get from file
                        outputStream.println(output); // print to output.log
              while (true)
                   output = inBody.readLine();
                   if (output == null)// if no more text to get from file
                        outputStream.println(output); // print to output.log
              while (true)
                   output = inFoot.readLine();
                   if (output == null) //if no more text to get from file
                        outputStream.println(output); // print to output.log
              //Close up the files
              inHead.close ();
              inBody.close ();
              inFoot.close ();
              outputStream.close ();     
         public static void printArgumentInfo () //     Prints argument info to screen
              System.out.println("Disco Hristo");
              System.out.println("Assemble.class is a small program that");
              System.out.println("takes in as input a body of text and then");
              System.out.println("outputs the text in an order according to");
              System.out.println("the tags that are placed in the input.");
         public static void deleteFiles ()
              File deleteHead = new File ("head.chris");
              File deleteBody = new File ("body.chris");
              File deleteFoot = new File ("foot.chris");

    I tired your program, it still gives false for files deleted. I tool the same functions you used in your program and ran it. The files get deleted. Tried this :
    import java.lang.*;
    import java.util.*;
    public class FileTest {
         public static void main(String args[]) {
              FileTest f = new FileTest();
              try {
              } catch(IOException ioe){
         public void createFile() throws IOException {
              System.out.println("In create file method...");
              File test = new File("test1.txt");
              File tst = new File("text2.txt");
              PrintStream testStream = new PrintStream (new FileOutputStream (test));
              PrintStream tstStream = new PrintStream (new FileOutputStream (tst));
              testStream.println("this is a test to delete a file");
              tstStream.println("this is the second file created");
         public void deleteFile() throws IOException {
              File test = new File("test1.txt");
              File tst = new File("text2.txt");
    Also check the starting and closing braces for your if..else blocks.

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    BrightBluephotograph wrote:
    I cannot install lightroom 5 until the upgrades from 4 are on the pc,
    You don't need to have Lightroom 3 and 4 installed on your computer to install Lightroom 5.  Just install Lightroom 5 and input your serial number for 3 in the previous version box and your serial number for 5 in the upgrade box.

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    You can share the same Apple ID for purchasng form the iTunes and app stores without any problems, but you should all used separate iCloud accounts with separate Apple IDs.  (You are not required to use the same ID for iCloud and other services as you do for the iTunes store.)  This will prevent you from ending up with merged data.  You should also use separate Apple IDs for iMessage and FaceTime or you will end up getting each other's text messages and FaceTime calls.
    This article may be of interest: r-family/, as well as this video: l.

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    One account each, or one account for all of you to share?
    Either way, follow the instructions here:
    Remember, if you share an iCloud account, you won't be able to maintain independent Contact lists, calendars, bookmarks etc. They will all be synced to all devices setup using the same account.

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    Move the file out of /username/Library/Preferences/ to the Desktop, log out and back in, and try again.
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    Hello Utpal,
    I am really surprised, in just 10 minutes you searched that site and found it not useful. <b>Check out my previous reply "you will not find screen shot in this but you can add it in this"</b>
    You will not find readymade document, you need to add this as per your requirement.
    btw, the following link gives you some more link for new SAP guys, this will be helpful. <b>Check out HOW to BASIC transaction</b>
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    Hope this helps.
    Arif Mansuri

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