Can Super Duper Copy Boot Camp XP partitions?

i'm gona buy a new hard drive, and i want to use super duper to clone everything and pass it to the new drive, will the xp partition be cloned too?

Hi and welcome to Discussions,
Netrestore from Mike Bombich seems to be able to clone both.

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    Please don't double post. Look at your other thread.
    If you want to get rid of Windows and the BC partition use the Boot Camp assistant program to remove the Win/BC partition. Don't do it manually with Disk Utility Use the BC A program.

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    Paragons CampTune can do this.
    Mac OSX and its BootCamp Assistant or Windows cannot.

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    Hi Stefan,
    Thanks for taking the time to reply to my question! Although I think your steps will "work", per se (and I will try them out as soon as I can), I'm something of a purist in regards to my backups and so this method seems a little hackish as opposed to a process that actually images the volume in question (I'm also curious from a technical perspective, as the Boot Camp Assistant Beta used to allow for a dedicated MacintoshDrivers disc to be burned from it—I liked that method better, to be honest).
    Thanks again! I'll keep checking back here for other comments, and will let you know how the method you suggested works out.
    Best wishes,

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    Howdy dlindbloom,
    Thanks for using the Apple Support Communities.
    If you'd like to install a Boot Camp partition on your Mac, then please follow the directions in the article below.
    How to install Windows using Boot Camp - Apple Support
    Take care,
    Alex H.

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    Microsoft recommends GPT for 2TB and larger volumes.
    MBR can't boot from a volume larger than 1.9TB.
    Windows 7 can see GPT just find, but not HFS+, and AppleHFS and MNT are buggy.
    Disk Utility can create a drive that uses MBR.
    GPT has support for sub-tables and for Master Boot Record.
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    The external drive is likely something else, as you could format a drive to GPT and NTFS and have it work fine.
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    As for hybrid, while some Macs can now boot by default to 64-bit kernel mode, I prefer the "from the ground up" of Windows 7 64-bit which still supports and runs 32-bit apps, but of course mandates 64-bit drivers in places.
    Your Apple disks not only have GPT, but have to have other partitions like EFI (128MB) after any HFS partition. GPT does have an MBR - see the Apple tech note #2166.
    Windows and GPT FAQ
    *Secrets of GPT*
    Table 1: GPT Summary
    Block Description
    0 Protective MBR
    1 Partition Table Header (primary)
    2 through 2+b-1 Partition Entry Array (primary)
    2+b through n-2-b partition data
    n-2-b+1 through n-2 Partition Entry Array (backup)
    n-1 Partition Table Header (backup)
    The protective MBR is an MBR that defines a single partition entry that covers the entire area of the disk used by GPT structures and partitions. It is designed to prevent GPT-unaware programs from accidentally modifying a GPT disk. A GPT-unaware program sees the GPT disk as an MBR disk with a single, unknown partition. In a way, this is like the HFS wrapper around an HFS Plus disk.

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    You may want to post your question in the Boot Camp forums:

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    WinClone 3 $20
    When you move to a new OS: clone your system, make sure you have backups you can use - for each - the partition table "rules" change with each new OS. And you want to reformat a drive from time to time especially then.
    Carbon Copy Cloner 3.4 is a good way to clone your OS X partitions.
    Basically, "start over" and restore to one HFS volume with OS X then run Boot Camp Assistant, then restore with Winclone image you made easier.
    Find CCC and WinClone

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    1. On single-disk Macs, you can use an SSHD (as a single physical disk), but not an SSD/HDD. There is a no single physical unit which is a Fusion drive. A Fusion drive consists of a physical SSD and a physical HDD. MBPs on which the Optibay has an SSD/HDD and main bay with SSD/HDD will support a Fusion (aka CoreStorage volume). Yosemite supports a Fusion drive, which has an internal SSD and and external HDD (the reverse makes no sense, but is possible).
    2. On newer Macs, with 1TB PCIe flash, you have an SSD as your whole drive.
    3. The two environments, OS X and Windows are self-contained,  on separate partitions. The underlying hardware is common.
    4. On a Mini, which supports two drives, I have a 256g SSD/1TB HDD, in a DIY Fusion drive, with Windows on the SSD part. Bootcamp Assistant does not support this, but third-party tools can be used. The other option is to install OS X and Windows on a SSD, and later add an HDD and include into a CS volume. This is what I would recommend for you.
    5. The 13-in 2012 MBP will allow you use a USB installer, without the need for an Optical drive, so it is possible to replace the Optibay with an HDD, create a Fusion drive. If BCA is used, it will put Windows on the HDD on this specific machine if the Fusion drive is created first.

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    Any ideas on how I can get the Boot Camp partition off the old drive? Thanks for your help.

    Some drives require more current to spin-up from a "cold start" than most USB ports put out, even if the port supplies. Additionally, if the drive is failing, it may require even more power for the startup.
    I have a couple USB enclosures with external AC power that I keep around in case I run into drives like this. Failing that, I also have a couple of USB cables which use 2 ports to provide additional current. Also the cable length, and gauge makes a difference.

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    MacBook Pro - 2.0 GHz - 2GB RAM   Mac OS X (10.4.7)  

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