Can't Bounce Tracks to Audio

When I'm working with 10 or more Instrument Tracks with MIDI data on them I need to bounce them to audio in order to keep working on my song.
I go to File >> Export >> All Tracks as Audio Files...
and then Logic bounces each track individually and puts them in my audio window.
The problem is, however, that the new audio regions created from the tracks with MIDI data ALWAYS omit the first 0.3 seconds of the region.
Can anybody help me?
I'm ready to go out and buy Pro Tools.
Thank you,
iMac G5 1.8Ghz 17" (ALS)   Mac OS X (10.4.7)   2 GB RAM

Let me take a wild guess, and ask you if your song starts at beat 1 bar 1 (11_11)
It does, does in not?
Move ALL your song down by one or two bars...and tehn you won't get that annoying 0.3s missing audio.
ByTheWay, MIDI in proTools does the same thing.And Nuendo, and Opcode Studio, etc...
I have not ever started a song in ANY DAW on bar 1 beat 1, for that very reason. If you have some pre-roll, you KNOW it will go ok from the start.The reason for this silence is because the DAW needs to fill it's audio buffer FIRST, and snce you do not give it pre-roll to do this, it eats the first 0.3 secs of the song.
Strangely enough, some CD players do the same. Especially the ones that have that "anti-skip" buffer.

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    Ok, either my question was too long or nobody seems to have an answer. Sad, either way
    Here's something I found out in the meantime, maybe this is interesting for somebody or maybe - problem's not totally solved - enough info for any of you to give me further advice.
    When I start Logic Core Audio driver de-activated, I can open old songs. Then I save them in a new folder with all audio files and a new name. And I remove all EXS24 instruments as well as the Space Designer. I quit Logic, re-open with Core Audio activated and I can open the song.
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    Please remind us on what computer operating system your Premiere Elements 13 is running
    Using your own music.....
    Yes, with important but.....
    If your music is from iTunes, more than likely you will get some sort of error message from the program when you try to import the iTunes music into Premiere Elements (most versions including 13). In that case, please convert the iTunes music to the wav version in iTunes using the following iTunes instructions.
    iTunes: How to convert a song to a different file format - Apple Support
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    As for Premiere Elements narration clips using the its Narration Tool
    1. Adobe documentation indicates the USB microphone do not work in Premiere Elements and suggest the use of microphones that connect to the computer via computer jack.
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    2. Be sure to check Edit Menu/Preferences/Audio Hardware ASIO settings to assure that Input and Output are enabled.
    3. There have been reports (Premiere Elements several versions) where addition of narration using the Narration Tool results in loss of pre-existing
    sound on numbered audio track clips and soundtrack.
    ATR Premiere Elements Troubleshooting: PE12: Audio Losses After Narration Addition
    4. In my particular Premiere Elements 13 on Windows 8.1 64 bit, I have found that I need to set the Mic Sensitivity all the way to the left to avoid
    serious audio distortion.
    I have tried to give you an overview to avoid surprises if you have not used the features that you pointed to in your thread question. Please let me know if you need further information.
    Thank you.

  • Bouncing All Tracks As Audio Files

    When I do this, is it writing the sends(not inserts) also is it writing the output, forexample if i compress all drums by sending their outputs to a specific bus

    Which of these are you doing?
    1. Track : Bounce-Replace all tracks
    2. File : Export : All tracks as audio files

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    Anything I'm doing wrong here?

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    2 Does not work in RMX
    3 DOES work in Superior and EZY Drummer.
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    I have old sessions using midi samples from old hard drive. I would like to make all tracks audio before retiring the Hard drive

    You could use the Export function "all tracks to Audio data" (to be found at the bottom of Save menue). This will transform your Midi Instruments into Audio (it ignores the Automation though).

  • Export all tracks as audio files in LPX has suddenly ceased to function correctly

    I have been working on a project for the past three months, which requires me to work from home ,then export all my tracks as audio files and take them into another studio. This is because my collaborator's DAW of choice is now Nuendo. So far, this has proved to be a very successful approach to our workflow, until today. As an example , I have a cue with 96 tracks. When I came to use export all tracks as audio files, the usual window came up, defaulting the destination to the bounces folder in the Logic song. However, this time, instead of the expected and correct number of tracks to be saved ( 96 ) , the total was 25 !
    I tried this with a few other recent Logic songs and the same thing happened. None of us can figure it out. I had to manually, and individually, bounce each track separately, which was very time-consuming. A clue, though….. I tried exporting the tracks one at a time. So, the first one was, say, piccolo rips. It did that fine . The second track was Alto flute runs, but when I came to export, Logic seemed to think it was still the piccolo rips! This implies that the reason why I'm experiencing reduced export files is because Logic is thinking that many of the tracks are actually duplicates, so it's stopping them from being exported. That's the only explanation I have. However, I don't have the answer to the reason for this. I'm running the latest version of Logic.
    Has anyone clue as to why this has suddenly started to happen and how it can be fixed please? I'm thinking I might just trash the Logic app and reinstall.
    Many thanks for any help.

    First of all you are welcome...
    I have to say... I suspect something has changed even if you are not directly aware of it.... between the time it did work and now that it doesn't for you... Be it for example... an update to a plugin you are using.. or even a new/different plugin you are using now that you didn't use before...
    I checked with one of my clients a few minutes ago, who does regular, several times a week, large project stem exports to see if he has ever had or heard of such an issue ( in case it one of those odd bugs that only rears its head every now and again..) and the answer was no, not at all...
    So all I can recommend is to create some testbed projects.. using different combinations of Plugins, creation of tracks methods.. templates etc.. until you uncover the root cause of the issue... because i suspect it may well be something unique to your system, config or work method that is causing this problem..
    You might also want to check with the guys at
    ..and see if David, Jordi, Eric or one of the other regulars there, have ever come across such a problem.. I did a quick cursory search there and found nothing at all  but it was a very quick look/see type of search...
    Maybe CCT, Pancenter... or Edgar here.. might have an idea or two, too...
    Finally,  Can you also state your current OS X / Logic version please...

  • Export All Tracks as Audio Files ? about volume levels.

    1. Do you export with each track at the volume level in the mix?
    2. Or do you set the CS volume faders at 0.0 to get the maximum signal?
    The first option allows me to recreate a mix with the volume levels already set.
    But the second option gives me audio files at original record levels so that I can create a different sounding mix, or use audio regions in another project, setting levels as needed.
    What's the better approach???

    CSeye wrote:
    I just started exploring Export Tracks to Audio and had the misconception that whatever fader & pan positions were set in the mixer would be rendered in the export. Good to know that Bounce is the way to go if that's needed.
    Just be sure to UN check the 'include volume and pan info' esp if someone else is gonna mix for you
    On the other hand for archiving purposes including fx and pan and vol is a failsafe way of doing things
    My question is really about two situations: The most important one is archiving/future proofing a project, and the other is how best to share a mix with a collaborator.
    Good information.
    Just make sure

  • Glitches, clicks, and pops when exporting all tracks as audio files

    It's getting to crunch time, and Logic 9 has been giving me a very hard time. It's now time to export my edited tracks as mono audio files to send to a mixing engineer. I thought mono files would be a button press away. Not so.
    *Background on Project*:
    – Started in Logic 8, and was continued in Logic 9
    – Contains only audio that was recorded using Logic
    – Has take folders with Quick Swipe Comps
    – Has flexed regions
    – Has take folders with flexed regions in them
    – Has been manually beat mapped
    1) Set each fader, on every track, to unity gain and centre panning.
    2) File > Export > All Tracks as Audio Files
    3) Select AIFF, 24-bit, bypass effect plug-ins, and include volume/pan automation, normalize off.
    *Expected Outcome*:
    I expect mono/stereo files of all of my unprocessed tracks, bounced in place with fades, flexing, and quick swipe comps applied.
    *Actual Outcome*:
    I get mono/stereo files with clicks, pops, and scrambled sections scattered throughout the files, within fades, and at quick swipe comping boundaries. Retrying the export may result in clicks, pops, and scrambled sections in different places.
    While the glitching in fades and at comp boundaries seems to happen in offline bounces, it rarely happens when playing the song in realtime. Unfortunately, there's no realtime option when you "export all tracks as audio files." *My workaround is to export the tracks one at a time by bouncing the project in realtime with the desired track soloed*.
    This is excruciatingly slow. To speed things up, I've taken to soloing six tracks at a time, assigning all of them to the surround output, and panning each track exclusively to a different surround channel. This way, I can do a split file surround bounce and get six mono files, each with the contents of a different track. If your audio interface does not support 6 outputs, then you'll need to download SoundFlower and use their virtual 16 channel output.

    In addition to the flex algorithms being disappointingly substandard in overall tc quality, flex tracks glitch constantly--especially if there are tempo changes or crossfades. You may be able to freeze them first and then export. AlternAtively, you could try tmelocking them and then using an alternate tempo map with a single tempo, then switching back after you flex tracks are bounced.

  • Can't export MIDI as Audio file. Any idea what I should have done?

    Hi all,
    wonder if anyone can help me out. I'm a "Logic"-newbie.
    I recorded 10 "external MIDI" tracks(strings) from my Roland JV 1080 synth module into Logic Pro 9 and now I want to export the MIDI file as Audio but when I go to: File - Export - Track As Audio File, the "Track As Audio File" is gray/ not enabled !! The option-"Export All Tracks As Audio Files " is enabled, but when I try it, it doesn export the MIDI tracks with all the Roland JV 1080 data.It only exports any other recorded "soft instruments"tracks or Audio tracks I've uploaded. Keep in mind, the 10 Midi recorded tracks of strings (JV 1080) are using the same program name/patch, and all 10 tracks are on a single channel. In the Inspector window, it doesn't show the "Bounce" option either. When I started recording the strings from this patch, I used the "new track with duplicate settings"-button,so I could have the same sounding string patch available right away. My Roland JV 1080 synth, is connected to the Midi interface only. Should I also have Audio cables connected from JV 1080's Mix Out to the Audio interface (Apogee-Duet) in order to record directly as Audio?
    Thanks for your time guys!

    Thank you as well! Since, you have similar equipment like mine- (Apogee/ Emagic), how do you suggest I connect my devices properly. I got an external  12-channel "Mackie"1202-VLZ Mixer, which has my Roland JV 1080 box and my Kurzweil PC2X controller kyes connected to.These two are also, connected MIDI In and Out -to my Emagic Unitor 8 MKII (Audio Interface). I'm a little confused about the connecting of my Apogee Duet, since it has just 2 OUT's- L and R. What's the best rigging here, so I can hear the Audio back from the JV 1080 and the Kurzweil?
    ( P.S. The Apogee Duet's OUT's (L& R) are plugged into the Mackie'sStereo Aux Returns (L&R). The monitors are  connected to the Main Outs.)
    I appreciate your suggestions.

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