Can't browse while downloading

For reasons I cannot figure out, I have entirely lost the ability to browse the web whenever a download is in progress. The problem persists across every browser I try to use.

Sounds that your internet connection get blocked once you start a download.
Did you try to reset (power off/on) the router?
A possible cause is security software (firewall) that blocks or restricts Firefox or the plugin-container process without informing you, possibly after detecting changes (update) to the Firefox program.
Remove all rules for Firefox and the plugin-container from the permissions list in the firewall and let your firewall ask again for permission to get full unrestricted access to internet for Firefox and the plugin-container process and the updater process.<br />
You may need to repeat this for other browsers.

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    Hi Kiran,
    You can browse NET when SAP server is running on the same system.
    But don't install the unwanted softwares, downloads etc which consumes the CPU time which effects the SAP server speed.
    Hope this helps.

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    In response to your question; many of these torrent websites are loaded with viruses. One of these infections may be preventing you from browsing while downloading.

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    Thank you for your post.
    This is a quick note to let you know that we are performing research on this issue.
    If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support, contact
    [email protected]
    Simon Wu
    TechNet Community Support

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    Sorry to hear your Adobe experience has been less than stellar.  I'll try to help...
    1.  Photoshop 14.2.1 is now two releases out of date.  You might want to go to your Creative Cloud application and ask it to install Photoshop CC (2014).  Earlier this year Adobe released 2014.0 as a separate install that can live side by side with 14.2.1.  Then just a few days ago they released 2014.1 as an in-place upgrade to 2014.0.
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    I assume you have seen this article yet?
    iPod display's a sad iPod icon
    If you are up for the challenge, you can also try all of the troubleshooting mentioned described by another forum member Mitch 751.

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    Hi, original poster here. I did not realize this would generate more discussion so I never checked back. I still had my warranty, so I took it to the store and got it repaired. The original problem I had was a screen with this icon flashing when I attempted to boot it up:
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