Can't decrypt

I'm using BouncyCastle OpenPGP 1.37 to encrypt files with IDEA algorithm. The problem is that I can't decrypt these files with PGP 5.5 desktop ("An error has ocurred: encryption session key is bad"). PGP 5.5 accepts IDEA algorithm... I can't use other PGP version. I'm using BouncyCastle's provider, may I use other provider (SunJCE?) so as to encrypt files with other IDEA implementation?
Help me please!

I would love to know why it doesn't recognize it in Normal boot mode.
Maybe because you installed the unnecessary WD software. If you did, remove it and see whether there's an improvement.

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    I just turned on my FileVault 2 like 3-4 hours back and was just web-searching how secure it was.
    I happen to come accross a Youtube video and a website that says it can be decrypted without any key.
    The software:
    Could anyone please tell me if this is true?
    Graham Miranda
    <Link Edited By Host>

    I would not turn on FileVault unless my Macs were in a "hostile" environment. I also do not trust 90% of YouTube's content. You can test this yourself - no need for a second computer: clone your hard drive to an external drive so you have a bootable copy. Then follow the steps shown. If it works, fine. If not, wipe your drive and clone back your system.

  • Can we decrypt the peoplesoft user password using peoplecode?

    Can we decrypt the peoplesoft user password using peoplecode?
    Thank you,

    If u r talking about the pwd in the psoprdefn then, the answer is ur talking about the pwds encrypted by PSCipher Utility then the answer is yes...snippet code below...But this works only for prior to tools version 8.48 since PS had DES encryption alone...
    /* Encrypt the password */
    Local JavaObject &pscipher = CreateJavaObject("");
    rem &pwd = "XXXX";
    &pwd = "<>";
    MessageBox(0, "", 0, 0, "Password before encryption " | &pwd);
    &encPassword = &pscipher.encryptPassword(&pwd);
    &yo = &pscipher.isPasswordEncrypted(&encPassword);
    &pscipher = Null;
    MessageBox(0, "", 0, 0, "Encrypted Password " | &encPassword | " " | &yo);
    Local JavaObject &psCYPHER = CreateJavaObject("psft.pt8.pshttp.PSCipher");
    &DecPwd = &psCYPHER.decodePassword(&encPassword);
    MessageBox(0, "", 0, 0, "&DecPwd " | &DecPwd);
    &psnode = Null;

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    Restart holding down the CMD+R keys, launch Disk Utility and erase the HD, quit DU, and restore the OS. On first boot, use the Setup Assistant to do the migration. Details in Pondini's Setup New Mac guide.

  • I can�t decrypt a text encrypted (using RSA) with keys on smartcard.

    I use a Cyberflex Access e-gate smartcard and I can encrypt and decrypt any text on the card but if I encrypt a text outside using the exported public key, card is not able to decrypt the message.
    On the card side:

    RSAPrivateCrtKey privateKey;
    RSAPublicKey publicKey;
    Cipher cipherRSA;

    private MyIdentity (byte buffer[], short offset, byte length){
            // initialise PIN
            pin = new OwnerPIN(PinTryLimit, MaxPinSize);
            // Key Pair
            KeyPair kp = new KeyPair(KeyPair.ALG_RSA_CRT, (short)1024);
            privateKey = (RSAPrivateCrtKey) kp.getPrivate();
            publicKey = (RSAPublicKey) kp.getPublic();  
            cipherRSA = Cipher.getInstance(Cipher.ALG_RSA_PKCS1, false);
            if (buffer[offset] == (byte)0) {
            } else {
                register(buffer, (short)(offset+1) ,(byte)(buffer[offset]));
        private void GetPublicKey (APDU apdu) {
            if (pin.isValidated()){
                byte apduBuffer[] = apdu.getBuffer();
                // short byteRead = (short)(apdu.setIncomingAndReceive());
                   short bytesMod = publicKey.getModulus(apduBuffer, (short) 0);
                   short bytesExp = publicKey.getExponent(apduBuffer,bytesMod);
                   short outbytes = (short) (bytesMod + bytesExp);
                    // Send results
                 // indicate the number of bytes in the data field
                 // at offset 0 send 128 byte of data in the buffer
                 apdu.sendBytesLong(apduBuffer, (short)APDUDATA, (short)outbytes);
            } else {
                ISOException.throwIt (ISO7816.SW_SECURITY_STATUS_NOT_SATISFIED);
         private void Decrypt (APDU apdu) {
            byte apduBuffer[] = apdu.getBuffer();
             short byteRead = (short)(apdu.setIncomingAndReceive());
            cipherRSA.init(privateKey, Cipher.MODE_DECRYPT);
              cipherRSA.doFinal(apduBuffer,(short)APDUDATA, byteRead, apduBuffer, (short)APDUDATA);
             // Send results
            // indicate the number of bytes in the data field
            // at offset 0 send x byte of data in the buffer
            apdu.sendBytesLong(apduBuffer, (short)APDUDATA, byteRead);
         }Off the card, I have a java client:
    public void getPublicKey () {
            int CLA, INS, P1, P2;
            int iArray[] = new int[0];
            short sArray[] = new short[0];
            String ss = new String("");
            String s;
            byte [] sBytes = null;
            byte [] myModulus = new byte[128];
            byte [] myExponent = new byte[3];
            try     {
                CLA = 0x68;
                INS = 0x78;
                P1  = 0;
                P2  = 0;
                sArray = iopCard.SendCardAPDU(CLA,INS,P1,P2,iArray,0x83);
                int iErrorCode = iopCard.GetLastErrorCode();
                if (iErrorCode != 0x9000)     {
                    if (iErrorCode == 0x6300) {
                        System.out.println("Wrong PIN");
                    } else {
                        s = iopCard.GetErrorMessage();
                        System.out.println("SendCardAPDU: " + s);
                } else {
                    System.out.println("Getting Public Key...");
                    if (sArray != null)  {
                        sBytes = new byte[sArray.length];
                        for (int i = 0; i < sArray.length; i++)  {
                            sBytes[i] = (byte)sArray;
    ss = new String(sBytes);
    System.out.println ("------ BEGIN PUBLIC KEY -------------------");
    for (int i=0; i < sArray.length; i++){
    System.out.println ();
    System.out.println ("------ END PUBLIC KEY -------------------");
    } else {
    } catch (slbException b) {
    s = b.getMessage();
    System.out.println("Validate error: " + s);
    for (int i=0; i<128; i++){
    myModulus[i] = (byte) sArray[i];
    for (int i=0; i<3; i++){
    myExponent[i] = (byte) sArray[128+i];
    BigInteger modulus = new BigInteger (1,myModulus);
    BigInteger exponent = new BigInteger ("65537"); // there is a well-known bug in getExponent
    RSAPublicKeySpec keySpec = new RSAPublicKeySpec(modulus, exponent);
    KeyFactory keyFactory =null;
    try {
    keyFactory = KeyFactory.getInstance("RSA");
    publicKey = keyFactory.generatePublic(keySpec);
    } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
    System.out.println(e.getMessage ());
    } catch (InvalidKeySpecException e) {
    System.out.println(e.getMessage ());
    System.out.println("------------------ BEGIN ------------------");
    ss = new String(publicKey.getEncoded());
    for (int i=0; i < publicKey.getEncoded().length; i++){
    System.out.println ();
    System.out.println("------------------ END ------------------");
    // to a file
    try {
    //Store in raw format
    FileWriter fw = new FileWriter("public_raw.txt");
    for (int i=0; i < publicKey.getEncoded().length; i++){
    //could also store it as a Public key
    System.out.println("Public key saved to file");
    } catch(Exception e) {
    System.out.println("Error opening and writing Public key to file : "+e.getMessage());
    public void encrypt () {
    byte cadena[] = {0x01,0x02,0x03,0x04};
    byte resultado[] = new byte[256];
    // Create Cipher
    try {
    cipherRSA.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, publicKey);
    resultado = cipherRSA.doFinal (cadena);
    } catch (InvalidKeyException e) {
    } catch (BadPaddingException e) {
    } catch (IllegalBlockSizeException e) {
    String ss = new String (resultado);
    System.out.println("------------------ BEGIN 4 ------------------");
    for (int i=0; i < resultado.length; i++){
    System.out.println ();
    System.out.println("------------------ END 4 ------------------");
    Another question is that I don�t understand why I get a constant length string when I encrypt a text on the card and variable length string when I encrypt off the card

    I thought that exponent was 3 bytes long...
    On the card I have the following code:
        private void GetExponent (APDU apdu) {
            if (pin.isValidated()){
                byte apduBuffer[] = apdu.getBuffer();
            short bytesExp = publicKey.getExponent(apduBuffer, (short) 0);
               // Send results
                 // indicate the number of bytes in the data field
                 // at offset 0 send 128 byte of data in the buffer
                 apdu.sendBytesLong(apduBuffer, (short)APDUDATA, (short)bytesExp);
            } else {
                ISOException.throwIt (ISO7816.SW_SECURITY_STATUS_NOT_SATISFIED);
        }And if I don't send an APDU with length expected, I get the exception 6C03 (Correct Expected Length (Le) = 0x6C00) so I send APDU with 03 length and I receive the exponent. The problem is that there is a well know bug in getExponent and it returns 00 00 00... so I set it up to 65537 outside the card.

  • I can't decrypt a text encrypted(useing RSA) with publickey on mobile

    hi all, I got some problem with my code,
    when I wanna use the JSR177 of J2ME to do something about Decryption
    here is some of my code as following:
    KeyFactory kf = KeyFactory.getInstance("RSA");
    byte[] publickeyEncode
    x509EncodedKeySpec keyspec = new X509EncodedKeySpec(publickeyEncode)
    PublicKey pubkey = kf.generatePublic(Keyspec) as using that, we can renew our publickey which is from the server.
    but there are Exception when I use the publickey to do decryption.
    at com.sun.satsa.crypto.RSACipher.init(+31)
    at javax.crypto.Cipher.init(+30)
    at javax.crypto.Cipher.init(+7)
    at KEYback.startApp(+210)
    at javax.microedition.midlet.MIDletProxy.startApp(+7)
    at com.sun.midp.midlet.Scheduler.schedule(+270)
    at com.sun.midp.main.Main.runLocalClass(+28)
    at com.sun.midp.main.Main.main(+116) however, the problem is solved when I change the DECRYPTO_MODE into ENCRYPTO_MODE
    so, is it impossible to do decryption with publickey on the mobile???

    because in the JSR177 apis,there is not "PrivateKey" this class so we only can use the "PublicKey" to do Decryption on the Mobile and do Encryption on Server with the PrivateKey..Sorry, I forgot that you are working in the J2ME context.
    as the result of our test , when the cipher_mode is "Encrypto", the code is run well, but when we turn is to "Decrytpo", the Exception is appear.Did you check that the encryption does return a valid result? Because while reading the JSR177 javadoc I got the feeling that the PublicKey only exists for verifying signatures.
    May be you should consider switching to the J2ME Bouncycastle implementation completly (or only for decryption). AFAIK it works idependent of JSR177.

  • Can't decrypt binary file with PBE

    I'm writing an simple file transfer application using UDP that encrypts the data
    before sending it with PBEWithMD5AndDES. Text files are encrypted and
    decrypted fine, but binary files such as a JPG/EXE/DOC... are messed up
    and an application can't open them on the other side. Has anyone experienced
    such a problem?

    Below are my encrypt and decrypt functions.
    Thanks in advance.
            public  byte[] encrypt(byte[] data)
                 PBEKeySpec pbeKeySpec;
                 PBEParameterSpec pbeParamSpec;
                 SecretKeyFactory keyFac;
                 ByteArrayOutputStream b=null;
                 DataOutputStream d =null;
                 //      Salt
                 byte[] salt = {
                           (byte)0xc7, (byte)0x73, (byte)0x21, (byte)0x8c,
                        (byte)0x7e, (byte)0xc8, (byte)0xee, (byte)0x99
                 //      Iteration count
                 int count = 1000;
                 // Create PBE parameter set
                 pbeParamSpec = new PBEParameterSpec(salt, count);
                      pbeKeySpec = new PBEKeySpec(sessionPassword.toCharArray());
                      keyFac = SecretKeyFactory.getInstance("PBEWithMD5AndDES","SunJCE");
                      SecretKey pbeKey = keyFac.generateSecret(pbeKeySpec);
                      // Create PBE Cipher
                      Cipher pbeCipher = Cipher.getInstance("PBEWithMD5AndDES","SunJCE");
                      // Initialize PBE Cipher with key and parameters
                      pbeCipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, pbeKey, pbeParamSpec);
                      b = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
                      d = new DataOutputStream(b);
                      // create CipherOutputStream
                      CipherOutputStream out = new CipherOutputStream( b, pbeCipher );
                      // write contents to file and close
                      try {
                           for ( int i = 0; i < data.length; i++ )
                   // handle IOException
                   catch ( IOException exception ) {
              catch(Exception e){}
         public byte[] decrypt(byte[] data)
              PBEKeySpec pbeKeySpec;
              PBEParameterSpec pbeParamSpec;
              SecretKeyFactory keyFac;
              byte[] decryptedData=null;
              //      Salt
              byte[] salt = {
                        (byte)0xc7, (byte)0x73, (byte)0x21, (byte)0x8c,
                        (byte)0x7e, (byte)0xc8, (byte)0xee, (byte)0x99
              //      Iteration count
              int count = 1000;
              // Create PBE parameter set
              pbeParamSpec = new PBEParameterSpec(salt, count);
                   pbeKeySpec = new PBEKeySpec(sessionPassword.toCharArray());
                   keyFac = SecretKeyFactory.getInstance("PBEWithMD5AndDES","SunJCE");
                   SecretKey pbeKey = keyFac.generateSecret(pbeKeySpec);
                   // Create PBE Cipher
                   Cipher pbeCipher = Cipher.getInstance("PBEWithMD5AndDES","SunJCE");
                   // Initialize PBE Cipher with key and parameters
                   pbeCipher.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, pbeKey, pbeParamSpec);
                   Vector fileBytes = new Vector();
                   ByteArrayInputStream b = new ByteArrayInputStream(data);
                   CipherInputStream in = new CipherInputStream( b, pbeCipher );
                   byte contents = ( byte );
                   while ( contents != -1 )
                        fileBytes.add( new Byte( contents ) );
                        contents = ( byte );
                   decryptedData = new byte[ fileBytes.size() ];
                   for ( int i = 0; i < fileBytes.size(); i++ )
                        decryptedData[ i ] = (( Byte )fileBytes.elementAt( i )).byteValue();
              catch(Exception e){Gui.chatArea.append("exception:"+e+"\n");}

  • Can't decrypt with JCE

    Hi all,
    I've written a very simple encrypter/decrypter using JCE and the sun provider. It seems to encrypt fine, but it doesn't decrypt at all. The code is below:
    import javax.crypto.*;
    import javax.crypto.spec.*;
    import com.sun.crypto.provider.*;
    public class Crypt {
         private Cipher encipher;
         private Cipher decipher;
         /** Creates new Crypt */
                   public Crypt() {
                        try {
                             //add the provider
                             //initialize everything
                             KeySpec keySpec = new PBEKeySpec(new String("test key").toCharArray());
                             SecretKey key = SecretKeyFactory.getInstance("PBEWithMD5AndDES").generateSecret(keySpec);
                             encipher = Cipher.getInstance(key.getAlgorithm());
                             decipher = Cipher.getInstance(key.getAlgorithm());
                             AlgorithmParameterSpec paramSpec = new PBEParameterSpec(salt, iterationCount);
                             encipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, key, paramSpec);
                             decipher.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, key, paramSpec);
                             String toEncrypt = "this is a test";
                             String encrypted = encrypt(toEncrypt);
                             String unEncrypted = decrypt(encrypted);
                             System.out.println("Original string: " + toEncrypt);
                             System.out.println("Encrypted string: " + encrypted);
                             System.out.println("Decrypted string: " + unEncrypted);
                        } catch (Exception ex) {
         public String encrypt(String payload) {
                   try {
                        //encode the string into bytes using UTF-8
                        byte[] b = payload.getBytes("UTF8");
                        byte[] enc = encipher.doFinal();
                        //return new String(enc);
                        return new sun.misc.BASE64Encoder().encode(enc);
                   } catch (Exception ex) {
                   return null;
              public String decrypt(String payload) {
                   try {
                        //decode base64 to get bytes
                        byte[] dec = new sun.misc.BASE64Decoder().decodeBuffer(payload);
                        System.out.println("Size: " + dec.length);
                        byte[] utf8 = decipher.doFinal(dec);
                        System.out.println("Size: " + utf8.length);
                        for (int i = 0; i < utf8.length; i++) {
                        return new String(utf8, "UTF8");
                   } catch (Exception ex) {
                   return null;
              public static void main(String[] args) {
                   Crypt c = new Crypt();
    The output for
                             System.out.println("Decrypted string: " + unEncrypted);
    Decrypted string:
    so something is going wrong. Any ideas?

    Cut and past can always come back to bite you.Heh. He who lives by the cut-buffer, dies by the cut-buffer. If I had a dime for every time I've bitten myself with a cut-n-paste error, I'd be...significantly richer than I am ;).
    ThanksNo prob - it's always the simple stuff that we overlook.

  • Can't decrypt(RSA) with cryptix a string

    I'm trying to secure a login, psw in a webapp.
    When the user want to log i store in his session public and private key that i generat.
    public void setKeyRsa(
    HttpServletRequest request,
    HttpServletResponse response) { cryptix.provider.Cryptix());     
    HttpSession sess = request.getSession();
    try {
    KeyPairGenerator kpg = KeyPairGenerator.getInstance("RSA");
    BaseRSAKeyPairGenerator rkpg = (BaseRSAKeyPairGenerator) kpg;
         SecureRandom source=new SecureRandom();
    KeyPair kp = rkpg.generateKeyPair();
    sess.setAttribute("key", kp);
    } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
    In the web page i crypt the login and the password by javascript with the public key. It seems to be ok.
    The probleme come when i want to decrypt. I receive from the user the 2 parameters login et password. They are String and when i want to decrypt them, the fonction crypt return an adr but with nothing on it.
    public String decryptStringRsa(String s, HttpServletRequest request) {
    String ret = null;
    HttpSession sess = request.getSession();
    KeyPair kp = (KeyPair) sess.getAttribute("key");
    RawRSACipher ciph = new RawRSACipher();
    try {
         byte t[]=s.getBytes();
    byte tab[] = ciph.crypt(t);
    ret = new String(tab);
    } catch (KeyException e) {
    System.out.println("descrypt:" + e);
    return ret;
    I think the s.getByte() don't make what i want him to make. the result tab[] have an adress but with 0 �l�ment on it. It Seems that my parameter t don't have the right format.
    480db8d8590d6d81 ->> an example of the format of the login crypted
    does the byte t[] must be like this
    t[0]=48 t[1]=0d t[2]=b8 t[3]=d8 t[4]=59
    or an other format?
    i'm using ""
    please help me cause i'm becoming crazy.

    any help?
    Maybe the probleme come from the javascript encryption!!

  • How can we decrypt password string in weblogic 9 /10

    Hi All,
    what is the weblogic utility to decrypt password in weblogic 9.x / 10.x

    Hi Kalyan,
    Please refer the below link to resert and recover (decrypt) the lost weblogic admin password.

  • Can't Decrypt External HD After Mavericks

    This is driving me crazy.
    I have an external WD MyPassport HD that works well.  I encrypted it and used it as my Time Machine backup disk for the past year.
    Enter Mavericks.  After a system failure a few days after Mavericks installation, I found a large iNode file in my root lost+found folder.  The iNode is nothing special, simply a .pkg of the Mavericks installer.  However, ever since that file appeared, my system refuses to acknowledge my password for the external HD.  I know the password, it hasn't changed.  But the password entry window does that wiggle thing whenever I enter the password.  No, caps lock is not on.
    So.  I restarted in Safe Mode, according to a suggestion in another post.  Voila!  Now, Mavericks recognizes the password for my external!  Ain't that something?  I would love to know why it doesn't recognize it in Normal boot mode.
    But I still have a problem.  Of course, it logically follows that I should decrypt my drive, erase Mavericks, and reinstall.  Because, you know, I'm afraid of forever losing access to that drive if I reinstall OS 10.8 or even venture for 10.9 again, and the drive is still unreadable.
    All of my backups are on that external disk, and while Safe Boot will READ the disk, IT WON'T DECRYPT IT!
    Help.  Any ideas?  Does this have anything to do with indexing?  Because another problem I'm having is Spotlight doesn't really work since I installed Mavericks either.

    I would love to know why it doesn't recognize it in Normal boot mode.
    Maybe because you installed the unnecessary WD software. If you did, remove it and see whether there's an improvement.

  • HT201250 Can I decrypt the hard drive?

    I just bought a new hard drive and chose encryption. I don't think that is necessary now. I honestly don't know why I would need to encrypt my files. I want to stop the long encryption process. Can I do that? Or do I need to reformat the hard drive and start all over?

    These are the instructions sent to me by the customer service rep from Seagate (the hard drive):
    Go to the "Go" menu option in the top of your screen • Click on Utilities • Click on Disk Utility to open. • Find the drive on the left and click on it. To the right you should, now, have 4 or 5 options at the top. • Click on Partition at the top, under the Partition section click on “Volume Scheme” and select 1 partition for a single partition. • Click on “Name,” give the drive a name. • Click on Format select “Mac OS Extended (Journaled). • At the bottom click on “Options” and select GUID and click OK. • Once that is done click on Apply or Partition at the bottom.
    I haven't tried it yet.
    Thanks for the link to the TM FAQs, I think that will really help me figure it all out - as soon as I take care of this hard drive/back up/non-encryption thing...

  • Can not decrypt memery card (Error: No keys found)

    I have encrypted my memory card without key saving. Now I want to Turn off memory card encryption but it raise "No key found"

    huaphuoctruong wrote:
    I have encrypted my memory card without key saving. Now I want to Turn off memory card encryption but it raise "No key found"
    Open File Manager and check C:\Others for any .pk5 files. If there ain't any and you can't access the memory card, then you are pretty much out of luck. All you can do is reformat the card and lose all your data.
    Help spreading the knowledge — If you find my answer useful, please mark your question as Solved by selecting Accept this solution from the Options menu. Thank you!

  • Satellite Pro P300 - After Truesuite update I can't open protected files

    sorry for my bad english but I came from Italy and here we don't have any forum who can resolve my problem.
    I've got a Toshiba Laptop pro P300 with fingerprint reader. I use fingerprint to logon and protect some files, just for curiosity, it seemed cool...:|
    The problem born when I recently update "truesuite access manager". Since I did the update I can't open protected files, I didn't read that I have to remove the protection before the updating (damn...), but these files are important for me and I have to open them again.
    To resolve the problem at first I restore the system before the date of the update, to have the old version and open these files again, but all my fingerprints are deleted and I can't create new fingerprints because the pc says that it "can't open the sensor". I don't know what it means.
    I thought that it needs some drivers, so I reinstalled truesuite access manager several times, I reinstalled BIOS, I've done the scan disk and the toshiba diagnostic, but the sensor still doesn't work.
    I think that if I can save a fingerprint with the old version of the program I will able to open protected files again (and I will not protect them anymore) because only the old version of the program knows how to decrypt these files, but I don't know how to turn the fingerprint sensor on. Someone could help me, please?
    Thank you so much!

    The Truesuite update come from the Toshiba website. I can open the Truesuite program with my fingerprint but I can't decrypt files because it says that I don't have the correct "key of protection" or the "protection code keyAC 3000" of the file.

  • ProtectTools issue: Decrypting an encrypted ProtectTools HDD when windows will not boot.

    Windows updates happened. Now the PC won't boot. Unfortunately, the HD is encrypted using the ProtectTools. While I can boot from the Win7 CD, I can't touch the OS partition since it's encrypted. I found the DiskTech2012.iso which I had hoped would be my salvation. This does boot but when I run "EETech for HPPT 7.0" the selection box says "Authentication Status: Not Authenticated. Activation Status: inactive" and won't let me click on any of the options.
    Since I don't see the HP ProtectTools password screen when booting from CD, I'm assuming the above is because I haven't entered the password. If I go through the normal boot sequence and authenticate, I don't get to boot from the CD. Seems like a catch-22. How the heck am I supposed to get authenticated so that I can then decrypt the drive? I've got the USB key for this drive, I just want to be able to use it.
    One thing is for sure, I won't ever use HP ProtectTools again.

    Windows updates happened. Now the PC won't boot. Unfortunately, the HD is encrypted using the ProtectTools. While I can boot from the Win7 CD, I can't touch the OS partition since it's encrypted. I found the DiskTech2012.iso which I had hoped would be my salvation. This does boot but when I run "EETech for HPPT 7.0" the selection box says "Authentication Status: Not Authenticated. Activation Status: inactive" and won't let me click on any of the options.
    Since I don't see the HP ProtectTools password screen when booting from CD, I'm assuming the above is because I haven't entered the password. If I go through the normal boot sequence and authenticate, I don't get to boot from the CD. Seems like a catch-22. How the heck am I supposed to get authenticated so that I can then decrypt the drive? I've got the USB key for this drive, I just want to be able to use it.
    One thing is for sure, I won't ever use HP ProtectTools again.

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